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Tuna fishing with an unexpected guest

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Man, I want to believe it's real...

But I can't shake that it looks really really fake.

Some of the 'animations' (if that's a thing in real life) looks really off.


Over here they do that too to stun the tuna and stop it from thrashing. Occasionally the skull gets fractured or an eyeball pops out.
Oh and the dolphins are definitely real, that is not CG. They like to ride the crest or wake of boats.


Haha. I watched the video before reading the GAF comments. Thought it looked like CG too, and then I come back to read everyone else thinks the same.


This is what a Great White did to a tuna. Suddenly the head bashing doesn't seem so bad eh?



Hey yo fisherman..I'm thinking I might come to your house, drag you out with a hook and beat your fucking head in with a stick. Yeah dolphins are pretty but watching that guy beat that fish got me pissed.

WOW! That bothered greatly too. It was all I could think about while watching the rest of the video.

"Here we are showing this nice video about such beautiful creatures... after beating the tuna"


I get the feeling that pretty soon people in aquariums are going to be saying "fake, looks like CGI" at the sea-life on display.
The standard meat eater response. Ya'll need some new material.


haha, i bet you haven't heard that before.

I find hard to believe that someone could just upload some random video with some of the most photo-realistic CGI animals ever made.

umm.. i've seen better. there were clearly some animations that were more than a bit "off", so i'm in the CG camp on this one. also the dolphins' eyes don't look real at all, and overall some of them look more low res than the others.. actually kinda shoddy work IMO. and fish aren't that interested in humans, they don't just come and swim along with a boat and pose for the camera.. i mean wtf.



haha, i bet you haven't heard that before.

umm.. i've seen better. there were clearly some animations that were more than a bit "off", so i'm in the CG camp on this one. also the dolphins' eyes don't look real at all, and overall some of them look more low res than the others.. actually kinda shoddy work IMO. and fish aren't that interested in humans, they don't just come and swim along with a boat and pose for the camera.. i mean wtf.

Worse, you even think dolphins are fish.


Is this real? LOL

So some amateur with a gopro in a tube managed to get what could be considered the most intimate and personal footage of dolphins I've ever seen? More so than what actual marine biologist/professional camera men do?


Junior Member
Is this real? LOL

So some amateur with a gopro in a tube managed to get what could be considered the most intimate and personal footage of dolphins I've ever seen? More so than what actual marine biologist/professional camera men do?
You clearly haven't seen a lot. What's so intimate about an underwater recording of a pod of Dolphins following you? Happens all the time in the right area I have heard.

If you want something really intimate, watch "The Cove".
As a life-long fisherman, I have to say that a fish whacker is the most humane way to kill a larger fish. Before we get into the moral argument of harvesting fish we need to consider biology and consider the neurological makeup of a fish; they do not have a neocortex. So are the fish actually feeling pain?

With that said, I do have a problem with harvesting apex predator. I personally don't fish for them and I don't eat them. That is a personal decision that I have made based off of the overall health of the ocean.

Oh and the dolphins and Pearl Jam/Vedder were really cool.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
A lot of people here who have seen quite a few shops in their time.


To the best of my knowledge I believe the verdict in the scientific community is still out as to whether or not fish even have pain receptors that operate in any way at all like mammals.

People have a tendency to anthropomorphize everything we see, in order to understand the way it works better. This is often helpful, but sometimes leads us to place certain values and ideals onto mechanisms in nature that are misplaced and inaccurate.

What if it were true that fish literally do not feel pain, i.e. pain was never present as an advantageous evolutionary trait and they simply don't need it. Would you still feel the same way about the video?

It's helpful to deconstruct the projections we place on things as humans so we can come to correct conclusions about things, not just moral or ethical or emotional conclusions.


there is joy in sucking dick
WTF man, hope you're joking. that was clearly Scott Weiland.

By the way, great footage. I don't see why people is seeing CG, looks like average amateur wildlife footage to me.

Apparently its Peal Jam! Which makes sense which I don't really care for Pearl Jam.


Everything looks perfectly real in the video you posted. Thanks for calling me an idiot, though.

I'm just saying, if people can't tell the difference between CG and real life anymore, then either people need to get out more or CG has just gotten too good.


Great video, and I thought the music was fitting and went well with it. I live in central US and we don't have many dolphin around here to be fascinated with!


Looks CG on my iPhone

I was gonna say PS3 or 360?! Didnt look real almost. The IQ on that camera is amazing!!!

That really looked CG to me. Fucking videogames have ruined my appreciation of nature. :(

Haha that's real?? Looks like shoddy cg.

I really think this is CG, either that or the way dolphins move looks completely unnatural

Are we sure this is not CG?

Looks like CG... I'm convinced it is.

Are you sure this is not CG? because the tuna and the dolphins looked like CG, good video nonetheless.

Haha. I watched the video before reading the GAF comments. Thought it looked like CG too, and then I come back to read everyone else thinks the same.

Fucking incredible. (I also thought it looked a bit like cg. :/)

i'm in the CG camp on this one

The dolphins look like CGI. If they aren't, my bad but... they REALLY look like CGI.

This for sure.

What is wrong with you people?
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