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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Really nice seeing Lynch get that kind of recognition at Cannes :)

My dad just finished the first two seasons in time for the premiere, was thinking it'd be touch and go if he could get into the new style but he loves it so far. It ofc helps he's been a Lynch fan for some time. Gonna watch 3&4 with him tomorrow, now that's a reaction I'm curious to see. This two week wait is brutal! Didn't expect it to blow up as much as it has on here, the wait is certainly easier soaking up everyone else's enthusiasm for it. Best summer ever.
Cooper shouldn't be Cooper after 25 years of solitary confinement other than weird demonic entities screaming at him.

There should be no joy in Cooper.

This assumes Cooper has literally experienced 25 years of mental solitary confinement. The way he moves and talks while sat in the red room makes it looks like he's in some kind of catatonic state and god knows how time actually works within it. He might come out thinking he just went in yesterday.
This assumes Cooper has literally experienced 25 years of mental solitary confinement. The way he moves and talks while sat in the red room makes it looks like he's in some kind of catatonic state and god knows how time actually works within it. He might come out thinking he just went in yesterday.

Also, trauma and psychological realism is a cornerstone of the series, I somehow doubt Coop would be all cool and stoic looking in those red room scenes if he really perceived being in there that long. Dude would be climbing the walls like his doppelganger fighting the curtains :p
So here's one of the stranger theories I've seen, but I can see where they're coming from:


The faces are very similar. But not sure if that means anything.

Has it been pointed out that
Spooky Arm came out of a statue of a woman with exposed breasts?

Relevant image - spoilers obviously


never left the stone age
Albert and Gordon have always been the low-key best characters in the show.

There's nothing low-key about Albert my man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf0ZvY2usbY

"The foundation of such a method... is love".

Cooper shouldn't be Cooper after 25 years of solitary confinement other than weird demonic entities screaming at him.

There should be no joy in Cooper.

I feel Cooper is weird enough to come out of it relatively unscathed eventually, like he was super weird even before.


Fan service is below lynch. Something that pandering would be gross. Busting out catchphrases would be so lame
Clip show style flashbacks ("Hey Dale, remember the time you had a doppelganger?"), explicit explanations and line-for-line callbacks should probably be below Lynch as well, and yet here we are.

(Real Cooper)
repeating those phrases over and over reminds me of Leo saying "new shoes" back when he was in a coma. I wonder if we'll ever find out what happened to Leo in the end (altho I do have a pretty good guess.)
Totally, especially when he sat at the table with the birthday party props. Makes you wonder if Lynch could have made that Leo subplot as much fun as this.
Episode 4:
"I've never really left home, Gordon."

Chilling stuff. That interview in the prison was great. Evil Coop's pitched down voice. His repetition of stuff he just said. His blank dark pupils. Robotic gesturing. He's still trying to fool people, but doesn't know his disguise is "decaying." Mimicking human mannerisms and etiquette in the most inhuman way. Gordon and knows something is wrong and Albert looks almost entranced.

When Cole says "He didn't greet me correctly" he's talking about the fact that Cooper says "Yrev very good to see you".Watch it again and you can see he says his first "very" backwards. Someone on Reddit noticed it. Couldn't believe it at first lol.


When Cole says "He didn't greet me correctly" he's talking about the fact that Cooper says "Yrev very good to see you".Watch it again and you can see he says his first "very" backwards. Someone on Reddit noticed it. Couldn't believe it at first lol.
Hmm, yeah just went back and watched it. The subtitles just say "It's very good to see you", but he definitely says the "Yrev" before the 2nd very. Interesting.

I also definitely agree with whoever said earlier that it seems both Coopers being back on Earth now is dividing their brain power because rewatching that scene right now makes me feel there is more going on with DoppelCooper than him just trying to fit in with Albert and Gordon. I hope that's not completely the case though because that'd mean Real Cooper would be in his imparied state for basically the entire season as I don't imagine DoppleCooper leaving anytime soon
Ep 4 observation:

Anyone ever watch John from Cincinnati? The titular character
only spoke "collected dialogue" that he overheard from other characters. I am obviously very much reminded of that here.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
When Cole says "He didn't greet me correctly" he's talking about the fact that Cooper says "Yrev very good to see you".Watch it again and you can see he says his first "very" backwards. Someone on Reddit noticed it. Couldn't believe it at first lol.

Hmm, yeah just went back and watched it. The subtitles just say "It's very good to see you", but he definitely says the "Yrev" before the 2nd very. Interesting.

I also definitely agree with whoever said earlier that it seems both Coopers being back on Earth now is dividing their brain power because rewatching that scene right now makes me feel there is more going on with DoppelCooper than him just trying to fit in with Albert and Gordon. I hope that's not completely the case though because that'd mean Real Cooper would be in his imparied state for basically the entire season as I don't imagine DoppleCooper leaving anytime soon

I will always appreciate Lynch's attention to details. I know many think Lynch is just "lol so random and weird" or something like that, but what I've always appreciated about his works is that he goes out of his way to texture the worlds and connect everything. Some things are done purely because Lynch likes the look of something or has an intuitive idea he wants to bring to the screen, but there's a strong consistency to the abstractness and small details to pick up on for those who are paying attention.


We won't know fully until Part 5 releases on June 4th, but the implication is certainly he's on his way to recovery.

I do't believe he fully is back, but I imagine he's going to be more capable next time we see him. I also don't think his recovery is going to last all season.

Watching Doppelganger Cooper do these horrible things is making me root that much harder for Cooper to return to full form. Even in his pseudo-comatose state he radiates some of that signature positivity.


So here's one of the stranger theories I've seen, but I can see where they're coming from:


The faces are very similar. But not sure if that means anything.

I was going to mention this. I noticed the similarity immediately. Looking at the pic they look different though. "Mother" looks more bird-like. I thought it was a grown up version of the Eraserhead baby at first and for some reason I guess because it had a female body I thought Laura Palmer.
Some crazy shit went down and both the Arm and Laura seemed to be in distress. Who knows what the fuck happened.


When Cole says "He didn't greet me correctly" he's talking about the fact that Cooper says "Yrev very good to see you".Watch it again and you can see he says his first "very" backwards. Someone on Reddit noticed it. Couldn't believe it at first lol.

Goddamn it, I missed it. Gotta rewatch the first four parts over the weekend.


Watching Doppelganger Cooper do these horrible things is making me root that much harder for Cooper to return to full form. Even in his pseudo-comatose state he radiates some of that signature positivity.

Well Evil Coop also seems to be brain damaged currently so they make quite the pair.
(Real Cooper)
repeating those phrases over and over reminds me of Leo saying "new shoes" back when he was in a coma. I wonder if we'll ever find out what happened to Leo in the end (altho I do have a pretty good guess.)
Definitely, it seems like there was a conscious effort to draw parallels between Rooper's state and Leo's while he was held captive by Windom Earle.

Chitown B

after rewatching S2e22, I feel like DoppleCoop was born from Earle's soul being taken. He comes out of the curtains right after. Though Bob is definitely in there.
I'm pretty certain that time in the Lodge moves differently, as indicated by the Major Briggs disappearances and episode 22.

We can go with that, but to go from the state he's in now to happy and jolly, eh. I don't want to ever feel like the show is actively pandering to the fans that are basically just in it for the memes.
We can go with that, but to go from the state he's in now to happy and jolly, eh. I don't want to ever feel like the show is actively pandering to the fans that are basically just in it for the memes.

I doubt that would happen. I can envision a scene of Coop in Twin Peaks, putting on a brave face and giving a thumbs up or something. But then when alone looking troubled, or crying, etc. I doubt we'll get a jazzy song as he speaks into a tape recorder on his way to the RR Diner.

But who knows. This is Lynch. If Cooper were to be himself again, it would probably end up being something like the doppleganger getting his energy back and imitating him well haha.


Anyone else see that Amazon has "Twin Peaks (Music from the limited event series)" listed as coming out September 8th?

Is that legit?
Not only a splendid director, Lynch acting abilities are simply charming. Cole was enchanting. I really liked the normalization he brought to the story while reaffirming being completely clueless to the situation.


Tears in the rain
Not only a splendid director, Lynch acting abilities are simply charming. Cole was enchanting. I really liked the normalization he brought to the story while reaffirming being completely clueless to the situation.

Gordon and Albert's discussion outside the diner, is now one of my favorite scenes in all Twin Peaks. It was incredible stuff. Almost ASMR like.
Gordon and Albert's discussion outside the diner, is now one of my favorite scenes in all Twin Peaks. It was incredible stuff. Almost ASMR like.

Their reaction during and after the interrogation scene are probably my favorite thing of the 4 episodes and it really sets in motion whatever is about to happen.
are there any pro gif makers in here that can make Ben Horne saying "R E S P E C T. Respect!" a reality?
like each letter appearing on the screen as he says them?
i feel like i could use it in a lot of situations


Well I think this work is just much more compelling. Like, I showed the four episodes to a group that has never seen Twin Peaks or even any Lynch movies, and they were so captivated. I feel like if I showed FWWM to them, they would've been bored and depressed, ha.

I disagree, the new Twin Peaks is great, but Lynch has tons of masterpieces.


We can go with that, but to go from the state he's in now to happy and jolly, eh. I don't want to ever feel like the show is actively pandering to the fans that are basically just in it for the memes.

It's not like Coop was all sunshine all the time in the previous two seasons anyway. If he returns to normal, I can definitely see him doing some of his positiveness mixed in with serious Cooper as well, you know, like Twin Peaks?
When Cole says "He didn't greet me correctly" he's talking about the fact that Cooper says "Yrev very good to see you".Watch it again and you can see he says his first "very" backwards. Someone on Reddit noticed it. Couldn't believe it at first lol.

I'm such a moron for not noticing things like this and the
owl cookie jar watching Cooper.
The wait for episode 5 continues.


Does anyone in the UK know when Sky is airing the episodes? Will they always be live or was that just the premiere?
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