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Twitter has just banned Milo Yiannopoulos permanently

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I knew about that stuff but tried to shelve it away, but defending this too is just not a good look.
Trust me, I used to watch his stuff but you come to realize he is nothing but a fucking loud baby with no useful contribution to any gaming topic. He also defends Mundanematt.


If Twitter banned him specifically for the photoshops though, that may be interesting. There are a whole lot of photoshops on twitter putting in hateful things and many times they are against people that many posters here despise.

It would be a huge turn for twitter for sure.

Maybe now they can now release long since deactivated usernames...


If Twitter banned him specifically for the photoshops though, that may be interesting. There are a whole lot of photoshops on twitter putting in hateful things and many times they are against people that many posters here despise.

It would be a huge turn for twitter for sure.

Maybe now they can now release long since deactivated usernames...
I can't wait to finally have @rrs, but yeah I wonder if the jerks and tryhards won't use that anymore to dodge bans


Been feeling that way lately about a lot of people I used to enjoy watching.

The massive amount of shit that has gone down in response to something as innocent as a bunch of YouTube videos analyzing female representation in video games has served as a great litmus test of people and companies who react overly pathological whenever their worldview and "hobby" is challenged and criticized.

It really is astounding how incredibly butthurt and also misogynist (and silent) that gaming enthusiasts, personalities, and companies have been when it comes to having a woman *simply saying* her piece about "their" video games.

The fact that people would even go as far as to join forces with fucking neo-nazis and white supremacists over video games is just depressing and makes me lose faith in the good of humanity.


An interesting move from Twitter. Banning one abusive person is certainly good but unless it's the start of a wider moderation process Twitter will still be a cesspool.

If Twitter wants to have a service that's more than an avenue for various groups to abuse celebrities then it needs to step up it's game and actually moderate it's entire service as a matter of course. I'm surprised they don't it already as such a move would clearly be in there best interests, less they want everyone to associate their service with hateful abuse.


To those thinking that this will only make him and his follows madder: You're right.

But he had one of his megaphones taken away, that's a really big, important step. It's the difference between Donald Trump saying weird ass shit in his home and Donald Trump saying weird ass shit on CNN with the whole world watching.


To those thinking that this will only make him and his follows madder: You're right.

But he had one of his megaphones taken away, that's a really big, important step. It's the difference between Donald Trump saying weird ass shit in his home and Donald Trump saying weird ass shit on CNN with the whole world watching.

They should ban Trump next.


This is great news but kind of seems like Twitter is simply trying to get publicity for how "tolerant" they are.
If this is a one time thing, this is weird and petty. There are awful racists and people advocating the murder of police on Twitter. Do something. Let this be the beginning of a trend.
Regardless, I'm glad Milo's largest soapbox has been silenced. He has every right to spew his shit on Breitbart but it is not the kind of stuff that should be displayed on a public forum.


The thing is, he's a troll.

If he were on GAF, he'd be considered a "joke character". He's got a schtick and he hammers the same button each and every time. If it's inflammatory, he'll say it. And not necessarily because he believes it ideologically, but because he gets a thrill each and every time he pisses someone off. You can see the gears turning in his head: he loves to be a contrarian and destroy sacred cows and he gets his jollies from it.

I honestly think he'd be a lefty crusader if the right controlled culture in the 2010s. But liberalism is the mainline norm, so that's what he's going to be a contrarian against.

So I'd say... Don't get mad at Milo. That's what he wants..

Shun him. Ignore him. Scoff at him. Fight him. Ban him. No problem. But don't get worked up over him. It's exactly what he wants.

He's not a troll at all. A troll pisses off people purely for laughs. A troll doesn't even believe in what he's saying. Milo very sincerely believes liberalism is cancer. He sees it as his moral duty to belittle anyone he sees as an enemy to his cause.

And just to be clear, I think you should be allowed to say liberalism is cancer on Twitter. But when you go out of your way to belittle and harass someone when they are clearly not taking it well, you're a bully, and you should be banned.


So I see a tweet like this

He was not suspended for direct action of his Twitter account... Regardless of what you think of @Nero you should be wary of this

And I think this person didn't know what MY was actually doing.


Anitas response to the news...


So...this guy was like a male Anne Coulter or something?

Milo single-handedly revitalized Breitbart News by pandering hard to a hate group that focused heavily on harassing women out of the gaming industry. He is so far beyond people like Coulter when it comes to being a completely awful person that there aren't many people you can really compare him to without selling him short.

Velcro Fly

the #freemilo people bring up the valid point that a whole lot more worthless drivel should be driven off of twitter. there is so much more to it than just one person. it only looks like bias because twitter is so fucking slow and bad about keeping disgusting shit off the platform.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
He's not a troll at all. A troll pisses off people purely for laughs. A troll doesn't even believe in what he's saying. Milo very sincerely believes liberalism is cancer. He sees it as his moral duty to belittle anyone he sees as an enemy to his cause.
I do believe just the opposite. He is psychologically motivated more by a desire to tear down sacred cows and get a rise out of people than by political ideology. If everyone says puppies are cute, he'll tell you why they're disgusting and awful, and he wants to see you squirm when he says it. He's pure troll.

That doesn't mean he's not firmly right wing (alt right) because he is... But watch him interact with other members of Brietbart who are card-carrying righties who take it ideologically seriously, and you'll see he's far more interested in the trolling factor than they are.


Does anyone have any screencaps of the actual tweets that got him banned?
Probably these.

the #freemilo people bring up the valid point that a whole lot more worthless drivel should be driven off of twitter. there is so much more to it than just one person. it only looks like bias because twitter is so fucking slow and bad about keeping disgusting shit off the platform.
For starters, the vast majority of the people posting #freemilo.


The Australian
media is on the case

If Women Don’t Want To Be Abused Online Why Don’t They Just Go Live In A Hollowed Out Tree?

But I am SICK of all of this unnecessary hysteria every time a woman gets disproportionately harassed online for seemingly no reason.

I get so frustrated and worked up mainly because there is such a SIMPLE SOLUTION to the entire problem. It is a perfectly elegant and clean fix, one that has been under our noses this whole time.

If women don’t want to be abused online, why don’t they just go live in a hollowed out tree?

If these women are to be taken at their word, and they do actually hate receiving horrific and awful misogynistic and racist messages, why wouldn’t they just throw their computer out of the window, quit their jobs, and move to a tree stump that was not in the range of anyone’s wifi? It is very suspicious if you ask me.


Went to see what was happening on the hashtag to save him and besides the need to take a bath, I was SHOCKED to see this :


TRULLY SHOCKING to see her using the hashtag =P


Those supporters using freedom of speech as an excuse when Twitter has a TOS for shit like this now, Don't like it, use another service. Hope they go after other accounts of similar nature.


HOLY SHIT! I just clicked on a Link to the Breitbart.

Holy shit! Holy shit! is this fucking real? This has got to be some sort of affiliated site from The Onion right? it's a joke right?

This isnt an actual real site....



Went to see what was happening on the hashtag to save him and besides the need to take a bath, I was SHOCKED to see this :


TRULLY SHOCKING to see her using the hashtag =P
This shows what disingenuous shitlords the people using the hashtag are. Milo got banned for posting fake bigoted tweets to direct harassment at Leslie Jones' account, not "hating on Ghostbusters". If you don't think that's worth getting banned over, you're a piece of shit.


As far as I can tell that hashtag is mostly made up of the same few accounts posting over and over again. Their salt is lovely though.
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