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UK Parliament Vote to trigger Article 50 (498 - 144)

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Thanks for the show of support to the people who didn't want to leave. Really makes this feel so much better for me.

no hard feelings but your country has been a pain in the neck with all kinds of special bells and whistles for the last 40 years or so. also many people are speculating that a portion of the banking and manufacturing will come to mainland europe
I detest this fucking country. What a pitiful place it is. Full of morons and small minded fools.

Let them have their provincial little England to fit their little englander mentality. To hell with them.


I'd probably lying if I said that I'm going to miss the UK... or rather UK politics in the EU. I feel sad for Scotland, and still hope you guys can somehow manage to leave the sinking ship in time... Other than that... yeah, it may weaken the EU temporarily, but with those wrench throwers out of the way, there is at least a chance now, that it may grow stronger in the long term than it ever could before.
so long, UK. You had your chance - twice, and you blew it. No sympathies from me.

Yeah, in regards to EU politics, the UK can go fuck itself. The UK acted like Republicans in the US, causing dysfunction and then claiming the EU didn't work for them.
So, what people knew was going to happen happened? Shocking!

Personally, I'm a bit tired of this whole waiting thing. It's gonna suck, the EU might fragment, the UK might fragment, some people will have their lives needlessly ruined, but let's get on with it...


Corbyn really couldn't stop the ball rolling, not in a successful and meaningful way. The only way we stay is the Brexit project coming unstuck. And 50 being reversible if possible.

Corbyn doesn't give a shit, he deliberately muzzled the Labour party while pretending to be pro-Remain during the referendum. We've seen his true colours on the EU since then.
One hand it's a shame about the self destruction the uk might be causing but on the other hand, I plan to leave the country and look forward to see the working class voters who wanted brexit to face the consequences.


Dat three line Corbyn whip. Also Diana Abbott said she felt ill and left at 5pm, so she never voted. Must be tough representing one of the biggest remain constituencies in the UK while also agreeing with everything Corbyn does. Very convenient that illness....

Skipping the biggest vote of several decades should get an opponent following you every move and pointing it out at every chance.


People are acting as if they didn't know this was gonna happen? We knew this is what was gonna happen since the vote last year.

Agreed, I have no idea why anyone is surprised about this. It was never in doubt that it would happen, was always merely a formality.
He's pissing off his own support nowadays, hopefully he goes in a year or so.

I reckon Blair is waiting for his chance to come back and lead the party, corbyn has done himself no favours after today and is continually pissing of his base.

As for the decision, what a sad day. Time to hunker down and for us remain brits to fight what will likely be a long term large scale failure for the nation. I now fully expect the NHS to be largely privatised in the coming years.


We are leaving, it is fantasy to expect anything to stop that. Corbyn has chosen to put the party on the side of a bad democratic decision but the reasoning that is better than openly refusing the will of the people is a fairly sound one. It's the one bit of leadership he has shown but ironically it's one that will piss off many of his supporters. I get it, it's terrible whats happening but I just cannot imagine a scenario like this where we are definitely leaving anyway, that a Labour leader would willing and pointlessly position themselves as against the peoples vote. There was a no good choice for them in this. The referendum has fucked labour totally.

Don't kid yourself, he was never pro-Remain. He had no intention of wholeheartedly opposing it, even when he was "supposed" to. He has a long history of being anti-EU.

The idea that the 48% don't count as "people" when they contain the majority of Labour supporters is about the most depressing cop-out. By the same logic the opposition party would never vote against any government proposals, because they lost the election.

His party membership support remaining. His party's principles supported it. This was all the mandate he needed to oppose it.

But he was never actually against leaving in the first place. The fact that he paid lip service to the campaign in the first place was all anyone needed to know.


That only seems to apply to discussions within the EU concerning the brexit discussions but not EU discussions in general.

It would then be in their best interests and respect for procedure from abstaining from any decisions.


All we can hope now is that Theresa May's long term plan is to eventually accept single market access as a 'compromise' with the SNP and EU in order to secure the best deal for Britain, so that she can blame other people to sate the idiots who voted leave.


Good thing you've got a veritable army of staff and diplomats to renegotiate every trade deal you have right now, right?


All we can hope now is that Theresa May's long term plan is to eventually accept single market access as a 'compromise' with the SNP and EU in order to secure the best deal for Britain, so that she can blame other people to sate the idiots who voted leave.

She has already signalled that she won't.
All of this insane, needless garbage just because a bunch of rich cunts had to steal an idea off a bunch of racist cunts in order to appeal to a massive bunch of poor, racist, stupid cunts. No fucking credible reason for any of it at all. I hope you all look forward to having to crowdfund our medical bills when we get ill once that shitstain May has sold off whatever remains of the NHS to Trump's cronies.


It would then be in their best interests and respect for procedure from abstaining from any decisions.
I agree but then again Brexit itself is not in their best interests.

And with the current rhetoric coming from May and her lap dogs im certain the will threaten to veto everything if they don't get it their way.



Enjoy you Tatcher wanna be and your toblerones


Pretty crazy that this and Trump are basically proof that the terrorists won, can't believe how quickly it all turned around


I reckon Blair is waiting for his chance to come back and lead the party, corbyn has done himself no favours after today and is continually pissing of his base.

As for the decision, what a sad day. Time to hunker down and for us remain brits to fight what will likely be a long term large scale failure for the nation. I now fully expect the NHS to be largely privatised in the coming years.

Fuck Blair. Corbyn maybe useless but Blair should be in jail.
If you live in London and have a job in the City, you'll be fine. Tories always look after their own.
Good luck the rest of you, you're going to need it... Singapore mk 2 here we come.


I reckon Blair is waiting for his chance to come back and lead the party, corbyn has done himself no favours after today and is continually pissing of his base.


The next Labour leader needs to be someone who can unite both the left and centrist parts of Labour while proposing solutions to incoming problems that sound beneficial and progressive to the country as a whole and avoiding regressive language while proposing long-term Labour policies e.g. rail re-nationalisation, proper funding of the NHS etc.

Alternatively, they could follow the Tory strategy of inventing apocalyptic problems and proposing the most direct, blunt solutions to them (though they'll need the help of the right-wing press for that)
So what can we Brits who want to stay European do? Move? That isn't easy. I hate the dumb fucks who voted for this shit. This country is toast.



The next Labour leader needs to be someone who can unite both the left and centrist parts of Labour while proposing solutions to incoming problems that sound beneficial and progressive to the country as a whole and avoiding regressive language while proposing long-term Labour policies e.g. rail re-nationalisation, proper funding of the NHS etc.

Alternatively, they could follow the Tory strategy of inventing apocalyptic problems and proposing the most direct, blunt solutions to them (though they'll need the help of the right-wing press for that)

The next Labour leader needs to be a Unicorn in that case.


Fighting over Blair only helps the Tories, he's now history. I realise you might not be leftwing, I'm just waiting for the Left to get its arse in gear.

I'm incredibly left wing, which is why I had so much hope for Corbyn. Then he stabbed me in the back basically.


Do you know what's worse than people who voted leave? Remainers who hope the UK burns and people suffer. That attitude is fucking shameful and I read it way too often on GAF. It makes my blood boil.


Do you know what's worse than people who voted leave? Remainers who hope the UK burns and people suffer. That attitude is fucking shameful and I read it way too often on GAF. It makes my blood boil.

Shameful? You voted to leave, this is your problem now. I'm not helping you clean up the big shit you've just done on my carpet.


All we can hope now is that Theresa May's long term plan is to eventually accept single market access as a 'compromise' with the SNP and EU in order to secure the best deal for Britain, so that she can blame other people to sate the idiots who voted leave.

There's probably a majority of MPs in favour of single market access, but would enough Tories vote in favour of an amendment at the committee stage to ensure that? Let alone the more restrictive amendments that would tie May's hands.

I hope they do get passed, and Parliament is able to exert more control over the process. Parliamentary Sovereignty and all that. If none of the amendments, in either the Lords or the Commons, are accepted, and Labour still vote to give May total power over the future state of our country, then I'll be annoyed.
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