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Uncharted 3 |OT| All Developers Dream, But Not Equally


Game is some next level shit. On chapter 8 now. Definitely the best game so far this year. Sorry Batman, you had a short but good run.

Running from the fire and shit, soo good


The Chef said:
People think she and Cloey both look weird but call me crazy I think they look WAY better. Elana is HOT.
Yep, it's hotness.

I wonder if her UDF model has her asian eyes. Multiplayer models are less detailed to notice it though.


Soulscribe said:
I'm so glad they fixed Chloe's freakish glowing eyes from UC2.


Oh man I'm gonna cry these new models
got like 10minutes of spot light. :(

Wish they had got the same "lenght" used in the game as U2.
Now Ill wait for "U2 4k ps4 edition" with U3 updated models.....


Ugh, this game is so gorgeous. Loving every moment...cept the aiming. Some kinda fucked up and it was not like this in 2. Hope they fix it. Hard to imagine it beating out Batmans for me, but we'll see. '09, Bats didn't stand a chance.


One question, why they don't allow to watch cutscenes like in the previous games?
As far as I can tell they're still prerecorded and unfortuntely they look more de-saturated than the real time graphics.

leng jai

Kinda surprised at how unpolished this game is especially as it progresses. Hoping theres a meaty SP patch soon so subsequent playthroughs are better.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I hope you do realize that's a spoiler, Cruzader? Thanks.
Thought I was just awful, surprised to find out everyone is having trouble with the aiming. It definitely feels really difficult. I couldn't say exactly what it's missing, or exactly what it has that it shouldn't though.

Has anyone else noticed that some of the animation is sometimes really janky? Is this new to UC3 or did I just overlook it in 2? I may just be unfairly expecting Ezio out of every third-person action character, but it actually made me laugh out loud a couple of times. In the barroom brawl scene at the start, I swear Nathan force pulled a dude from the middle of the room so that he could throw him out a window. Cool stuff! Also, the environmental navigation hands-stuff was awful with
little Drake
, but it's a bit better now that I'm in the meat of the game.

Really do like it though, story already has me interested and the acting is as great as ever.


Will drop pants for Sony.
leng jai said:
Kinda surprised at how unpolished this game is especially as it progresses. Hoping theres a meaty SP patch soon so subsequent playthroughs are better.

unpolished isn't the word I would use, Naughty Dog just needs to patch the aiming and the game is solid.

I haven't looked at all the MP maps but please please tell me
the ship graveyard is a MP map as well.


Unconfirmed Member
Anyone have an issue with their PS3 not reading the disk? Mine read it 1 time and now will not recognize the disk in the system. I can drop in any other game disk in the system and have no problems reading the disk.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Arkaerial said:
Anyone have an issue with their PS3 not reading the disk? Mine read it 1 time and now will not recognize the disk in the system. I can drop in any other game disk in the system and have no problems reading the disk.

bring the game back to the store for an exchange


JumpingTheGun said:
Wonder why ND hasnt included dual pistol wielding yet (or in general). Im on Chap 8 on my 2nd run and this just occurred to me. Maybe The Drake just isnt good enough to dual wield? Aw hell naw.

They probably didn't want the comparison made to Tomb Raider, and in practice dual-wielding any gun is highly, highly inaccurate (ie can't hit anything).
Finished the game tonight. The final 1/3 of the game is really incredible. Thinking back, Uncharted 2 followed a similar arc.

I've shared some complaints earlier, but at the end of the day this game has highs that are equal to the highs of Uncharted 2. It's truly amazing seeing what Naughty Dog comes up with. I don't think this game is better than U2, but it just might be it's equal.


I know what he means. Some animations don't transition well in certain moments. It's just the nature of what they're trying to do. It happened in 2 as well. Nate's studder stepping off of things, mini warping of guys you throw to do the context sensitive stuff. Hands reaching out to touch an object they are supposed to be close enough to...but aren't quite. It's little stuff. You notice it, but in the grand scheme of things, it's not much to worry about.


Just beat it. Awesome.
Chloe and Cutter , just disappeared halfway, :/ would love to see an Uncharted 4 on PS3.

leng jai

Sidzed2 said:
I cannot conceive of any convincing argument as to how and why that photo could be considered a spoiler. Help?

Not the photos, but a certain comment on how long we see a character for.


Conciliator said:
Thought I was just awful, surprised to find out everyone is having trouble with the aiming. It definitely feels really difficult. I couldn't say exactly what it's missing, or exactly what it has that it shouldn't though.

Has anyone else noticed that some of the animation is sometimes really janky? Is this new to UC3 or did I just overlook it in 2? I may just be unfairly expecting Ezio out of every third-person action character, but it actually made me laugh out loud a couple of times. In the barroom brawl scene at the start, I swear Nathan force pulled a dude from the middle of the room so that he could throw him out a window. Cool stuff! Also, the environmental navigation hands-stuff was awful with
little Drake
, but it's a bit better now that I'm in the meat of the game.

Really do like it though, story already has me interested and the acting is as great as ever.

No, it's not you. The animation quality is for sure more even in UC2. ND really overreached themselves in UC3, too many moves, too many attacks, too much contextual stuff. Some animations didn't get the full amount of care they needed. It can look really unnatural at times, especially the running at high speed, it just looks wrong. And like you said, the brawling stuff doesn't blend properly sometimes.
Just got to chapter 13 and unfortunately I've been underwhelmed. I played through the entirety of Uncharted 2 last Friday and I'm not having nearly as much fun with Uncharted 3.

-The game starts out really slow compared to its predecessor. I didn't have my first wow moment until Chapter 7 or so. U2 managed to do that in the first 5 minutes.
-This game can be a janky mess at times, even during setpieces. Thus far, I've encountered at least 3 glitches that have forced me to die or restart from checkpoint. The animations have taken a turn for the worse too. During the chase/getaway sequences, I could tell what they wanted to happen during certain jumps, but the animation wouldn't match up and it would feel gamey.
-This game takes control away from the player way too much. In chapter 12 it finally seems to be getting better, but in the first 10 or so acts it felt like after any minor accomplishment would be followed by a pre-rendered cutscene.
-I like how they've built up all the other characters, but now I'm kind of starting to hate Drake. He seems much more selfish than he ever was before and he seems to have lost all of the development he got during the first two games.
-Of course, as others have reported, the aiming feels off. I'm playing on crushing difficulty and haven't had too many problems, but it's especially notable during those vertical shootout segments.
-Not a fan of the new combat system. Yeah, it can look nice at times, but it really boils down to being a QTE fest that can get you in a lot of trouble sometimes. Taking down the brutes is boring after the first 2 or three times. Although plenty of people love it, the combat in Arkham Asylum wasn't my cup of tea.
-Why are the enemies so dumb this time around? They just run out into the middle of battles and stand there sometimes. In U2, they had strategic ways of progressing towards Drake, but that seems to be completely missing here. To counterbalance the incompetence of the new AI, they placed enemy in cheap places. "Hey, let's fill this room with smoke and make you engage brutes in hand-to-hand combat while their cavalry arrives with shotguns and grenades."

Most of my posts are relatively small and I didn't imagine this would become so big after writing off the top of my head, but to be honest I'm disappointed. I played through the entirety of U2 in one day, I know I can't do that with this one. It's not bad at all, but on the same token I'm not willing to call this great like U2. Aside from the puzzles and the reduced frequency of firefights, I'm willing say U2 has the better design of the two from what I've played thus far. I realize I'm only like halfway through the game, so I'm hoping they put their best foot forward in the back half.


Will drop pants for Sony.
jett said:
No, it's not you. The animation quality is for more even in UC2, and frankly better. ND really overreached themselves in UC3, too many moves, too many attacks, too much contextual stuff. Some animations didn't get the full amount of care they needed. It can look really unnatural at times, especially the running at high speed, it just looks wrong. And like you said, the brawling stuff doesn't blend properly sometimes.

I agree about the melee gameplay of U3; melee should be quick and easy like U2 because you have to fight someone in the middle of a gun fight. It gets so frustrating sometimes.


Is it just me or is anyone else having occasional issues with jumping backwards during the platforming sections? It seems like half the time it doesn't allow me to jump backwards even though that's what you have to do.

One part I noticed it was on chapter 5 when you have to
climb the pillar with the spears and jump backwards to the other pillar with the Golden Hind statue thing.
And it's happened a few other times as well since.


I'd be in the dick
Mr.Swag said:
Just beat it. Awesome.
Chloe and Cutter , just disappeared halfway, :/ would love to see an Uncharted 4 on PS3.
Sully did the same thing in 2. At least Chloe and Cutter had a better reason than, "I'm too old for this shit," then jumping off a cliff.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Cruzader said:
The pic? I didn't post it myself. And I exaggerated the lenght of time.
Sidzed2 said:
I cannot conceive of any convincing argument as to how and why that photo could be considered a spoiler. Help?

The amount of time the new models (as in characters) get in the game... huge spoiler


FHIZ said:
Yeah I agree, posted earlier about it. I've come to find that most situations boil down to "yeah, get that guy you just killed's grenade launcher, but good luck getting to it with some snipers taking shots at you, five normal dudes charging you while throwing grenades, and two dudes with double barrel shot guns impervious to bullets standing in front of it. LOL"

Still a great game, but there are some fights that are just pure cut bullshit.

Sounds like Uncharted, all right. I still remember the water cave fight in UC1 and the courtyard and church fight in UC2 were equally insane.


Unconfirmed Member
neojubei said:
bring the game back to the store for an exchange

Well mail ordered it, so it's not going to be very easy. I guess this is one of those moments when picking up in a store would have been the best thing I could have done.


On ch23. Think I only have a few more to go.

Man, I have been really underwhelmed by the combat scenarios here. ND shouldn't have tried all this meele stuff. It sucks getting in a firefight and brought from cover by enemies who want to punch you. And then I want to pick up a mag 5 but I get a pistol instead because they were too close together. "Would you like to pick up a grenade? Yeah, I'd love to thanks." The pick up stuff sucks.

And it feels like its wave after wave. The clown cars from dessert hell.

The story stuff picked up but I really haven't had a problem with that. There are some good beats here and I'm hoping that when I finish the game (massive spoiler)
Sully rises from the ashes.
The setpiece in ch16?, 17, the
plane one
was on another level. I hadn't been that impressed with the ps3 since GOW3's opening. Stunning stuff.
Grisby said:
On ch23. Think I only have a few more to go.

Man, I have been really underwhelmed by the combat scenarios here. ND shouldn't have tried all this meele stuff. It sucks getting in a firefight and brought from cover by enemies who want to punch you. And then I want to pick up a mag 5 but I get a pistol instead because they were too close together. "Would you like to pick up a grenade? Yeah, I'd love to thanks." The pick up stuff sucks.

And it feels like its wave after wave. The clown cars from dessert hell.

The story stuff picked up but I really haven't had a problem with that. There are some good beats here and I'm hoping that when I finish the game (massive spoiler)
Sully rises from the ashes.
The setpiece in ch16?, 17, the
plane one
was on another level. I hadn't been that impressed with the ps3 since GOW3's opening. Stunning stuff.

Secret chapters confirmed.

Tom Penny

~Kinggi~ said:
Game is some next level shit. On chapter 8 now. Definitely the best game so far this year. Sorry Batman, you had a short but good run.

Running from the fire and shit, soo good

I thought the first half was good but not amazing and I'm 3/4 though so the best is definitely yet to come.
Charted :)

This may be my favourite game of the gen. It started out slow and I was very disappointed at first, but by the end I think they surpassed Uncharted 2. I don't know how they're going to top some of these set pieces. I cannot wait to replay them over and over again.

Will try out multiplayer now.


Ok, MP is a blast, it's definitely going to be my go to shooter. I love the Team Objective mode, but it feels a little short. Maybe they could add an Objective Marathon mode or something, first team to 5 or 7 rounds wins would be awesome.

I haven't played Plunder yet, any thoughts on it?
ghostofsparta said:
So, 7-8 hour campaign? Really? Naughty Dog you're lucky I love you or I'd be pissed right now.

It took me 8 and a half on normal. Really, I don't think it ended a second too soon. I'm very satisfied with the campaign. Longer doesn't equal better.


~Kinggi~ said:
Game is some next level shit. On chapter 8 now. Definitely the best game so far this year. Sorry Batman, you had a short but good run.

Running from the fire and shit, soo good
same here. I haven't played batman since U3 came out. :\


Seventy5 said:
Ok, MP is a blast, it's definitely going to be my go to shooter. I love the Team Objective mode, but it feels a little short. Maybe they could add an Objective Marathon mode or something, first team to 5 or 7 rounds wins would be awesome.

I haven't played Plunder yet, any thoughts on it?
I'm having alot of fun with it as well. Plunder is pretty good now that k/d isn't tracked, really fun to throw the idol around on these maps.

Tom Penny

MrCookiepants said:
Charted :)

This may be my favourite game of the gen. It started out slow and I was very disappointed at first, but by the end I think they surpassed Uncharted 2. I don't know how they're going to top some of these set pieces. I cannot wait to replay them over and over again.

Will try out multiplayer now.

Yep. I'm not sure if this tops UC2 unless the last 3rd absolutely blows my mind. If the beginning didn't start so slow It would be on an equal playing field. I really wish Naughty Dog would make an RPG it would probably take a bunch of disk but have the best environments ever :)


Crystal Bearer
Honestly... I liked the slow start. I appreciated being able to walk around the environments and it was different from the other two games. It definitely made the ramp up into extreme action all the more intense later on.
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