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Uncharted |OT|


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
avaya said:
I reached the part where the gollums-on-steroids kill Eddie, you climb the rope and then the chase begins.
PS3 froze. Too chicken shit to continue :lol
How come MANY consoles freezes at that part?


i got a freeze as soon as you gain control of nate with sully

then immediaetly after restarting, got to the same part, tried to jump up a wall, nate got stuck and kept looping his animation and feel through the world :(


Ferrio said:
My game froze exactly there too, only freeze it did. I was pissed too cause I hadn't saved in a long time.... good thing for auto saves.

Same with me. I think it's a bug in the game. Thank god there's an autosave right before there.


I get the impression from looking through UK stores during the sales that Uncharted is selling quite well. I saw a few places where Uncharted was totally sold out. COD 4 seemed to be sold out everywhere.


Due to a christmas error I got 2 copies of FFT and no uncharteds! I fixed this on friday. Playing on hard and am up to "Trapped"(so everyone keep using spoiler tags on this page). Did anyone else find some of the vine sections really difficult? I must have died a dozen times scaling the fortress. I am hoping my parents stop watching tv soon, I need more uncharted fix!

Btw, this game would probably be great for fox to buy and make a Die hard license.

dalin80 said:
in your average fps hiding behind cover and taking the odd potshot while cowering would seem cheap to me but it works so well with drakes style, he isnt a uber space marine so crouching behind a concrete slab and hoping for the best makes the character much easier to relate to.

really hope they carry on with that feeling n the sequel*

Yes kittowny's post made me think of this as well. In Uncharted I don't feel cheap running for my life back to a choke point where I am only being approached from one direction.


Grayman said:
Due to a christmas error I got 2 copies of FFT and no uncharteds! I fixed this on friday. Playing on hard and am up to "Trapped"(so everyone keep using spoiler tags on this page). Did anyone else find some of the vine sections really difficult? I must have died a dozen times scaling the fortress. I am hoping my parents stop watching tv soon, I need more uncharted fix!

That's nothing compared to the later levels. Especially if you are on hard mode. :lol


I must be one of the luckier ones. Not a single freeze in Uncharted. But froze in AC about 30 seconds into the game. Then I read the forum about the patch and decided to continue later.


so many spoilers! sullys aliiiiive? i just finished the jetski part, i think im halfway done? awesome game, but sooo short...i think


patsu said:
I must be one of the luckier ones. Not a single freeze in Uncharted. But froze in AC about 30 seconds into the game. Then I read the forum about the patch and decided to continue later.
Same, no freezing problems here. Mine is PAL. Maybe it's something to do with the region yours is?


Seiken said:
How come MANY consoles freezes at that part?

Mine froze in the exact same spot today. Funny, seeing as it was the first time Uncharted froze on me and this wasn't my first play through either.


Got this for Christmas, just beat it earlier today.

7 hours 10 mins
33 treasures
400 points

Man, this game was amazing. For me, it easily ranks up there with FFVII and HL2 in terms of overall awesomeness. The pacing was just right, and the story kept me interested the entire time. And by the end I got into a pretty good flow of popping in and out of cover and killing very quickly. I died a number of times, mostly due to rushing headlong into a few enemies, or by taking cover in a bad spot, but for the most part, got through it pretty easily.
i died more to people than zombies, too

Like many, I could go on and on about this game, but I mainly wanted to come in and comment on one thing. The music. Unbelievable. Perfectly implemented, especially during the last few chapters. Other developers need to take note. Of course there are other games that do a pretty good job, but Uncharted easily passes all of them in this category. (and in many other areas, as well)

Anyway, I'm gonna go through it on Hard now. Try and find the remaining treasures and such. If you know anyone who owns a PS3, and does not own this game, force them to buy it, or buy it for them. ND deserves 2m+ sales for such a game.


Well, I just finished Uncharted a few minutes ago. I have some mixed feelings about it, but the game definitely shines in a few areas.

The graphics are absolutely stunning. It is definitely the best looking PS3 game and may be the best looking game across the board (Crysis excluded). The soundtrack is neck and neck with Mass Effect for soundtrack of the year; The production values all around are through the roof.

I have some issues with Uncharted as mentioned above, but nothing game breaking. I'm a bit underwhelmed at the length and bizarre plot twist, but I was able to look past those issues and enjoy the game.
I played the game through 3 times now. And it froze just once. I had to cold restart my PS3. And yes it was the exact same spot. It must be some kind of bug.


I agree it gets better and better as u progress, because when I first began I was like meh but as I continue on it turned into one the best games I played this year.


Suckin' dicks since '66
I freaking loved the plot twist as I was expecting the game to have a
supernatural tone and it did I liked them zombies on crack caused they changed the game play a bit as you just have to run and shoot something I did not do till that part plus The last part with the treasure a heavy vibe of Raiders of the Lost Ark!

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Well I beat it tonight, under 8 hours.

Overall my feelings are the same as before. Too much combat, needed more platforming. However after
you meet the zombies
the game paces very well and mixes things up. I just got so tired of having to cover in an open room and fight a bunch of guys over and over.

I'm not sure how many endless spawning areas there actually are, but
in the generator room, after I hit the two switches, zombies just kept coming and coming until I eventually ran through the door with the white light above it when I was nearly out of ammo
. Endless spawning is usually a bad thing, but I suppose it was my own fault this time.

If they made a sequel I'd buy it but I hope they listen to criticism and work on the pacing and try to keep the game fresh.
The jeep and jet ski parts were nice, but not nearly enough.

Fantastic game overall. Great story and characters. Naughty Dog has truely evolved. This is their best game yet.


Got it for Christmas too, up to Chapter 17 I think, had the same freeze problem mentioned above also.

Up until the last quarter or so, I absolutely loved this game - it just felt so different and familiar at the same time, which was awesome and probably won't make much sense :lol . Then came
the zombies and the dark, boring dungeon and rotting corridors...
. I love all the characters, even the villains, the setting for the most part... the gunplay has grown on me (I found it really difficult in the demo for some reason). I just don't understand why they did that. Just a personal thing, I'm sure some might've found it a refreshing change of pace.

Will most likely finish it tomorrow, was already thinking about another playthrough but now, I probably won't go through all of it again. Shame! Feels silly to be knocking it without finishing it, but it really has frustrated me.

I also agree about the soundtrack... top, top stuff.


I like the twist a lot. Though, to be fair, there are plenty of twists in the game. Especially if you were smart and avoided all spoilers in this thread somehow, like me. :D I loved the whole
mutated Spaniards twist
. I thought it pretty original. I remember when first seeing it I asked myself,
"When did I walk into Resistance? I thought I was playing Uncharted." :lol


I kinda like the last twist because it kept me guessing what's around the next corridor or tide. I thought I might see
Hitler himself
. :lol I also don't have any preconceived idea what the game should be.
Uncharted? Under-rated more like!
I got this game along with a PS3 for Christmas.
Last night, I took it over to my friends and checked it out on his 47' HDTV.
The game looked Gears of War fucking spectacular good.
I didn't really have time to play today, but I popped it in to see how it'd look on a SDTV.
3 hours later... hehe it still looks great! And plays friggin phenomenally. I played all the big games this year and this one surprised me the most. Cannot WAIT to start playing again next week sometime.

Also, I love the story (movie feel so far) and really am liking the characters specially Nate.


Wierd, I didn't experience any freezing at all.

I have noticed my console has frozen a few times in the internet browser after the latest firmware patch though, could be a coincidence, meh, who knows.

I just wanted to pop in and post my completion time, forgot to mention it before. First run though on Normal difficulty took me 9 hours and 42 minutes. Very respectable and felt just right, the pacing was terrific all the way through.

The final third of the game is by far my favourite part of the game.


patsu said:
I kinda like the last twist because it kept me guessing what's around the next corridor or tide. I thought I might see
Hitler himself
. :lol I also don't have any preconceived idea what the game should be.

I like
the twist


I haven't had the freezing problem. Do notify Naughty Dog about this. They added 1080i support and made the US demo work in all regions in response to requests on the Playstation blog and they'll listen and fix this, too. The are a really awesome group of people who really take pride in their work.

Regarding the biggest twist, not only did this fit perfectly with the source materials that inspired Uncharted, it also forced the player to completely switch up their gameplay style. The Gears' duck and cover strategy that was so crucial is suddenly out the window for awhile. Great choice in my opinion!

A few of you surprisingly were unsatisfied with the pacing. It seemed just about perfect to me. I don't see how they could have matched an Indiana Jones style blockbuster yet maintain a nice flow for a game any better. I was worried they might fail to keep a consistency with Indiana Jones style films by making puzzles overly complicated or something of that nature and try to mimic the structure of previous games rather than Indiana Jones and pulp adventures, but they were spot on. I guess I'll have to strongly disagree with you guys about the pacing. Ditto on the length. Uncharted is CONSIDERABLY longer than Gears of War and shares a VERY similar style of play for most of the action (I was hitting X instead of circle for awhile to take cover because they are so similar in this respect). How much longer did this need to go for you guys. It's not an accident that Indiana Jones films are not 4 hours long. Any more would start to feel like too much. If you want it to last longer try Crushing. It certainly took me more than 7 hours on this setting. It was tough but very enjoyable and satisfying to beat.


Seiken said:
How come MANY consoles freezes at that part?

I finished Uncharted yesterday, and mine froze too. It froze again later, too (can't remember the exact part).

All in all, the game was awesome. The
were completely unexpected. I didn't like the
dark turn
the game took during the section were you
fight them alone
. I was quite disappointed at that point.

But, the game redeemed itself with the explanation for them. The final sequence/battles were awesome, too.

Awesome graphics.
Awesome sound.
Awesome experience.


Oh, I finished with 50 treasures. I have no idea how many points I have, but I did unlock a shit ton of stuff, so 300 plus (??).


avaya said:
I reached the part where the gollums-on-steroids kill Eddie, you climb the rope and then the chase begins.
PS3 froze. Too chicken shit to continue :lol

It's going to get worse. Alhough, I was scared, just disappointed that there were
in the game. I'm glad they were kept to a minimum and that the plot twist at the end explained them well.


Ashhong said:
so many spoilers! sullys aliiiiive? i just finished the jetski part, i think im halfway done? awesome game, but sooo short...i think
I always knew he was alive because of the damn videos that had gotten onto the net, such as blim blims showing the cutscene with sully talking to the pirates, so I knew he was still alive :mad


ICallItFutile said:
I'm not sure how many endless spawning areas there actually are, but
in the generator room, after I hit the two switches, zombies just kept coming and coming until I eventually ran through the door with the white light above it when I was nearly out of ammo
. Endless spawning is usually a bad thing, but I suppose it was my own fault this time.
As far as im aware, thats the only spawning area in the whole game, I died there too first time because I did my usual trick of waiting til I killed them all, just like everywhere else before progressing. But they just kept coming :D


are Naughty Dog and Insomniac friendly?

cos if they are then i reckon the
design is a shoutout to resistance


92% completed and must sleep but i am so impressed!

the levels have been getting great as the game goes on. the dark ones are beautiful and the area with stairs and a water wheel reminded me of ICO.

Cant wait to see this conclude and go again


Pharmacy said:
are Naughty Dog and Insomniac friendly?

cos if they are then i reckon the monster design is a shoutout to resistance

Spoiler that shit man! I kind of thought there were going to be creatures of some kind, but some people aren't far through.

EDUT: beetan
What a twist!

I love/loved it because honestly I never saw it coming. I was convinced the game story would be
totally grounded in reality, the monsters would be explained, like guys in suits or something
IMO it completely changes what the series is and what future games can be about. Drake can take on:

The Bermuda Triangle

Anyone those could net you a great story again and some outstanding visuals. I really liked their explanation of El Dorado, they could do it again easy.


Seiken said:
How come MANY consoles freezes at that part?

I never had a single freeze with Uncharted. IIRC my console locked up once and it was with RFoM.

So maybe there's a problem with US consoles ? Looks like PAL PS3 owners never had any problem.
my 2 cents. great game, I have never said wow so many times while playing a game before. the part where you are standing on the clif looking at the horizon and the oceans is just amazing.
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