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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Spoilers Thread


I enjoyed it. I will say the game made me like Nadine a lot more than in U4 where I felt she was one of the weakest characters in the series as a whole.

That final level was an awesome remix of the train scene from U2.

Only thing I don't understand and don't like was Asav as a character. His motivations seemed to flip flop constantly throughout the game, where ultimately I don't know what he wanted.

What exactly did he want? To stamp out the bloodline of the young king (what does that mean by the way)? To start a Civil War?

Also, I found it funny that he instantly sells the treasure the game was about for a bomb. (I know Roman wanted to sell El Derado from U1, but still its usually people wanting to find things for power or glory).

But his fight style was pretty dope.

One thing I kinda lament with 4 and Lost Legacy is the absence of supernatural elements.
As a Chloe fan and after the slight disappointment I've felt with UC4 overall this piece of DLC was a blast and rectified the problems I've had with the previous entry.

Pacing was on point, the setpieces has some oomph and didn't disappoint (bonus points for nostalgia factor), the character interactions were pretty good, and Sam's inclusion sure helped to sell the chemistry between Chloe and Nadine . I would say Sam works well in small dosis for me (Didn't like him that much in UC4..).

And Chloe is a better Lara Croft than Lara Croft


does anyone know about how long that 'way of the warrior' trophy takes? the melee only for the first 4 chapters? It's the only trophy I have left, and I'd like to do it in one sitting, but my time is mostly in small chunks nowadays so I want to make sure I put aside enough..
does anyone know about how long that 'way of the warrior' trophy takes? the melee only for the first 4 chapters? It's the only trophy I have left, and I'd like to do it in one sitting, but my time is mostly in small chunks nowadays so I want to make sure I put aside enough..

It didn't take me that long, and don't bother with hunting down all the tokens on chapter 4 since you don't need them. Play on the easiest difficulty too.


I really hope Uncharted 5 is this trio. Leave Nathan, Elena, and Sully in their retirement home
4 player coop. Next evolution of games: survive crazy set pieces with your friends (and maybe family)!

I could be wrong about this but The Lost Legacy might be first time in Uncharted series that they are able successfully recover the main treasure from lost city.

I guess Chloe is better treasure hunter than Drake.
Hhmm...1 was a "biological weapon", 2 was an explosive gel, 3 was an hallucinogen, GA was irradiated gold, and 4 was ...just a bunch of treasure. Which Elena acquired anyways.
Do you guys prefer this train set-piece or the one from 2? This one is definitely crazier and better than any individual stretch from 2's train...but 2 is a lot longer and has the amazing scenery changes and great variety of combat, platforming, helicopter chase, etc. Legacy's boss fight shits on the one from 2 as well lol. I'm kinda torn though. Maybe I prefer 2 still just for the scope and atmosphere of that gigantic train journey.

UC2's train is more epic and pivotal for the game and the series as a whole. The entirety of Uncharted 2 before the train is building to that point, and there's a marked shift in pacing proceeding it which leads into the Tibetan village. The two extremes of Uncharted, the two extremes of modern Naughty Dog. It's the standout set piece of the series, and Naughty Dog announcing themselves as the master of scripted set-pieces. It's a classic.

In every other aspect though, The Lost Legacy's train has it beat. Mechanically it's no question, presentation is smoother, spectacle is unmatched. Hell, you even have an AI companion this time. That's before mentioning being able to jump off the train at will to board 4x4s and enemy trucks. And there's a turret section. AND there's another rope dragging section. AND there's a break in between to catch up with Sam (the shot of the train flying past Chloe and Sam while Nadine is beating everyone's ass on board is my favorite shot in the game). AND you crash a jeep through the train. AND The Asav fight is incredible and way better than the brute in UC2's train.

So which one do I prefer..... idk. My heart wants to say UC2, my adrenal gland wants to say TLL.
This is the best Uncharted game.

I almost put down the controller permanently when Sam turned up (ewwww), but I decided to stick with it and glad I did.

This was incredible.
I don't know if I missed it, but did the Tusk do anything? Or was it just a regular artifact?

The way people kept talking about it made me think of the Rabbit's Foot in Mission Impossible 3.
It was symbolic and Chloe talked repeatedly about how it had been used as a propaganda tool by rulers in the past. She thought Asav was going to do something similar but he managed to go under even her low expectations of him.


The nicest person on this forum
4 player coop. Next evolution of games: survive crazy set pieces with your friends (and maybe family)!

Hhmm...1 was a "biological weapon", 2 was an explosive gel, 3 was an hallucinogen, GA was irradiated gold, and 4 was ...just a bunch of treasure. Which Elena acquired anyways.
Good point, I guess it's fair to say in The Lost Legacy recovering the treasure went much more smoother than any other Uncharted.


does anyone know about how long that 'way of the warrior' trophy takes? the melee only for the first 4 chapters? It's the only trophy I have left, and I'd like to do it in one sitting, but my time is mostly in small chunks nowadays so I want to make sure I put aside enough..

Took me about an hour. Play on Explorer and just melee to victory. It goes by super fast when you're just mainlining it and skipping all the optional stuff.
I wanna say I loved Sam in this game, and I loved the evolution of the Chloe-Nadine relationship.

I wish there were more set pieces because, unlike the incorrect criticism that UC4 doesn't have many (it does), Lost Legacy does not, even when incorporating its length. I'm glad they decided to go all out with Chapter 9, however. It took arguably the best set piece in UC2, added some of the convoy turret shooting from UC2's convoy chase, took the best set piece in UC4, expanded on them (especially with the rope mechanic), and gave us a spectacle of the best of Uncharted distilled into an incredible finale.

So incredible that, for the first time, I experienced some major slowdown. Jesus.


Gold Member
Just finished first playthrough. Took me 8 hours, I did spend a little more time hunting treasures when I unlocked the 'artefact' though.

Thought the length of this was great - felt more like an uncharted game. It was like a highlights game of all the preceding games. I liked it more than Uncharted 4 - in terms of length, tone and pacing. That's not saying UC4 was bad etc. just that this is what I expect from an uncharted game.

Art: Fantastic and the quality was amazingly consistent. I don't think it's possible to get a bad screenshot in this game. Wherever you walk/drive to there is always an area or angle that looks like an AONB. Seriously ND and Ubisoft have some great talent in their respective art departments.

Mechanics: The stealth and combat feels fine to me, obvious improvements from UC4 carried over. However, throughout the game the enter cover/exit cover felt really old and clunky to me. The dynamic cover used by Tomb Raider really needs imitating and the ND polish put on it. The amount of times I nudged into the 'buddy' as well which caused me to stunt a jump and fall to my death or just get 'caught' on them was annoying too. I get they try and make them a bit more organic than 'follow player' but maybe a little less aggressive.

General: Looking forward to another playthrough already and maybe mop up some trophies. I thought the encounters were not as spread out (in terms of the combat arena's) as in UC4 which was actually advantageous in retrying the encounter, but led to being overwhelmed quite quickly in certain area's. Probably could have been balanced slightly better. I liked the train set piece and chopper set piece immensely. I think I actually prefer this train sequence especially the rope swinging and vehicle commandeering. As a complete package I still think UC2 trumps the entire series. But as a standalone game I think LL does a good job of imitating the best of it, while also having its own strong leads.

Boss: Again, another awful final boss for me. Since UC2 they have got progressively worse. Stop the shady beat 'em ups. They're garbage and cheap. I'm sure there's enough talent there to come up with something a bit more creative.

Puzzles: The switchplate statue one was annoying. When I got to the third room I was like 'really? Another one?'. I prefer the puzzles like the shadow ones myself. Hopefully see more of the puzzles going forward.

Future: Seen enough of Drake and Co. now. Chloe is definitely strong enough to take the franchise forward as a character and I hope she (and ND do).


I really hope we see Cutter in the next one. I bet if that actor didn't have a previous committment, he would've been awesome for the rest of UC3. He was very interesting and I liked how much smarter he was than everyone else.
Oh, since I didn't mention it: my playthrough lasted 9 hours. I definitely took a bit longer on Chapter 4, and since I have all the tokens now, I'm sure the next playthrough won't be nearly that long.
I absolutely loved my time with this game. What an incredible ending setpiece! While the Uncharted 2 train sequence is always going to be an amazing achievement for its time, TLL's train/convoy/Jeep jumping/final bossfight sequence has to be my favourite of all this series' action setpieces. I was screaming at my TV, laughing, sitting on the edge of my seat the whole way through, and when Chloe and Nadine were tagteam wombo-combo-ing Asav at the end I was hammering the shit out of my Square button. What a game.

While Uncharted's mechanics aren't exactly suited for MGSV style gameplay (you run too slowly to want to stray too far from the Jeep, and two weapons really limits your options), I still really enjoyed the huge open level of Chapter 4. A great big area to explore at your own pace, full of guys to kill however you please, stuff to climb, puzzles to solve, hidden things to find makes for a whole lot of fun. I loved the tricks the devs played, like spawning in a squad of guys when you drop down that one well, or filling the area around the central tower with cover but not actually using it as a combat area... until you come back to it :p

Some of the same complaints I had about U4 still apply here, namely the long sections where the game is essentially a walking simulator with some largely braindead climbing thrown in. It's not that I don't enjoy a good walking simulator, and Naughty Dog's writing and character development are excellent (plus them grafixxx), but the combat is so good in these games that I just want more of it. I guess TLL has a couple more instances of double rope swings or long sliding sections than U4 did, but there's still just no skill required from the player to make all those death-defying leaps, no nuance, and when solving a giant, level-spanning puzzle boils down to 'press interact button on thing, camera swings around to highlight next thing, repeat', I feel like my presence as the player is barely necessary. I like quiet moments, but sometimes they just go on too long.

But TLL is a much shorter game than U4, and the pacing is much better, and it's hard to complain about anything after that goddamned ending. I loved the writing and characterisation, absolutely adored both Chloe and Nadine (even if Claudia Black does a better South African accent than Laura Bailey does :p), was delighted to see Sam again. I was really happy with Uncharted 4's epilogue closing off Nate and Elena's story, but after TLL I would be delighted if the Uncharted series continued with Chloe, Nadine, Sam, Cutter or any of the other great characters we've met along the way.

My personal meaningless rankings for the series would be: 2 > TLL > 4 > 1 > 3


Wow, someone literally has the midcredits scene as the thumbnail on their last ep of their LP. I feel bad for anyone subbed to that guy.


I really hope we see Cutter in the next one. I bet if that actor didn't have a previous committment, he would've been awesome for the rest of UC3. He was very interesting and I liked how much smarter he was than everyone else.

I was expecting it to be Cutter once I saw spoiler tags that a mystery person appears late in LL, given Chloe's history with him. I understand Sam as a character is dramatically more interesting because of his conflicts with Nadine, but Cutter was totally wasted.


does anyone know about how long that 'way of the warrior' trophy takes? the melee only for the first 4 chapters? It's the only trophy I have left, and I'd like to do it in one sitting, but my time is mostly in small chunks nowadays so I want to make sure I put aside enough..

PowerPyx did a run and it took him 49 minutes. I'm going to use his guide once I get back to this game later.



Way of Warrior isn't as complicated as the guides say. Just pick NO for carry over stats and you're golden. No need to worry about deleting saves or dying or restarting. As long as the gun and explosives are ZERO in Stats, it'll work. Just melee to victory.


Took me about an hour. Play on Explorer and just melee to victory. It goes by super fast when you're just mainlining it and skipping all the optional stuff.

Ok, just did it. You're right, took just over an hour - an hour ten, to be specific. Thanks! I was expecting it to be 3 before I read your post... I'm glad I was way off.

PowerPyx did a run and it took him 49 minutes. I'm going to use his guide once I get back to this game later.


I don't think you need a guide for this trophy. It's pretty easy and linear... the hardest thing to do is keep your finger off the trigger so you don't accidentally push it, lol. 50 minutes seems fast, but now that I think of it, maybe I made coffee early on.


Oh, since I didn't mention it: my playthrough lasted 9 hours. I definitely took a bit longer on Chapter 4, and since I have all the tokens now, I'm sure the next playthrough won't be nearly that long.

The one thing I wish I knew before I played it is that there is a photo locked behind the tokens... in order to do my cleanup, I needed to redo all the puzzles on chapter 4 to unlock that area again on chapter select.

Every other trophy was relatively easy to cleanup... even that was 'easy', just unnecessarily time consuming.
Do you guys prefer this train set-piece or the one from 2? This one is definitely crazier and better than any individual stretch from 2's train...but 2 is a lot longer and has the amazing scenery changes and great variety of combat, platforming, helicopter chase, etc. Legacy's boss fight shits on the one from 2 as well lol. I'm kinda torn though. Maybe I prefer 2 still just for the scope and atmosphere of that gigantic train journey.

I waiting for my Nathan Drake Collection to download right now so I can boot up Uncharted 2's train set piece and compare them side-by-side. I'm leaning toward 2 going in.
does anyone know about how long that 'way of the warrior' trophy takes? the melee only for the first 4 chapters? It's the only trophy I have left, and I'd like to do it in one sitting, but my time is mostly in small chunks nowadays so I want to make sure I put aside enough..

I didn't kill anyone in chapter 1 - 3 so it poped when I was redoing chapter 4 alone in stealth.


Ok, just did it. You're right, took just over an hour - an hour ten, to be specific. Thanks! I was expecting it to be 3 before I read your post... I'm glad I was way off.

I don't think you need a guide for this trophy. It's pretty easy and linear... the hardest thing to do is keep your finger off the trigger so you don't accidentally push it, lol. 50 minutes seems fast, but now that I think of it, maybe I made coffee early on.

These trophies make me so anxious that I'm going to screw up a perfect run somewhere. At least it's not one of those no-dying, Survivor difficulty, delete-your-save kind of trophies.

I'm glad there's no speed run trophy. Lamest trophy in UC4.

Did the unpatched disc exploit on that one, screw that! ;-)


These trophies make me so anxious that I'm going to screw up a perfect run somewhere. At least it's not one of those no-dying, Survivor difficulty, delete-your-save kind of trophies.

Yea, just never fire a gun or use explosives. Very easy. There are two spots with guys in armor whom you can't take out with melee when they're alerted but you can just bypass them, thankfully.

Did the unpatched disc exploit on that one, screw that! ;-)

SAME! Fuck that trophy.


Why couldn't the tusk be magic?

I guess this is better then murdering hundreds of people, then deciding at the last minute "eh I don't want the treasure anymore" Like the last two games. But man the first game had it right, they didn't need to fix what wasn't broken.

Otherwise I really liked the puzzles, combat felt a little off, and I didn't give a crap about any of the story.
I'm all in on Nadine/Chloe as a duo more than I ever was with Nate/Sully especially since Nadine is the devastating combo of Jacked Army Nerd
That lost city was seriously awe-inspiring. I loved the look of it. It actually reminded me a bit of Yharnam in Bloodborne, haha.

Really fun game. The environmental art design was sublime. Naughty Dog really outdid themselves this time.
I really enjoyed this, and I'd probably put it in the middle, so below 3 and 2, but better than 4 and 1. I liked the fact that it felt like a mix between 1's aesthetics and a more refined and focused take on 4's gameplay.

I wasn't too excited by the final set piece though; it was great, but it was too familiar. The elephant scene was nowhere near as impactful as the TLoU
. On that, it's a sign that the world isn't entirely behind help, and it's a symbol of hope for the future. With the elephants, it's just, oh, we're in India, here's some elephants.

I'm still not a fan of Nadine. She definitely had more of a personality here, and I enjoyed her character development, outside of the end when she 'joins the gang'. I know she'd obviously got over Shoreline, but I think she could have come to a better conclusion in terms of what she wants to do next. If they make another game starring Chloe, I think she should take a role like Sully on 2, and be involved at the start, but sit it out for the most part.

In terms of the female leads, I think it was handled really well. They were both badass, but they weren't invincible, which helped make them feel natural. I think if it was left to some other developers, the duo would have gotten the upper hand over Asav in combat easily, to show that they are 'strong women characters', but the fact that they don't (even when they do win it's a mix between a lot of determination and a little bit of luck) is great. I'm glad they didn't put much focus on that though, unlike something like Supergirl, where characters constantly remind each other that "I can do this thing because I am a woman!", which always comes across as forced to me. Is a case of show, not tell.

Speaking of Asav, how strong was he?! Nadine could handle the Drake brothers easily, but Asav was treating a 1v2 against her and Chloe like it was nothing.

I appreciated Sam showing up on it, and I enjoyed him more here as an actual good guy, than his flip flop grey morality personality from UC4. He didn't steal the show, and he kept things fresh for the finale.

Story wise, I didn't really feel the decision to make it entirely personal for Chloe. I have no problem with the revelation of Chloe being of Indian descent, but the entire plot revolves around that fact, and for me it doesn't come together as well as the Francis Drake stuff from 1. Like, they put her knowledge of all the gods, lore etc. down to the fact that she is part Indian, where they could have easily explained it down to her being knowledgeable, like Nate is. It's a bit too 'Chloe is actually part Indian, and she's in India doing things relating to Indian culture'. If they wanted to make her another race aside from Australian, I think they could have chosen something else. As for the personal connection, what exactly did her dad do? He went to where the Ganesh figurine was, removed it, then brought it back home for Chloe to use in the future to finally uncover the treasure? Also, the fact that she wants to go after the bomb because it's personal was a bit dumb. "I need to stop it because it's personal, oh and also to prevent the deaths of thousands I guess".

The big question is when's Eddy getting his game?
I liked Nadine as a antagonist but not villain in uncharted 4, as a protagonist though she just fell flat. The last couple chapters improved my opinion of her a little, but it was mostly how well Sam fit in.

Final chapter is possibly the most fun gameplay in the whole series.

Loved that like 4 this game has you actually getting to take in the lost city for a while, unlike 2 and 3


I liked Nadine as a antagonist but not villain in uncharted 4, as a protagonist though she just fell flat. The last couple chapters improved my opinion of her a little, but it was mostly how well Sam fit in.

Final chapter is possibly the most fun gameplay in the whole series.

I think Nadine fit in pretty well and had great chemistry with Chloe. I also loved all the optional dialogue which fleshed her out as an animal expert and showed she had more interests than being a merc. It made her more human. It was also a bit refreshing to have a sidekick who wasn't another thief (Sully, Sam, Chloe) or a someone like Elena. I liked her more direct attitude who didn't try to be witty.


I finished it last night and wow, I absolutely loved it! The chemistry between Chloe and Nadine was great and Sam's addition brought a good shift in their dynamic. Not to mention the dialogue is great.

The train section was bonkers, I'm so glad I didn't watch the trailers and didn't get spoiled on it. It felt amazing.

And I adore the chibi drawings during the credits.

This might actually be my favourite Uncharted. I hope they continue with this trio because they're just amazing.


I loved the moment right after, when Sam points at the pizza, his facial expression is so perfect to end on. This game gave me so much that U4 didn't.

I also was okay with Sam because he came in too late to have a real impact and was just there to spice things up for the finale.

Agreed. I do not like Sam, but him coming in for late game as comedy relief and to help in the final action scenes worked out pretty well. He's technically also the pivot between Chloe and Nadine's mid-story conflict, but that's washed over quickly enough.

Chloe and Nadine adventuring together was great and their chemistry was what I really hoped for from an Uncharted DLC. Lost Legacy delivered.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
I wanna say I loved Sam in this game, and I loved the evolution of the Chloe-Nadine relationship.

I wish there were more set pieces because, unlike the incorrect criticism that UC4 doesn't have many (it does), Lost Legacy does not, even when incorporating its length. I'm glad they decided to go all out with Chapter 9, however. It took arguably the best set piece in UC2, added some of the convoy turret shooting from UC2's convoy chase, took the best set piece in UC4, expanded on them (especially with the rope mechanic), and gave us a spectacle of the best of Uncharted distilled into an incredible finale.

So incredible that, for the first time, I experienced some major slowdown. Jesus.

No setpiece moments? Define setpiece for me exactly, because your post infers them to mean "cool stunts while bullets are whizzing past you". Because even this game has that(Chapters 2 and 5 almost in their entirety off the top of my head), plus many situations where you are performing equally insane environmental stunts without the bad guys that I would count.

Just impossible to understand how you could come to the conclusion that LL "does not, even when incorporating its length".


I really hope we see Cutter in the next one. I bet if that actor didn't have a previous committment, he would've been awesome for the rest of UC3. He was very interesting and I liked how much smarter he was than everyone else.


Cutter was claustrophobic and that's it. That's the only thing we ever learn about him. He's Jeff the cameraman levels of terrible. The only other thing we know is he's a blatant Jason Statham ripoff in voice and character design.

I laughed my ass off when he broke his legs. That scene was so dumb. Hang off the edge and let go you idiot, you'll reduce your fall by 8 feet. But nope, he jumps 3 feet up in the air before coming crashing down.



Cutter was claustrophobic and that's it. That's the only thing we ever learn about him. He's Jeff the cameraman levels of terrible. The only other thing we know is he's a blatant Jason Statham ripoff in voice and character design.

I laughed my ass off when he broke his legs. That scene was so dumb. Hang off the edge and let go you idiot, you'll reduce your fall by 8 feet. But nope, he jumps 3 feet up in the air before coming crashing down.

Nah, he was the one with the book that was used by Drake to solve some of the puzzles. He had things figured out before the others figured it out. But he was written out of the story because the actor had to leave to do another project so they just made him get injured and that was that. He had a bigger role originally.

I also really loved that he wasn't the typical handsome dude like everyone else. It was pretty cool how he looked like a regular goon in the beginning.


These trophies make me so anxious that I'm going to screw up a perfect run somewhere. At least it's not one of those no-dying, Survivor difficulty, delete-your-save kind of trophies.

I hate that false tension too... but here it's not bad, I just held my controller weird when on foot so my trigger finger was holding the handle... and never set my controller down.

That lost city was seriously awe-inspiring. I loved the look of it. It actually reminded me a bit of Yharnam in Bloodborne, haha.

Really fun game. The environmental art design was sublime. Naughty Dog really outdid themselves this time.

I think this was the first time I was in awe of the 'lost city'. Like, I always have thought they were cool, and pretty... but something about this one just blew my mind. Maybe the improvements in technology plus the very recognizable gods...

I think Nadine fit in pretty well and had great chemistry with Chloe. I also loved all the optional dialogue which fleshed her out as an animal expert and showed she had more interests than being a merc. It made her more human. It was also a bit refreshing to have a sidekick who wasn't another thief (Sully, Sam, Chloe) or a someone like Elena. I liked her more direct attitude who didn't try to be witty.

I honestly felt like most of their dialog that wasn't 'background' related was the writers massaging each personality into the Drake/Sully role. That is, Chloe was extremely Drake like in her banter, and Nadine was extremely Cully like in her banter. Then during 'important' scenes, each obviously had their normal personality.

It didn't bother me, it just.... made me really, really miss Drake and Sully. While I really enjoyed these characters, TLL made me absolutely sure I'm not done with Drake and I can't wait til we get him in an adventure again [his retirement is a lie imo].


So... during my replay, I noticed a throwaway piece of dialog. And... I don't know, something about it really stuck out to me. It felt like foreshadowing... really super subtle foreshadowing.

So I'm going to put in my prediction now... that the next installment will have Chloe [and gang] in


So... during my replay, I noticed a throwaway piece of dialog. And... I don't know, something about it really stuck out to me. It felt like foreshadowing... really super subtle foreshadowing.

So I'm going to put in my prediction now... that the next installment will have Chloe [and gang] in

Yea, that was pretty funny. Of all the places Chloe's never been to, I wouldn't have expected America. Def something they could include in one of their future adventures.
As for the personal connection, what exactly did her dad do? He went to where the Ganesh figurine was, removed it, then brought it back home for Chloe to use in the future to finally uncover the treasure?

I'm also interested in the answer to this question. Seems like all we know is that he was obsessed with the tusk and was killed mid-quest.
Nah, he was the one with the book that was used by Drake to solve some of the puzzles. He had things figured out before the others figured it out. But he was written out of the story because the actor had to leave to do another project so they just made him get injured and that was that. He had a bigger role originally.

I also really loved that he wasn't the typical handsome dude like everyone else. It was pretty cool how he looked like a regular goon in the beginning.

I thought Cutter was an excellent character. An enormous mountain of a man, but incredibly well read. Despite looking like an average thug, he was genuinely funny and has some cool moments throughout Uncharted 3.

He was portrayed as someone who knew just as much about history as Nate.

As you say, it's a shame his involvement was cut short. I'd love a game playing as Cutter leveraging England's enormous history.


So... during my replay, I noticed a throwaway piece of dialog. And... I don't know, something about it really stuck out to me. It felt like foreshadowing... really super subtle foreshadowing.

So I'm going to put in my prediction now... that the next installment will have Chloe [and gang] in

yeah, that sounded like some *wink wink* moment.

But Uncharted 4 ended in one of those (suggesting the DLC would be Sam and Sully coming to Brazil) and yet none of the happened. At least yet


Neo Member
Beat it last night.

Man, this game's incredible! It's everything I wanted from UC4. The breakneck pace, fun dialogue, and incredible set pieces are all here.

Chapter 8 was hysterical (so fun and satisfying seeing them give Sam the cold shoulder :p) and the final chapter is peak uncharted. A fantastic thrill ride through and through.

Chapter 4 was an interesting experiment but it's hard not to feel the bloat. Might kill my urge to replay.

Once again, ND nailed it and can't wait to see what experiments they bring forward to TLOU II. :)
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