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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 Offseason Thread

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And I'm afraid that
they're finally building up Stannis to the degree StanFans have been yelling for, for years. Only so they can kill him off.

I'm convinced this is happening.


There's no need to tag what you said, by the way.


Oh no, I really doubt they're going there. That wouldn't make much sense at all. Though we may get Theon forced to participate in the wedding night, like in the books...

Nope, I don't think it's
they're going for, as Iskenpets I'm sure is alluding to.

Aside from the obvious inability for Reek to be romantic with anyone now, it's the INCREDIBLE amount of history between those two characters. Don't forget, Sansa thinks Theon/Reek killed Bran and Rickon. Don't forget how horrible Theon felt about selling the Starks out.

It's gonna be the first time Theon is confronted with a flesh and blood example of what he did, and we're going to get to see Sansa react to a) seeing him, b) seeing what he's become,
and I'm really curious if we're gonna get rage or pity or YIKES
gratitude to Ramsay for doing this to him.

Mmmm yeah, you're probably right. Hope they don't fuck it up.

And I'm afraid that they're finally building up Stannis to the degree StanFans have been yelling for, for years. Only so they can kill him off.

I can't hear you, lalalalalala I can't hear you, nope.


Now I'm afraid

romance between Theon and Sansa? Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan that's scary on so many levels

Oh man...I don't know if I can handle that. The scenes between
him and Jeyne Poole in the books were just brutal. I'd hate to think of that happening to sansa.


HAHA, I know, I can't hear me, either! lalalalala.....

I'm telling you
Brienne is ordered by Sansa to fight for Stannis in the battle, and she chooses to obey. It's an exact parallel of the book, where she goes against everything she values to aid the Brotherhood in killing Jaime because of orders from Catelyn. In both cases she denies herself something that she holds dear because she feels that she has to follow her oaths to the letter. This theory is my one ray of hope against the idea that they're sending Brienne North to kill Stannis.

I know I'm overspoilering at this point, but I feel like I should be spoilering any speculation that's been colored by leaked info or any of that, even if it is all plausible deductions based on trailers and stuff.
Sophie Turner on her arc in Season 5:

"You could say it’s a dark season for her. It’s definitely a dark season for her. [MILD SPOILER ALERT]
She just escaped King’s Landing, and she goes back to a place where she becomes somewhat of a prisoner again. Despite being a prisoner again, she plays it out very differently this time compared to before. She tries to take command and begins to manipulate the people who are keeping her prisoner—which is nice."

From a new EW Interview
Watchers on the Wall 1-4 Review

The threads of Game of Thrones come together more neatly and pick up the pace after the season premiere. Momentum is gained as the players plot and the bodies start falling. In forging their own path beyond the books, Benioff and Weiss are finding ways to surprise their cynical audience and like seasons past, viewers are going to thank them for every shock and twist of the knife.
Sophie Turner on her arc in Season 5:

"You could say it’s a dark season for her. It’s definitely a dark season for her. [MILD SPOILER ALERT]
She just escaped King’s Landing, and she goes back to a place where she becomes somewhat of a prisoner again. Despite being a prisoner again, she plays it out very differently this time compared to before. She tries to take command and begins to manipulate the people who are keeping her prisoner—which is nice."

From a new EW Interview

This is a very high-risk high-reward move from the writers. It could potentially go badly but if it's really done right it'll be seriously intense and suspenseful.


A new review of the first four episodes. Some really good stuff in here, generalizations rather than specific spoilers.


I guess this
Another fan-favorite goes on what could be perceived as a suicide mission with an amusing sidekick
is about the
Jaime and Bronn roadshow?

My thought was that it was about Brienne and Pod pursuing Sansa, but Jaime and Bronn works too.
Sophie Turner on her arc in Season 5:

"You could say it’s a dark season for her. It’s definitely a dark season for her. [MILD SPOILER ALERT]
She just escaped King’s Landing, and she goes back to a place where she becomes somewhat of a prisoner again. Despite being a prisoner again, she plays it out very differently this time compared to before. She tries to take command and begins to manipulate the people who are keeping her prisoner—which is nice."

From a new EW Interview

Does that mean she gets recognized in WF and becomes a prisoner?
Sophie Turner on her arc in Season 5:

"You could say it’s a dark season for her. It’s definitely a dark season for her. [MILD SPOILER ALERT]
She just escaped King’s Landing, and she goes back to a place where she becomes somewhat of a prisoner again. Despite being a prisoner again, she plays it out very differently this time compared to before. She tries to take command and begins to manipulate the people who are keeping her prisoner—which is nice."

From a new EW Interview
I refuse to believe they're doing a Ramsay/Sansa wedding. She must be talking about something else.


A new review of the first four episodes. Some really good stuff in here, generalizations rather than specific spoilers.


I guess this
Another fan-favorite goes on what could be perceived as a suicide mission with an amusing sidekick
is about the
Jaime and Bronn roadshow?

This is interesting (extremely mild Stannis spoilers):

Stannis gives a monologue
in the fourth episode that does more to humanize the character than the entirety of the series up to this point.

Elio mentioned that his favourite scene from the first four episodes was one involving Stannis, which was invented for the show. Sounds like this could be it.


I really think with the whole Sansa story this season, the key is already in the dialog from Littlefinger in some of the trailers:

"There's no justice in this world...not unless we make it. Avenge them."
People are getting so hung up on Sansa replacing the fArya plot and if she is or isn't posing as Alayne, and how that affects the fArya/Wintefell story, that maybe they aren't considering the idea people had before realizing Sansa is going to Winterfell that she is standing in for Stoneheart in a way. The Sansa/Ramsay thing has to be a power play by Littlefinger to take out the Boltons from the inside and reinstall a Stark in Winterfell, or something similar. I mean, Littlefinger in the books already orchestrated a fake Stark to marry Ramsay, and seperately a way for Sansa to eventually regain Winterfell, so orchestrating a real Stark to marry Ramsay and therefore putting actual Sansa right in Winterfell is almost just cutting around the meat to the same goal. It doesn't seem like a contradiction to me as far as Littlefinger's motivations.


This is interesting (extremely mild Stannis spoilers):

Elio mentioned that his favourite scene from the first four episodes was one involving Stannis, which was invented for the show. Sounds like this could be it.

All of the Stannis impressions have been really positive. Getting pretty hyped for that.
I really think with the whole Sansa story this season, the key is already in the dialog from Littlefinger in some of the trailers:

"There's no justice in this world...not unless we make it. Avenge them."
People are getting so hung up on Sansa replacing the fArya plot and if she is or isn't posing as Alayne, and how that affects the fArya/Wintefell story, that maybe they aren't considering the idea people had before realizing Sansa is going to Winterfell that she is standing in for Stoneheart in a way. The Sansa/Ramsay thing has to be a power play by Littlefinger to take out the Boltons from the inside and reinstall a Stark in Winterfell, or something similar. I mean, Littlefinger in the books already orchestrated a fake Stark to marry Ramsay, and seperately a way for Sansa to eventually regain Winterfell, so orchestrating a real Stark to marry Ramsay and therefore putting actual Sansa right in Winterfell is almost just cutting around the meat to the same goal. It doesn't seem like a contradiction to me as far as Littlefinger's motivations.

Yep, exactly. In the books
Littlefinger already holds all the cards he needs to displace the Boltons and put Sansa in Winterfell with exactly the same unified North/Vale/Riverlands coalition that broke the Targaryens under his control
. I absolutely see this plotline as a drastically accelerated way to get to where the books are already going.
Yep, exactly. In the books
Littlefinger already holds all the cards he needs to displace the Boltons and put Sansa in Winterfell with exactly the same unified North/Vale/Riverlands coalition that broke the Targaryens under his control
. I absolutely see this plotline as a drastically accelerated way to get to where the books are already going.

Totally agreed. I just think its gonna be house of horrors actually getting there.
Totally agreed. I just think its gonna be house of horrors actually getting there.

I'm just curious to see how the show ends up dealing with
Davos, Osha, and Rickon, if the Great Northern Conspiracy is now being centered around Littlefinger and Sansa instead of Wyman Manderley
. I think it's really important that the books
separate Stannis from both Davos and Melisandre
and the show needs to devise a similar way to make that happen.

That, and wrangling the whole
Sansa is obviously Sansa, revealing her as Sansa and marrying her to Ramsay gets the Boltons in huge trouble with the Lannisters, who are their greatest political sponsors, keeping her hidden (assuming that's even possible) removes all their incentives to marry her in order to lock up the North - there are reasons why a fake Stark works better for them than a real Stark, given that the Lannisters show a history (see also the Reynes of Castamere) of completely fucking ending entire families that fuck with them
Really curious about Davos as well. Do they let US think he's dead along with Stannis, or just allow Stannis to think so? Or is that plotline even necessary at this point?

One last thing that just occurred to me from this quote in the Polygon review:
"Stannis gives a monologue in the fourth episode that does more to humanize the character than the entirety of the series up to this point."

I know we think it's something else, but I realllllly hope this is our beloved "Cart before the horse" speech.
Really curious about Davos as well. Do they let US think he's dead along with Stannis, or just allow Stannis to think so? Or is that plotline even necessary at this point?

I don't think that's necessary at all, honestly.

I *do* expect, in the books AND in the show (this is just speculation but it's backed up somewhat by show leaks and TWOW chapters):

A military victory for Stannis against the Bolton/Karstark/Frey forces, possibly aided by other Northerners turning against them

The murder of the Boltons, Freys, and Karstarks at Winterfell by the other Northerners

Stannis's death, orchestrated somehow by Littlefinger probably

Sansa coming back into the open as basically Queen in the North over the North, Riverlands, and Vale

Tommen's death somehow, launching a succession war among the Southron kingdoms with no heir apparent at all anymore

...which might quite possibly be about the Lannisters, Tyrells, and Martells putting forward Cersei, Margaery, and Myrcella as the Three Queens, and all three of those families go for each other's throats while leaving the North largely alone
I don't think that's necessary at all, honestly.

I *do* expect, in the books AND in the show (this is just speculation but it's backed up somewhat by show leaks and TWOW chapters):

A military victory for Stannis against the Bolton/Karstark/Frey forces, possibly aided by other Northerners turning against them

The murder of the Boltons, Freys, and Karstarks at Winterfell by the other Northerners

Stannis's death, orchestrated somehow by Littlefinger probably

Sansa coming back into the open as basically Queen in the North over the North, Riverlands, and Vale

Tommen's death somehow, launching a succession war among the Southron kingdoms with no heir apparent at all anymore

...which might quite possibly be about the Lannisters, Tyrells, and Martells putting forward Cersei, Margaery, and Myrcella as the Three Queens, and all three of those families go for each other's throats while leaving the North largely alone

....while leaving the North largely alone
with no Stannis & only Sansa to protect or rally them against the Others.
....while leaving the North largely alone
with no Stannis & only Sansa to protect or rally them against the Others.

Yup, exactly. I really, really think that that situation's going to get worse and worse and worse only to be solved basically at the last minute. That's basically just a continuation of existing themes.


Given the current state of affairs, I have a new suggestion for the OT title:

Game of Thrones Season 5 |OT| Reek, warm her up



Sue the Fury confirmed that Stannis' monologue
is with Shireen. I bet it's a "Daddy's going to war" speech. Maybe we'll see him showing emotions for the first time, and that kind of conversation usually makes me think that one of the characters is going to die soon. I hope that's not the case this time :(
Sue the Fury confirmed that Stannis' monologue
is with Shireen. I bet it's a "Daddy's going to war" speech. Maybe we'll see him showing emotions for the first time, and that kind of conversation usually makes me think that one of the characters is going to die soon. I hope that's not the case this time :(

I hope it's a play on
It is not a question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert's heir. That is law. After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son. I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother.


Man-at-Arms builds Arya's Needle

Neat vid.

Anyway, wonder how are we gonna handle OTs now, with the show spoiling book readers now. You get spoiled! And you get spoiled! Everyone gets spoiled!

Maybe I'll just go to the non-readers thread LOL, you people sure love spoiling the show for yourself.
Given the current state of affairs, I have a new suggestion for the OT title:

Game of Thrones Season 5 |OT| Reek, warm her up

Deleting the current OT work so it's just that title and pic!

Sadly, we don't have space for a subtitle with the spoiler naming. There have been some great suggestions, wish we had the space.


Deleting the current OT work so it's just that title and pic!

Sadly, we don't have space for a subtitle with the spoiler naming. There have been some great suggestions, wish we had the space.

Be sure to let people know to mark any spoilers for upcoming TV-only stuff. :p Way too much of that shit happened in the previous thread, ruining any change or surprise. Peeps were posting links to pictures without any warning.
Be sure to let people know to mark any spoilers for upcoming episodes. :p Way too much of that shit happened in the previous thread, ruining any change or surprise. Peeps were posting links to pictures without any warning.
Agreed, the spoilers section has been updated to include show related spoiling.


Really curious about Davos as well. Do they let US think he's dead along with Stannis, or just allow Stannis to think so? Or is that plotline even necessary at this point?

One last thing that just occurred to me from this quote in the Polygon review:

I know we think it's something else, but I realllllly hope this is our beloved "Cart before the horse" speech.

I think Davos just stays with Stannis. They seem to really want to keep Team Dragonstone as a cohesive unit. How they're going to handle their Rickon and Aisha at the Umbers' plot line is the real mystery. I guess Umber could still show up in the later half of season 5 to let people know he has Rickon? Or he could just waltz in in season 6 once the battle is over, let everyone know that Rickon's safe, and everyone will nod and never really talk about it again? I don't know where that's going at all.

Given the current state of affairs, I have a new suggestion for the OT title:

Game of Thrones Season 5 |OT| Reek, warm her up


Taste the spice, Reek. Taste the spice.


Agreed, the spoilers section has been updated to include show related spoiling.

And please, make some HUGE warnings in the OP of the next thread to make sure that non-readers don't go there and get spoiled. Same thing for the NO BOOK thread so that readers don't post there thinking they are in the book one.


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm pretty sure Osha's actor has denied any involvement this season.

My best guesses based on what we know:

King's Landing:
Cersei's walk appears to be in the finale, so there's not much room for spoilers here. I think you're pretty safe here unless they restructure something pretty heavily in the last few episodes. There's some concern that after doing the Maggy prophecy they'll want to rush to Tommen's death, and will maybe spoil that.

The Wall:
You'll see Hardhome up close, so there may be some reveals about the Others there. Other than that, given that Hardhome is in episode 8, it seems like they'll be rushing just to get to For the Watch in the finale. They may add additional deaths to For the Watch, or they may add an extra shot to show Jon being resurrected or wargimg into Ghost.

Daznak is in 9, so there's not much room toove into spoilers. All signs point to the Battle of Meereen being cut entirely, so there will be some spoilers in that anyone still alive at the end of the season can be reasonably assumed to survive the battle, even if they don't actually show the battle to spoil it. Also, after glossing over the battle, the season will probably end with Dany setting out for Westeros or something, which will kind of spoil where everyone's going post-Battle.

Mercy is happening, and I wouldn't be surprised if we get some indication about what her next assassination assignment will be in Winds.

Complete rewrite. Doubt we can glean much from this.

Complete rewrite.

Complete rewrite.

Complete rewrite.

Iron Islands:
Best case scenario is this plot will play out off-screen, in which case we may be able to figure out how important some things are just by what they decide to tell us. If we learn that Euron took the Islands unopposed, then I feel pretty safe thinking that Vic and Aeron probably aren't going to amount to much. If they go to the effort of still having Yara meet up with Stannis, then something important must happen there. If they send her to Meereen in pace of Vic, then something important must happen there. If they leave out the Greyjoys altogether, then I'm just baffled.

I think this is where your greatest risk is. We know that Stannis definitely has a battle this season, and they may be willing to spoil the battle by the ice lakes. My gut is telling me they won't, and they're actually going to mirror the book's structure and show the lead up to the battle, then cut to Jon learning the results, and then show what actually happened at the start of next season, but there's definitely high risk here.

Thanks for the analysis bro. Seems like I should be safe watching this season. Next season though...
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