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VGLeaks: Durango GPU detailed


Nice MS, I hope Sony really gives it to you this time for being cheap bastards. Will probably buy a PS4 first for sure now.
The idea of Microsoft purposely gimping their GPU to give multiplat engines like UE4, Cryengine 3, and Frostbite 2.0 an edge on Orbis would be hilarious if true.

You have to remember that we are not representative of the vast majority of consumers. Most 'normal' people really don't care if a game runs at 720p on one console vs 1080p on another, or any of the other things that regularly get brought up on head to head articles on Eurogamer.

All the general public care about is games at the end of the day, if MS have a new Halo, timed exclusive MP content for the new Call of Duty and a couple of new IP's then the 720 is guaranteed to sell in massive numbers, esp in America, even more so if these hardware decisions have led to MS being able to price the console $50 cheaper than PS4.


Something's gotta give.

If these specs are true, MS is gonna deliver a cheaper system. They have to.

And no, Kinect 2.0 won't be built in and rise the price by 100$ alone. Sony also has dual cameras and the whole kitchen sink. Both will have multiple skus. But MS will have to deliver a cheaper baseline sku.

I believe people are saying the Kinect camera would be bundled in, not physically built into the case of the system.


AFAIK we know nothing about Sony's plans for Gaikai. They could be planing the same thing.

And also, if you have a console that has Cloud co-processing you are basically saying "fuck you" to all those people whose consoles aren't connected to the Internet.

That's why they're introducing it later in the cycle. The majority of Durango users will be connected, so this would be targeting them. For the others, games would still run incredibly well, but for those who are connected, more resources could be allocated elsewhere. Similar to the HDD with Xbox 360, I'd assume that generally games would be designed independently of that technology and it wouldn't be a base requirement.


Something's gotta give.

If these specs are true, MS is gonna deliver a cheaper system. They have to.

And no, Kinect 2.0 won't be built in and rise the price by 100$ alone. Sony also has dual cameras and the whole kitchen sink. Both will have multiple skus. But MS will have to deliver a cheaper baseline sku.

Either that or sell for the same price and try to lose less per unit than Sony.
So is this a full confirmation of Sony going full-steam ahead in trying to CLEARY separate the power differences between the Orbis and Durango


You have to remember that we are not representative of the vast majority of consumers. Most 'normal' people really don't care if a game runs at 720p on one console vs 1080p on another, or any of the other things that regularly get brought up on head to head articles on Eurogamer.

All the general public care about is games at the end of the day, if MS have a new Halo, timed exclusive MP content for the new Call of Duty and a couple of new IP's then the 720 is guaranteed to sell in massive numbers, esp in America, even more so if these hardware decisions have led to MS being able to price the console $50 cheaper than PS4.

I think consumers will eventually take notice to a gimped system in comparison to Sony. Not all the media capabilities in the world would make up for it.
Can you imagine a console that is 100-150$ cheaper running the SAME CoD2014??? Game over man... game over.

I think consumers will eventually take notice to a gimped system in comparison to Sony. Not all the media capabilities in the world would make up for it.

Errr... no.
You have to remember that we are not representative of the vast majority of consumers. Most 'normal' people really don't care if a game runs at 720p on one console vs 1080p on another, or any of the other things that regularly get brought up on head to head articles on Eurogamer.

All the general public care about is games at the end of the day, if MS have a new Halo, timed exclusive MP content for the new Call of Duty and a couple of new IP's then the 720 is guaranteed to sell in massive numbers, esp in America, even more so if these hardware decisions have led to MS being able to price the console $50 cheaper than PS4.

Yeah but the PS3 gets a lot of stick in the press because of worse graphics, lower/stuttering framerates, not everyone cares about numbers no, but if both consoles launch close, with similar prices and one looks and plays better/more fluid than the other then its a no brainer.

I am really surprised PS4 seems to end with more powerful GPU. I was certain just a couple months ago PS4 would go for the cheaper competitor model with just enough power to get multiplats running good enough. Interesting to see how this setup will work for both companies.


Junior Member
Quite surprise people still thinking there won't be Kinect pack-in.

I'm very very sure it will be, but dunno if it will be every package. If MS do really want it as standard alternate controller which it is best ideal to put every package.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Checking some of the numbers more closely - the registers, caches, local memories etc. - it all matches up with regular GCN.

The VG Leaks article also describes why aegies was saying tessellated models might be more of an issue on Durango - because of compressed depth data, I guess - but every GPU now compresses depth and color buffers, right? So Durango would not be unusual in that respect.

I get the impression some of the people who had access to this information before it was public read it as if all the low level details and caveats - positive and negative - were somehow distinct to Durango's GPU.


So is this a full confirmation of Sony going full-steam ahead in trying to CLEARY separate the power differences between the Orbis and Durango

Nothing is confirmed yet. But if it is more powerful it's up to Sony to be able to actually show the difference to the casual who usually doesn't give a shit or can't tell the difference.
I believe people are saying the Kinect camera would be bundled in, not physically built into the case of the system.

Some are saying built in.

Also, unless MS is demanding devs to include Kinect features in all their games, then it doesn't make sense to pack it in with every system.

It's also worth considering that if the most expensive "add on" you could have on Xbox is Kinect, how would multiple Skus work? Extra space in the HDD?

Doubt it.


Yeah it seems like Orbis will be more gamer focused but obviously that may not work out for them in the long run if they can't match the non gaming features Durango will have. As much as that makes a lot of us cringe they pretty much have to do it now.

I think it's becoming a lot safer to say that Sony's 1st parties will be a step ahead yet again though. Specs don't lie.

Yeah it's almost weird that Sony would try again to go for the more powerful console, given how history has proven that the general public doesn't give a rat's ass about power.
I guess they realized they can't win on the media device aspect against Microsoft, and are trying to go for what they can do best, be a great game console with great games.
I expect obviously Orbis to have Netflix, facebook and all the shenanigans, but not at the level Durango will deliver.

I think in a way, it's almost safer to compete as a game centric console, as the "living room media device" space seems to be a spot A LOT of people are aiming for, including Apple and Valve.
We'll see.


At this point, it would be perhaps be more prudent to await actual games to be shown before condemning the GPU. Developers like Bungie, 343 and other major third parties will leverage all that the performance it has to offer. And perhaps by the end of the generation, we may scarcely be able to believe what is possible on a GPU based off of 7770.

MS will buy Quantic Dream and kill the deal between them and Sony who funded Beyond??? :D

Haha! I knew that someone may make that reference.
That's why they're introducing it later in the cycle. The majority of Durango users will be connected, so this would be targeting them. For the others, games would still run incredibly well, but for those who are connected, more resources could be allocated elsewhere. Similar to the HDD with Xbox 360, I'd assume that generally games would be designed independently of that technology and it wouldn't be a base requirement.
I can see it now, make your games look as good as the competition, only on Gold subscriptions.


So is this a full confirmation of Sony going full-steam ahead in trying to CLEARY separate the power differences between the Orbis and Durango

If they put 8gigs of stacked ram [or 16 GDDR5 chips in clamshell mode], then they will CLEARLY have better machine.
Oh come on, even my gaming laptop from a year ago runs pretty all games smoothly at 1080p with decent settings.

As much as this is true, it won't stop developers from keeping 720p as minimum threshold. There will be games that will be graphically exceeding the console's capacity, and you will see them reduce resolution.
I wonder if Epic will again persuade MS to double the Ram just before launch...

16GB INC ;).

At 8GB they would be using 16x 4Gbit chips, 8 connected to each channel. There are no viable 8Gbit chips right now to have 16GB of RAM in a dual channel configuration. To go 16GB and make it useful they would have to re-engineer the APU for quad channel memory. That would be a very expensive and delay inducing change.

Sony have the same problem, there are no 4Gbit GDDR5 chips to bump up their RAM from 4GB to 6 or 8GB and maintain a cheap dual channel architecture.
Have people been living under a rock? MS has never been about graphics, they are pushing the next xbox to be an entertainment hub with surface and kinect etc
sony's about to announce a console at playstation event. All rumours point to a very powerful and developer friendly device.
Meanwhile the specs of the main competitor are considered disappointing and gimped.
I have a feeling of deja-vu...
Checking some of the numbers more closely - the registers, caches, local memories etc. - it all matches up with regular GCN.

The VG Leaks article also describes why aegies was saying tessellated models might be more of an issue on Durango - because of compressed depth data, I guess - but every GPU now compresses depth and color buffers, right? So Durango would not be unusual in that respect.

I get the impression some of the people who had access to this information before it was public read it as if all the low level details and caveats - positive and negative - were somehow distinct to Durango's GPU.

Yeah, these diagrams were "leaked" yesterday, and I said exactly that. It's GCN in design and not GCN2 like the overly optimistic posters in these forums.


CPU - Identical
GPU - Orbis > Durango
Memory - It's just different, no clear winner

Overall Orbis looks more developer friendly and powerful, but it might not have the media features of Durango (DVR etc...).

Memory is better on PS4. So it looks like Sony are the definite winner here for me, now hopefully they continue to offer free online, great PSN+ content, improve the OS like how the Vita is and continue to bring in the great exclusives. I can buy a PS4 without having 2nd thoughts. Unless MS come out with some great exclusive that surprise me, or Sony fuck up by charging much more than Durango.
Have people been living under a rock? MS has never been about graphics, they are pushing the next xbox to be an entertainment hub with surface and kinect etc
That's a mistake though, people consume their media through other means and have done for years, people already have Smart TVs, streaming boxes like roku/wdtv live, media centre, XBMC, Plex, Android devices, IOS Devices, Tablets, etc..

Why would I buy a games console that at least for the moment looks far weaker than the competitions console just so I can have all that media on one box.

Most people buy a games console......to......um...........play games.
Well of course they are. Why wouldn't they be? At the very least, their marketing teams are going into overdrive to compensate for the negativity raised and I'm positive that their engineering teams have been tasked with addressing these shortcomings in any way possible in alignment with the budget and technology they've got. They're obviously not just sitting there and doing nothing.

What negativity?

Microsoft isn't sweating a few hardcore gaming forums opinions about two unannounced and unreleased consoles. The only thing Microsoft is working on is probably shutting down these leaks. They are definitely not in "panic"mode, and are going to change their business plan on whim.
So much doom & gloom.

This year is going to get crazy son.

It's amazing that people are already complaining and declaring what console they are going to buy just because one system has '1.2 Tflops' and the other has '1.8 Tflops', absolutely crazy imo.

Wait until we see the systems, the price, the companies marketing direction and most importantly the games.

I like reading about the tech as much as the next nerd but already deciding which console you want without seeing any of the games, just based on rumoured numbers is pretty unbelievable to me.
That should produce great results in a console environment.

Are you sure that a console environment will have a major impact? Do Xbox 360 and PS3 perform significantly better than a PC with a triple core processor and a video card with 250+ GFLOPS as well as a unified shader architecture running games at console equivalent settings (720p, or lower display resolution and low/medium settings without high resolution textures)?
You have to remember that we are not representative of the vast majorityrity of consumers. Most 'normal' people really don't care if a game runs at 720p on one console vs 1080p on another, or any of the other things that regularly get brought up on head to head articles on Eurogamer.

All the general public care about is games at the end of the day, if MS have a new Halo, timed exclusive MP content for the new Call of Duty and a couple of new IP's then the 720 is guaranteed to sell in massive numbers, esp in America, even more so if these hardware decisions have led to MS being able to price the console $50 cheaper than PS4.

And services.

I believe the "non-gaming" features some people on this board lament will play an important role for Microsoft and Sony. Both companies will market their systems as feature packed and I do not understand why Sony gets a pass.

Heck, the PS3's tagline is "it only does everything."


sony's about to announce a console at playstation event. All rumours point to a very powerful and developer friendly device.
Meanwhile the specs of the main competitor are considered disappointing and gimped.
I have a feeling of deja-vu...

Deja-Vu, explain?
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