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WB offering full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight on PC till the end of the year


Still nothing from Nuuvem, but given this exchange i've seen on Reddit:

I don't know if we should expect anything good.

4 months old, but i figure their policy is probably the same.
I feel bad for everyone with a bad experience, as I'm about 8 hrs in without a single crash, glitch or error with very smooth framerates and all effects maxed at 1080p. Loving the game tbh
So GMG is offering AK refund now?

Going to put in a support ticket. I have to say I never imagined the game would end up like this when it was announced. I was soooooo excited for it.


Well I got the game through an Nvidia promotion so I'm stuck with it, though I will say it's running adequately on my 980 ti but it should not require a 980 ti to get 60 fps at 1080p, and yes the stutters still there. What an embarrassment. Am I foolish for holding out hope for further patches? Cuz I am still holding some hope, and I really don't know why.


Well I got the game through an Nvidia promotion so I'm stuck with it, though I will say it's running adequately on my 980 ti but it should not require a 980 ti to get 60 fps at 1080p, and yes the stutters still there. What an embarrassment. Am I foolish for holding out hope for further patches? Cuz I am still holding some hope, and I really don't know why.

I'm on a 970 and can't even run it at 30 without constant stutters and freezes, with all the nvidia shit turned off, too.


I'm on a 970 and can't even run it at 30 without constant stutters and freezes, with all the nvidia shit turned off, too.

Jesus dude, that's a bummer man I hate it for you :(. This shit has been such a colossal fuck up, and unfortunately it probably won't be fixed. I wonder if some brave soul out there can figure out the problem and do a fan made patch, but if IG couldn't fix it in 3 months I'd say probably not.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm on a 970 and can't even run it at 30 without constant stutters and freezes, with all the nvidia shit turned off, too.

CPU? I'm using a 970 and I still haven't tried it, and if that's as good as it gets I never will. To be fair I only paid £8 for it on a whim in case it got fixed. 60fps without dips or it's just not worth my time honestly, I have other games in my backlog that arn't broken.


Got my copy with a 970. NCIX wouldn't budge when Steam pulled it from the store. Should have bought the rest of my PC from Newegg.

Welp, might as well play it now as it's not going to get any better.
CPU? I'm using a 970 and I still haven't tried it, and if that's as good as it gets I never will. To be fair I only paid £8 for it on a whim in case it got fixed. 60fps without dips or it's just not worth my time honestly, I have other games in my backlog that arn't broken.

This was a while ago, but I got 45-60 fps out in the city and 60 indoors on a 970 with intermittent stuttering when driving around — not really acceptable, but I played through the game OK without it getting in teh way for me. Based on accounts, it's seemingly random what your experience might be, so I'd say at least give it a try.


Got my copy with a 970. NCIX wouldn't budge when Steam pulled it from the store. Should have bought the rest of my PC from Newegg.

Welp, might as well play it now as it's not going to get any better.
Wait, how does that even work? Didn't you essentially get the game for free with the gpu?


What's with all these GPU buyers that essentially got the game for free wanting a refund/game swap?

I'm seeing it everywhere and I don't quite understand the train of thought going on here. You bought a GPU, and you got a GPU. The game(s) were just incentives for buying it. :S
What's with all these GPU buyers that essentially got the game for free wanting a refund/game swap?

I'm seeing it everywhere and I don't quite understand the train of thought going on here. You bought a GPU, and you got a GPU. The game(s) were just incentives for buying it. :S

A lot of people made the purchase with the included game in mind, meaning they are making the purchase for the game and the card. Many got the specifically for this game too, and still wanted a game that worked properly as part of the promotion.

I received MGSV from NewEgg to make up for AK's port.


What's with all these GPU buyers that essentially got the game for free wanting a refund/game swap?

I'm seeing it everywhere and I don't quite understand the train of thought going on here. You bought a GPU, and you got a GPU. The game(s) were just incentives for buying it. :S

if i knew the game was going to be such a train wreck i would have waited until another game took its place in the offer, since they're pretty much always changing. i just got unlucky enough to have ordered in between the witcher and mgs.


What's with all these GPU buyers that essentially got the game for free wanting a refund/game swap?

I'm seeing it everywhere and I don't quite understand the train of thought going on here. You bought a GPU, and you got a GPU. The game(s) were just incentives for buying it. :S

Part of the reason I bought my card was because it came with both Witcher 3 and Arkham Knight as I assumed that both of those ports were going to be excellent. If it wasn't for that promotion I would of waited on a sale for the card. Guess which of those ports was the good one..... it's fine though. I, like the poster above me, ended up getting MGSV for free from Newegg due to the Arkham Knight fiasco so it all worked out, but you need to keep in mind that these codes really aren't "free." The vendors purchase these codes from the publishers in bulk and factor it into the price of high end cards, so at the end of the day the cost of that code still plays into the price that you pay for the card. If there is no code for the card, then it generally ends up around 50 to a 100 bucks cheaper, so yes those of us who got the code for "free" from a GPU purchase still have every right to be annoyed at the fact that one of the reasons we bought our card turned out to be a flaming pile of shit. If you bought a car because you loved it's V8 engine and it came with a bonus pine air freshener, then you'd be pretty pissed if you got the pine air freshener in the mail and it smelled like cat piss. :p
What's with all these GPU buyers that essentially got the game for free wanting a refund/game swap?

I'm seeing it everywhere and I don't quite understand the train of thought going on here. You bought a GPU, and you got a GPU. The game(s) were just incentives for buying it. :S

It's simple, I wouldn't have bought the card if it hadn't come with the code. Period.

I got a $60 credit from Amazon months ago though.
It's simple, I wouldn't have bought the card if it hadn't come with the code. Period.

I got a $60 credit from Amazon months ago though.

You would haven't purchased that card..at all...if it didn't have the game?

Surely the card was more expensive than the game. Why didn't you just buy the game by itself if you didn't need/want the card?

I got the game for free with my Nvidia card, would be sweet if I could swap it for the MGSV promo they were doing.

Same here, and Newegg gave me MGS5. However, this was months ago. Not sure if they're still doing that now.


Hmmm, to be maximum scumbag and wait until that last DLC for Arkham Knight comes out to get a refund, or just get it now....so much money on the table. >_<


You would haven't purchased that card..at all...if it didn't have the game?

Surely the card was more expensive than the game. Why didn't you just buy the game by itself if you didn't need/want the card?

Same here, and Newegg gave me MGS5. However, this was months ago. Not sure if they're still doing that now.
Exactly. Just people looking for free shit imo.


You would haven't purchased that card..at all...if it didn't have the game?

Surely the card was more expensive than the game. Why didn't you just buy the game by itself if you didn't need/want the card?
Included it when considering the value of video cards. I didn't buy it solely for the promotion but it did push me away from buying a less expensive GPU.

What's with all these GPU buyers that essentially got the game for free wanting a refund/game swap?

Newegg did a nice gesture for its customers and I checked if my retailer would do anything similar. They didn't. No big deal.


I went ahead and threw several hours at this game with the 980 ti at G1 Gigabyte factory clock to see what type of performance metrics I came up against in order to add some more information here for other potential buyers. CPU is an i7 3820, 16gb 1600mhz DDR3, game's running on a 7200 rpm HDD and like I said the card's a G1 980 ti. In a nutshell I got about an average of 58 frames per second over the course of 4 hours at 1080p and max settings. Minimum frame rate was 29, (!?!?), fps lock was at 60, and stutters and frame drops happened literally on every glide, drive, or flight period. I will say that the game ran a beautiful 60 fps on max settings indoors with literally no drops or stutters at all, so the problems seem to be isolated to the constant outdoor weather effects and periods of gliding. Over all I'd say the game was extremely playable and looked very gorgeous, but considering what kind of system I'm running the results are disappointing to say the least. If I had a 1440p monitor it would probably be running terribly, and on a console port that's disgusting. Over all I'd have to say that, based on my personally favorable but objectively disappointing experience with a 980 ti and an i7 quad core, I'd recommend skipping this if your rig isn't running a 980 or above, an i7, and of course WB claims you need 12 gb of ram for the game to run properly for some fucking ridiculous reason. Hope the metrics are helpful to someone. God what a fucking disaster this game turned out to be, sorry to all the people who got 970's for this game, I really recommend that you contact your seller and try to get a different code if you haven't already; I did it with Newegg and got MGSV extremely easily.


Jesus dude, that's a bummer man I hate it for you :(. This shit has been such a colossal fuck up, and unfortunately it probably won't be fixed. I wonder if some brave soul out there can figure out the problem and do a fan made patch, but if IG couldn't fix it in 3 months I'd say probably not.
Yeah at this point i'll just pretend some WB guy broke into my house and stole my money, lol.
I don't expect them to ever fix it, and i'll just eat the loss; live and learn.
(assuming Nuuvem won't refund me, but that's unlikely).

CPU? I'm using a 970 and I still haven't tried it, and if that's as good as it gets I never will. To be fair I only paid £8 for it on a whim in case it got fixed. 60fps without dips or it's just not worth my time honestly, I have other games in my backlog that arn't broken.
stock i5 2500k.
Not exactly a beast, but not so bad that it can't run a game like this at 30fps without stuttering to unplayable levels.

Also forgot to mention, sometimes the audio would just go out for 10 seconds or so.
And yeah, i was playing at 1080p (incidentally, trying to supersample even at 1440p didn't change all that much at all).

I should also point out, that the ingame benchmark works fine, it's the game itself that doesn't.


Has anyone tried to get a refund for a nvidia promo code through valve? Im curious if it actually works. Its a steam key after all.


What's with all these GPU buyers that essentially got the game for free wanting a refund/game swap?

I'm seeing it everywhere and I don't quite understand the train of thought going on here. You bought a GPU, and you got a GPU. The game(s) were just incentives for buying it. :S

I don't understand the train of thought that we should be stuck with a broken game, when it was a factor in our decision to purchase a $200-$650 GPU. We were misled into believing the game would run fine, just like everyone else, and we've been stuck with a dud unlike everyone else.

If you bought a piece of gaming hardware where the pack in game barely functioned, you wouldn't want an exchange? I'm sure you would, as would anyone else that feels NVIDIA buyers should be screwed.
how the hell they can say that there are errors they cant fix??? in the patch / dlc era???

What the fuck Rocksteady, what the fuck.

Even Driveclub was a fucking mess and Evolution via patches made it one of the finest racers of current gen.

WB should give more than just refunds, this is a complete disaster.

I didn't have Driveclub at launch but from what I know of it was hardly "a fucking mess", especially in relation to Arkham Knight on PC. Performance was fine, all the tour mode stuff was there, it was just online issues.


Game started running OK for me too (I didn't even change anything, nor there was a patch - so hoping it lasts).

i7 3960x @ 3.8 Ghz, 16GB DDR3, GTX 970

It stays at 60 fps with GPU usage around 80%. (1920x1200 resolution, everything gameworks off)

But lag spikes are still and there's big drops (500ms+ frames) every now and then, it still playable.

Seems like game could be failing to stream textures and/or other data in time,
and instead of having texture pop-in later it simply waits until it's ready.

I should also point out, that the ingame benchmark works fine, it's the game itself that doesn't.

Benchmark was working day-one too. The only thing that worked properly.

Has anyone tried to get a refund for a nvidia promo code through valve? Im curious if it actually works. Its a steam key after all.

Only games bought from steam store, otherwise you must go via key seller.
Exactly. Just people looking for free shit imo.

Now that has to be intentionally acting dumb. If the deals didn't have any effect on people they wouldn't bother paying to get the codes in. The games broken beyond repair but of course people just want free shit right?

You're just trying to create a narrative where there isn't one. Look at how far WB has had to go to try and repair this and question again if people just want free shit. This is the result of a completely botched product so yes they want a better offer than sit tight and hope it one day works to some extent.


Anyone got a response back from GreenManGaming? I wrote them about the Arkham Knight refund a day ago. But there has been no response from their support person. Did they say that on Facebook just to get positive PR, or does it take a long time for the support team to respond?


Anyone got a response back from GreenManGaming? I wrote them about the Arkham Knight refund a day ago. But there has been no response from their support person. Did they say that on Facebook just to get positive PR, or does it take a long time for the support team to respond?

I opened a GMM ticket and got a refund.


Anyone got a response back from GreenManGaming? I wrote them about the Arkham Knight refund a day ago. But there has been no response from their support person. Did they say that on Facebook just to get positive PR, or does it take a long time for the support team to respond?

That's what I'm wondering, over a day and no response.


I decided to play the game having set everything to Low, I kept screen size to 1080p, AA on and Vsync on.
Runs between 20-30 FPS but I can still play fine oddly enough.

Can I still get a refund on the Season Pass if I've played the game to completion (but not 100% it)?


I thought it was interesting that the game got pulled from my Steam library when GMG gave my refund. It took a bit, but I think it was last week when it happened. I just didn't know that mechanism was in place.

Good for them.. but it wasn't going to get used anyways. Sadly I already bought the PS4 version.


i just got all the arkham games on my steam library!!. i got AK when i purchased an nvidia card, this is awesome!


Should've seen this coming when Arkham City had numerous issues on PC.

Unreal Engine 3 does not do open world well at all.


Is there anyone in Canada who got their free batman game through NCIX got any compensation like a free game? I heard Newegg Canada was giving free games like MGSV.


I honestly can't believe they didn't make the other arkham games as giftable copies. I already had all the Arkham Games, so I got squat.
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