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We are coming up to the 100,000,000th post on GAF

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According to the home page, GAFers have made well over 99 million posts on this forum. I've seen some "What's your favorite GAF thread" topics, but in this topic we'll discuss our 1 favorite post.

Mine has to be this one

muppet345 said:
Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXIII for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and cancel FFXIII for 360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.

Also: Which GAFer has contributed the most amount of posts towards the 100 million mark? We obsess with quality posts, but the quantity champion deserves recognition too.


I love arbitrary statistics.

My cat is named after the number of times I peed on the day I adopted him.

Good ole Seven.

The Flash

I love arbitrary statistics.

My cat is named after the number of times I peed on the day I adopted him.

Good ole Seven.



Another good one.
This turns my stomach. Just flat out the most offensive game I've ever seen.

I can name family members that died in this conflict, wept at the pictures and accounts of the dead and maimed that experienced this hell, was taught all the horrors of it from primary school, through my whole life, it's only ever been a symbol of the folly of war, the worst, most black and shameful era of British and European history. I've been to the actual battlefields and mass graves across Europe, held the minutes silence without fail every rememberence day my entire life, for as long as I could understand the meaning of it.

There was no glory in this war. No thrilling action or daring do, no heroes and villains, this was mass murder, a scar on the history of our species, and every single person involved in it was a victim.

This trailer, the entire concept of this game, makes me feel physically sick, and just so fucking angry.

How fucking dare anyone make a game like this about the First World War.

I don't know what's worse, the sick fucking emotionless, greedy cunts that would seriously exploit this horror of an industrialised massacre, or the ignorant, soulless bastards that will give them money and enjoy it.

Anyone involved in this, or seriously think of buying this, should be ashamed of themselves.
I got myself some Manicotti, a quart of Ministrone, a whole damn loaf of bread and I'm washing it down with the sweet satisfaction that everyone can suck my dick because I'm eating Italian FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOd

Post your dinner, cause it's not better than mine.

Neogaf, let me tell you right now that I love Chick Fil A.

Does this post matter? Probably not, but Neogaf cares to count it as one.


I hope it is a really anticlimactic post. Like somebody talking about Pokemon Sun & Moon.

I kid. But seriously, what is there to speculate about those games...


The classic:

Alright, I'm sick and tired of this.

But this isn't for you, not any of the gossipy muckety muck gutter****ing cock jockeys who can't mind their own business and thrive on people's controversies when they've done nothing to deserve them.

Whoever brought this out, I'll let you have your satisfaction: whatever you tried to do, you succeeded royally at messing up my real life. Go ahead and smile or whatever it is inhuman jackasses like you do. It won't change the fact that I know exactly who I am and I don't really care if anyone else doubts it. It matters not one bit when nothing changes for the reality of me: one Japanese guy living in Japan.

That's the last thing I have to say the GA Forum.


But this.

This is for you.

I know you're reading this. I also know you can understand this. I still don't know how you got all this information, but I'll find out. I admit I don't know how someone could be so damn screwy in the head to go through all the effort you've gone through, especially over me.

But that doesn't change the fact that on top of that, I know who you are now. Yeah, go ahead and shake your head like I'm bluffing. You know in the depths of your nasty, mean little heart that I'm telling the truth.

You'll find out soon enough what the consequences are for doing what you've done to me over the past year and a half.

There's going to be no more fear, and no more harassment, at least not on my side. I'm going to live normally again no matter what you do.

I'd just like to let you know that's nothing changed in the last ten years. Oh yes. I've grown up and gone to live in the US and come back here and all that, but I'm still just as violent and cruel as you remember. If anything, I've only gotten stronger.

If you do one more thing to me...know this: no one will be able to hear you scream. And I won't make it quick.

And if you think you can use this for evidence, well you know now that what used to be your strength is now your weakness: no one will be able to track it to the real me.


I always wonder if he managed to murder his arch enemy.
Ok, GAF, you got AngelSoldier.

This will be my final post under this guise, this IP Address, and on this forum.

For 12 years I have browsed and utilized the web. It is a dangerous place, no doubt, I mean we hear about a new hacking scandal damn near everyday. In all this time, I have gone through about 23 different persona's, and I must admit that this is the first time it has come back to bite me. In the end nothing changes, GAF will go on, I will go on, my identity remains unknown, the whole thing works out for me.

I never could understand the idea of throwing your real self out on the net anyways, FaceBook, Myspace, Social networking sites in general, never used em'. But my mistake with AngelSoldier was forums. GAF in specific immediately try's to take away a layer of protection by demanding a non-free Email, luckily I asked a friend to use his. Ah wells, that should get me a permanent ban right there, hopefully. A valuable lesson ! But that's ok, one doesn't need to "talk" about games to enjoy them.

You know, when I first found GAF I had never intended to post. I was just amazed at how often GAF had news before some of the major Video Game websites. Something got the better of me, and I felt like being social. Ah wells, never again, or perhaps again only much more tight lipped.

Anywho, I apologize for nothing. Nobody was hurt, lessons were learned, time was wasted. I Regret nothing, some talks were fun, some trolling was fun, and some posts on GAF were absolutely hilarious to read. All in all, GAF was fun, but nothing I'll miss. If I want, I'll just proxy my way here now and then, to go over some OT's and browse some news.

And now, you are left to wonder how many others wander the net, or GAF in specific, spewing all kinds of bullshit about who or what they are. The numbers are dizzying I imagine.

I will say though, I know for a fact that I am not the only AngelSoldier out there. So don't go hunting them all down, they didn't bother you or GAF for that matter.

One thing though:

AngelicMeteor is actually a persona I stole from an old XBL friend after he changed his GT. So it may not always be me !











[ONI.REF #409871]




>> (...) ~ QUERY RUNNING
>> (..)
>> ()

< RECORD 01/10 [2525:02:03:17:26:41] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S2-05866 >

<\ Shall I ---

\ \\ c0mpare >> (???) ~ COMxxx--- \COMMIT

>> thee to (............>> >

>> \\ --- a summer's day?

< RECORD 02/10 [2525:02:25:03:18:22] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S3-14901 >

\ \ xxx No.

<\ All those lovely days are


\\ \

>> * --xING! COMM\ \\

>> \\ > \ SO.AI.SIF *

< RECORD 03/10 [2525:03:10:19:05:43] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-28458 >

<\ It's winter now.
<\ The first sn0w /his world's ever seen is falling in gG---

\ our fields and orchards.


<\ You&#8217;d laugh if you could see me.
<\ Every time I hit a patch of ice I slide into my own mM---

>> (..)



>> * CONTINUE [Y/N]? >>>>>>> \ *

< RECORD 04/10 [2525:03:15:09:59:21] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S1-00937 >

<\ ---M

< RECORD 05/10 [2525:03:26:12:10:56] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S1-00053 >

<\ ---m

< RECORD 06/10 [2525:04:04:44:15:40] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S2-08206 >

<\ muddy furrows.

< RECORD 07/10 [2525:04:21:05:15:23] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-27631 >

<\ I saw another ship.
<\ Well, heard \

\\ more like it.

<\ JOTUNs&#8217; cameras are meant for steering not \

\ >\ staring at the sky.

<\ But the antennae work alright, so I have plenty of ways to triangulate.
<\ It was one of ours. Bastards stopped burning just long enough to kill it.
<\ They had months to make repairs. Plenty of time t0&#8212;

:: sharpen their teeth.

<\ I tried to warn it off. But radio&#8217;s too damn slow. Would have used the maser, but it went when the reactor blew, along with---

<\ EVERYTHING Else [ :00]


<\ Including him

>> * (&#8230;) ~ SUPPRESSING ERRORS

<\ Guess making noise wasn&#8217;t the smartest thing to do. But I had to try.
<\ Besides, they were bound to catch on sooner or later.
<\ Aw, hell.
<\ Speaking of which . . .

>> (..)
>> ()

< RECORD 08/10 [2525:05:12:23:04:16] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-29003 >

<\ They started with the gondolas and dusters. Don&#8217;t know why.
<\ Probably thought I&#8217;d be hiding in the small ones. But the S4 and S5 plows are the only ones with enough circuits to hold the parts of me I&#8217;ve got left.
<\ Course they&#8217;re onto these now too. Don&#8217;t have more than a few dozen, and they&#8217;re all out in the open. But it&#8217;s a\right

>> Just a few more \ \

> > rows to hoe

> (&#8230;\\ xxx \

< RECORD 09/10 [2525:07:01:18:49:45] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S5-27631 >

<\ I knew just by looking at the strands \

\ that the heart of you was gone.

<\ When the elevators came down, they caught on the Bifrost&#8212;wrapped west across the Ida. Only way that much could have fallen is if the Tiara cut loose.
<\ Is if he was as good a shot as you thought I wasn&#8217;t, way back when.
<\ Anyhow, you&#8217;d think I was crazy, talking to you like this.
<\ But I always worked faster when I thought \ <<

\\>>>> you might be listening.

<\ And I need to find it all. Every inch.
<\ Bury your strands so deep their \\ >

\ \ fires can&#8217;t reach them \


\ and glass them like the rest.

< RECORD 10/10 [2525:10:04:12:23:51] SOURCE.REF#JOTUN-S4-021147 >

<\ Sky&#8217;s choked with ashes \ \, snow&#8217;s
< \ \\ deep 0n frozen ground. The one horse I&#8217;ve got left is cold and hungry--- heading for the barn, and I can&#8217;t stop him.
<\ But this winter won&#8217;t last, darlin&#8217;.

>> * Not forever
>> (&#8230;..\\ . > And when new hands
>> set to tending this earth they&#8217;ll

till my pieces under.

> > Grind them into the veins of g0ld I&#8217;ve laid.

<\ Then the roots of all they plant wi\\
> wind around usS---
<\ US
<\ CLOSE--- \


<\ For an eternal summer that will not fade.



Goodbye, GAF.


I took a double dose about 6 minutes ago and went shopping for sleep accoutrmetes for my fair love of my life.we just had some medium meritals and we are off to behuhuhu the rub hive here two 15 tablets and just pol then and the letter are made of stones and the gray is a grout that twists and turns the letter.

On my way to make the letter the letter t would try to force me to stop entering their mall where the stuff is and the stores put ads o. Your iPad and you can play with them on a screen these big bunnies that got out of order and grew out the glass. Not mean just coming up o. The glass to get organized for the game we were to play,

That's why imposed now on gaf


I gotta go ly dow,


Certified NeoGaf Classics


My fav:

I was literally shaking with anger during that conference. Tears formed in my eyes and my fists were clenched. "Announce something," I shrieked at my computer. My mom knocked on my bedroom door and had to ask if I was ok. Then, they started showing me a bunch of losers playing instruments dressed as Mario and I just turned it off. It was actually unbelievable.

Now, I'm 31 years old and this was, without a doubt, the worst conference I've ever seen in my life. It's clear that Nintendo is not just done with the Wii U but done with the company. There is no recovering from a conference that bad. They'll talk about the NX at next E3, but people will ignore it after remembering Blast Balls.

I loved this company and put my heart and soul into dedicating my gaming life to them. But now, I have nothing. I'm an empty shell.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
OP, the id is in the post: We're at 203kk.

200kk post
100kk post

Most of them are invalid though. I guess new posts are made internally for moving, and obviously there's deleted \ locked posts.. uhm...
One of the best threads is the OP making up a story about a girl, and another GAFFER came in to post saying the OP is a liar, and stop harassing his GF.
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