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Western Animation |OT| Cartoon, Cartoon, Cartoon

Much to the surprise of some of the animation staff, Hasbro's new toy line apparently launches RIGHT NOW on youtube.

Hanazuki: Full of Treasures Episode 01 - A Moonflower is Born


Ride or die, diablo baby.
That first episode was alright. A bit too much minions stuff with the rabbit things, but it's visually interesting and sufficiently weird, and I particularly like the white parts of Hanazuki's hair and dress changing color to match her mood. It's a common concept, but I thought it was integrated into her design well. I noticed that the editing was a bit weird at points, notably when she's first chasing the red rabbit and it seems to fade away then back in as though there was a commercial break.

Judging from previous posts, I'm assuming the baby was originally the main character and was actually Hanazuki's love interest?

FAKE EDIT: Wait, all the episodes are up?! OK, then I guess I'll have more to say later.
Thanks for the mini-review! I live and die to hear honest opinions of the stuff we spent so much time on. I've been anxiously checking the YouTube comments on each video, excited for the best and the worst they will inevitably bring.

I totally agree that the first episode's pacing is a little uneven because it's literally just her monologuing exposition at six squeaking rabbits of a similar timbre, but it flows better once she has other characters to talk to. The fake Patrick Warburton mountain is my favorite.

We (the animation team, far removed from Hasbro) all assumed the episodes would go up in October, but I guess the episodes are being released in batches much earlier. I suppose for a toy-driven show, it makes sense to have the series released ahead of the mechandise, to generate a demand.


Junior Member
We've just had another string of Loud House episode this week. The stand-outs of the lot (in my opinion) were the Spa Day, Sister Fights, & the Lucy episodes (though the Spa Day seems to be the only one made after the Christmas special, hence us seeing the parents' faces in the episode).
Alright, back to Hanazuki.

2 - OK, the stuff with Sleepy Unicorn went in a direction I didn't expect, with him refusing to use magic because his kind's use of magic, including himself, destroyed his world.

3 - Why a recap in this episode? Ha, this show is surprisingly messed up, with the chicken plant eating the yellow hemka and others on screen.

5 - Oh hey, the main plot. Sort of.

6 - OK, now the main plot. I didn't expect the baby to get more involved.

7 - I notice that the views were going down as the episodes went on, as they do, but they shot up again for this. People really love evil counterparts. Though Kiazuki is really just impatient and grumpy. I'm surprised she and Hanazuki haven't come into conflict yet.

8 - Oh, Kiazuki is sticking around in a "normal" episode. Didn't expect that. Is the baby chicken plant really OK going off at that stage?

9 - Huh, last of this set of episodes and there isn't a real climax. Kiazuki is still just hanging around, we get more hinting about the unicorns but nothing concrete, etc. I imagine this means there are definitely more episodes coming later.

Overall, the show is pretty enjoyable, but it feels like it's not quite there yet. It has continuity, but things don't fully link up between episodes, most notably to me between 7 and 8 with the black tree sprouting but it apparently not resulting in anything. The individual stories are fun, but it definitely needed more characters for Hanazuki to talk to.

I like the setting of the show. It's fun and can get enjoyably weird at times. The animation and art style are good. My favorite episodes involve chicken plant, because of how messed up everything about her is.


Yo - I don't watch too many cartoons anymore, but now and then something will get me back into them and I'll be sucked in like crazy for awhile. I loved Over the Garden Wall the most out of anything in recent memory and just found Nick Cross (Art Director) on Tumblr. Has anyone seen the shorts Infinity Train and Monte Macabre?

Monte Macabre feels a bit derivative of gravity falls, but I like the theme and how the characters are barely more mature a lot, would kill for it to become a full show. At the same time, Infinity Train was pretty great too.

Any other good shorts from the CN Short Program? They've been impressing the hell outta me the past few years.

edit: The air times seem pretty weird though. From what I read, 8:30 am for a short like Monte Macabre?


^ both shorts were posted way earlier in the thread. You can find them on Youtube, no need to wait for them to air.

Infinity Train is the one to beat. Would make a nice mini-series ala Over The Garden Wall.
We've just had another string of Loud House episode this week. The stand-outs of the lot (in my opinion) were the Spa Day, Sister Fights, & the Lucy episodes (though the Spa Day seems to be the only one made after the Christmas special, hence us seeing the parents' faces in the episode).

"Brawl In The Family" and "Back In Black" were the standouts for me.
The military-esque quarantine stuff was great in the former, and Lucy trying to be a "normal girl" was priceless in the latter (her girly poses combined with the monotone voice was so charming. The character animation and voice acting is great in this show).

Honestly, "The Loud House" is one of the best comedy/slice of life cartoons running nowadays; it and Gumball remind me of how great the genre can really be.
Alright, back to Hanazuki..
HEY! Thank you for the thoughts!

Some of us have been pouring over every youtube comment, twitter/tumblr mention and the braver of us even ventured into the /co threads. The show's off to a better start than any of us ever expected, probably due to the MLP connection.

I think those observations are really spot on, and I personally agree with a lot of them.

The chicken plant was initially the most abrasive character introduced on the show, but she grew on us because of how over the top her voice becomes every now and then, the spontaneous decision to make her stomach brushed metal, and generally how much more bizarre and disturbing the swallowing scenes became as every revision pushed it one step further.

It's interesting you noted the lack of closure by episode nine, because there's been an interesting trend in putting show episodes online in fairly arbitrary 'chunks' that aren't planned ahead of time. People observed that the season finale for Voltron was a little underwhelming, but supposedly it's only because it was never planned to be more than a regular episode.

I think digital distribution is absolutely the future of TV and animation in particular, and I'm waiting for the day that something comes along and figures out a really interesting way to handle the 'binge' format and molds it into something really new and interesting.


So here's my review of the second Tinkerbell movie, "Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure"

The first movie involved the change from winter to spring. This one involves the change from summer to autumn, so... about six months have passed.

The movie opens up with Terrence, the Dust Keeper fairy who helped Tink reconsider running off into exile in the previous movie, and his Dust Keeping co-workers (including his boss, Fairy Gary, because Queen Clarion apparently had a naming theme going at some point) are ribbing him about the amount of time he spends hanging out with Tinkerbell. Confronting the issue head-on works to preempt any shipping complaints. After Terrence and Tink play around with crashing one of her inventions, Tink is summoned to appear before the Queen. Terrence teases "Someone's in trouble..." Tink "Hey, I haven't done anything... Lately." Terrence "The stinkbug incident?"

Tink, before the Queen can say anything, blurts out "It's not my fault your highness, those stinkbugs were askin' for it!" LOL. Nice redirect on the joke.

So it turns out that every eight years there's a blue moon (literally), and when the light from this moon hits the Moonstone (which the fairies just happen to have), blue pixie dust is created. This blue pixie dust revitalizes the pixie dust tree, which is the source of all the regular gold-colored pixie dust in the fairy world (not counting Queen Clarion's dress). Every time this event comes up, one group of fairies gets the honor of creating a decorative staff to hold the Moonstone, and this year it's the Tinker Fairies turn at bat, and as luck would have it the Tinkers just recently acquired a hero in the form of Tinkerbell, who saved spring (after ruining it). The Minister of Autumn is a little concerned because the Moonstone is ridiculously fragile (not sure exactly how they know that) and Tink is something of a loose cannon. But Fairy Mary and Queen Clarion insist that Tink is the absolute perfect fairy for the job. Doesn't help that Tink almost smashed the Moonstone five seconds after taking possession.

Tink can't wait to share the news with Terrence, and as it turns out, Terrence is kind of an expert on the Moonstone (pixie dust is his thing), so he volunteers to assist Tinkerbell. It's a dream team combination. In an amusing sequence of events, prolonged close proximity causes Tink's opinion of Terrence to shift from "cute" to "annoying as hell" and Tink seems ready to murder him.

Desperate for some breathing room, Tink sends Terrence on an errand to find her a "sharp thing". When he returns too quickly with a human-sized pocket compass, she derides his find for being round, the exact opposite of sharp (against his protests), and dismissively knocks the heavy instrument into her finally-completed staff, smashing it and destroying weeks of her work. She blows up on Terrence, and Terrence is tired of putting up with her shit so he leaves. Furious, Tink kicks the pocket compass, and the spring-loaded case flips open, smashing the precious Moonstone into rubble. Whoops.

After Tink fails in an attempt to fix the Moonstone with glue, she has the idea to visit Fairy Mary, currently attending the fairy theater, and casually ask if they have... you know... a spare Moonstone. Goodness no, it's one-of-a-kind and the Pixie Dust Tree would literally die without it. You didn't lose it, did you? Nope, Tink didn't "lose" it. Phew. Okay then, relax and enjoy the show.

The performers tell a tale of pirates who once got their hands on a fairy treasure, a mirror that can grant three wishes, but their ship was wrecked before they could cash in the third wish. Tink asks Fairy Mary if this story is fact or fiction, and Fairy Mary says it's 100% real. The story conveniently also contains directions on how to find the mirror, although Tink slips out before she can hear a final line of warning. On the face of it this seems like a really cheap way to move the plot along, but at second glance these aren't convenient directions for how to find the mirror, they're a historical record of a trip Tink hasn't made yet (there's a clear difference once you realize it). It goes completely unsaid, but some fairy's evidently been dabbling in prophecy. It's a little detail which makes a weak spot in the story perfectly acceptable and seems somehow admirable.

Preparing for her covert mission, Tink realizes that she doesn't have enough fairy dust to make it there and back. Fairy Gary won't budge on her rations, and her friends point her to the very obvious fairy to ask for pixie dust favors, Terrence. When she asks him for more pixie dust but he's hesitant to hand it over because she can't say why she needs it, she says that a real friend would do it no-questions-asked, and he says that a real friend wouldn't ask him to be negligent in his job without telling him why, and they both conclude that they must not have been as good friends as they thought they were.

On her way home, Tink drops her pixie dust bag in a cotton field, but rather than being yet another disaster, it inspires her to create a cotton-based hot air balloon, and now she's found herself a way to cover the distance without the need for extra pixie dust.

En route to the treasure, Tink picks up a traveling companion, a firefly named Blaze (who she's frequently a jerk to), loses her balloon and her supplies, and salvages the needle from the compass to use as a sword (proving how Terrence really did bring her a "sharp thing").

Terrence meanwhile visits a wise owl looking for advice on how to patch things up with Tink. They do the old joke where rather than talking, the owl constantly asks "Who?" and the advice-seeker talks themselves into their own solution, crediting the wisdom of the owl. The joke kind of falls flat and doesn't add a nice spin like some of the others. Now resolved to be the one to swallow his pride and apologize first, Terrence visits Tink's home. But he finds her absent, with a smashed staff and some broken shards of Moonstone on her floor, along with blueprints, plans, and a copy of her itinerary.

Back on the quest, there's a bit of a useless scene where Tink is blocked by two argumentative trolls guarding a troll bridge, and when she explains her story they call her out for dumping Terrence, because friends don't break up over stupid little arguments, friends apologize and get over it. Tink slips past as they start up a new argument.

When Tink finally reaches the wreck and the treasure, she finds the mirror, and... "Blaze, I wish you would be quiet for one minute." Poof, Tink's friend and ally is now mute for 60 seconds. Final wish granted. Tink angrily blames Blaze for destroying the world, but looking in the mirror, she sees her angry face and realizes that it wasn't Blaze who caused this, it was her. Sorry Blaze. She wishes Terrence was there, and his face appears in the mirror. She takes the opportunity to clear the air between them, and wishes he was really there, not just a face in a magic mirror, but... he is there. He's standing right behind her. He read her itinerary and only just now caught up with her (kind of an old joke, could've used a twist). Let's just say that pointy elf ears are bad at picking out the direction of sound when it comes from behind.

After some swashbuckling with rats, Tink/Terrence/Blaze make it to the balloon Terrence recovered and make their way home. But what to do about the end of the world? You're kinda gonna get blamed for something like that. But a little bit of Blaze's firefly light gives Tink an idea.

Tink and Terrence crash the ceremony in the nick of time, coming down in a showy hot air balloon, and unveil the new scepter. Shockingly smashed, yet combined with diamond prisms and decorative pieces from the formerly-magic mirror, the flattened pieces of Moonstone now have greater surface area, and the fairy world's production of blue pixie dust has just increased dramatically. Tink has again snatched a lasting victory from the jaws of disaster.

Celebrations abound. Vidia makes an appearance and Tink's friends give her a ribbing about Tink being the big hero again, and she takes it with some "Yeah, whatever" dismissiveness, but away from prying eyes she's really very happy, further cementing Vidia as a complicated character, not a villain.

Overall, I'm not sure if I like this movie more or less than the first one. I'd say it depends on my mood. I really like how the first Tinkerbell movie doesn't do any more than it needs to do, and everything it does, it does well. This sequel is trying to do more. It's trying to go bigger. I would say that it has more moments that I like, but it has some moments that fall flat. It makes it hard to rank the two of them, but they're both good movies which convinced me that Disneytoon had turned a page and made me eager to see what comes next.


Just a reminder to anyone who didn't know but Voltron Season 2 is up on Netflix!

I've actually only just now started binging the show. Seeing a few familiar names in the production credits, seems like it shares crew from the Avatar series. As for the show itself, it's pretty good. Been a long time since I've seen the original series, but this show is hitting all the good nostalgia points.


Animation Oscar nominees:

Kubo and the Two Strings
Ma Vie de Courgette
The Red Turtle

Blind Vaysha
Borrowed Time
Pear Cider and Cigarettes

Real happy Ma Vie de Courgette, The Red Turtle and Blind Vaysha got nominated. They probably won't win, but they are amazing films


True, I haven't seen Pear Cider and Cigarettes, but the selection is really good this year. I do think the Disney entries are not as good as the other films though, so it's a bit disappointing to me that those will (as usual) take the prizes.



I was just asked today, this VERY day, why doesn’t Cartoon Network show Infinity Train on TV. Well guess what? I just got an email a couple hours ago that said Infinity Train will be airing on TV this Saturday! Stuff feels different when you watch it on a TV. It’s more “real” in a way. Watch it if you’re able!
Owen Dennis

CN, what are you doing? 6AM? You're not catching a live TV audience like that, man...

Still, props to Dennis getting his baby up on the big screen. That's kind of a big deal. A better deal, for all those shorts though, would to air them in a block during high viewing traffic times.


Owen Dennis

CN, what are you doing? 6AM? You're not catching a live TV audience like that, man...

Still, props to Dennis getting his baby up on the big screen. That's kind of a big deal. A better deal, for all those shorts though, would to air them in a block during high viewing traffic times.

Just saw this now. Wish I had cable, I would totally get up at 6 to help this become a show. Ah well. Guys if you haven't seen Infinity Train, you really need to. It's a fantastic pilot and has a ton of potential. Even if you don't have cable, watch it on Youtube, so it can get more views.

If this doesn't get greenlit I'm going to be furious. Knowing CN, though it certainly is a possibility it never will.


Speaking of CN and pet projects, whatever happened with OK KO Lakewood Plaza Turbo? Did it get picked up for a series, or is it just a mobile game still?


Just saw this now. Wish I had cable, I would totally get up at 6 to help this become a show. Ah well. Guys if you haven't seen Infinity Train, you really need to. It's a fantastic pilot and has a ton of potential. Even if you don't have cable, watch it on Youtube, so it can get more views.

If this doesn't get greenlit I'm going to be furious. Knowing CN, though it certainly is a possibility it never will.
There's a blurb in the Adventure Time The Art of Ooo artbook (2014) that says in order to be picked up to be a show its pilot had to be aired on television at least once. Not sure if that's still the case for other potential shows but it might explain some things.

Speaking of CN and pet projects, whatever happened with OK KO Lakewood Plaza Turbo? Did it get picked up for a series, or is it just a mobile game still?
CN is still releasing shorts on their youtube channel. There was like 3-4 new minisodes last month!

So apparently The Amazing World of Gumball had an episode this week called The Copycats...that was centered around a bootleg version of the family stealing their lives to profit off of a TV show.

Which is insane because the show is referencing its own Chinese bootleg Miracle Star. They even call out the fact that Miracle Star doesn't have an Anais copy-cat and subtly hint at the real reason: Chinese TV shows are generally not supposed to portray families with more than two kids. A clip that they watch of the in-universe show also references the most well-known evidence of Miracle Star copying their show:

Here's the video evidence of the copying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZBeMbGAjTU

And here's the part of Gumball that copies...the copying: https://youtu.be/ZUnrW8pbk8Q?t=52s

Never thought I would see this kind of super-meta reference. It's honestly mindblowing.


So apparently The Amazing World of Gumball had an episode this week called The Copycats...that was centered around a bootleg version of the family stealing their lives to profit off of a TV show.

Which is insane because the show is referencing its own Chinese bootleg Miracle Star. They even call out the fact that Miracle Star doesn't have an Anais copy-cat and subtly hint at the real reason: Chinese TV shows are generally not supposed to portray families with more than two kids. A clip that they watch of the in-universe show also references the most well-known evidence of Miracle Star copying their show:

Here's the video evidence of the copying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZBeMbGAjTU

And here's the part of Gumball that copies...the copying: https://youtu.be/ZUnrW8pbk8Q?t=52s

Never thought I would see this kind of super-meta reference. It's honestly mindblowing.

Gumball's meta humor is on a different plane of existence.


So apparently The Amazing World of Gumball had an episode this week called The Copycats...that was centered around a bootleg version of the family stealing their lives to profit off of a TV show.

Which is insane because the show is referencing its own Chinese bootleg Miracle Star. They even call out the fact that Miracle Star doesn't have an Anais copy-cat and subtly hint at the real reason: Chinese TV shows are generally not supposed to portray families with more than two kids. A clip that they watch of the in-universe show also references the most well-known evidence of Miracle Star copying their show:

Here's the video evidence of the copying: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZBeMbGAjTU

And here's the part of Gumball that copies...the copying: https://youtu.be/ZUnrW8pbk8Q?t=52s

Never thought I would see this kind of super-meta reference. It's honestly mindblowing.

I didn't even know that was a thing.

Gumball is the best cartoon on tv right now.


Catching up on Clarence, managed to catch the latest Steven Bomb in reruns on CN.

Edit: meant to type more in that.

"Worm Bin" was an exceptional episode of Clarence, highlighting Jeff's madness without making him seem entirely unreasonable (since worms are indeed gross, unlike other things he's freaked out about before), and having Clarence at his best as an oblivious, but well-meaning troll.
Now meltingparappa, you've indicated before that you don't have knowledge about the release schedule of Hanazuki, but I suppose there's no harm in asking. New episodes of it were supposed to have been released on February 10, but nothing has been put online yet. Do you know anything about this?


So, the animation film festival I'm working for just released it's selection for the shorts and features competition. So if anyone here happens to be near Utrecht this March, come watch some great films and hang with me afterwards.
Nick is finally airing new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes again. It's nice seeing that they're still pretty much allowed to go anywhere with it despite being a kids show. Newest episode had
drunk Splinter and a character losing a limb
From the Toy Fair, it's been revealed that a Hanazuki short will be shown before the My Little Pony movie. meltingparappa, do you have any information about this? Is it done by the same team, and has it been given a bigger budget than the normal shorts?

EDIT: Also, the next set of episodes is coming March 11.


I went on amazon to purchase Prince of Egypt on blu ray.

There was a look of horror on my face when I found out it has not gotten a blu ray release yet.



Randomly watching an episode of Mighty Max only to realize that Rob Paulsen voiced the titular character. He sounds exactly like Donatello from Nick's TMNT and it's freaking me out. Can't believe I never made the connection before, I was a big fan of the show when it first aired years ago. Also Tony Jay was the voice of Virgil.

Youtube channel

I'll have to give the show a proper rewatch sometime. I only remember that the show had a pretty rough ending, if you can call it that. Shit got real. Too bad it never got a proper re-release.
Randomly watching an episode of Mighty Max only to realize that Rob Paulsen voiced the titular character. He sounds exactly like Donatello from Nick's TMNT and it's freaking me out. Can't believe I never made the connection before, I was a big fan of the show when it first aired years ago. Also Tony Jay was the voice of Virgil.

Youtube channel

I'll have to give the show a proper rewatch sometime. I only remember that the show had a pretty rough ending, if you can call it that. Shit got real. Too bad it never got a proper re-release.

I know what you mean. A while back I watched The Emperor's New School (the TV spin-off of New Grove). I remember watching it in the day and hearing Pacha's replacement VA and thinking "that's not John Goodman" but watching it now is like: "Oh! That's Fred Tatasciore!"

Been watching Gumball for the first time from setting GAF praise it. Just watched the Season 3 episode The Shell. Oh man, this show!
Randomly watching an episode of Mighty Max only to realize that Rob Paulsen voiced the titular character. He sounds exactly like Donatello from Nick's TMNT and it's freaking me out. Can't believe I never made the connection before, I was a big fan of the show when it first aired years ago. Also Tony Jay was the voice of Virgil.

Youtube channel

I'll have to give the show a proper rewatch sometime. I only remember that the show had a pretty rough ending, if you can call it that. Shit got real. Too bad it never got a proper re-release.

Don't forget Tim Curry as SKULLMASTER

"GO! Find him first, and bring me his BEATING HEART, and I'll eat it RAW"

"You can't escape. I'll rip your limbs from your body, and slowly SUCK THE MARROW FROM YOUR BONES."

"Enjoy the few seconds of life which remain to you. I will teach you a thousand subtle shades of PAIN. A hundred ways to DIE, until I finally lay your lifeless body at my master's table!"


For the weekend crew, what cartoon revivals/reboots surpassed the originals

I was just thinking about the 2010s Thundercats and think a far better show than the original...
For the weekend crew, what cartoon revivals/reboots surpassed the originals

I was just thinking about the 2010s Thundercats and think a far better show than the original...

I found the Thundercats reboot rather dull, and the characters weren't very likeable. Old Thundercats at least had cheese going for it.

Anyway, self avatar quote. My Little Pony had four significant animation eras: the first TV specials, movie, and show; My Little Pony Tales; the G3 specials and DTV movies; and Friendship is Magic. Of the first three, the original is by far the best, mostly for its surprisingly metal villains, and while FiM doesn't have that quality to quite that extent, it succeeds at having much better main characters and a generally more fun and interesting world.
For the weekend crew, what cartoon revivals/reboots surpassed the originals

I was just thinking about the 2010s Thundercats and think a far better show than the original...

Hmm... hard to say.

Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated is a tier above other Scooby Doo shows. I don't know if I'd call it a revival though.
For the weekend crew, what cartoon revivals/reboots surpassed the originals

I was just thinking about the 2010s Thundercats and think a far better show than the original...

This is a tough one.

TMNT had two fairly solid revivals.

Transformers had some solid series, but there are way too many to call them "revivals".

Hopefully, Samurai Jack's and Young Justice's will be good. (Let's just cross superheroes off the list).

It wasn't my thing but something has to be said for MLP FiM's success.

Scooby Doo had multiple series too, so again, hard to call any of them revivals or reboots (Mystery Incorporated was the best, though).

Otherwise, it's been mostly bad.


Been watching Gumball for the first time from setting GAF praise it. Just watched the Season 3 episode The Shell. Oh man, this show!

It's rare to see an episodic cartoon suddenly inject continuity and plot. Season 3 of Gumball did all sorts of things right out of the blue.
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