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What happens in the event of a nuclear attack somewhere on the globe?

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The world would rather play the game with nukes than just carelessly blow it all away. I hope a nuclear war would be strategized in a way that ensures that many innocents can survive.
I'd move my ass to Africa.

But yeah smaller countries and more unstable regimes that attacked would be dismantled through uprising of their own people (assuming they were against the attack in general) or by a show of force by the international community depending what was hit.
Sadly we all know which parts of the world no one would bat an eye at if it got nuked
A bigger country would most likely result in retaliation of similar or greater force depending which it is, and the target.

Either way its a no win situation and these weapons are pure stupidity.


A lot of the time Pak and India are just posturing with their tough talk to each other. They are neighbors, if either bombs the other, they will both suffer.


Just stay the fuck away from Australia.

Have you read "On The Beach" ?

It's set in Melbourne after a nuclear exchange has wiped out the USA, Russia and China. South America and Australia still pretend to live 'normally' after the war but everyone knows the fallout cloud will spread south and wipe everyone out with radiation sickness eventually. Melbourne's the last habitable city on the planet and it's about how the residents cope with knowing they're dead anyway.

Edit: here you go: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Beach_(novel)

This is not a cheery read.


I'm fucked. So are billions of people. I'd like to say we had a good run, but I don't 100% agree with that statement either.


I don't think this hypothetical is an if but more a matter of when. Hopefully the assailed country wouldn't be dumb enough to retaliate with a nuke of it's own, but whatever happens, world war is almost guaranteed.
It depends where. If a nuke is launched at and detected by the USA, the response would be to one or many nukes sent to them; the response is probably really similar to any country that has nukes. There's a really good chance world war 3 will happen not because of retaliatory bombing but because such an event will star up new / old hatreds.

I don't think this hypothetical is an if but more a matter of when. Hopefully the assailed country wouldn't be dumb enough to retaliate with a nuke of it's own, but whatever happens, world war is almost guaranteed.

Nuclear attack is designated as an extinction type attack so places like the USA (and probably else where) have a "we'll take 'em with us" approach -- which seems to be the only approach any country has. It's why Stanislav Petrov is regarded as a hero. The question is who fires first?


Nobody has the balls to use nukes first. It could be a problem if jihadis get a hold of Pakistan's nukes or North Korea actually tries to obliterate the South. I don't see Israel using it on Iran and Iran cannot get a nuke.

I am really worried about Pakistan because their civilian govt is fragile and there are a lot of groups including their military who are itching for a war with India. I hope it never happens. Most Indians and Pakistanis don't want war.


Neo Member

And from that, an important point to note, if any major country were to use their nukes, it wouldn't just be one, the point would be to try and stop the opposing country from being able to retaliate so you'd fire pretty much all you have facing that country, and hope to god they decide not to fire back. It would be unlikely that ever occurred though, that's the whole point of deterrence.

If it were a small, stupid country, like North Korea, and they were for some strange reason able to fire off a nuke or 2, well, they'd get invaded almost immediately for it.
If someone were so dumb, I'm sure there's an actual logical strategy each nation will follow rather than just "COUNTERATTACK" blindly.

But it would usher in a dangerous and damaging chess game. And of course, if it's world powers, they'd be on the alert against future attacks.

When you think about it as a whole, each world power needs the other because the economy encompasses everyone. I'd say the risk is a smaller nation doing something stupid by accident or God forbid some terrorist group manages to build and set one off (which at most would trigger instant annihilation of said terrorist group by ALL sides).


It depends on the situation. If it's an attack by the US, Russia, or China, bye bye world. Not likely, though.

I think it's quite possible, however, that we will see a nuclear attack in our lifetimes in the Middle East. I think Iran and Saudi Arabia will eventually go nuclear -- Saudi Arabia essentially buying the tech from Pakistan. Saudi Arabia is currently being encircled by Iran. Their only strengths are their petrodollars and their alliance with the West. Iran is close to essentially having control of Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon, and Houthis in Yemen are marching on villages in southern Saudi Arabia. Egypt is now turning to the Iran-Russia sphere. And just knowing how psychotic Saudis are, I think they would actually be stupid enough to use nukes against Iran. Maybe not, though.


Just imagine the huge launch against the US happens and suddenly Star Wars defense network is unveiled to have been deployed for all these years and with an astonishing 82% accuracy almost all are shot down except those that destroy Boston end of story happy ending nothing of value is lost wheee....


So the US, EU, China, and Russia (yes, still) aren't dumb enough to actually nuke someone. But what if a country like Pakistan nukes India? How would that play out?
I'd imagine China and the US would make immediate offers of non-nuclear cooperation to destroy all of Pakistan's nuclear ability in order to prevent nuclear-retaliation. Then Pakistan would likely be occupied by a UN force to confirm total nuclear disarmament as well as a restructuring of the Pakistan government.


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Some countries do have missile defense systems but how well they work is unclear. A stray missile? Maaaayyybeee might be stopped if the target country gets lucky. Probably still won't stop it though.

A whole volley of missiles? The target country is fucked, but any remnants (especially nuclear subs) will likely retaliate with everything they've got to make sure the attacking country is reduced to a firey hellhole in return. All other countries who aren't wiped out in the process get to deal with tons of radiation, a nuclear winter, and probably a slow death.

Every country with nukes tries to send a clear message that launching a nuke at them will mean that there won't be a liveable world left to stand on, regardless of what you were trying to accomplish by nuking them. So the only reason to have a nuke is to wave it around as a warning so that people know that nuking you will get them nuked in return, but the idea is to never start a nuclear war yourself because using a nuke is suicide. That's how mutually assured destruction works.

That's also why the only way a nuclear war will actually happen is if there was some nutjob running a country with nukes, and is pathologically unable to back down despite all reason saying that nuking a country is a completely stupid and suicidal move to make. Said nutjob will have to be willing to not only doom himself and his country, but the entire world just because his ego makes him unable to stop himself.
Here's what would happen in the event of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan for anyone who wants to read through the study:


Here's the highlights:

2 billion people would die and it would spell the “end of human civilization".

Destroyed crop yields, damage to the atmosphere and global food markets would be thrown into chaos.

Specifically, the study noted, a nuclear war in South Asia would release black carbon aerosol particles that would cut U.S. corn and soybean production by 10 percent over a decade. Those particles would also reduce Chinese rice production by an average of 21 percent over a four-year period and by another 10 percent over the subsequent six years. Even more devastating, China’s wheat crop would drop by 50 percent in just the first year after the hypothetical Indo-Pak nuclear war.

Indeed, the firestorms produced by this imaginary South Asian war “would loft 5 million tons of soot high into the atmosphere, blocking out sunlight and dropping temperatures across the planet. This climate disruption would cause a sharp, worldwide decline in food production.” The subsequent global famine would place the lives of 870 million people in the developing world at immediate risk of starvation.
Here's what would happen in the event of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan for anyone who wants to read through the study:


Here's the highlights:

2 billion people would die and it would spell the “end of human civilization".

Destroyed crop yields, damage to the atmosphere and global food markets would be thrown into chaos.

What I find warry about these kinds of predictions is that they never take into account the fact that the first world countries watching this happen aren't going to roll over and let their food production fall off a cliff. Even more so in this situation where it is only India and Pakistan.

Realistically, this event happens and then the moment the Scientists start saying. "Holy shit, our food production is dropping" money gets spent to convert open air farms to greenhouses.


Junior Member
I am headed to Iceland. Nobody hates Iceland.

But it is dependent on the countries involved, and the situation.

Like if North Korea shot off a nuke, let's say at South Korea or Japan, North Korea would be nuked out of existence, and everyone else would chill.

If Pakistan and India sent off nukes at each other, my guess is that Pakistan would cease to exist, and India would be hit hard, but it would not lead to global nuclear war.

If Russia, China, Europe, or the US are hit, that may be the end of humanity.

The planet may survive, but those of us living in Iceland or Greenland will be the only ones left. Maybe some peeps in South America and Africa could burrow down and continue humanity.
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