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What if Sony does the same?

If Sony does the same most Sony fans will blame MS for changing the industry and then happily buy a PS4 and brag about how awesome it is.
"Even taking back a step from here, PlayStation 4 can still be enjoyed old school without an Internet connection at all. "

They can't make a clearer statement

Does the PlayStation 4 always need to be connected to the internet, I asked?

"You can play offline, but you may want to keep it connected," he suggested. "The system has the low-power mode - I don't know the official term - that the main system is shut down but the subsystem is awake. Downloading or updating or you can wake it up using either the tablet, smartphone or PS Vita."

Are all of those things optional, though? For people who have broadband data limits, for example? They can customise everything?

"Oh yes, yes, you can go offline totally. Social is big for us, but we understand there are some people who are anti-social! So if you don't want to connect to anyone else, you can do that."
Excellent, thanks. This is looking real good. I guess there's still a possibility for some publishers to do some dick things with online passes but at least it won't be at the system level.


I fully expect SONY to do the same as MS. Lots of media and social interactions and the same used game thing (Companies removing the online pass thing means something is up)

Ill be buying both regardless, I have to play the exclusives they will each have and I love my sports games.


I would be pretty frustrated. I really enjoy the exclusives from Sony and MS. It would be really hard for me to just walk away from console gaming because of that. It will definitely affect how many games I buy and on which console.


Ugh, Id be so irritated if they pulled this too. Leaving it "up to the publisher" doesnt give me a lot of hope.

One thing that I have to ask. I guess we cant have any solid answers on this until more is officially known but is this whole used game blocking/always online stuff on the XBOne a system wide, OS level "feature" and a "game by game" basis thing on the PS4?
Would this potentially leave Sony in a better position if theres a huge fallout? Only the game pubs would have to change their ways while the PS4 largely remains the same?


If Sony does the same most Sony fans will blame MS for changing the industry and then happily buy a PS4 and brag about how awesome it is.

And Xbox Fanboy busy making defend brigade, and cycle repeat. many people like me would just fuck off from desktop gaming.. these dirty and greedy company can't have my anus wide open.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Where there is DRM out the wazoo, and no used games.....ever. I find this slightly hypocritical.

I agree with this.

It's pretty much like saying "Stop making my consoles like a PC or else..... I'm gonna go PC only!"

Saying this as someone who hates Nintendo's hardware philosophy when it comes to horsepower.... we need to support the Wii U if Sony does decide to go full retard on us. It's the only way to show that there is demand for console gaming, but also that draconian policies regarding DRM are unacceptable.

Neo C.

People are weak-willed and can change their stance without feeling bad. If the games are there, people will swallow DRM and what not. I expect Sony to adopt some of the anti-consumer measures, but not all and not in the same manner like MS.


If this DRM shit is the cost to get that then fuck it.

Are we really that lazy that we can't switch games?

Convenience is not the same a being lazy. I'm sure you prefer your TVs to have remotes. Boxes are also take up living room space. Obviously there are trade-offs.

You already can it's called day 1 digital.

Unfortunately the only way to get pre-order bonuses and some exclusive content is via retail. If they have a way to purchase a digital code and still get those, then I'm fine with that. Retail also has earlier sales.


I'd like to think Sony would see how we're all reacting to the Xbox One to know it's a terrible idea.


Gold Member
I think Sony are gonna want to capitalize on being the "good guys" and keep their great momentum going after all of MS's shenanigans, so the PS4 will probably remain as consumer-friendly as the PS3 before it.

Now, what some publishers decide to do is another thing, and Sony can't realistically prevent that. If EA want all of their games to come with activation codes or require a server connection to be played, Sony aren't gonna say no to that if it means losing EA's support. On the other hand, do EA want their games to be on only one console (we already know they aren't making any Wii U games)? Probably not. But still, if they want to be anti-consumerist assholes Sony will probably let them.

But yeah, I don't think any of this crap will be implemented on system level on the PS4. It's a bit like how on the PS3 games can be region locked, but almost none are.
I fully expect SONY to do the same as MS. Lots of media and social interactions and the same used game thing (Companies removing the online pass thing means something is up)
That would pretty much mean handing Japan to Nintendo. While it's a shrinking market, the tradeoff between lost Japan sales and increased profit might actually somehow sense but giving up on their home market would look weird.

Plus, they've stated they didn't intend to do this.
If Sony does the following:

1. Charge for online multiplayer
2. Put free apps behind a pay wall
3. Charge to me play games I barrow from friends/family
4. Mandate some sort of subscription to cable/sat to take advantage of the full features....

I'm going PC exclusive.



Online checks = No buy.
Used block games = maybe buy, if the line up is incredibly strong, but at a lowered price later on in its life time.
Charge for multiplayer = buy later on in its life cycle, depending on the line up.

I do not buy used games, but the idea of not being able to lend them or that i could have problems with games tied to one account and all this shit is almost a deal breaker for me.
Having to check my console online every so often to be able to play offline stuff, it's a straight up deal breaker.

I'll keep my gaming PC and be done with it.


I personally think Sony is going to have a similar used game architecture put into place just like Microsoft. It makes no sense for one manufacturer to do something that drastic and not the other.


Why would Microsoft alienate so many people? Pretty sure the PS4 won't play used games without a fee.


I fully expect SONY to do the same as MS. Lots of media and social interactions and the same used game thing
So do I. This is what the gaming industry wanted, not just Microsoft. Sony will follow. Going fully digital has always been the plan and we knew it was coming. They needed a digital download system to compete with Steam. Now it's happened so we shouldn't be surprised.

Slappers Only

Junior Member
Concerning gaming as we know it...

Nintendo will sink the ship
Sony will go down with the ship
Microsoft has already taken the lifeboats
For all the folks hedging their bets on sony, it should be noted that PS3 already has games that require an online connection to play / at the start. Or did you all forget about Bionic Commando ReArmed 2 and Magic Sword/Final Fight, etc?

Proceed with caution.
-nothing so far indicates the camera will be required for anything. That would have been mentioned at the 'vision' reveal.

-they already said DRM type stuff will beer optional if the publisher really wants it. EA just abandoned online passes so publishers might opt out of that after all. MS is making it mandatory.

-MS focused heavily on features and content that seem to benefit content holders and the platform holder. Sony prioritized developer and consumer friendliness.

-Sony didn't mention any features that would require connection checks and also said you can play offline. Very doubtful they'll suddenly drop that on us especially after the MS showing.




"GAF's biggest wanker"
People who ultimately love to play games will fall in line.
I've loved gaming for 30+ years, but there are lines I won't cross. There are other things I love doing too and they can get more of my attention, if that's the way it needs to be.
I personally think Sony is going to have a similar used game architecture put into place just like Microsoft. It makes no sense for one manufacturer to do something that drastic and not the other.
There's a word for that and it's called collusion and the Feds/EU commission take a very dim view of these things.

What's so hard to believe that Microsoft thinks that they can pull this off and freeze their competitors out, by offering enticements to greedy publishers that think they've got a right to earnings on something they've already sold.
Sony should say fuck this noise we don't need the hassle and use it as a differentiator.

But to answer the OP's question if the industry is hellbent in bending me over, I've got no qualms in not giving them my custom.


I know that Sony's philosophy seems to be on a complete different direction than what Microsoft is trying, what do you think it might happen to the gaming industry?


To clarify, the same regarding:

Online checks at any period of time
Treatment of used games
let's see.

A company that pushed all the right notes with the introduction of the ps4 and had it's stocks raised due to the incompetence of another, is willing to come out and risk doing the same stupid mistake?



How can people in this thread (and others) be so dense as to not do a simple Google search for quotes from Sony executives?

Not everything needs to be speculated on. Sony said they won't do it, so I'm gonna take them at their word. Just because Microsoft said they would doesn't mean Sony will play Mr. Me-Too. As far as passing the buck to publishers... what the fuck do you expect? You expect Sony to tell EA to go fuck themselves for implementing always-online DRM on a game-by-game basis? Nothing short of a Supreme Court ruling upholding the Right of First Sale will stop publishers from blocking used games outright/requiring constant internet, if they see fit to do so...

EDIT: By the way, not all pubs will go that route, either. Just avoid the ones that do...


Just a thought, but is it possible that Japan, and Europe being such heavy parts of what make playstation so popular could force Sony to not adopt a policy against used games?

Its my understanding that no second handmarket could kill the console in japan, and There was a law passed in europe saying that cutting put used games was illiegl.
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