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What is/was the sexiest looking console?



the best

dreamcast was mighty fine too though

One hundred times, this! Followed by that Orange Gamecube- so pretty!
Sega has always made good looking consoles.

Can we all at least agree that the OG XBOX was ugly?

Seriously look at this shit:

Its a Big Ol' X on the top of that thing. To counter the 360 slim is a beauty.

OG Xbox was... weird. It might have wailed back in 1995, but in 2001 it looked laughable. I loved the duke but the giant orb in the middle was all kinds of what the fuck.

Jeff Chen


I pre-ordered it thru a friend in Japan. Had dreams of having it in my hands before it came... and the day when it finally did, I opened the box, held the device in my hands, I felt a surge of dizziness and had to find a chair - it was THAT amazing.

The fat PS2. The design looked so sturdy yet so high tech. Sony nowadays can never come up with that kind of design anymore.
i was hoping that the psp and 3ds would have clicky analogs like this one. the best portable for fighters by far

Urgh, when did thumbsticks become analog all of a sudden? Clicky, microswitched thumbsticks by definition cannot be analog. It's a completely different thing.


I love the design of the Wii prototypes, but the oval disc-slot in the final design makes it a lot less appealing to me.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
A lot of jock posts here or simply people with terrible taste.

Good ones:

360 slim black, PS3 Slim, Vita, Wii Black, iPad / iPhone and Phantom.

Nothing from the 16 bit era, your nostalgia is playing with you. Great to play with, painful to look at.

Like your other stuff but I will never get used to the new 360 slim. Still does not connect with good design. MS messed up the Slim as it looks worse than the original 360. Why did they have to add that stupid teenager style "badass" grill system to the side and use sharp cut instead of rounded waistline? Make it look stylish, not Optimus Prime.


aka andydumi
Ps2 slim would he the sexiest console ever if it had blutooth controllers like the PS3. The cables out the front ruin it.


You know it's madness when the bricks PS3 and the original xbox are mentioned. Those are the epitome of ugly electronics.



I have to say.... this is by far the nicest looking console I have ever seen wow.... I love the black version of the phat but hate the dust and fingerprints, the white just looks sooo posh, love it!

Only issue is it wasnt available in the US, you would have to import it and I dont know what downfalls an imperted ps3 would present for US gamers :/


GCN (spice)
PS2 fat
PS3 fat

DS Lite
PSP 1000

I think thats about it...

def sim

The fat PS2 is a favorite of mine. I love the retro look the ridges gave it, somewhat similar to the 2600. Famicom with the burgundy and copper highlights is another great design; it's a console that definitely looked like it came from the 80's.

The matte slim 360 looks good as well. The glossy with the fake chrome trim is a bit much for my current set up.


I have to say.... this is by far the nicest looking console I have ever seen wow.... I love the black version of the phat but hate the dust and fingerprints, the white just looks sooo posh, love it!

Only issue is it wasnt available in the US, you would have to import it and I dont know what downfalls an imperted ps3 would present for US gamers :/

If Sony learns anything the PS4 should also have a gloss finish and its launch color should be white.
And please not only for Japan. :(
For cartridge based consoles, I loved the Super Famicom and the N64.

I think most of the disc based consoles have been a little ugly, but I'd say the slim PS2 was pretty cool, and I like both the slim 360 and PS3.


Aftershock LA
I think my favorites would be (in no particular order)

1) PSVita
2) PS360GB
3) Black Wii (although the white Wii is fine too)
4) Xbox 360 Slim

I really like black consoles that are shiny. That's apparently my trigger.

I did like my Gamecube and OG PS2, but from a design standpoint, the 4 above are pleasing to look at.

I do think the Vita might be my favorite. Maybe because it's a new toy, I don't know, but I really think it looks slick, and the symmetry is appealing too. For some reason, the symmetry makes me feel balanced and comfortable. Something about asymmetrical design makes me feel weird (like the 360 controller).
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