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What was your most hyped game of all time?


Fighters Megamix. I'd just got into Virtua Fighter 2 and then I heard of this crossover and I was obsessed, buying magazines to find out every detail. Game also took a while to get to the UK. Sega Saturn Magazine at the time basically picked the game clean with a fine tooth comb and I just couldn't wait for the game to launch.
FF 8

I was 12 when I played ff7, and thought it was the most amazing game I've ever play at the time. I seriously played it for hundreds of hours doing every possible thing you could do in the game.

The wait for ff8 was excruciating because of how awesome 7 was.

Edit and ff8 turned out awesome too.


Definitely Final Fantasy XII. It was basically my dream game by the dream team. A huge epic numbered Final Fantasy stucking to fantasy, drama, political intrigue. A dirty lived in world. Seamless battle system. Sooooo good.


Metal Gear Solid V, Resident Evil 5 and Modern Warfare 2, in that order.
Despite all the criticism it gets, I think MGSV came closest to my expectations.


Need for Speed - Most Wanted 2005

I got hyped after reading a review in a magazine and boy did the game deliver!

The best NFS of Blackbox era.


Definitely Final Fantasy XII. It was basically my dream game by the dream team. A huge epic numbered Final Fantasy stucking to fantasy, drama, political intrigue. A dirty lived in world. Seamless battle system. Sooooo good.

X was the one I really remember looking forward to but I remember there was a video they put out before release of fighting in the Salikawood that got me pretty excited


Doom3. Parts 1 & 2 were the defining gaming moments in my life so this was to be a continuation of a long-hanging glorious chapter.

Unfortunately it turned out to be a bit shit.



The first next FF, trailers looked cool and as an Xbox fanboy (back then) I was overjoyed by it comming to 360 (before the announcement it was killing me that I wouldn't be able to play the next FF...That's still my favorite E3 moment).
The game did, of course, not live up to expectations. Still found it decent though but I've come to dislike it more over the years.

Lost Odyssey.

As far as I can remember, the first game I ever pre ordered. Made by Sakaguchi, music by uematsu, classic Jrpg gameplay with amazing "next gen" presentation.... It was basically everything I wanted in a game.
And thankfully this one pretty much met my expectations.


Final Fantasy Versus XIII - waited and was hyped for the longest, never came out in the end.

MGS4 - was the reason why I bought PS3 (along with versus). In the end I loved the game despite so of it's problems

MGSV - hyped just like MGS4. In the end I ended up loving the game despite it's flaws like MGS4 (although the flaws were very different)

Kingdom Hearts 3 - my current most hyped game along with FF7R. Not out yet so can't judge

Fina Fantasy 7 Remake - I loved FF7 so yeah I am hyped for this as well.
Oh it has to be Metal Gear Solid V. Years of amazing trailers, the whole Moby Dick ruse cruise, Ground Zeroes being legitimately good. Everything was hyping the game up to be something special.

Then it came out. Sure it played well, but that's all there was for me. Didn't think much of the level design, the characters weren't characters, she-breathes-through-her-skin, the story was almost nonexistant, microtransactions, ridiculous online interaction...Yeah, I've never quite been so disappointed with a game.

Dark Link

Definitely Xenoblade X. After playing Xenoblade Chronicles a couple months before its release, I was amped as hell.

Diablo 3 right behind it.


Metal Gear Solid V probably. I never even played the previous games but this looked so amazing which lead me to spend crazy amount of hours watching LPs of previous games and replaying Ground Zeroes over and over again. Even bought the MGSV-themed PS4. I ended up never finishing the game cause of all the backlash.'

Oh and Guild Wars 2. Played GW1 for about 5 years straight so I was crazy hyped for this one. Also a letdown.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Super Mario Galaxy. It delivered, and then some. I think I got all 120 stars the same weekend it released.
Sonic Adventure (those graphics) had me watching the Official Dreamcast Magazine VHS daily for about 6 months!

More recently Rock Band had me so hyped for about a year! I checked the official forums everyday, growing more and more excited. It released on my birthday too; I'll never forget play.com sending me the BIAB but not the game - me and my brother went on a road trip to find a copy in a shop! Brilliant times! Still the only game I rang in sick to work so I could play it!
Anytime a Smash Bros game is coming out, it becomes my most hyped game ever. I absolutely love those games. If one makes it to Switch I'll lose my mind, even if it turns out to be a port.

My most recent hyped game was probably Zelda BotW, but I don't know if that was skewed a little bit by the fact that it coincided with a console launch that I was hyped for too.


The hype I had for GTA V was insane. I have no idea how many times I watched that first trailer. Waiting for new info was tough. Kept checking the newswire but only ever got news about Max Payne 3. I still remember the date we got the first screenshot of the helicopter which was July 12th 2012. I couldn't believe how good it looked. Spent countless hours on GTAforums discussing it. Everyone predicted multiple characters from the first trailer. I remember the second trailer dropping. Waiting for the Game informer cover/article. I was just checking daily for anything new. The delays were tough and frustrating. I actually felt exhausted from thinking about the game so much. From all the info, screenshots, and trailers people were figuring out the map and I remember drawing it out and have to say it was damn close. I knew my way around the map before I even got the game or saw the blueprint map that Rockstar showed. I could tell where grapeseed was, where the military base was, the name of every district/town. I knew where the runways were, where the light house was, where the dam was, or where every bridge was.

My ps3 died before the game came out so bought a new one for it. When it came out on PS4 i bought a new TV because i had a cheap tiny 720p tv. When it came out on PC i built a PC for it.

I swore to myself I'd never let myself get that excited again. I'm not paying much attention to RDR2. I want to know as little as possible before playing it.



It was the first Tales game for the Xbox 360 and PS3 and I just couldn't believe how amazing it looked. Sadly I had to wait an entire year to play it because I didn't own a 360. At least it was the PS3 version I ended up getting to play.


FFXV and KH3.

FFXV failed to deliver, and because of that coupled with just how long has gone by, I have lost a lot of my hype for KH3.


Panzer Dragoon Orta. I yearned for an RPG sequel to Saga at the time, but the fact that they were making another PD game at all was enough to hype me to oblivion. I got a modded Xbox so i could get the JP version before the PAL version landed. It lived up to all my expectations. For my money, it is still the most gorgeous game I've ever played in addition to being a phenomenal shooter.


Street Fighter IV
It all started with the SF4 ink effect teaser with Ryu Vs Ken. When i seen the first image of Ryu in the new graphics engine hype was on another level. Then came the 1UP preview and i was just blown away. It felt like it was forever and was great to see a fighting game come back to the mainstream after many years.

Wii Sports
It was a fad, but a enjoyable one. I remember walking into HMV and trying a demo and i was blown away. When i received my Wii with Wii Sports and seen family members playing the game who have never been into gaming. I knew this was something special.

GTA San Andreas
I remember following this game and reading every single detail. At one point i heard a magazine has a exclusive preview of the game and i actually went out to buy this magazine the day the magazine first came out. It was the only time i ever did this for a game.
Defo Zelda OOT for me. My 14 year old self devoured every new piece of information released to the gaming magazines.
I remember one of the mags ran a 6 page preview a couple of months before release and I ended up knowing every piece of text and screenshot like the back of my hand as I had read it so much.

Good times :)


I was super hyped for GTA IV, more so than I was for V. Talked about it with friends for weeks and poured over the videos before it came out.


Super Smash Bros. 4.
Mega Man was a character I wanted for Smash Bros. Since the Smash 64 days. I thought he would forever be a pipedream. And then he was the final announcement of the Smash 4 reveal trailer and looked practically perfect, Seeing him and hearing his music sent me into overdrive hype mode. Never been so excited for anything before. Had trouble sleeping for a few days afterwards because of the excitement. And then the whole Pic of the Day thing started. That was hype in its own right because it gave a constant flow of new info about the game and you never knew what the next pic was gonna be about. A random joke pic? A new mechanic? A new item? A new stage? A returning veteran character? All of these could just randomly appear in a Pic of the Day, it was crazy. I often stayed up way late just to catch that pic and read SmashGAF's reaction to it. That was a lot of fun haha. If a pic was late SmashGAF would slowly descent into insanity.
On top of the amazing reveal trailer and the constant crazy ride that was the Pic of the Day were obviously the fantastic newcomer reveal trailers that Nintendo saved for their directs and big events. Every one of those was a massive hype booster by itself. Somewhere down the line I even got my second most wanted character after Mega Man, Shulk. Ever since I played the incredible Xenoblade Chronicles back in 2011 I imagined how awesome it would be if Shulk was in the next Smash Bros.
Did not think his chances were very high due to the game being rather niche but I never stopped dreaming about it. And then, bam, Sakurai delivered yet again. Holy fuck that was amazing. The trailer got somewhat spoiled due to Shulk leaking beforehand but it made me incredibly hyped nonetheless. The full game came out sometime later and for me it delivered in spades outside of some few minor gripes. I still get a lot of enjoyment out of watching tournaments for it.
But wait, there's more! Turns out Sakurai's wild ride wasn't over just yet as the game actually got DLC support post release. And what DLC that was, good lord. First up was old fan favorite Mewtwo returning, which many people have asked for for ages. It was quite hype seeing Mewtwo confirmed to come to Smash 4 post release. All the people who got faked out by the Greninja trailer got a happy ending after all.
Then Lucas returned which I didn't really care for but it made quite a few people happy so that's cool. After that the leaks would get us one more time and Roy and Ryu leaked, it was very cool seeing Ryu in Smash Bros. and he had an awesome trailer reminiscent of his SF2 intro. Unfortunately he got leaked so hard that people managed to get his files and have him playable before Nintendo even showed his trailer, that kind of diminished the effect of the cool trailer somewhat but it was awesome seeing a traditional FG character like Ryu in Smash Bros. either way.
There was a bit of silence afterwards but it would turn out that thas was basically the proverbial calm before the storm. I certainly wasn't ready for the next announcement and, after a look around the internet, most people weren't either.
Sakurai the goddamn madman against all expectation and speculation (that was the final nail in the coffin for most of those fanmade bogus rules as to who can be in Smash Bros and who can't) added Cloud Strife to Smash Bros. As I was watching that trailer I couldn't believe my eyes. My brain had no idea to process what my eyes were seeing on screen, the only two words that came to my mind were: holy fuck!. Probably the hypest moment of the whole ride almost at the tail end of it. It was really fun observing the internet's reaction to that. Watched countless reaction videos to that trailer (Maximillian_dood's is my favorite, it's hilarious).
That was definitely the event that changed the Smash speculation game forever.
After Cloud's announcement followed the Smash Direct, marking the Final Destination (see what I did there? Eh?) of the Smash 4 hype train. People were expecting the result(s) of the previously announced Smash ballot and boy we got those results alright. First up was an announcement that definitely got the saltmines going, Corrin from FE: Fates, the sixth Fire Emblem character to be included in this game (early on prople thought Ike was going to be cut and replaced by a new flavor of the month FE character for a total of two FE characters, funny how that worked out). Many people were rather disappointed, not me though as I thought he/she looked cool and I had no real attachment towards FE and I also didn't really have a big wish I was banking on anymore since I already got what I wanted.
Anyway, at the end of the Smash Direct the ballot winner (and final DLC character) was announced and it was Bayonetta, Sakurai's last surprise. Certainly surprised (and delighted) me, Bayonetta is amazing but never in my life would I have thought she'd make her way into Smash Bros. yet here we are. To me it was definitely an awesome final addition, internet opinion was a little split, but whatever, Bayo is awesome.
And that was basically the whole hypetrain, a really amazing ride from start to finish for me. Sorry for the long post, I just felt like reminiscing, nothing gets me as pumped as a new Smash on the horizon.


Probably: Halo 3 - Waited in line and played all night with friends.

Early on: Parasite Eve - Teenage hype for a RPG with guns and hot girl.

Most invested - Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Spent $1000 to get pre-alpha test access, still waiting and hoping...

Adrenaline burst: Shenmue III - The announcement made me flip my mattress in the air.

Future king: FFVIIR - When they show a bit more, if it's not bad, it will probably take top spot.

Future future king: Cyberpunk 2077 - Already got a bit of savings going for a beastly PC when it finally comes out.

The dreams: Snatcher 2, Lost Odyssey 2, Test Drive Unlimited 3 - I would flip my house.


FF7, Morrowind, KOTOR...before the Internet hype machine we were nerding out over EGM images and talking about this stuff on the bus. No preview videos on the interwebs. Had to find a demo if it existed. Hell I bought Wild Arms just for the FF7 demo.


Hmmm... I suppose FF X-2, Brawl, Halo 3, and DA:I all had me hyped. Can't say I was too disappointed by any of these titles except X-2.

X-2 was the first FF game that I actively followed leading up to release and was the first FF game I bought on release date, hell might've been my first preordered game now that I think about it.

By the time I had gotten into FF (I was 14) all the subsequent ones were released and I caught on to them afterwards, so this time I wanted to be apart of the initial hype upon release. Didn't quite live up to my expectations.


GTA V. Man that wait was brutal. I rolled up to midnight launch with a bunch of friends, what a great time that was.


Oh man, that's a really interesting and difficult question.

It actually might be Final Fantasy XV. Loved Duscae, and after the disappointment that was XIII I was desperate to fall in love with a Final Fantasy game again. It didn't really live up to my expectations. Don't get me wrong it's great and I had a good time with it overall, but it seems like we'll never get a Final Fantasy like VI through X again.


Morrowind. It lived up to my hype, mostly, but there was still a slight disappointment in terms of gameworld/city sizes and the soundtrack (it doesn't even have any proper dungeon music but play happy exploration music while you're sneaking around in a dark monster-infested place).

Xenoblade Chronicles X is a somewhat recent game I was very hyped about, and I bought a Wii U to play it. Unfortunately, it ended up as a massive disappointment. Boring story, boring characters and a very lousy soundtrack. Nice game world though.
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