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What was your most hyped game of all time?

FC Bayern



Also I really wished they stayed with the 2D visual novel format. Going low budget 3D somehow managed to take away all the tense and scary atmosphere. I guess you could call it part jump scare, but when you're just going along and suddenly something happens that you don't expect (in 999/VLR) there was no replacing that feeling of shock/excitement/wtf/hype etc.
Turok 1. When I was a kid I desperately wanted FPSes to be on console for some reason and got super excited about Turok. I paid $80 for it at KB Toys on "Turok Tuesday"

The game had some revolutionary looking fog.
Xenonlade Chronicles X

It absolutely delivered.

Smash feels kind of like its own beast with the potential for so many properties to appear. Definitely second.


Skate 3, which also happened to be the only game I managed to get before the release date (retailer broke street date, got it 4 days early). It was glorious.


Perfect Dark after GoldenEye
Shenmue II after Shenmue

The jump from SD to HD for GTA and MGS probably had me at my most hyped. The amount of times I watched GTA4 and MGS4 trailers was ridiculous. Reading everything and just being super excited. For the most part I was not let down. It would be hard for anyone to top GTA3, VC and SA and likewise topping MGS1, 2 and 3 would be rough so all in all I don't think my hype was misplaced.


Twilight Princess.

The build-up to this game's release was intense. I think I was around 12-13 when it was first announced .That first trailer, showcasing a darker tone as Link stands alone against hordes of monsters, without a hint of story, blew my mind back then. The second trailer continued with that theme of isolation and "show, don't tell" storytelling as Link traversed quiet forests and dark dungeons seemingly dripping with hidden history. I was convinced that we would be getting a modern interpretation of Zelda 1 in a darker setting.

And then the third trailer came out, emphasizing the story over everything else. But I was still excited, although it looked like we weren't getting the "Metroid Prime of Zelda" like I thought we were. And then the game came out and... well, I liked it, but I couldn't help but feel let down by the overbearing story, drab overworld, and linearity.

Fast-forward to last year, when I finally played Dark Souls and realized that was the game I'd always wished TP had been. Ironically enough, after trading in my dusty Wii U it looks like a Zelda game came out that actually is a modern interpretation of Zelda 1.
Monkey Island 2: LeChucks Revenge. I was very young when the first game was given to me for my Amiga 500 and I'd never played an adventure game like it before. It was funny, colourful, spooky.. I loved it all. I must have played it over a hundred times in my life.. easily.

I remember seeing screens of a sequel in Amiga Power or some such magazine at the time. I would dream about the sequel I'd never played. My mother came home from a trip to London one day, with a mint sealed copy of MI2.


I suppose the next hype train was for the original shenmue. It came at a time when I downloaded every QuickTime video I could. The internet was a different place back then.


Probably Halo 3. That doesn't mean it's the best game I've played, of course, but I remember the hype in late 2007 and how excited I was about to "finish the fight". It must've been Microsoft's best moment in the industry too.
Man this is a tough question to answer. The main contenders in my life would have to be Kingdom Hearts (2002), Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (2009), and Catherine (2011).


Metroid Prime. I enjoyed it, but it never lived up to my hype of the follow-up to Super Metroid, which was and still is one of my favorite games. Prime was the first game I took time off work to play and the only non-portable game I brought with me on a trip. I played that game during every moment of free time I had.
..shamefully never finished. Someday though...
Resident Evil 4. Especially after that village demo. Got the game at 10PM and played till 6am. Made it 1/4 way through the castle in 1 sitting.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
A Link Between Worlds made me have a fit like an excited schoolgirl when it was announced. I'm normally a pretty composed person.

It wasn't as good as I thought it'd be, but I did enjoy it a lot.
Deus Ex 3 / Human Revolution got me to fangirl pretty hard, but I don't think anything has ever made me as excited as Sonic Mania. I've been waiting 15 years for a Sega endorsed, fan created Sonic game and it is glorious.
Diablo 3 (letdown but then redeemed)

Starcraft 2 (see above)

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (Nailed it. Deus Ex 1 is my favorite game of all time alongside FFVII)

Star Wars: Battlefront (not as good as I imagined, but still amazing)

Now it is definitely FFVII Remake


My 3 most hyped games:

Final Fantasy VIII: It released 9.9.99, a hell of a release date for marketing and I still remember clearly. My binder was all spiffed out with custom collages of magazine ads, screenshots, character art. I was in 8th grade. Pre-ordered for 9 months.
It mostly lived up to the hype for me and I still like the game well.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. It is one of the greatest games of all time. Great graphics, tons of gameplay and personality packed into every area. I frothed a long time for that game. The preview videos from the devs were amazing. Finally, MGS with the chains off. I get to sneak UP ON the base, and then sneak through the base. A long time dream game from childhood conversations with mu brother. Just last year I was climbing a 35 foot ladder in a bunker and hollering the Snake Eater theme.

Bad Company 2 multiplayer. Unfortunately, the stellar single player was neutered. But that multilayer, man is it good. BC1 multiplayer was super cool. And BC2 both refined and smartly expanded. I got into the PS3 beta which was extended to be almost two months. Arica harbor. I played it every night. The gameplay possibilities are endlessly fresh. I would devour new BC2 content right now. No need for a facelift. The gameplay is the show.
My friend and I camp out 6 hours for mgs4
we were in high school
, half-life 2, modern warfare 2, bloodborne and battlefield 1. Before bf1 was announce I was mention how I miss old world war battlefield games and i was tired of futuristic shooters. So bf1 just resonated well with me.
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