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What's the worst physical pain you've experienced?

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I have never experience the extreme pain you guys suffer, but I will still post the one I think are pretty painful to me.

1)Because of a hole in my ear drum when I was 6 years old, I had to have a surgery, but it never went well, I had over 4 surgery within 6 years period. Having that many surgery pretty much gives you a good chance for ear infection, so I had 3 ear infections.... One of them was so bad that they had to cut open the back of my left ear to drain it without any painkillers.

2)When I was in highschool, there was this wooden beam for that the girls(I think 6 inch wide and 12 ft long) used to balanced on. I screwed around and as you can guess slipped..... my nuts slammed down on it, it was so painful I tipped over sideway and landed on my head, the little head ache was NOTHING compared to the pain of my nuts.

3)Pull a groin muscle during PE in highschool.

4)Step on a wooden plank with a nail through it, the nail went through my feet. Didn't noticed the pain until I noticed I am lifting the plank with me as I am walking. The nail wasn't the thin ones, it was those fucking thick ones.


Some notable pains for me include

getting winded;

when I was about 6-7 years old, they had these big cement pipes in the playground... I leapt off one of the pipes onto another kid's head... took out that kid but winded myself in the process.

the other two times I was winded, people punched me around the diaphragm.... (er... that thing between your guts and lungs right? :p)

Eatting stupidly hot burning chilli... then taking a crap the next day...
The pain is somewhat like someone jabbing you with a surgical knife in the anus... at least what I imagine would feel like someone doing that to you... not that I've ever experienced been jabbed in the anus with a surgical knife.


Suerte said:
Yeah they asked for my sexual history and stuff and what I had done, I told him I had never had anal (giving or taking) and had just done oral and "mutual masturbation" but he still went on about HIV, probably just to "scare me" when I eventually do that kind of thing, although I'd never have unprotected anal sex, especially after all this! Still a little scary how he was like "you have to think if the outcome is positive how it will change your life forever" which I thought was really OTT. Just wish I didn't have to wait a whole week to find out the results, I'm a natural worrier, lol.
Ok that guy is an asshole. He shouldn't be telling you to even consider positive results through oral. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning on a clear day in the desert than you do of getting HIV through oral, my God. Even if he was simply trying to scare you for future exposure, he took it a little too far imo. This probably had a lot to do with him knowing your sexual preference; some people still tend to think that homosexuality = HIV more often than heterosexual, and that's just not the case.

My Doc actually put it a good way in regards to the HIV test I went ahead and took along side the other STD tests. She said that an HIV test isn't warranted in a case involving insertive oral, since it's not high risk. But, she suggested that I go ahead and take it because it would stop my mind from constantly wondering and worrying over it, and she's absolutely right.


Well since I just got home from emergency gallbladder surgery that I would have to say hehe. I feel like rocky had a go at me for few hours. How some people go home hour later and return work next day I have no idea, I surely will not be this luckly. I cant even get into my bed! But apparently I have more then 130 of those stones, hopefully time does heal all wounds :)


Tritroid said:
My Doc actually put it a good way in regards to the HIV test I went ahead and took along side the other STD tests. She said that an HIV test isn't warranted in a case involving insertive oral, since it's not high risk. But, she suggested that I go ahead and take it because it would stop my mind from constantly wondering and worrying over it, and she's absolutely right.

Yeah, I didn't even have to take the HIV test either, but I decided just to go for it anyway. He even said because the last time I had done oral was only around three weeks ago that I'd have to go back for another HIV test at the end of the summer, since HIV has an 8 week incubation period or something. :rolleyes
I just found out that I had a spinal tap when I was about 3. I thought somthing like that would stick in my mind, but I have no recelection of it.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
I've always had a phobia when it comes to thing getting near or touching my eye. It's something I have to this day and is part of the reason why I won't even consider contacts. Well, when I was around 6 or so I was swinging on an old-ass rather rusty swingset and a chunk of rust from it fell and got stuck in my eye. I freaked. I instantly shut my eye and just lost it. My parents had to rush me to the emergency room where like three doctors held me down, yanked open my eye, and had the rust removed from my eye. You can bet I fought them tooth and nail. I now have a nice scar on part of my eye as a memento of the whole experience. It could've been much worse, but for me, that's the worst physical-type pain experience I can recall. Personally though, I've experienced psychological pain that can top that tenfold, and I suspect alot of people feel the same way...


When I had strep throat and the inside of my throat was torn, that kind of hurt... I would frequently puke up blood, and did so for about two weeks.

That was a GREAT diet, though.


Well, i had a spinal tap five years ago (senior in HS) because i had encephalitis (checking spinal fluid to see if i really had it, maybe?). I hear it's quite painful. Thankfully, i was so out of it i don't remember getting it done or even my first 3 days in the hospital.

Apparently, i was really violent and actually smacked a cop around before they (the cop, nurses and doctor) ganged up on me to strap me to a bed. All i really remember was being taken to a hospital and then my memory fast forwards to me trying to leave because i didn't want to be there. What happened while i was in the hospital was told to me by my parents and doctor/nurses.

And I'm not a violent person at all, BTW.


Count of Concision
A couple of notable incidents:

When I had appendicitis-- both the pain before it was removed, and the even worse pain that came afterwards, when nobody told me to hold my stomach in with a pillow when I coughed or sneezed. They had to cut through my abdominal muscles to get to the appendix, which is unusual, so it made it even worse. When I sneezed, the pain was excruciating.

A couple of years after that, during my senior year of HS, I was in class and began to get the worst stomach pains I had ever felt (worse than the appendicitis). So at first I put my head down and try to gut it out, but it gets unbearable and I leave to go to the nurse. On the way there, I'm punching the walls in the hall because the pain was just phenomenal-- til this day, I've never felt anything like it. So the nurse says "maybe it's gas"; I quickly run to the bathroom and proceed to try to force myself to fart. I then rip the longest and loudest fart ever heard (2 long ones each literally about 20 seconds long and at least 85 decibels). After that, the pain was gone. I still can't believe that mere gas can give somebody pains like that. It felt like I was dying. Thankfully, it has never happened since, despite my penchant for carbonated beverages. :D
When I was really young I climbed into a sink and sat cross legged with my left knee under the tap. I then turned the hot water tap on and caused severe burns to my left leg. Plus I was wearing a leather sandle on my left foot so the hot water sort of melted the sandle partially into my foot. I had massive blisters and had to wear bandages on my leg and foot for 2 years. Lucky I was so young I don't remember how painful it was...

I've also had someone swing a golf club and whack me in the ear..

I also ran into someone in Primary school playing "chasey". Some of my teeth went through my upper lip and into someones scalp!

I really hate it when people whip you with a towel too.. that sucks.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Having my wisdom teeth removed was extremely painful, but anything related to the mouth stands above most other types of pain IMO.

Also, when I was younger, I leaned over to grab (of all things) a codewheel for a PC game. My friend leaned on my chair to see what I was doing while holding a sharpened pencil in his hand. I sat down just a bit too quickly and the pencil found its way deep into my flesh. That certainly hurt...

Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with too much...


Got my finger jammed when trying to tie up my friend's boat. Someone decided to hop out right when I went to cinch it up, and my finger got caught. I could see the rope just tightening and slowly crushing my nail, blood oozing out. It was such a small injury, but I was almost seeing stars from the pain.

I also had a really awkward fall on rollerblades. I went to stop (no brake pad) and hit a patch of wet pavement. My skates slipped out and I fell face first. I kept from faceplanting, but for whatever reason, my dick has shifted around in my pants so it slipped through the boxers and scraped the head along the inside of the zipper just when I hit the ground. I rolled around in the middle of the road for about a minute whimpering, stumbled to my feet, dropped to the grass and almost threw up. I kicked off my skates somehow and found the hose and started soaking myself to keep from passing out. I was really lightheaded. After about 5 minutes, it was like nothing had happened, but for those few minutes, I thought I was dying...dick first. :lol PEACE.
How many of you guys have gone to dentists that don't use any type of anesthesia??! Do you go to some back alley dentist or something? And all you guys that had wisdom teeth taken out... didn't you have that done under general anasthetic? i.e. you were not concious?! I certainly was! Plus I got mine taken out before they even became a problem.

Other pains...

Cramps in your feet hurt a lot..

A girl in high school was using a piece of machinery that was spinning (buffer?) and she leant over and her hair got caught in it and ripped a chunck of her hair and scalp out! OUCH!


Count of Concision
Oh yeah, also the pain I had when I needed a root canal but didn't know it. My entire head throbbed incessantly with sharp, shooting pain, and I couldn't sleep. That was pretty serious pain.
Spinal taps are nothing. The anticipation of the procedure is more scary than the actual procedure itself. I didn't feel a damn thing..


Grandma's Chippy
I know the anticipation of my epidural (spinal injection) was hell compared to the actual event...still didn't like the idea of a huge needle being stuck in my spine while I was bent over ...

Speaking of anticipation...I remember a few days after that I was in HORRIBLE pain and I needed to go to the ER. They recommended a shot of morphine and right before she left the nurse asked my a question about my stats (blood pressure, cholestoral etc)...I asked why and she said "Well if things aren't just right, this injection could stop your heart"...then she left to get the injection.

I was like WTF...I don't want this thing now...plus she took like 5 minutes to get back. Not a fun wait...definately NOT fun anticipation.

DJ Sl4m

My kidneys completely shut down for almost a month when I was younger, and the doctors ordered the nurses to put a Catheter inside the piss hole in my penis till it reached my bladder, then blow it up like a baloon to keep it from pulling out so any fluids would drain.

Hurt like a mofo going in, but it was 1000X worse when that bitch pulled the loooooooooooooooong tube out, because by then the skin inside was dry as hell.

Damn what bad memories.


not much pain so far *knocks on wood*

once i was trying to walk off of a trampoline and my friend jumped just then making me bounce forward and hit my rib on the metal that goes around the edge, then flying off and hitting my head on the ground...laughing wasnt fun for a few days.

jumping out of a swing at day care [i was about 10] and landing on my head...

what you would think would be the worst: standing on a moving gate at the school that they [never] use to stop people from driving around campus during school hours, and having some asshole push it...guess how i fell. =/ but luckily the bar hit me near the top of my left thigh, missing my balls...i still acted like it did though, because if i didn't then people would've been like "ooh that didn't hurt? you don't have nuts!! hahahaha"... dumb fuckers.


For being the stronger of the gender, I can't believe we have such a major weakness. Hearing about what happens to your urethra or having the experience of my nuts getting slammed really makes me want to be a woman sometime..... then I remember the female have childbirths.


Though I've copped all sorts of painful injuries - cricket bat to the head, cricket ball to the face/knee/chest/thigh, fillings without anaesthetic, incompetent nurses armed with needles, and so on, I have to give it to the bone marrow test - despite the fact that I was under when they took it, that fucker hurt for about two weeks afterwards - still got a nice lump on my hip.


Unconfirmed Member
I've had a few.

I had a spinal tap when I was between 1 and 2 years old, luckily I don't remember that. Though when I think about it, my back gets sore.

The worst off the top of my head was my bike accident about 7 years ago. I've had a ton of bike accidents, and this one took the cake. I was stopped at a stoplight about half a block from my house. When the walk light came on, I stood up so that I could pedal a bit faster, and get home quicker. Anyway, my right foot slipped off of the pedal, I crotched myself on the bar, and slammed into a fence. I flew over my handlebars and hit my head on the fence, and then got my leg all tangled up in my bike, and dropped with all of my weight onto my knee, with the crossbar of my bike right in the back of it. Oh fuck, I stumbled home, and my face and knee were throbbing. The worst part didn't come until later, though. My knee felt all funny (I ruptured a bursa sac, and so there was all sorts of fluid on there, so it was all numb and weird), and for the next 2 months the slightest bit of pressure sent jolts of pain from my ankle to my hip that took my breath away. When the pains were going away finally, I slipped on rocks in the rain, and reinjured the knee. That night I layed awake crying all night because it hurt so bad. It's better now, finally, though sometimes I still get the pains back.

Though I may have had a worse pain the other day... The other mornning, I woke up with some stomach cramps, and got up to go to the bathroom. I noticed that it felt like I had a cramp in my hamstring, which is odd. I get a lot of Charlie horses in my calves, so I figured it was okay. When I stood up, though, I got a Charlie horse in my left calf... and noticed that it wasn't a cramp in my hamstring, but rather a throbbing pain from my right testicle. I walked to the bathroom and every step was like hell. I had tears welling up in my eyes. Apparently I had slept funny, and the testicle got twisted around. I sat down on the toilet, and it untwisted, and the pain went away almost immediately, but that minute was quite possibly the worst minute of my life, between the nut pain and the awful stomach cramps.
One pretty painfull experience was when I went to the doctor to get a mole removed on the high end of my neck. It wasn't the operation that hurt, it was the anesthetic injection and a trigger happy nurse, who despite jabbing the thing in there with little regard, STILL managed to fuck up and they had to do it again. The thing went into my neck about an inch aswell. Felt like I was getting my neck slit


getting kneed in the nuts during karate practice.

(fractured my ribs during snowboarding, but that was nothing compared to the above)


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>And all you guys that had wisdom teeth taken out... didn't you have that done under general anasthetic? i.e. you were not concious?! I certainly was! Plus I got mine taken out before they even became a problem.<<<

Oh, I was fully alert for that wisdom tooth thing. That one time, I DID have a local anesthetic, but it wore off before they were finished. I guess they didn't expect it to take as long as it did. First, they tried to pull it out... and tried, and tried, and tried. Finally they made some cross-cuts through it, cracked it apart into several pieces, then pulled the pieces seperately.
It wasn't too bad, but then I'm the hold-my-hand-on-a-flame type.
Suprise pain makes me yelp like a little girl, though.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
>>>4)Step on a wooden plank with a nail through it, the nail went through my feet. Didn't noticed the pain until I noticed I am lifting the plank with me as I am walking. The nail wasn't the thin ones, it was those fucking thick ones.<<<

I've done that three times wearing tennis shoes. (including the walking around with it stuck to my foot thing) But each time, the nail went through my shoe, through my sock, pressed into my foot, but didn't penetrate, even the time when I jumped on the nail. Weeiiiirrd.


TAJ said:
>>>4)Step on a wooden plank with a nail through it, the nail went through my feet. Didn't noticed the pain until I noticed I am lifting the plank with me as I am walking. The nail wasn't the thin ones, it was those fucking thick ones.<<<

I've done that three times wearing tennis shoes. (including the walking around with it stuck to my foot thing) But each time, the nail went through my shoe, through my sock, pressed into my foot, but didn't penetrate, even the time when I jumped on the nail. Weeiiiirrd.

I was wearing sandals......
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