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What's the WORST superhero movie scene of all time?

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man......Richard Donner really came up with alot of stupid powers for the first superman movie, eh?

This and the 'turn back time' powers really stretches the boundaries of disbelief.

As the above poster said, it was Superman II. And it probably wasn't even Donner, since he got replaced during filming and a lot of Superman II was reshot. Not saying Donner didn't come up with the S throwing, but it's possible that wasn't him. I'm not sure either way. The turn back time thing, yeah, that's on him.

Because why the hell were his arms running MS Windows Evil? They weren't an AI, they were robotic arms to help his experiments!

I'm positive they are AI. It's basically a throwaway line during the first experiment scene, but Ock mentions that they're AI if I'm remembering right. One of the reporters even asks about possible influence, which is when he points to the inhibitor chip which gets destroyed.


man......Richard Donner really came up with alot of stupid powers for the first superman movie, eh?

This and the 'turn back time' powers really stretches the boundaries of disbelief.

I always thought pulling off the S was just another "illusion" that was only possible in the fortress of Solitude. Didn't that same scene have holograms of himself in various spots until they found the real Superman?


"Will you die for me Harley?"


"No no no, that's too easy. Will you LIVE for me?"

All while growling and hissing and whatever the fuck else Ledger did as Joker in that movie. That scene made me roll my eyes so hard.

I had forgotten all about this scene somehow. This is easily one of the worst scenes posted in this thread.


It's got to be a scene from Spawn but I can't narrow it down because the whole movie is awful. Pretty much any scene is a contender.
The basketball scene in Catwoman was the highlight in a movie full of some of the worst scenes ever filmed.

Spider-Man 3's edgy Peter was atrocious as well. Also not a fan of the really corny stuff in the Raimi movies.

The fight scenes in Nolan's Batman movies. They're all horrible and make Batman look like a chump.

That park scene from Daredevil. Dear god...

ALL of Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance. Someone needs to crack out the Nicolas Cage gifs from this shitfest of a movie. Not that the first one was much better...

The demon poodles from the first Hulk movie.

Any scene featuring Halle Berry's African accent from the first X-Men movie. Such a relief they didn't go with it for the sequels. I actually found her Storm quite decent in X-2.

The Martha scene in BvS didn't bother me much at all. But the scene in MoS when papa Kent dramatically telling his son not to save him from the tornado he ran into to save the dog was HORRIBLE. Ugh...

Too many to count in Suicide Squad, mostly having to do with the Joker and Enchantress.

"I'm the Juggernaut, bitch" in X-3. I mean Juggernaut himself was ridiculous looking. Instead of a Hulk-like CG behemoth we got Vinnie Jones in a whacky home-made football getup goofily running after Juno.

I'm sure there are plenty of others I am not remembering or am simply suppressing as of now.
This is all seriously amateur hour compared to The Spirit.


Frank Miller unleashed upon the work of poor Will Eisner, resulting in one of the single worst films I have ever seen in my life.

lol I remember watching this PoS in the theater with my siblings. Most of the audience left halfway through.
Superhero movies have honestly rarely been just about stopping criminals/robbers, pretty much all the way back to the first Donner Superman movie. Most revolve around stopping some kind of cataclysmic event whether it be city-scale or world-scale.

The reliance on this plot device is a big part of the reason I found The Wolverine so refreshing.

The kick-ass movies exist though, and they deal with lesser crimes and villains... like the motherfucker.



Just...why? Why did they decide to fight for funsies in public in broad daylight in a crowded park? I mean there were identities to protect, nothing to gain, just insane. There was NO ONE who would just do this thing. It was just pure idiocy for the sake of action. For fucks sake Matt Murdock is blind ...just how the hell was he ever gonna explain this in his neighborhood? He has a reputation and a very public image there. Especially if they, oh I dunno, had a police officer in the park run up on them and want to run ID's or have a talk to find out whats going on? If they were street performers I've seen friggin musicians and dancers stopped for less than these two got into and ID-ed so its not like they couldn't get by just screwing around like this forever.

Electra/Daredevil fight is one of the stupidest and most senseless scenes every shoehorned into a film to enhance the "excitement".

Just...why? Why did they decide to fight for funsies in public in broad daylight in a crowded park? I mean there were identities to protect, nothing to gain, just insane. There was NO ONE who would just do this thing. It was just pure idiocy for the sake of action. For fucks sake Matt Murdock is blind ...just how the hell was he ever gonna explain this in his neighborhood? He has a reputation and a very public image there. Especially if they, oh I dunno, had a police officer in the park run up on them and want to run ID's or have a talk to find out whats going on? If they were street performers I've seen friggin musicians and dancers stopped for less than these two got into and ID-ed so its not like they couldn't get by just screwing around like this forever.

Electra/Daredevil fight is one of the stupidest and most senseless scenes every shoehorned into a film to enhance the "excitement".

Such a cheesy looking set. That gif looks like a shot from a sitcom.


This is all seriously amateur hour compared to The Spirit.


Frank Miller unleashed upon the work of poor Will Eisner, resulting in one of the single worst films I have ever seen in my life.

I haven't even seen this one.

I feel really guilty for thinking Scarjo looks hot af in that nazi outfit though :(


All of Wolverine:eek:rigins.

Any scene with Will.i.am. Logan's shitty claws. Deadpool last fight lol. Boxing with the Blob. Gambit introduction lol.



Just...why? Why did they decide to fight for funsies in public in broad daylight in a crowded park? I mean there were identities to protect, nothing to gain, just insane. There was NO ONE who would just do this thing. It was just pure idiocy for the sake of action. For fucks sake Matt Murdock is blind ...just how the hell was he ever gonna explain this in his neighborhood? He has a reputation and a very public image there. Especially if they, oh I dunno, had a police officer in the park run up on them and want to run ID's or have a talk to find out whats going on? If they were street performers I've seen friggin musicians and dancers stopped for less than these two got into and ID-ed so its not like they couldn't get by just screwing around like this forever.

Electra/Daredevil fight is one of the stupidest and most senseless scenes every shoehorned into a film to enhance the "excitement".
And on top of that, the whole motivation for the scene is him getting her name. They decide to fight because she doesn't "like being touched" (?). After some dumb teeter-totter action, sprinkled with cringey quips, she ends up "winning" the fight, but she gives him her name anyways.

like... WHY?

Link to scene
Martha takes the cake.
The way me and my gf were cackling during that whole scene drove the cinema nuts (they were into it for some extremely odd reason)


Yeah, the Batman/Superman fight in BvS ultimately takes the cake for me. Superman could have avoided the fight entirely if he just stayed back and screamed to Batman "they have my mother and Lex is setting us up". Instead Superman engages Batman in a fight which leads to the entire MARTHA bullshit.

Snyder is such an idiot
This is all seriously amateur hour compared to The Spirit.


Frank Miller unleashed upon the work of poor Will Eisner, resulting in one of the single worst films I have ever seen in my life.
Why is Sam Jackson a black Nazi? Why is there a black Nazi at all?


Yeah, the Batman/Superman fight in BvS ultimately takes the cake for me. Superman could have avoided the fight entirely if he just stayed back and screamed to Batman "they have my mother and Lex is setting us up". Instead Superman engages Batman in a fight which leads to the entire MARTHA bullshit.

Snyder is such an idiot

Yeah, that scene makes no sense. Superman wants to tell him, Batman isn't having it but Superman just has to say one more time but decides to beat the shit out of Batman. What.
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