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What's up with all the negativity around The Last of Us now?

In terms of the way it looks, how brutal it is/ feels, how dramatic it feels and how every battle feels intense and serious.

Well, to me it is I mean.

I mean we all have different opinions, I can see why people may dislike this game ( too slow paced, too much stealth, OMG another zombie game etc) but again to me, it is defiantly a brilliant game.

Ever played Batman?

You should play Batman.


I don't know, saying that's it "overhype" or whatever is bordering on insanity. The game has issues that were obviously glossed over and reviewers are doing themselves a huge disservice by not mentioning them.
Pretty much. A lot of the reviewers ignored to mention the goofy AI and I noticed it during the demo. Now people are figuring stuff out for themselves and these 10/10's make less and less sense.
Official Forum Cocksucker
(Today, 09:12 PM)

Off-topic, but that is one incredibly unfortunate tag XD
I fucking love the game. The gameplay is really good in my opinion because it feels different than other shooters out there. The punches/melee feel really nice and you can tell you are truly dealing damage. Love how the gunplay isn't about trying to wrack up a huge number of kills but instead about trying to survive with low ammo while also choosing the best type of combat for each situation. Or even skipping combat all together. Someone mentioned character weight and I think it is really good as well. Actually feels like I'm controlling an adult man.
I fucking love the game. The gameplay is really good in my opinion because it feels different than other shooters out there. The punches/melee feel really nice and you can tell you are truly dealing damage. Love how the gunplay isn't about trying to wrack up a huge number of kills but instead about trying to survive with low ammo while also choosing the best type of combat for each situation. Or even skipping combat all together. Someone mentioned character weight and I think it is really good as well. Actually feels like I'm controlling an adult man.

I love it as well. but haters are gonna hate. I think it sucks to be someone that analyses stuff to death. i can deal with some inconsistencies..we all can unless you've never played a gta, bethesda game, etc...then these minor oops here or there should be overlooked...the total sum of its parts are brilliant...one of the best games I've ever played. I'm looking forward to survivor+ and lots of multiplayer.
I haven't played it yet... but every huge game gets backlash. It comes with the territory. Ignore it and draw your own conclusions.

I loved Bioshock Infinite when a lot of people seemed to love bioshock infinite. I still love bioshock infinite now that everyone is shitting on it in retrospect. Sucks for them - the game was a joy for me.

You realize that multiple people work for these websites, right? And that it's perfectly reasonable for one writer to love a game and for another to play after release and have issues with it? Just making sure.
Although what you say is true, the cynic in me notes that when a site eventually has two different opinions of a game, it's always the first review that's positive, and the follow up one more negative.

Anyways, a new Naughty Dog game receiving unusually high review scores isn't a surprise, nor is the backlash that inevitably follows.

Just GAF clashing with "videogame journalists", nothing new.

They also "hated" MGS4 and U3 which are probably two of my favorite games this gen.
MGS4 was Gaf's Game of the Year. Uncharted 3 wasn't hated by most, it was just a bit disappointing compared to 2, and it had the aiming issues.


Ever played Batman?

You should play Batman.

Yes and yes it was fun, but way too stylish and, while this is silly to say, doesn't look realistic as well.

Like Joel fights as an average male and in a way you expect someone in his position to fight, unlike Batman and Wei.

The flips and flying crap makes it too arcade like than brutal in batman and SD.

Not as satisfying when you beat some one.

Same applies to Sleeping dog.

Looks good and is fun, but doesn't feel as brutal.

Basically they are fun and awesome for different reasons and in different ways.


Im only where the GoW demo is and all I want to say is thank you ND for this game, its an amazing game if u overlook minor flaws its an awesome experience for someone who enjoys the genre. I basically just started but I'm already dreading me getting close to the end because its such a cool game and I dont want it to stop lol
Just got through 2 hours. Not a bad game, but not 100/100 material in my book. Feeling regret at dropping $60 on it for launch, should have waited for sale/bomba prices. My fault for getting caught up in the hype (again).


Just got through 2 hours. Not a bad game, but not 100/100 material in my book. Feeling regret at dropping $60 on it for launch, should have waited for sale/bomba prices. My fault for getting caught up in the hype (again).

This game is long and fleshed out, 2 hours in this game is basically like half way through in other games, you have hardly even dented the game I imagine.

Why not get at least half way through, try the MP and then give a verdict?

I mean, it could be this game isn't your style, which is perfectly find and understandable, but that isn't really the games fault.
Just got through 2 hours. Not a bad game, but not 100/100 material in my book. Feeling regret at dropping $60 on it for launch, should have waited for sale/bomba prices. My fault for getting caught up in the hype (again).
Would you say one of your reasons for possible regret might be because once you've completed it, you don't think it's something you'd want to play through again? The replayability of TLoU is what's making me hold off for now.
Would you say one of your reasons for possible regret might be because once you've completed it, you don't think it's something you'd want to play through again? The replayability of TLoU is what's making me hold off for now.

It's very rare for me to like a game so much that I replay it in single player (MP is different obviously). And my taste in going for NewGame+ is a little niche, e.g. I played Prototype1 on NG+ because I loved it, but I never went back to Infamous after I finished it.

This game is long and fleshed out, 2 hours in this game is basically like half way through in other games, you have hardly even dented the game I imagine.

Why not get at least half way through, try the MP and then give a verdict?

I mean, it could be this game isn't your style, which is perfectly find and understandable, but that isn't really the games fault.

Yes, I understand that my opinion is only based on my first 2 hours, and that's not a huge chunk based on how long I'm hearing it is. However, in those 2 hours, it hasn't really caught my fancy like other games have, do you know what I mean?

It's not a shit game, but 100/100 is definitely hyperbole to me. Reminds me a lot of the GTA4 100/100 BS reviews that came out. And if it makes any difference, I fucking loved Uncharted 2 (dat
collapsing building
To be fair, 96 on metacritic screams at over rated. In my opinion, i consider 90% of games rated 90 and above to be overrated. For the Last of Us, I noticed how clunky the gunplay was by watching videos since it was announced.
Think people are getting tired of game journalists tossing out perfect scores and not talking about some flaws. Last of Us has some issues and is not perfect. Still a great game but a perfect 10? No way.
It's just unfounded hype.

You take a game build hype around it then are saddened when it provides a very cinematic story but adds absolutely nothing new on the gameplay front.

To think people were raging about a few accurate reviews of the game a week ago.


In terms of the way it looks, how brutal it is/ feels, how dramatic it feels and how every battle feels intense and serious.

Well, to me it is I mean.

I mean we all have different opinions, I can see why people may dislike this game ( too slow paced, too much stealth, OMG another zombie game etc) but again to me, it is defiantly a brilliant game.

What this guy said. The Last of Us is the definition of atmosphere.

Damn that aliasing though :/


Gotta love contrarians.

I'm reading people saying Joel is sluggish... the game is filled with bugs... graphics aren't that good...

Don't know what faulty copies you guys bought, but other than a minor bug where Ellie got stuck in a shelf, I got nothing you guys are having.

Graphics are the best this gen has to offer. The gameplay is fine too.

People just love to rain on everyone else parades.

I do think the 10/10 scores were justified.


What this guy said. The Last of Us is the definition of atmosphere.

Damn that aliasing though :/

Since games like God of War got HD editions in PS3 gen, how much you wanna bet down the end of the gen we'll get an HD+ remaster of Last of Us with all the little image quality problems fixed and effects better implemented? Would be amazing

Zephyrus said:
Gotta love contrarians.

As opposed to people just giving their honest assessment of the game? God do you guys get this annoyed over legitimate opinions in real life? So lame.


It's just unfounded hype.

You take a game build hype around it then are saddened when it provides a very cinematic story but adds absolutely nothing new on the gameplay front.

To think people were raging about a few accurate reviews of the game a week ago.

this is what I mean... calling a game of this caliber a 7/10

Child... please.


Overhype (which doesn't mean a game is bad, but that people set their standards unrealistically high).

Also, people love being "that guy" to nitpick a critically acclaimed game/movie/restaurant/food/celebrity/anything that can possibly be acclaimed. What you end up with is a lot of "those guys" posting on forums (because really, "those guys" thrive on letting people know how hip they are for disagreeing with the mainstream).

Also, those who have negative experiences (with ANYTHING) tend to be much more vocal than those who have positive or as expected experiences. No one is going to hop on a message board and say "Guys! My toaster works as expected." But if some people have a broken toaster, oh my God, forumgeddon.

Other possible explanations:

- Not being the game they wanted ND to make, so they get mad and disappointed
- Not controlling how they wanted it to control, even if the controls are fine, so they get mad and disappointed.
- Taking one instance of a bad experience (an AI stupidly running into the open, for example) and extrapolating that out as "the AI is bad."
- People expecting the game to be Call of Duty Zombies mode.

And of course, there are some people who are being 100% honest and genuine about not liking the game.

Nice post, you covered all the standard reasons we see stuff like this all the time.


im about 6 hours in so far on hard mode, i would give it like a 3/5 so far

Seems Zephyrus thinks there is some arbitrary limit on the type of negativity you're allowed on a game that received UNIVERSAL METACRITIC PRAISE™, as opposed to just sharing your opinion and giving it whatever the fuck score you want, as long as you back up your criticisms with things one can understand.

Many of the complaints about THE LAST OF US have been very spot on, even while some of the praise has also been on the mark. And people's subjective assessment of which of these downsides and upsides warrant a lower or higher score for the title is going to make people have wildly independent perspectives because, heyo, they're wildly independent individuals!

Some people need to stop the whining every time some game they've anticipated forEVER and they invested their hard earned money in gets a little stab in the press or with gamers, as if their endless hype for the game has caused their skin to callous with the unwanted bitter tears of a million sleepless nights simply because someone was a little excessively mean to your sacred cow. Nevermind trying to actually address the points and illustrate why you think they're wrong: 'DON'T YOU DARE GIVE A MASTERPIECE LIKE THIS A 7/10 OR LESS!'



I microwave steaks.
I'm pretty sure I got overhyped which is why I am pretty disappointed with what I've played so far. But I'm not going to give my final verdict until I finish this game, because there have been certain games where my opinion of them have changed.


Since games like God of War got HD editions in PS3 gen, how much you wanna bet down the end of the gen we'll get an HD+ remaster of Last of Us with all the little image quality problems fixed and effects better implemented? Would be amazing

As opposed to people just giving their honest assessment of the game? God do you guys get this annoyed over legitimate opinions in real life? So lame.
I do understand that people have opinions, but man there's a lot of bias here.

Every single time a game gets 10/10 across the boards, there's always those guys putting flaws in everything.

We all knew from day 1 this game would have a much slower pace than Uncharted for example. What do people complain? It's too slow paced.

We all knew what kind of story we could expect. What do people complain? It's "predictable". It's too dark and gritty.

We knew stealth would play a huge role due to how intense and dangerous, run and gunning would be in this game. Guess what people complain about?

If you knew this game wouldn't be your thing, why are you giving your opinion on it? You know it's going to be biased.

There are some legitimate criticisms to this game, but they're being drowned by the fun loving contrarians that plague every big release.

There are even people saying this game is more of the same we got? Are you serious? This game is attempting and succeding in pushing the boundaries between game and adult, serious entertainment (no, not porn).
It's a breakthrough from all the corny campaigns we have in the vast majority of games.
It makes death a very serious thing and talks about loss in a way no other game is doing.
The gameplay is typical naughty dog. They pick what others do and do it better. What's better, they mix several elements from several different games and put in all in a single game, which makes it unique.

Imagine this analogy: Everyone paints with either blue and yellow. Then comes Naughty Dog, mixes both and paints with green paint. It's still paint, but it's unique from everyone else.

I for an instant, think U2 is by far the most overrated band in the world. I don't enjoy their songs, so I refrain from reviewing them to my friends because I'm heavily bias against them. I let someone who likes that type of music explain why it is good or bad.

It's like having someone who hates any kind of shooter, review a shooter. That person will score the game bad, because he/she doesn't like shooters. It's bias and it is heavy on this thread.


huh? There's a backlash? Didn't feel it at all. Then again I'm not touching that OT until I get the game myself.


This game came out yesterday. I think most people haven't even finished. Maybe wait a couple of weeks. No need to fabricate a 'wave of negativity'.
Or you can shit on this 'terrible Uncharted clone!' whatever. It has been a difficult week for some of you, I'll let you have this one.
The level headed constructive criticism is welcome though.


Tier Whore
Well... started playing 45 min ago. Its ok but it starts really slow... hope it gets more interesting as the game develops but its nothing special up till now...


It is pretty good but the scores are way overblown.

This is an accurate assessment. My main beef at this point is the game is very frustrating.

The shooting sucks because your aim wavers and the enemies all twitch and jerk constantly.

The stealth feels VERY outdated after playing things like Dishonored or Mark of the Ninja recently. It gives you none of the tools that make playing stealthy in those games fun. It really feels like a nonstop stealth section in a non stealth game at times.

Add both of those together and I end up dead and half the time from things off camera I had no idea I alerted or were even there.

East Lake

Someone needs to develop some metacritic curve where you punch in a few variables to calculate how many points you subtract to get the real score.


This is an accurate assessment. My main beef at this point is the game is very frustrating.

The shooting sucks because your aim wavers and the enemies all twitch and jerk constantly.

The stealth feels VERY outdated after playing things like Dishonored or Mark of the Ninja recently. It gives you none of the tools that make playing stealthy in those games fun. It really feels like a nonstop stealth section in a non stealth game at times.

Add both of those together and I end up dead and half the time from things off camera I had no idea I alerted or were even there.

Shooting sucks because there are realistic elements to the game? I guess everyone should line up their heads for your shot when coming at you.

And... Dishonored? Wtf, do you want god mode too? That's a completely unrealistic stealth game.

This is a survival game. You do what you gotta do, adapt to the situation. The game will test your resource management, give you risk vs reward with how you approach enemies. It's all about survival and resources.


It is pretty good but the scores are way overblown.
Sort of, yeah. But like I said, I think it depends on what you focus on. The presentation and the writing? I'm right there with the 10's. The atmosphere is great, the soundtrack and voice acting is near flawless, the world building with all the little details throughout the game is really neat, etc.

Mechanically? Not quite. Though I still think it's solid and much more interesting than Naughty Dog's other games this gen.

You combine those two aspects of the game and I think you have a quality 8/10, give or take a half a point.

Though I should really play more, I'm only like 8-9 hours in.


Shooting sucks because there are realistic elements to the game? I guess everyone should line up their heads for your shot when coming at you.

And... Dishonored? Wtf, do you want god mode too? That's a completely unrealistic stealth game.

This is a survival game. You do what you gotta do, adapt to the situation. The game will test your resource management, give you risk vs reward with how you approach enemies. It's all about survival and resources.

It is a video game. There is always a point where you need to sacrifice realism for the sake of a well playing game unless you are going for a sim like experience (which this is obviously not).

As for my Dishonored and Mark of the Ninja examples, stealth kinda sucks without well defined visual cues. Those games gave you plenty of of them and the stealth became fun instead of a headache.

I think some of what they are trying is at odds with what the game actually is. This is at it's core a very scripted narrative driven game. The way you describe the game would be more at home in a very simulation focused game more like a DayZ or something.


To be fair, 96 on metacritic screams at over rated. In my opinion, i consider 90% of games rated 90 and above to be overrated. For the Last of Us, I noticed how clunky the gunplay was by watching videos since it was announced.

The gunplay isn't clunky, it just isn't fake as fucking hell like 90 percent of the shitty shooters people play.


It is a video game. There is always a point where you need to sacrifice realism for the sake of a well playing game unless you are going for a sim like experience (which this is obviously not).

As for my Dishonored and Mark of the Ninja examples, stealth kinda sucks without well defined visual cues. Those games gave you plenty of of them and the stealth became fun instead of a headache.

I think some of what they are trying is at odds with what the game actually is. This is at it's core a very scripted narrative driven game. The way you describe the game would be more at home in a very simulation focused game more like a DayZ or something.

You want a game that TLOU is not.

This is neogaf.
Ive only played for like 2 hours or so but Ive already encountered some pretty aggravating issues with the companion AI (just got Ellie so idk if she's any better) but the rest of the game is just so full of atmosphere and craft that I can look past that


I've had a few niggles with the AI but I have that in pretty much every companion game, it's nothing I can't get past to enjoy a great game. Scores should be outlawed and words should be used instead but that's just crazy talk.


Didn't get chance to play it yesterday because it arrived late and I had to go away. Don't want to read this thread as I don't want to get spoiled on even the tiniest details, but I'm suprised people are complaining about the things listed in the OP.

Reviews have become almost completely out of sync with my opinions so I tried not to buy into the hype too much but I have been looking forward to this game a lot. The things I thought people would be complaining about are listen mode and it playing too much like a shooter. As a result of this I am planning to start on hard and completely avoid using listen mode. To those who have played it, would you recommend that approach?


Ever played Batman?

You should play Batman.

Wait a minute. I haven't played Last of Us yet, but you're citing Batman as an example of serious, intense, brutal battles? Every thug in Batman is as dumb as a brick, and has the eyesight and hearing of my deceased grandma.

Don't get me wrong, I admire the unique gameplay of the Arkham games. But let's not pretend that you ever feel in danger in those games. From what I've read, Last of Us makes you frequently feel like you may be on your last limbs. It's the opposite of feeling like Batman.

Anyway, fwiw, I'm not going to be so quick to delay my purchase of this game just because of the super-quick backlash. Gameological Society, one of the few gaming sites I respect, has great writers who are largely indifferent to marketing and hype. They gave a mixed review to Bioshock Infinite, echoing many of my criticisms of the game, but gave a very positive review to Last of Us, while still readily acknowledging the ridiculous prevalence of ladders, planks, and conveniently placed crates. They don't give scores either, so you actually have to read their well-written reviews.
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