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White Evangelicals Believe They Face More Discrimination Than Muslims (The Atlantic)

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I don't know guys have you seen god's not dead 2. The Christians were sent to trial TO TRAIL what have Muslims had?

/s if anyone can't tell
Like, for a second imagine what numbers people would give out on how many documented incidents of anti-Muslim hate crimes there are every year. Chances are liberals are going to say a lot more than 257, and that Muslims are attacked more than Jews, which may not be the case.

When most people think of discrimination they don't categorize it as documented hate crimes. So I dont even get this comparison. There is no frame of reference because that isn't the bar being used.


What's that saying? When you're used to privilege then equality feels like oppression.

That's basically it. Christians have had it so good for so long, but now that we're trying to make it fair for everybody, including other religions, they feel like they are being oppressed when they still are treated better than pretty much anybody in this nation and our politicians identify as almost exclusively Christian. So please.


It's very common for Evangelicals to bring up anti-Christian discrimination during its early stages and anti-Christian discrimination in other countries as the rationale for how they are being "oppressed" now. Shows either willful ignorance or a dire lack of nuanced context.


I went to church for my grandmother's birthday and they literally peddled out for thirty minutes about how the world (and especially Muslims) was out to get them. They even had us pray especially for Homeland Security fffff.


I went to church for my grandmother's birthday and they literally peddled out for thirty minutes about how the world (and especially Muslims) was out to get them. They even had us pray especially for Homeland Security fffff.

And I would never go back to that hate teaching church.

There are some good churches out there. Just got to find them but unfortunately they may be hard to find unless you are in a large city.


And I would never go back to that hate teaching church.

There are some good churches out there. Just got to find them but unfortunately they may be hard to find unless you are in a large city.
I never will, I'm gay as hell so that was uncomfortable already, I only went for her birthday. Problem is is that half of my family works for the ministry there and my aunt's dad was the one preaching. How chaotic. It made me sick.
im convinced white evangelicals think that anyone who doesn't think the same way as they do must be discriminating against them
The only difference is that you face comparatively less blowback from calling these nutters nutters than you do for other types of religious nutters.
White Evangelicals boycott Walmart when they used Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas because if Walmart isn't actively alienating other religions and atheists, Evangelicals feel discriminated against.
Victimhood is central to their identity. Even if a theocracy was established they'll find something else to bitch about.

Because their world view is so far divorced from reality they live in a perpetual cognitive dissonance.

If they get rid of all the pesky liberals and intellectuals they won't have to deal with the stress of wondering whether we possibly maybe really did evolve from monkeys.


Hail to the KING baby
im convinced white evangelicals think that anyone who doesn't think the same way as they do must be discriminating against them

that is correct. or anyone who calls them out on their jesus-mandated prejudice is engaging in "viewpoint discrimination" or "religious intolerance." equivocation is fun and such a central rhetorical tool nowadays!
These are the kind of people think that someone saying "Happy Holidays" to them around Christmas is an act of discrimination against Christians.

Or if Starbucks has a white cup instead of a red cup, it's discrimination against Christians.

Or if someone else can get an Abortion, it's discrimination against Christians.

Meanwhile, white racists are murdering Indian-Americans because they look Arab.
America's snowflakes

This. Unfortunately, they seem to be self-radicalizing as a result of this perceived persecution. They are America's white Christian version of the Taliban.

Their agenda as a voting bloc is a foundational threat to our country's secular democracy. They are pushing hard for crypto-theocracy/fascism. This shit is not funny at all. Read up on the DeVos, Mercers, Bannon, and others representing their ilk. Their methods are insidious, and they wrangle away power from public institutions under the guise of "charitable" donations from their religiously-underpinned partisan organizations. They use missionary recruiting and indoctrination tactics to solidify their alignment with their political agenda. This shit is a fucking nightmare and not what you expect to see in a highly-developed, industrialized country.


contribute something
I reckon this is the same demographic that believes "white genocide" is a thing?

There's certainly a lot of overlap.

When a traditionally dominant group experiences a loss of their power, or even perceives this loss, shit gets really bad really quickly. Just look at Iraq. A Sunni minority presided over a majority-Shi'i country for essentially its entire existence. The 2003 replacement of the old ruling order with a mostly-Shi'i government was a radical departure from Iraqi tradition. Many Sunnis reacted poorly. Terrorism against Shi'i people became the way for this disempowered group to punish the majority for governing themselves.

On Middle East twitter, you'll find thousands of angry young Sunnis from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan raising hell over an imaginary "Sunni genocide" resulting from Shi'i empowerment. It's a total reflection of our own alt-right.

White revanchism is a clear and present danger in American society. In the 1860s and in the 1960s, this attitude led to a lot of white people trying to reassert white supremacy through the murder of blacks. White conservative anger is rising now due to ongoing societal change and is probably going to get worse once Democrats are in power again. Both political parties are going to have to make sure that this white rage stays relegated to Twitter and the country club, and doesn't spill onto the streets.


that is correct. or anyone who calls them out on their jesus-mandated prejudice is engaging in "viewpoint discrimination" or "religious intolerance." equivocation is fun and such a central rhetorical tool nowadays!

ironically, when jesus said that his followers would be persecuted, he didn't mean those that ended up like the pharisees, which is what modern evangelicals are

he meant those truly persecuted for loving and helping the downtrodden and hurting, those who get in trouble for standing up for the rights of others

not because someone got in trouble for not baking a cake for a gay wedding


Not surprised, as the white Evangelicals I interact with at work pretty much all think this way. They think anyone who has a different belief system than them is wrong and such.

These people live in a massive bubble while my mere existence and the existence of LGBT and non-white people is a threat to them

Because those things conflict with the indoctrination they've been subjected to most of their life.

Interesting to read blogs of people who broke free of their dogma.


No one has it as rough as the straight white Christian male :( :( :(

And if they're rich also? Whoa, it's like life in hard mode


No one has it as rough as the straight white Christian male :( :( :(

And if they're rich also? Whoa, it's like life in hard mode

"They keep wanting to increase tax rates against my people!! Gather around and let us pray to the lord to seek salvation from the ongoing onslaught against the good Christian folk."


Not surprised at all. I have to deal with these idiots daily. It was shocking, but now I have grown so used to it, it's hard to find new ways of shocking how disconnected and dillusional White Christian America has become. I'll post this again-- saw this on my Facebook feed yesterday-- it just floored me. Unfriended and will not visit their business again.

Not surprised, as the white Evangelicals I interact with at work pretty much all think this way. They think anyone who has a different belief system than them is wrong and such.

It's not just that they think others are wrong, as I would guess most people think this of those they disagree with. It's their need to monopolize power/culture and instill a state-based religion (I.e., theocracy) that's truly what is scary about them. Ever since I heard their strange ethnocentric world view regarding American life emerge via pundits on Fox News and the like over the past decade that centers around a disdain for separation of church and state have I realized just how fucked the country was and how we are on a trajectory towards disaster based on culture wars.
"Its so hard to be a Christian in America today, Muslims being respected and gays having rights!? Such discrimination against us!"

Jesus these people are out of touch.


Not surprised at all. I have to deal with these idiots daily. It was shocking, but now I have grown so used to it, it's hard to find new ways of shocking how disconnected and dillusional White Christian America has become. I'll post this again-- saw this on my Facebook feed yesterday-- it just floored me. Unfriended and will not visit their business again.


Apparently that dude doesn't understand the difference between indentured servitude and chattel slavery, and it is a pretty massive difference
I always thought it was weird how much emphasis was put on the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire and the analogies made to the present day. And this was at a Catholic school. So it didn't even touch all the Protestant stuff.

So many American Christians seem to have missed the part where they are the majority and in a position of power and privilege now.

Some of their leaders and influencers are framing it like theyll miss out when they inevitably aint.

Thats where the danger comes from.
Not surprised at all. I have to deal with these idiots daily. It was shocking, but now I have grown so used to it, it's hard to find new ways of shocking how disconnected and dillusional White Christian America has become. I'll post this again-- saw this on my Facebook feed yesterday-- it just floored me. Unfriended and will not visit their business again.


The crazy thing about these fuckers is that instead of being in solidarity with marginalized groups due to their ancestors being exploited as indentured servants, they feel empowered to be pitted against them. It literally makes zero fucking sense. My potato-famine-escaping, indentured-servant Irish ancestors were exploited as such, but that makes me empathize with and want to help others who've been systematically marginalized. It certainly doesn't make me want to go against them.

The biggest cultural mistake that happened in American history outside slavery itself and the genocide of the natives was the poor white southern population turning against freed slaves after the Civil War instead of finding solidarity with them, as they had much more in common with their fellow freedman than they did with the wealthy plantation owners, businessmen, and politicians that fed them the hateful propaganda which turned them against the former slaves.


Imagine a world without religion, I wonder how much unnecessary conflict/harm could be avoided.

Who am I kidding? We, as a species, will find something else to be hateful about.

Our issue really is the notion of ego or self. When we can create a story of "me", we automatically create the story of "not me," and this can even be seen internally as a system of thoughts that assert divisions, and when the divisions are strong enough, conflict occurs. Just study this distinction made within one's own organism, and you're prone to see it come up.

Paradoxically, religion is to highlight the permanence of this division, yet is proclaimed as an arena of self-transcendence. How do you transcend a self if you believe in a literal dualistic philosophy like anything associated with Christianity?

My beef with Christianity isn't even the cosmic big boss, for that idea can fuck off. I am deeply concerned at the ego games people play, both for the illusion of permanence -- this is easily hijacked to infer suffering onto others -- and the power games that come from it. I would argue, at least in the context of American society, they're far worse than Muslims: asserting America as a Christian nation, using this to persecute and attack others for their "unhumanness," mixing it with neoliberal Capitalism to assert poverty as a choice of free will and laziness, etc.


The crazy thing about these fuckers is that instead of being in solidarity with marginalized groups due to their ancestors being exploited as indentured servants, they feel empowered to be pitted against them. It literally makes zero fucking sense. My potato-famine-escaping, indentured-servant Irish ancestors were exploited as such, but that makes me empathize with and want to help others who've been systematically marginalized. It certainly doesn't make me want to go against them.

The biggest cultural mistake that happened in American history outside slavery itself and the genocide of the natives was the poor white southern population turning against freed slaves after the Civil War instead of finding solidarity with them, as they had much more in common with their fellow freedman than they did with the wealthy plantation owners, businessmen, and politicians that fed them the hateful propaganda which turned them against the former slaves.

That was actively done by the Slave-owning Southern elite well before the Civil War. It happened around the mid 1650s and especially after Bacon's Rebellion. Those elites put laws in place that put the white marginalized group in a position of power over the black slaves and black workers.

Before the Southern elite did this, marginalized whites and blacks did find common cause together and did fight back together. Obviously, that was not in the interest of the small elite because if everyone was against them, then they would be fucked.

This is also how racism developed as well. Before, the world certainly had discrimination and prejudice, it was just mostly ethnocentrism and not racism.

Hell, one of the main reasons why the Civil War was actually popular with non-slave owning southerners is because it was a war to preserve white supremacy. They felt that if they lost then their white supremacist society would end and they would be on the same plain as the black slaves.
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