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White girl attacked for getting box braids

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Threads like this make me wonder of people watch "Girls" and think that the characters are 100% level headed and correct in their actions and are worthy of emulation.
Threads like this make me wonder of people watch "Girls" and think that the characters are 100% level headed and correct in their actions and are worthy of emulation.

I would imagine it'd be about the same as people who watch shows featuring black people and think it's an accurate depiction of all of them.

People are going to take what they want from a show if it fits their already decided world view.




It's a problem when this rule exists, and the people who created it, enforce it, and live by it, don't understand it.

I would imagine it'd be about the same as people who watch shows featuring black people and think it's an accurate depiction of all of them.

People are going to take what they want from a show if it fits their already decided world view.

"Blackish is hilarious daddy..."


Really now?

Really what? That i'm not cool on either side calling anyone "brown/yellow/white people"? Maybe that's totally cool in your neck of the woods on this planet but try that shit at a bar, party, whatever and you'll have everyone's eyes on ya.
Yes. But the bigger problem is, hairstyles that are seen as belonging to black culture are often vilified by the powers that be as being "Ugly" or "Unkempt" or "Inappropriate". The reason why people are upset here is that this girl is taking one of those ugly, unkempt, inappropriate hairstyles and being praised for it.

Of course, the rub is, if anyone had box braids that looked that clean, they would be praised. They're really well done.
they're actually not really well done. they're a bit uneven in size and shape.
Really what? That i'm not cool on either side calling anyone "brown/yellow/white people"? Maybe that's totally cool in your neck of the woods on this planet but try that shit at a bar, party, whatever and you'll have everyone's eyes on ya.

Are you okay with saying "black people?"


Really what? That i'm not cool on either side calling anyone "brown/yellow/white people"? Maybe that's totally cool in your neck of the woods on this planet but try that shit at a bar, party, whatever and you'll have everyone's eyes on ya.

I really think you took the post you originally quoted way out of context.


Wait, so if a white person braids their hair they are in the wrong? If I were her I would tell each and every person to fuck off and I will dress how I want. Style belongs to no one.


Hair is hair, style is style.

If we are going to start putting ownership based on colour then a lot people are going to be missing some vital things from their lives.

Also I assume this is America, anywhere else this child would be laughed at for a stupid looking hair do, not racially abused.

Yes. But the bigger problem is, hairstyles that are seen as belonging to black culture are often vilified by the powers that be as being "Ugly" or "Unkempt" or "Inappropriate". The reason why people are upset here is that this girl is taking one of those ugly, unkempt, inappropriate hairstyles and being praised for it.

Of course, the rub is, if anyone had box braids that looked that clean, they would be praised. They're really well done.

Yes but never outloud.

I thought as much.

As someone who has never experienced racism, surely your own culture is harmed when you set definitions as to who can be 'part' of that culture.
fuck every single one of them assholes, should strangle them all with box braids for picking on a 14yr old over her hair

Girl looks fine. The style suits her. Some folks need to ease up. We drawing a line in the scalp now? Twitter always brings out the best in the worst people..good grief.


What? What are you trying to say? I don't know what Girls(?) is.

Granted, I'm not talking about anyone in this thread, I'm talking about the twitter response to the sheer idea of a woman getting box braids. It's as if being heavy handed with your argument and dabbling in diet racism seemed okay because you thought Lena Dunham was being super cereal last night when she was screaming about how crazy she is in the streets of new york on HBO.

TL:DR - Why do people think that it's so acceptable to be so abjectly terrible to other people for literally no reason?

it's about ethics in hairstyles

HA! Ah...::wipes a tear away::


contribute something
This has been an issue on tumblr for years. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it's always disappointing to see people get hate and death threats for doing things that they thought were innocent.



Girl looks fine. The style suits her. Some folks need to ease up. We drawing a line in the scalp now? Twitter always brings out the best in the worst people..good grief.



Tears in the rain
Uh...Is it a new Internet law or something? Like...Twitter makes people act like twats and nothing else.


Hair is hair, style is style.

If we are going to start putting ownership based on colour then a lot people are going to be missing some vital things from their lives.

Also I assume this is America, anywhere else this child would be laughed at for a stupid looking hair do, not racially abused.


This attitude is probably why some of them are on the defensive.


Well she certainly made her attackers look like a bunch of idiots.

I still don't believe in cultural appropriation. It's not a thing. At all.


This has been an issue on tumblr for years. I'm not sure how I feel about it, but it's always disappointing to see people get hate and death threats for doing things that they thought were innocent.

She did do something innocent, nothing wrong whatsoever.


TL:DR - Why do people think that it's so acceptable to be so abjectly terrible to other people for literally no reason?

Because they've deemed the other person wrong on a social issue, therefore the person who is wrong is not worthy of respect due to their wrongness.


Well she certainly made her attackers look like a bunch of idiots.

I still don't believe in cultural appropriation. It's not a thing. At all.

I mean, it's a thing. But it's only a bad thing when the double standard behind certain races doing the same thing results in overt racism, like a 14 white year old girl getting taken to task for getting her hair done, or a 14 year old black girl getting her shoes stolen because she does her homework every day and "doesn't act black enough".


Wow. That's nuts, but twitter gonna twitter.

This isn't like blackface, this is a hairstyle and the girl thought it looked good. I don't think she did anything wrong.


I mean, it's a thing. But it's only a bad thing when the double standard behind certain races doing the same thing results in overt racism, like a 14 white year old girl getting taken to task for getting her hair done, or a 14 year old black girl getting her shoes stolen because she does her homework every day and "doesn't act black enough".

I'm not so sure its valuable as a construct. Context is so key in these situations that applying a blanket label like that "cultural appropriation" — I just can't see the utility. It's a verbal bludgeon. So many counter examples.

If someone had accused Beyoncé of cultural appropriation when she dyed her hair blonde people would have laughed their asses off, and rightfully so.


It's a good thing black people can't be guilty of culture appropriation cause otherwise I owe all you mayo people one huge apology for having perfectly straight hair.


My memory is a little fuzzy on the subject, but iirc many Nordic/Germanic/celtic tribes wore their hair braided or in various forms of dreadlocks. Historically, these are hairstyles that white people have already used. Can't appropriate something you already did in the past, but you can certainly bring it out of retirement.

Also, fuck the haters. It's hair for gods sake, get some perspective.
As someone who has never experienced racism, surely your own culture is harmed when you set definitions as to who can be 'part' of that culture.

It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for black people. You act differently, you'll get the whole "whitest black person I know" or "you don't act black" or "You're trying to act white".

Though to clarify. Both Mesoian and Cream are wrong. Black people don't see straight hair as "white culture" they see it as the standard of beauty they must conform to.

Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Caucasian all women have straight hair, and as such they too feel that they must have straight hair. That and you have the pressures of American society telling you daily your hair ain't shit if it's not straight, get denied jobs because your hair doesn't fit dress code, all magazines and TV shows are about women with straight hair and you're going to feel like shit. The end result is black females feel they must have straight hair to be accepted by society at large. They're pressured to conform.

Boiling it down to "white culture" does the entire thing a disservice. As Slayven said watch Chris Rock's Good Hair if you really want to understand.


So I guess these twitter bullies do not get weaves of straight Asian hair. How about they stop appropriating Asian culture with straight black hair?

Racism is racism, if you can dish it out you better expect to take it as well


It's a good thing black people can't be guilty of culture appropriation cause otherwise I owe all you mayo people one huge apology for having perfectly straight hair.

You better shave that off, straight hair is all I've got left.


What are the concerns to understand? I'm not seeing them through them tweets.

Concern was probably a bad choice. I mean I understand the motivation behind these tweets. The appropriation of black culture by a society that we're still largely excluded from is real and people are gonna react to it. Some will get angry and some (like me) will just find it amusing. I think singling out individuals is pretty silly and hateful though.
I'm all for tackling racism, but ganging up on a white woman for wearing a "black" hairstyle is also another form of racism. I've seen white women wearing box braids since I was in high school and they were never attacked or heckled by their black classmates. Sometimes people just take shit too far. Black face is racist, this, this is just a hairstyle.
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