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White House Press Briefing: Facts are demoralizing

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CNN going in


Glad to see news networks are growing spines AFTER the election


Difference is this *only* works if the media's willing to go with it and craft it as part of their false equivalency narrative. "Trump supporters agree that the media is overstating the number of dead from the toxic spill, while administration critics point to pictures taken at the morgue as evidence that their view is correct," and then it gets to that point. That's how people were unable to determine that Trump was a worse human being than Clinton, because the media carried water for him.

If the media stops carrying water for him than the obvious lies collapse like a house of cards, because when the question is believing Trump, or believing literally everyone who isn't Trump (even friggin' Fox isn't going along with his claims about the inauguration), most people will go the latter and Trump will quickly drop to "lizardman" levels of support, stuck in the mid-20s never to recover.

Then the question becomes: will the media fold? There, i think, we can rely on their pride, because the first thing the beltway media values is their own sense of self-importance.

Trump would like nothing less than the media not going to the press conferences anymore.

And liked I said yesterday, he's also raising the stake for access; if you don't play nice, you won't get access to his administration or himself. Media outlets WILL want that access, especially since it will increase in value.


Trump would like nothing less than the media not going to the press conferences anymore.

And liked I said yesterday, he's also raising the stake for access; if you don't play nice, you won't get access to his administration or himself. Media outlets WILL want that access, especially since it will increase in value.

I don't think they will want access if the access is worthless. If they're never actually answering questions (or if the only answers are more negging and power plays), then there's literally no value to being in the room.

I think you're right, insofar as there's a way to play this game that could lead to the outcome you're describing, but i don't think the Trump admin is playing a game. I think they're just projecting their boss in being short-sighted and spiteful.

Especially when "playing nice" means parroting blatant lies and never challenging the admin on ANYTHING they say, which will lose the media outlets audience on the left and in the center.


Why did he feel the need to have the letter on him? Is it even the same letter?
Might just be a blank piece of paper in an envelope. Donny loves his false props.

Why is Pence always hanging around like fucking darth sidious
He's like a parent looking over Trumps shoulder, telling him he does a good job.
What does Donny receive for doing a good job? Does he get a cookie? Does he get some cheesy poofs? Does he get one hour with a hooker so she can pee on a piece of White House furniture of his choosing?

Inquiring minds want to know.


That's as the most fucking embarrassing thing I've ever seen. It was an utter disgrace. If you are going to be an utter shit like that the LEAST you can do is stay for questions. And that is the very least.
They don't owe use anything. We can all go fuck off.


To put this much attention on something as unimportant as this, I know something else is happening. We should be looking for the rope-a-dope game here.


What if some morons go and attack US Embassy after it's in Jerusalem and Trump uses it as door for new war in the region... <.<
Perfect excuse to go after that Iraqi whipping boy again and take their oil. He can even recreate the infamous Dubya "Mission Accomplished" pic. Won't that be fun?


To put this much attention on something as unimportant as this, I know something else is happening. We should be looking for the rope-a-dope game here.

Well they said today that Trump's tax returns will never be released and allegedly Trump agreed to move embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Those two are quite big deals when put next to argument if lies should be called lies.
It's incredibly frustrating to see Trump advocates on TV purposefully conflating the "bias media" with "Trump and Spicer caught in demonstrable lie by media". Their reasoning is, effectively, nothing the "media" say is relevant, regardless of whether or not they were correct.

We've come to the point where "alternative facts" is a thing. Unbelievable.


I don't think they will want access if the access is worthless. If they're never actually answering questions (or if the only answers are more negging and power plays), then there's literally no value to being in the room.

I think you're right, insofar as there's a way to play this game that could lead to the outcome you're describing, but i don't think the Trump admin is playing a game. I think they're just projecting their boss in being short-sighted and spiteful.

Especially when "playing nice" means parroting blatant lies and never challenging the admin on ANYTHING they say, which will lose the media outlets audience on the left and in the center.

The Trump administration can keep at it for as long as they want, and they can decide when to do press conferences, decide if they will let the press ask any questions too. As for access to the administration or the president himself, you can bet they'll want it; someone will have it. Right now the higher ups in the media are probably wondering if things will settle, but if it's clear that the administration has an agenda to render the media pointless, then some of them will ask themselves simply where there is more money to be made; as a pro-Trump media, or anti-Trump one.

Those that go pro-Trump will compete with one another for exclusive interviews, the ones who go anti-Trump will compete to the point where they risk marginalizing themselves in the average Joe's eyes. You end up with highly polarized media, and everyone is discredited.
MGS2 is so good. Its already begun.


It's a scary thought, but there's a few reasons to be hopeful that it won't work:

1) Your piece claims that it's 1/3 antiTrump, 1/3 proTrump, and 1/3 too overburdened to trust either side. Except looking at Trump's approval ratings, it's looking more like:
- 25% treat Trump's word like the word of God
- 10% Know Trump is full of shit but are too caught up in being partisan conservatives to ever admit flaws of Trump in most scenarios
- 15% are too disgusted by politics to get educated and involved on it
- 20% are opposed to Trump for partisan reasons (they just happen to be picking the correct side side this time)
- 30% are rationally opposed to Trump and know the important facts that allow them to know WHY Trump is bad and a liar
So it's not 33% vs 33%. It's more like 35% vs 50%.

2) Trump's strategy is only making him more enemies. He can't win if he is turning everyone who doesn't eat his bullshit into an enemy. All that does make more and more people oppose him.

3) There are certain things that everyone not part of the previously mentioned 25% will not be happy to see Trump lie about if it's contradictory to what they are literally experiencing. Things like "Has my employment situation improved?" and "Are my healthcare bills getting better or worse?" are not things you can really lie to someone about.

4) When Trump deflected criticism during the campaign by attacking Hillary, it worked because the GOP had already successfully painted negative narratives about Hillary (as in even non-conservatives were buying into it). He can't literally blame everyone who disagrees with him because the GOP never successfully created a narrative that everyone who disagrees with Trump is bad.


Stelter, on CNN just now:

"Donald Trump said it was sunny when in fact it was cloudy. Sean Spicer said it was the biggest Inauguration ever when the photos prove otherwise.

The difference here now is they're telling us we can't believe our own eyes."

I've heard numerous references to Orwell all day. This is a new era.
It's incredibly frustrating to see Trump advocates on TV purposefully conflating the "bias media" with "Trump and Spicer caught in demonstrable lie by media". Their reasoning is, effectively, nothing the "media" say is relevant, regardless of whether or not they were correct.

We've come to the point where "alternative facts" is a thing. Unbelievable.

Fascism 101.


I'm actually having a blast rubbing in every little detail of Trump's Presidency.

It actually seems to be pretty effective.

Now that the argument of "Well Hillary's worse" is gone, you can just weaponize against Republicans.

This was a pretty good one: https://www.indy100.com/article/difference-barack-obama-donald-trump-two-videos-playback-7538906

Tax returns are also sticking pretty well. Someone says "He's a successful businessman," and just swing back: "Hahaha, no he's not! That's why he won't release his tax returns! Because then we'll know how poor he really is!"


Stelter, on CNN just now:

"Donald Trump said it was sunny when in fact it was cloudy. Sean Spicer said it was the biggest Inauguration ever when the photos prove otherwise. The difference here now is they're telling us we can't believe our own eyes." I've heard numerous references to Orwell all day. This is a new era.

Hillary is president right now. I choose to believe this. #alternativefacts

Welcome to the world of the "post-truth" society:

"Oxford Dictionaries has selected ”post-truth" as its 2016 Word of the Year. According to Oxford, something is post-truth if it is ”relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and personal belief." To qualify, the Word of the Year need not be new. As Katy Steinmetz of Time Magazine reported, it must capture the culture's mood and preoccupations. Post-truth does exactly that...Subordinating truth to personal desires is seductively easy, given the human condition. We are intellectual beings who strive to make sense of our world...The problem comes when we elevate feelings over facts, believing that personal preferences are what determine meaning and fulfillment. Objective truth is jettisoned...We no longer just elevate personal preferences over truth. We elevate our own personal preferences over the preferences of others. When that happens, freedom will die the most ironic of deaths under individual autonomy's machete." (Juris Doctor & Scholar Abdu Murray)




Homeland Security Fail
Jamie McKelvie &#8207;@McKelvie

Helpful graphic for those trying to claim Spicer's pic proves media lied about size of inauguration crowd. (L, top in my post: Media, R, bottom in my post: Spicer)



A suggestion to everyone that wants to understand how we got to this present situation and the solutions that exist that can fix it. I watched this talk and was blown away by what was said:

The Rise of Populism and the Backlash Against the Elites, with Nick Clegg and Jonathan Haidt

"What is going on in the Western democracies? From Britain's vote for Brexit, to Donald Trump's election victory in America and the growth of populist movements across Europe, voters are expressing their dissatisfaction with the status quo. Economic anxieties go some way to explain the phenomenon, but as with the Brexit decision, people are voting in ways that seem &#8211; at least to their critics &#8211; likely to harm their own material interests just to give the establishment a bloody nose. In this special Intelligence Squared event, renowned American social psychologist Jonathan Haidt and politician Nick Clegg will examine the complex web of social, moral and political concerns that are driving the unrest. How can we explain the new illiberalism that is growing on both left and right, as authoritarian trends spread across campuses throughout the Anglosphere (the no-platforming of speakers being a typical example)? How should we understand the new &#8216;culture war' emerging in Britain, America and elsewhere between the &#8216;globalists' and &#8216;nationalists'?" (Filmed at the Emmanuel Centre in London on 21st November 2016)
Understood. This doesn't change that many in society believe that it doesn't matter if truth exists anymore. That is the reality that is presently facing Western society. This what this thread and others are ultimately up in arms about.
I'm not the one you need to tell this too. Fully aware. If you're this passionate about this subject. It's time to take your arguments off Neogaf and to the ones that truly need to hear it. I'm being serious as well. More people here on Gaf need to be more politically active. There's a lot of people here that can do so much, but arguing between ourselves solves nothing. So don't take this as in attack at all please. I'm not upset. I'm also annoyed at myself for doing this same thing. I just wanted to lighten the mood. &#128540;
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