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Why are JRPG villains so pretty?

Astral Dog

instead of discussing the same why we dont find some examples of ugly jrpg villains too ;)





Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The Lord of the Rings and the Bible. As someone said earlier, Lucifer was said to be beautiful. Sauron, a fallen angel analogue, was also said to be very beautiful before losing his body.

I think it stems from the idea of charisma being frightening. An evil person who is beautiful and oozes charisma is very dangerous. He can easily get into positions of power through sweet talking and blending in with good people. He can trick good people into helping him commit evil. Eru (lotr God analogue) eventually gets fed up with Sauron's use of charisma for evil and destroys his body, reducing him to the towering super evil looking suit of armor we see in the movie flashbacks.

Other examples include popular culture's depictions of Jack the Ripper, as a charismatic man.

Key thing I think is that evil with charisma comes off as more "dangerous" and "intelligent". This is why evil leaders are so often depicted as attractive.

That's my theory anyway.
I like this analysis a lot.

And yeah, Sauron before losing his body was the original Sephiroth.


IIRC, he was able to worm his way into Elven society at one point for the very reasons you described. He appeared in silver armor and was so dazzling that they were entranced by him.
The Lord of the Rings and the Bible. As someone said earlier, Lucifer was said to be beautiful. Sauron, a fallen angel analogue, was also said to be very beautiful before losing his body.

I think it stems from the idea of charisma being frightening. An evil person who is beautiful and oozes charisma is very dangerous. He can easily get into positions of power through sweet talking and blending in with good people. He can trick good people into helping him commit evil. Eru (lotr God analogue) eventually gets fed up with Sauron's use of charisma for evil and destroys his body, reducing him to the towering super evil looking suit of armor we see in the movie flashbacks.

Other examples include popular culture's depictions of Jack the Ripper, as a charismatic man.

Key thing I think is that evil with charisma comes off as more "dangerous" and "intelligent". This is why evil leaders are so often depicted as attractive.

That's my theory anyway.

It's been in popular culture for a while, it's why people can find Patrick Bateman pretty funny from American Psycho, even though he chops up women, eats them, kills hobos for fun, stomp on puppies, and can't get a reservation at Dorsias.

Also sadly there is a "Bonnie and Clyde"effect on some women, where they get attracted to bad boys. For example after Charles Manson and Ted Bundy killed people, they got some groupies for some reason. So being evil and charismatic isn't too out there.

IMO I don't think there is an imbalance of bishie and ugly villains. Ugly villains aren't too hard to find either in JRPGS. I think at this point, there is just so many examples for either side in the genre, you can make a big enough list to show either way.


More like why are female protagonists/party members are always beauty queen?

it's fucking annoying

the less overused waifu materials the better



Because they exist in two worlds: in the first as villain and in the second as a sort of masturbatory fantasy. I mean, you can have pretty bad guys for other reasons but JRPGs, anime, etc. tend to do it to capitalize on the romanticization of evil. Often times the cult of their character, see Sephiroth, is as important to the vision as their role in the story. Often times it is even more important.

Also as has been said, it transforms an unrelatable villain into a tragedy because people value good looks just that much. Being pretty while doing anything completely changes the meaning of the action.


Well in Frozen that was pretty much a requirement to give a good reason for Anna to fall for him.

In most JRPGs, the villains don't get any extra attention for being pretty. Actually almost nobody does.

Yeah, except the females generally. Which I would sometimes find mildly funny if I thought one of the guys was prettier than them.
And just about every antagonist from Dragon Quest that isnt Psaro.

Eh, would NEVER have guessed Psaro looked like that when I played the game on the NES, even with all the instruction manual art. His final battle form had way more detail.

And if you're counting Psaro, you may as well count Corvis and Orgodemir.


Not always. Freya, Quina, the Cloud girl from Thousand Year Door, Goombella, Bebedora, Delma, and Camellia (Old), aren't.

The first half of your list aren't even humans

and by googling the second half I'm not even sure if they are humans either(especially Bebedora) lol

I was referring to actual female humans in my post.


Eh, would NEVER have guessed Psaro looked like that when I played the game on the NES, even with all the instruction manual art. His final battle form had way more detail.

And if you're counting Psaro, you may as well count Corvis and Orgodemir.

Yeah I guess thats about those two.
I recall reading a forum thread not long ago (can't remember if it was here or somewhere else) where people where discussing why western games tend not to do very well in Japan, and someone commented that they had read a discussion in a Japanese forum and the comments there were to the effect that Japanese gamers regarded the characters in western games to be too ugly. Presumably this is because there are very different cultural preferences in terms of aesthetics between western and Japanese character representations; where we in the west have the generic beardy white guy, the Japanese have the long haired androgynous pretty boy. One might conclude from this that the Japanese prefer attractiveness in their characters whereas in the west we favour badass looking characters.
Yeah, you tell him, wait what?



Some interesting images of younger females come up if you google the character designer's name.

Read the interview. That character in the spoiler was his favorite and done very early and quickly. Those two and others was a long slog for him.

Astral Dog

Alvis and Kallian definitely were.

Sharla for the female side definitely was, too.

I digress, though. None of the villains in Xenoblade were particularly good looking, as far as I remember.
Supposedly Zanza would be, as he is based on

And Lorithia.
And Alvis ,maybe.


Everyone is pretty in JRPGs...

It's less about JRPG villains being pretty, and more about them just not being ugly. Like western villains at the time always were.

Instead of being older and scruffy and clearly sinister looking, JRPG villains just look like the heroes, just with their vanity and megalomania meters dialed to 12



You could argue that Hans, Gaston and Clayton are pretty handsome, the evil queens from Snow White and Enchanted are pretty, they just have hard features,
was not ugly and wears a mask anyway, most of the animal ones are just intimidating and even recently
is as cute as it gets even if
You could argue everything is ugly in contrast when your main character is Judy Hopps.

And the rest are all literally monsters, i guess you only can count Jaffar, Cruella, Yzma, Doom, the guy from mulan and Hook for ugly villians.
I wish Japanese games had more tougher looking male characters. Conversely, I wish Western devs would give their female characters more sex appeal in their games, like the Japanese do.


I think it's good that not all villains are ugly. Evil ain't about your physical looks.


I loved Fou-lu in BoF IV,
kept wishing for him to go Vegeta-like and join Ryu to combat a bigger threat, but, alas, it never happened :(
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