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Why Did The PS3 Fail?


Secks4Food said:
And this is a good excuse for inferior versions...how?

Umm the game wasn't made specificly for the ps3 hardware ?

hence why the 1st party games show us why the ps3 price is justified .

aka killzone 2 , uncharted , RC GT5...

if you dont think those graphics are head n shoulders about 360 then you need glasses son.


WickedLaharl said:
oh god please shut up and just go post at the ps3forums

Truth hurts hey ?

i own a 360 you moron and its anal rapping the ps3 atm i can admit that.

but its clear as day those games i mentioned look superior...there is no arguing.

keep crying .
TEH-CJ said:
Umm the game wasn't made specificly for the ps3 hardware ?

hence why the 1st party games show us why the ps3 price is justified .

aka killzone 2 , uncharted , RC GT5...

if you dont think those graphics are head n shoulders about 360 then you need glasses son.

Are you the one Bish saw in the elevator?

Edit: totally beaten :(

Double Edit:

(Today, 06:02 PM)
Reply | Quote

:lol :lol :lol
TEH-CJ said:
Truth hurts hey ?

i own a 360 you moron and its anal rapping the ps3 atm i can admit that.

but its clear as day those games i mentioned look superior...there is no arguing.

keep crying .

i'm amazed that you've slipped under the radar this long and will probably continue to do so. you have my congratulations!

Edit: guess i was wrong!

Master Z

Aurean_Mentat said:
I'm not saying that can't happen here, but the Playstation 3 cannot be considered a success, and it can't be said of it that it's doing alright....right now, it is an overall failure. Just live with it, and move on.... and hope that Sony does something to turn it around quick. No one's saying they couldn't make a comeback.... just that given the history of the market, when others have had a run similar to this, they couldn't recover. All we ask, is that you let the Playstation 3 join their club, until proven otherwise.

I agree, close this thread now.... let those who cannot be persuaded by reason and reality find some other thread to pollute.

But if it's an overall failure then how can it even have a chance to make a comeback? I won't dispute that currently it's failing to dominate the market but to call it an overall failure is incorrect. The PS3 is not discontinued. The PS3 has not forced Sony to close up shop in the video game console business and until that happens you can't say it's an overall failure.


Master Z said:
But if it's an overall failure then how can it even have a chance to make a comeback? I won't dispute that currently it's failing to dominate the market but to call it an overall failure is incorrect. The PS3 is not discontinued. The PS3 has not forced Sony to close up shop in the video game console business and until that happens you can't say it's an overall failure.

Those are arbitrary standards and very low ones. A product can fail and not result in its immediate discontinuation and the company going into insolvency.

Master Z

Deku said:
Those are arbitrary standards and very low ones. A product can fail and not result in its immediate discontinuation and the company going into insolvency.

So what constitutes an overall failure for the PS3 in your mind?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Master Z said:
So what constitutes an overall failure for the PS3 in your mind?

-Coming in third after utterly annihilating the competition from the previous generation
-Not meeting Sony's reduced expectations
-Selling worse than Gamecube

Take your pick.
Oblivion said:
-Coming in third after utterly annihilating the competition from the previous generation
-Not meeting Sony's reduced expectations
-Selling worse than Gamecube

Take your pick.

You forgot going third party!

I kid
tehbear said:
I think it's stuck in an infinite loop now.
None of the arguments within are really new, but the only thing that changes is that there are fewer defenders of the PS3 and more evidence to support the claim with every thread on the subject. It's just reality creeping in.


DavidDayton said:
If the chef made 150 steaks on the anticipation that they would all sell when the dinner crowd came, and the dinner crowd is ignoring his restaurant and instead eating a the diner across the street, leaving the chef with a pile of cooked steaks that he can't reuse (and thus a significant fiscal loss)....

Yeah, the chef's a failure.
This may be irrelevant but do you actually know such a chef 'cause I think he might sell one to me at a reduced price and I really wouldn't be able to resist.
Master Z said:
But if it's an overall failure then how can it even have a chance to make a comeback? I won't dispute that currently it's failing to dominate the market but to call it an overall failure is incorrect. The PS3 is not discontinued. The PS3 has not forced Sony to close up shop in the video game console business and until that happens you can't say it's an overall failure.

Well, Master Z, I can appreciate the fact that you're using cohesive english. I chose my words very carefully.... the Playstation 3 is currently an overall failure.... notice, I did not say complete failure. They are still selling systems, and they are still getting games exclusive to their system (some third party time-locked, some exclusives). There are some bright spots to be had, and (I give you credit for this) you did not act as if I said the "Playstation 3 am doomed to fail". But, again, I pull a definition from the American Heritage Dictionary:

ADJECTIVE: 1. From one end to the other: the overall length of the house. 2. Including everything; comprehensive: the overall costs of medical care. 3. Regarded as a whole; general: My overall impression was favorable.
ADVERB: (vr-ôl) On the whole; generally: enjoyed the performance overall.
NOUN: 1. Chiefly British A loose-fitting protective outer garment; a smock. 2. overalls Loose-fitting trousers, usually of strong fabric, with a bib front and shoulder straps, often worn over regular clothing as protection from dirt.

I would point your attention to the 3rd part of the adjective definition, and the definition when used as an adverb. As defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, and in general usage, if you are failing in more areas than you are succeeding, overall, you are failing, and thus, at least at the moment, you are an overall failure. When applied to a particular item, which (at the moment) has more (whether in quantity or scale) failings than positive points, it can be said that item (Playstation 3) is an overall failure.

This has become a circular argument..... could someone, for the love of all that is GAF, please lock this thread so we can all get on with our lives?


MightyHedgehog said:
None of the arguments within are really new, but the only thing that changes is that there are fewer defenders of the PS3 and more evidence to support the claim with every thread on the subject. It's just reality creeping in.

s/reality/warring fanboys/
MightyHedgehog said:
None of the arguments within are really new, but the only thing that changes is that there are fewer defenders of the PS3 and more evidence to support the claim with every thread on the subject. It's just reality creeping in.

I'm new here, at what point did Gamecube owners throw in the towel last gen?
tehbear said:
I think it's stuck in an infinite loop now.
and yet this thread still goes on sigh


Trippy stuff I tells ya.

Don't see why this is such a hot button topic.

Sony screwed up. Simple and easy. Sometimes these companies end up screwed (Atari, Sega) others end up profitable and fine. This generation is lost for Sony yes, but they can come away from it learning something.

And maybe even have a comeback party as soon as next gen. $299 PS4 in 2010... methinks it's likely. And something I wouldn't mind picking up.

garrickk said:
When the Wii came out.
I gave up by the end of 2002.

The other systems had... what's the word... momentum.

The Xbox and PS2 strongly in America, the PS2 huge in Europe, the Xbox having a presence, and the GCN stagnant. Japan was nearly just as bad off. The GCN never looked like it was ever going to have a presence there, sure the Xbox did worse, but when one competitor is sitting at 20 million, one at 4 million, and the other at (500,000?). You can't call them a success of any form.

The only thing Nintendo did right with the GCN was making it as profitable as possible.

Now I've no doubt the Wii has this "war" won just because of the momentum it has, I never thought the GCN would ever stand. The same market forces at work with the GCN last gen are at work on the PS3 this gen, just in different areas. It all boils down to momentum and mindshare.

The $599 pricepoint has become a defining characteristic of that console. Just like Fisher-Price became the unshakable staple of the GCN $599 has become the staple of the PS3. It will always be viewed as too expensive because of that. Any price difference between the PS3 and 360 will be considered too much.

I've kind of ranted so I should end this by saying, it's ok to be on the losing side. As long as the experiences are what counts you'll find it worth it. You'll get games on the PS3 that won't be seen anywhere else.

Just like the GCN in the end was worth it.

Master Z

Secks4Food said:
You forgot going third party!

I kid

But you shouldn't kid because that's a legitimate point. Anything short of the Playstation business closing shop is not an overall failure. Overall. The Dreamcast was an overall failure because it forced Sega to exit the console business. So while the PS3 could end up dead last it would not be an overall failure if they manage to make enough profits to survive and continue the business. So my point here, once again, is that it's way too early to deem the PS3 an overall failure.


manzo said:
Microsoft can call it whatever they want in my point of view. I don't call the PS3 as PLAYSTATION 3 as Sony calls it. We have our own abbreviations of consoles, so do the Japanese. ;)

Interesting fact, my ex actually was one of the market researches who decided on the name san roku maru for the Japanese 360 market. sanbyaku roku juu didn't really roll off the tongue well enough.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
MWS Natural said:
I'm new here, at what point did Gamecube owners throw in the towel last gen?

-When Luigi's Mansion was shown to launch with the system
-When the name was revealed
-When the console's color (and shape) was revealed.

Take you're pick.
ParticleReality said:
Holy Shit, its been 5 years already?
Nope, but just like the majority of gens before this one I think it's pretty easy to see which the way the market is shifting within the first year.:D

The PS1 was different in the same way the NES was. The change took longer, but by the time it was finished it was resolute. The Wii is flowing like the PS2 so far. In different circumstances yes, but still just as dominating.

And the PS3 is sitting below, barely managing to hit GCN levels of insignificance.

rs7k said:
Holy shit guys, get laid!
I'm a five foot tall genetically altered tamarin monkey...

Where the hell am I gonna find a zoo open at this time of night?

Master Z

Aurean_Mentat said:
I chose my words very carefully.... the Playstation 3 is currently an overall failure.... notice, I did not say complete failure.

I could have sworn that the word "overall", when used as an adjective was a synonym for "complete", so I checked it out and it turns out I was right.


So therefore I stand by my word, but like you I am tired of this discussion so at this point I'll just agree to disagree.


tehbear said:
I think it's stuck in an infinite loop now.

Anybody else visit the Ubuntu forums? They have this really nice feature over there where, after you type in the subject, it automatically searches for similar threads and shows them to you to avoid dupes.

Wouldn't that be nice to have here.

Fanboy: *Hits reply button and begins typing*
Fanboy: If the PS3 is dead in Japan, what do you call the XBox 3...
System: *Interrupts* It appears that this argument has already been posted several times in this thread. Please review the following posts and all the replies that pwned it before continuing and wasting everyones time.


Master Z said:
So while the PS3 could end up dead last it would not be an overall failure if they manage to make enough profits to survive and continue the business.

So the N64 and GameCube weren't "overall failures", then.
mepaco said:
Anybody else visit the Ubuntu forums? They have this really nice feature over there where, after you type in the subject, it automatically searches for similar threads and shows them to you to avoid dupes.

Wouldn't that be nice to have here.

Fanboy: *Hits reply button and begins typing*
Fanboy: If the PS3 is dead in Japan, what do you call the XBox 3...
System: *Interrupts* It appears that this argument has already been posted several times in this thread. Please review the following posts and all the replies that pwned it before continuing and wasting everyones time.
That would kill GAF, though. :(
Can we let this thread die already? You guys have had your fun bashing the Playstation, and casting doom apon it like were on the verge of the next round of consoles.

Now, I think we should all leave this thread and go back to trying to just enjoy the systems we do and not constantly bash the ones we don't because its the hot thing to do(based on a book).

Frankly, if someone made a thread based on a book called 'Why did the 360 fail?' where the author talked about Hardware issues and doing poorly in japan it would get locked after only a few pages.

It would also be the same outcome if a thread was made about a book called 'Why did the wii fail?'. Where the author talked about the frequent issues with shovelware, and how the lasting appeal could soon disappear as games on the other 2 systems get better, and the systems get cheaper to own.
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