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Why do you keep going back to SONY?


I do not care what some say here: exclusive games are a necessary evil as long as this business model persists. That is why I come back even though I prefer playing now on PC.
I begrudgingly bought the PS1, because the N64 was taking so long and had lost the game I most looked forward to FFVII.

I skipped PS2, because I didn't like the way games looked. They all seemed soft somehow. I played a lot of HALO and MMOs back then, so PC and Xbox got me.

I bought a PS3 after the price cut and not to long before UC3. I binged the Uncharted series and played Demons Souls. Obsessed over TLOU. Blue ray was a nice bonus.

I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and regretted it.

I liked my PS3 experience. Come in towards the middle buy the cheaper revision and rent or buy used games.

PC will always be my primary gaming machine.


The nicest person on this forum
Because the other options are not as good in my opinion. Nintendo has a third party problem, at least a western 3rd party problem and weak hardware. Microsoft first party is the worst out of the three consoles. Then if we talk about PC it is not user friendly, i just want to play games not spend 2 hours figuring out how to play the game I just bought, plus the whole its not in the living room thing. So the best option for now is Sony, relitively powerful, good first party, its a console and it has decent third party support.

Edit, i do have a few PC games and will eventually get a switch just saying.

Does that really matter!!? Last time I checked PS2 was weakest hardware compare to Xbox and Gamecube but it was the best console but it much more games. Same thing happened between 3DS and PSV. 3DS was clearly was weaker hardware but it had way more games. To me as long you great game on the system, the actual hardware wont matter much.


always chasing the next thrill
exclusives games is the reason why only a couple of consoles exist.
move that away and you have nothing


I have bought or been given every major console that has released since NES so it isn't so much that I stick with Sony as much as I like to be able to play anything regardless of console. I was always a Sega guy until Dreamcast and then I switched to Nintendo and those have been my mains since followed by Xbox because I fell in love with Halo. If I had to cut someone it would be Sony.


Neo Member
Great games/studios and still willing to take chances even if they're on top. Also keeping it fresh and not going stale.

PSVR has completely reinvigorated gaming for me. I was afraid I was getting too picky to enjoy gaming anymore and then VR came along just in time. Feel like I'm ten years old again for the past 7-8 months. I feel a little bad for my poor 4k tv that I bought about the same time I bought my PRO for PSVR. :(


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
To me, quality.

They work very hard not only to get the hardware right, but also to attract talented developers, first and third party.

They have good leverage in other industries. And they have a clear vision. And they don't have intrusive company policies like Nintendo does. It's all out getting what they need to make it work.

Also above all, and I hate to say this but it's true. Sony is incredibly lucky. Most of the time they were very successful, all the competitors screwed up. They can't control that, so it's luck. That simple.


Also Sony takes a ton of risks. They are the ones with the most new IPS every generation. . They support many niche games no one would normally support. Example Yakuza after these terrible sales no one ever believed we would get another yakuza game in the west.


Usually because PlayStation has lots of good games.

I absolutely adored PSone, was lukewarm on PS2, fell in love with PSP (2000), and over time came to be impressed by PS3/PS4 after respective weak starts. And it was always because of the games. Never had a Vita.

However, the build quality of their hardware is shit, and of late they seem to be keen to associate themselves with pretentious, melodramatic, schoolboy-tier cinematic storytelling masquerading as interactive entertainment, and I wish they'd stick what games are best at- being fun.

Since I bought myself a competent gaming PC, my PS4 is all but irrelevant now (ironically my PS3 has a lot more unique stuff to offer). PS5 is going to have to have some seriously good exclusives for me to 'go back' again.

it isn't so much that I stick with Sony as much as I like to be able to play anything regardless of console.

I feel the same. I could never live on a PlayStation-only diet. I'd be missing out on so much.


Mainly because of Naughty Dog.
But also because of the other great 1st Party Studios and exclusive games (Ratchet and Clank etc.).


The sense of community around events like PSX, E3 and even negative things like the PSN outage shouldn't be understated. That feels great.

But thats more of a benefit. What keeps me a Playstation user is the unreliability of the alternatives. Nintendo seems to be 50/50 with creating a welcoming platform for developers to make games. Microsoft seems to change focus annually based on trends.
I keep going to Sony because of consistency, true. But Microsoft shit the bed this gen. They had a strong foothold on their competition and decided to bury themselves under bad press with restrictive hardware that was more expensive and included features almost nobody wanted. Sony didn't have to do anything but be a video game console maker, but the real self-inflicted wound was the price. All Sony had to do was post videos of people passing video games to one another and that was that. It still boggles my mind to this day that they went out there and basically gave Sony the market. But I guess if you're Microsoft you can afford a loss.


Not Banned from OT
Naughty dog and their other excellent first party developers. I'll keep my OG PS4 for those great games coming up.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
To me, quality.

They work very hard not only to get the hardware right, but also to attract talented developers, first and third party.

They have good leverage in other industries. And they have a clear vision. And they don't have intrusive company policies like Nintendo does. It's all out getting what they need to make it work.

Also above all, and I hate to say this but it's true. Sony is incredibly lucky. Most of the time they were very successful, all the competitors screwed up. They can't control that, so it's luck. That simple.

Luck is opportunity + preparation anyways, so no I disagree with putting down Sony because you feel they have been lucky. They were well prepared, had great hardware, and a great strategy and as PS3 has shown they are able to turn disastrous launches around and best their competition with a full year less on the market.


I keep going to Sony because of consistency, true. But Microsoft shit the bed this gen.

Yeah this was the first gen that I was actually open to finally buying an Xbox for the first time. I got up mega early for the initial reveal (like 2AM Australian time) and.... well we got the infamous TV TV TV SPORTS FISH AI reveal, which really turned me off.

I'm a lot more open to Xbox now that the X has launched but I've basically moved back to PC again full time so I'll probably just hold off now and see what they come up with next gen/launch. Hopefully by then their first party is back on track too.


i don't go back to Sony because i Never left Sony

Playstation is and always will be my primary gaming device, amazing exclusives, the best graphics you'll see in games, the console is simple with no bullshit like Nintendo, large library of games, almost every 3rd party company supports the console and overall the best games to play are on the Playstation

Xaero Gravity

Yet you are a member of the MS X Troll Force (as evidenced by your post history).

Are you fucking stupid? Up until the XB1X, the PS4 was my main console as that's where I bought all my multiplatform games, so please point these posts out because I'd love to see where I've blatantly been an Xbox cheerleader. And if any of them are where I'm calling out fanboys, then look harder because I've called out fanboys from every side.

Yes I prefer XBL and yes I prefer the XB1 controller, but if that's enough for you to label someone a fanboy, then you can fuck right off.


I wouldn't consider myself super into Sony but I have had all their consoles.

Honestly the thing that keeps me coming back are third party exclusives.

In the PS1 era it was JRPG's and fighters and that has kind of continued with PS3 and 4.

PS2 was a beast on a whole other level. While I generally preferred playing on Xbox that gen I don't think anyone can deny just how much amazing support that machine got.

If it wasn't for their almost built in exclusivity for games like Yakuza I probably wouldn't play PS very often.
Because if you look at history and the company itself, Sony is the best of the big three. Some of the (arguably) best eras of gaming have happened when Sony was dominating.

MS bought Rare and and ran that studio into the ground by forcing it's "vision" on it. That's why Bungie left. That's how MS operates. Look at what happened to Nokia.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a MS hater. I've only owned windows PCs and think Mac OS is awful. But MS is not good for gamers. They need to stick to their core competencies.
Sony is 2nd to Nintendo for first party games and is also the best for 3rd party Japanese games. Don’t think I bought any first party games from Sony this year but I don’t game on pc and would have missed on Nier, Yakuza and persona 5 if I didn’t have a Sony console.


Gold Member
I have faith in what to expect. Quality. Non nintendo games.

I go back to nintendo to get whimsical nintendo games.

Funnily when my ps2 was faulty and scratched my games and dvds i swore off sony consoles... i was back for the second half of the ps3 gen
I have always been happy with my Sony purchases. I've bought every xbox (the original and the 360 for myself, the one for my kid) and after the 360 I swore off of xbox. It was plagued with hardware failures (red ring) it seemed cheaply made, I didn't care for the interface, kinect was a joke and a lack of great exclusives sealed the deal for me.

Nintendo exists in its own space to me, and even though I've been burned by them as well (I didn't like the wii and the wiiu just left me thirsty for something to play) Nintendo manages to set themselves apart with excellent first party offerings, so I usually have a Nintendo system and a Sony system in rotation.

Recently, I've been on the PSVR wagon and I absolutely love it. Someone said earlier that Sony just plays it safe, I don't think that is the case at all. Making a 4th or 5th space marine shooter is playing it safe, Sony's recent commitment to VR is a testament to how they are willing to push the envelope a little. They aren't all success stories (psp/vita) but the good has outweighed the bad. Next cycle, I will be buying a PS5 before and over anything else.
PS4 Pro so far is great I am loving it. I got really busy with studies + work, so I hadn't gamed since December 2016, during that time I was mostly a PC gamer but my PC sucked (AMD 1055T, 7950, 4 Gigs of RAM), then it died and I stopped gaming.

I just got a PS4 Pro last week and I love Horizon Zero Dawn, one of the best games I have played in a while. Uncharted 4 is great too, Mass Effect seems like a slog but it looks nice.

But yea the Sony first party stuff is amazing. The Ghost of Takushima, Last of Us 2, God of War. I still have to catch up and play some old stuff like Uncharted 4 and The Last Guardian.

I will be set. I do hope Sony goes for a powerful CPU next time though, it would be nice if these games were running at 60 FPS.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Luck is opportunity + preparation anyways, so no I disagree with putting down Sony because you feel they have been lucky. They were well prepared, had great hardware, and a great strategy and as PS3 has shown they are able to turn disastrous launches around and best their competition with a full year less on the market.

Did you read what I said? They did things right, I would never take that away from them. But they were VERY lucky. With the exception of handhelds, and maybe the PS3, all iterations of their consoles were introduced under the most favorable situations they could not have direct influence on. That's luck, you can't deny that. Very lucky company.

down 2 orth

Fucking horrible online infrastructure, but they have the best exclusives and its cheaper than PC gaming. I'll probably drift back toward PC gaming some day.


Not Banned from OT
I'm pretty invested in their Eco system but if they don't start working on BC I might jump ship to ms.

I would not count on any bc while they have a service to sell. I don't buy any digital Sony games because I don't trust Sony on bc.


PlayStation has better 1st party games. It's why I bought a PS4. The UI is simple, Controller design is perfect. So many options.

I had a 360 during it's prime and had a super satisfying experience. But the lack of games on One and overall quality steered me away. Most of it's library I can play on PS4 and PC.

I got a chance to play on Xbox One for a good amount of time recently and was glad I didn't pick one up. Menus although very clean looking are annoying to go through, especially when you're just trying to close a game. Trying to play local multiplayer is impossible. Kept getting a prompt that all players needed Live. We were playing a game that had no online multiplayer. The fact that games need to download to the console instead of just playing off the disc is dumbfounding.

As much I enjoy my PS4, I've started to move most of my gaming to PC.


Gold Member
Controllers, games, and because I don't like the Microsoft gaming division for a multitude of reasons. The Xbone pre launch fiasco was a thing but they've been on my shit list for a very, very, very long time. Basically by a year or two after the original XBox launch I was no longer going to support them and they haven't done anything since then to change my mind.
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