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Wii U Direct Nintendo Games 2013.1.23 - Jan. 23rd, 9 AM EST, 2 PM GMT, 11 PM JP

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Zelda HD Trailer

Monolith project Trailer

Retro project Trailer

Killer Is Dead Wii U Release Announcement.

Dark Souls 2 Wii U Release Announcement.

I am happy boi + sales see spike


I had a dream, Iwata showed the F-zero Nintendoland minigame saying it was the most played, and then he started to talk about F-Zero UX, it was like Gx but 1080p, 60 cars, marketplace for more circuits...



I go away to play some Vagrant Story come back and this train is STILL rolling. 5 more hours to go? Guess I'll hop on board as well!

Major (ish?) announcements from Nintendo Direct in the past:
  • 3DS XL hardware
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Pokemon X/Y
  • Bayonetta 2 (kind of... it was on Nintendo Direct for Japan and Europe but at an actual New York event for America)
  • Major 3DS Firmware Updates (3D Video Recording/More StreetPass Content and Folders/Game Patching)
What am I missing?
It's going to be an announcement of Pilotwings properly re-done with several huge, beautifully diverse islands and online a bit like Burnout Paradise; other players flying around for fun and setting custom challenges for each other ("take the best photo of that Mountain then that Whale" or "Jetpack through these rings I've placed faster than I did" or "Drop a water balloon on that buisness man from over 100ft"). I'd be content for eternity flying around some beautiful cliffside as birdman on the TV and looking around and down at the world below using the Panoramic View on the gamepad.

I think they're probably going to announce that.


Calling it right now. You're all going to be disappointed.

They're going to show and give release dates to Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, Wii U Fit and some other titles no one cares about. We'll probably also get a Bayonetta trailer too. I don't expect anything major to be announced at the ND. No Retro, No MonolithSoft, No 3D Mario.

I would be beamingly happy with that if the dates are concrete. No disappointment here.



(just because it isn't on this page yet)

Regardless of whether or not this ND sucks, I'm glad we got this gif out of it.
Major (ish?) announcements from Nintendo Direct in the past:
  • 3DS XL hardware
  • New Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Pokemon X/Y
  • Bayonetta 2 (kind of... it was on Nintendo Direct for Japan and Europe but at an actual New York event for America)
  • Major 3DS Firmware Updates (3D Video Recording/More StreetPass Content and Folders/Game Patching)
What am I missing?

Zombi U & NSMBU were technically first shown off in the Pre-E3 Direct.
I'm expecting a Mario Kart teaser, except this time it will be and all Nintendo Stars thing, like the Sega one and it will be GLORIOUS.

I don't think that they'll do it, but I think it'd be interesting if they changed the artstyle for the next Mario Kart. There have been so many kart racers recently that seem to have similar visual styles. A cellshaded Mario Kart at 60fps would be amazing.


I was about to use this post to list everything I dream of for the WiiU and 3DS but at this stage of disgust with Nintendo, I realize it wouldn't be fun anyway.


I don't think that they'll do it, but I think it'd be interesting if they changed the artstyle for the next Mario Kart. There have been so many kart racers recently that seem to have similar visual styles. A cellshaded Mario Kart at 60fps would be amazing.

I want a cel-shaded Mario period. It makes no sense why Zelda is continually being messed around with artstyle-wise, but the main Mario series - which is more conducive to style changes anyway - stays stagnant.
The crazy people are the ones without low expectations.

His post was in response to mine, where I said it's reasonable to expect one announcement that people actually care about. One. It seems unreasonable to me to expect less than that, based on what little we have to go on. I know it's hearsay, and if we just get Lego City Stories and Wii U Fit trailers, well, okay.

It's literally one notch above the absolute lowest of expectations. That's all I'm propositioning, based on the history of ND and my gut on this one.
I don't think that they'll do it, but I think it'd be interesting if they changed the artstyle for the next Mario Kart. There have been so many kart racers recently that seem to have similar visual styles. A cellshaded Mario Kart at 60fps would be amazing.
Anything cel shaded would be amazing.

Mario Galaxy 3 cel shaded.

New Zelda cel shaded.

New Yoshi cel shaded.

New Metroid cel chaded.

New Wii Sports cel shaded.

Bayonetta 2 cel shaded.

Xenoblade 2 cel shaded.

I really like cel shading graphics.
Anything cel shaded would be amazing.

Mario Galaxy 3 cel shaded.

New Zelda cel shaded.

New Yoshi cel shaded.

New Metroid cel chaded.

New Wii Sports cel shaded.

Bayonetta 2 cel shaded.

Xenoblade 2 cel shaded.

I really like cel shading graphics.

More things should use cel shading, it just ages so much better than realism.


I'll be totally satiated if they show just ONE new game I like. Heck or even just a new trailer for an already announced game that shows it off better.

If that's all... fine... but E3 better be freaking huge if so. Wii U needs some fucking games, Nintendo.

5 hours to go :) I'm up and ready. Not that I have any choice... I'm at work :p


And people wonder why everyone is so disappointed after each ND.
I think the Nintendo Directs are one of the best things Nintendo ever came up with, especially in an industry that tends to blow out big announcements on big events like E3 etc., but people have got to keep their expectations in check.

Will Nintendo announce one or two new fames? Probably. But it won't be any of the big guns.
I expect some cool new eshop titles and maybe some more info on already announced stuff. If there is something major I'll honestly be surprised.
This'll be about Wii Fit U, Panorama view, and Google maps. That's all.

And the Army of Two style Ice Climbers revival by Retro. HYPE!


Nooooooooo. Fuck the cute Nintendo shit. We know Nintendo can do that in their sleep. Give us deep, epic, balls explodingly meaty shit. New shit. New areas for Nintendo. No Mario Kart, we know it's coming. No Yoshi or Wii Fit U.

I like where your heads at. I want fresh ballsy....er ballsy fresh. I wanna feel like when they first unvieled Conker BFD or some shit


Ok just reread the OP

Iwata: "This time, the plan is a bit different from a regular Direct, in that I'll be talking about what kind of Wii U titles and services Nintendo is developing."

And was wondering if the original reads as if the "kind of" was not there. I initially read it as "what genres".


People won't be excited for a new Metroid or Wii Sports?
The others aren't happening.
Its impossible to derail the hype Tookay

Come back to me when Wii Music 2 is the big reveal. ;)

EDIT: I will admit that I'm game for Wii Play U just for the frankness of the title.
And people wonder why everyone is so disappointed after each ND.
I think the Nintendo Directs are one of the best things Nintendo ever came up with, especially in an industry that tends to blow out big announcements on big events like E3 etc., but people have got to keep their expectations in check.

Will Nintendo announce one or two new fames? Probably. But it won't be any of the big guns.
I expect some cool new eshop titles and maybe some more info on already announced stuff. If there is something major I'll honestly be surprised.
People just need self control. I hype the shit out of directs everytime and if it doesnt live up to my expectations so what. Not gonna throw a fit over it. Looking forward to hype the next one!
It's going to be an announcement of Pilotwings properly re-done with several huge, beautifully diverse islands and online a bit like Burnout Paradise; other players flying around for fun and setting custom challenges for each other ("take the best photo of that Mountain then that Whale" or "Jetpack through these rings I've placed faster than I did" or "Drop a water balloon on that buisness man from over 100ft"). I'd be content for eternity flying around some beautiful cliffside as birdman on the TV and looking around and down at the world below using the Panoramic View on the gamepad.

I think they're probably going to announce that.
I want to go there.


Ok just reread the OP

And was wondering if the original reads as if the "kind of" was not there. I initially read it as "what genres".

"どのよう" can just as easily mean "how" or "in which way" as "what kind of", but given the context, I think Cheesemeister's translation is pretty much spot on.


Well it is going to be first-party content (services and software).
And it supposedly has new games.
Someone from Monolith Soft tweeted about this ND.
Wii U VC has been a recent addition to NOE's site in the source code.
With that being said, Mother (Earthbound) could be announced due to what Itoi said recently regarding the Mother series.

What if Monolith is working on a Mother game?


Limbaugh Parrot
if monolith is doing an Earthbound game I will unleash big heavy man tears of joy. and I will be sobbing at my desk in the office.

bring it, monolith.
Just arrived at work.
- All browsers ready, check!
- Popcorn, check!
- Phone off the line, check!
- Ticket for the Hype Train, check!

And now we wait...
So if I'm reading this thread right, I should wake up tomorrow expecting to read news of Mother 4 by Monolith Soft, Mach Rider reboot as an open world third person shooter and racer by Retro Studios, Yoshi U with a lush, painted art style, New Legend of Zelda in the classic overhead mode, a price cut to 250, and the Virtual Console announced with all previously purchased games easily and smoothly transferred to the Wii U.

Ok, good, I didn't want to get overhyped.
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