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Wii U Speculation Thread of Brains Beware: Wii U Re-Unveiling At E3 2012

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Vinci said:

I cannot even follow this thread anymore.

Well, other than Gaborn and ShockingAlberto.

And good lord, people, are some of you still coming into threads and talking about power as anything more than a pissing pole bullet point for a fraction of gaming's possible audience? Are you really?

Grow up. It's one metric a person can use to measure the value of a game, but it's supplemented by a shit-ton of others.
The issue at hand is third-party support, not power; it just so happens that power is part of the third-party support issue.

Javier said:
Man, this thread has gotten ridiculous. Until there's actual news I'm bailing out.
Deguello said:
BurntPork said:
I'm not an idiot.

Did you forget "undeniably" here too, or is this topic open for discussion as well?

Thunder Monkey said:
BurntPork said:
That interview when they were talking about how it only took five weeks to port the game and two lines of code to get streaming going. I'm 99% sure that the two people who were interviewed were the only ones working on the port.
You won't fault anyone for questioning your intuition will you?

I'm 99% sure you're wrong on just about everything you've posted today.
Boney said:
I'm trying to be polite.

Oh you guys are cracking me up.
Vinci said:

I cannot even follow this thread anymore.

Well, other than Gaborn and ShockingAlberto.

And good lord, people, are some of you still coming into threads and talking about power as anything more than a pissing pole bullet point for a fraction of gaming's possible audience? Are you really?

Grow up. It's one metric a person can use to measure the value of a game, but it's supplemented by a shit-ton of others.

But I can only enjoy my toys if the bloom, lens flares, blood physics, sub-surface scattering, global illumination, hyper-real textures, lip-synced, facial mapping, destructible environments, cloth physics, tessellation, draw distance and depth of field are Next Gen (tm).

And not just Next Gen (tm), but the most MAXTREME Next Gen (tm) possible.
I know we all have differing views but I have something we can all agree on. Fuck Reggie. Hope he isn't around for the wii-u but that's physically impossible :(
Mlatador said:
No, I don't think that's true. It's not the question about "what glass is full or empty", it's the question of "which glass has the RIGHT size".

The Wii glass has the RIGHT SIZE this generation, by a) improving the power of their machine less than what they used to do in previous generations a la N64 -> Gamecube BUT therefore putting the development money more towards INNOVATION. Like 50% improving the hardware power and 50% focusing on innovation. THEREFORE the gab between the Gamecube and the WII wasn't as BIG - hardwarewise - as the gab between the N64-> Gamecube.

The market proved them right. THAT (or something like that) was the RIGHT Ratio of improving hardware power to innovation.

That's why the Wii's glass has the RIGHT SIZE.

Therefore the Wii is not underpowered. It just has as much power as it needs to have!

What the PS360 did was a wrong calculation. They focused 100% on "hardware power" and 0% on innovation, made TONS of losses and only YEARS later were able to catch up in the innovation department.

That's why the PS360s glass has the wrong size

The Wii's competitors are therefore OVERPOWERED, and in this generations context that's a bad thing.

Welp BurntPork, you are no longer the most crazy poster in this thread. I congratulate you. Your title of 'King lolololol' has been hearby removed and has been giving to Mlatador.
lherre said:
Now we have 3 machines above 50 millions, a lot of multi million sellers ... I doubt it that this will change in the next gen. Console market is growing each generation. Besides the "next-gen" is a refinement of this gen, not a big change about the work methods, tech, etc
The game engines for this machines are there too (ue3-4, cry engine 3, fox engine). I have no worries about it.

I think that "power" is something that is always there to use, and the more you have the most impressive or perfect things you can do. So I won't think that a system or generation is "overpowered".

But two of those three took some serious lump to reach 50 million. And you're a dev so of course you want as much access to power as possible. I'd be the "suit" you'd talk about behind my back because I'd be more focused on the budget and that my console doesn't give you what you want. :p

This was an ugly gen that saw many (in video game business context) casualties along the way.

BurntPork said:
I said 6970, not 6990.

And there has been zero reliable indication otherwise.

Really? You say that despite lherre saying earlier that anytime they pushed the console it would freeze at least back during that time? Sounds to me reason enough to target stability through lower performance than maxed out crashes.


ClovingSteam said:
Welp BurntPork, you are no longer the most crazy poster in this thread. I congratulate you. You are hearby removed from the crazy asylum.

No one's taking that crown from me. Uh....

Wii U will use an RV710! Half the power of current consoles! And it has 128MB of RAM! And a single-core 500MHz CPU!
BurntPork said:
Pikmin 3 will be a launch title. Bet on it.

It better be or that guy who freaks out almost every time it's mentioned may just have a stroke.

I think by the e3 sizzle reel we can expect, at least, CG trailers for Mario Wii U, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros 4, Zelda 3DS and gameplay of Pikmin 3, Retro's game, Wii U Sports/Play, and NSMB Mii.
ClovingSteam said:
What? The only reason the Wii is the market leader is because of Wii Sports/ Wii Fit. That is the HOOK that got folks who hadn't purchased a system before to buy the Wii. We all have seen the polls that show many folks who bought the Wii never bothered to buy another game after Wii Sports or Wii Fit. It was a hook and it worked. The Wii hardware was pretty much last gen tech. The PS3/360 weren't overpowered. The hardware in these two machines are ANCIENT. Have you not seen how Skyrim looks on these boxes?

The 360/PS3 are not overpowered. They evolved with the tech available. With the Wii, Nintendo went as cheap as possible with tech as old as possible that would still allow it to be labeled as an upgrade. Nintendo was making a very nice profit from day 1 wit every single piece of hardware sold. The ONLY ones who benefited from the old hardware was Nintendo and its investors. Developers? No. Nintendo's customers? No. It was Nintendo and its shareholders that benefited.

The developers put most of their eggs in the PS3/360 basket, and underestimated the potential of the Wii. The PS3/360 WERE overpowered, in that they made development costly for studios unable to put out successive megahits, and that few people had HD at the time. It was partly thanks to the Wii that Majesco is still around, and Ubisoft was actually able to make the money they needed to make the AAA games for the HD twins.

Now I won't question the Wii having a massive deficit of power, but at the time, it was a necessary enema.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
-Pyromaniac- said:
I know we all have differing views but I have something we can all agree on. Fuck Reggie. Hope he isn't around for the wii-u but that's physically impossible :(

Reggie is a symptom, not a cause. Besides that, he's the most well-known company figure in all of gaming that's not Miyamoto and Iwata. He's also a great presenter, when he has something to present. If Reggie is axed, in two years we'll all be pining for the days of the Regginator, I assure you.


Actually, I've been predicting for awhile now that pikmin 3 will be an october/november game instead of being present immediately at launch.


ElTopo said:
Already cancelled or at least in development hell. Not gonna bet on it though.
It was confirmed for Wii U at E3.

bgassassin said:
Really? You say that despite lherre saying earlier that anytime they pushed the console it would freeze at least back during that time? Sounds to me reason enough to target stability through lower performance than maxed out crashes.
I didn't see that post, so I don't understand what you're saying.

... Also, I think I fucked up. I'm probably going to get banned tomorrow...
Andrex said:
Reggie is a symptom, not a cause. Besides that, he's the most well-known company figure in all of gaming that's not Miyamoto and Iwata. He's also a great presenter, when he has something to present. If Reggie is axed, in two years we'll all be pining for the days of the Regginator, I assure you.

I feel sorry for the guy. He killed it back in '04/'05, but Nintendo has been feeding him a stream of shit sandwiches to sell to fans ever since then. Every exciting announcement is weighed down by a bunch of boring or terrible ones.


BurntPork said:
It was confirmed for Wii U at E3.

I'm with ElTopo on this one. I refuse to believe the title exists until they show a fucking screen shot. Still bitter. 3 FUCKING E3s.

Zoramon089 said:
Lol, do you (and others) actually believe this?

Only because of bitterness and I refuse to admit it exists at this point because I'm too fucking stubborn. 3 FUCKING E3s.
guek said:
Actually, I've been predicting for awhile now that pikmin 3 will be an october/november game instead of being present immediately at launch.
I could see that. Depends on how far along the game was before the shift and how much work it needs/they're willing to put in to port it to the U and make use of those 'gorgeous' HD graphics.


Javier said:
Man, this thread has gotten ridiculous. Until there's actual news I'm bailing out.
Tell me about it. As much as this is a speculation thread, the only things I hear are hyperboles based on pessimistic outlooks and everything else compared to what the competitors are dishing out.

For God sakes, we aren't talking about the other systems in this thread. Only the Wii U. It's nice to have some facts, but I feel the thread has largely derailed, no thanks to juniors and people who just can't say anything worth of value, other than "my opinion on this new system on the whole is that it sucks".
^ It'll settle down sfried. This was almost to be expected once the leaks about the console(s) came out.

BurntPork said:
I didn't see that post, so I don't understand what you're saying

The context of the discussion had you saying there was no reliable indication to say that the GPU wouldn't be something like a 4650 or whatever. I pointed that out to show that there is reliable indication to say it won't be a 4650 or whatever you're running with. lherre said months ago the GPU was causing the kit to freeze when they pushed it. He just reiterated that when I asked which kit version was underclocked.


Instro said:
Not quite. In the interview it was mentioned that it only took a few people to get the game on running on the console for E3. How many people would actually be working on the port itself is another matter.

That's right. Colin Bonstead at Vigil said that there were 3 main programmers working on getting it up and running for E3, and one of those came in half way through. But we have no idea on the number of people that are responsible for the full-fledged port.

I'm glad this was brought up, because I found the interview pretty interesting.


ClovingSteam said:
Welp BurntPork, you are no longer the most crazy poster in this thread. I congratulate you. Your title of 'King lolololol' has been hearby removed and has been giving to Mlatador.

You're the one to decide, eh? I've said it before, if anyone, especially burnbork and you, want to argue with me, use arguments, otherwise I can't take you serious.

Which of my arguments don't you agree with and tell me why. Are you able to do that? It's pretty easy to go "haha, lolol, look at this guy".

That stupid term "underpowered" is too often used by people, mostly fanboys, who let their favorite consoles compete in imaginary battles against each other, were the only deciding factor is "hardware power". In those battles it's the rule that the most powerful hardware wins, but that's not the reality.

The console market/the reality plays by different rules. The rules this time were that ppl wanted innovation and not overpriced hardware power. PS360 made a wrong choice by going for a 10 year lifespan, and I think we won't see such a plan ever again, so they didn't succeed in becoming the market leader.

Both of them were "overpowered" and too expenisve. The Wii had the right prize and wasn't "underpowered", in other words had just the right amount of power, and the perfect amount of innovation, that's why they got first.


BurntPork said:
It was confirmed for Wii U at E3.
Which E3? They've been "confirming" Pikmin 3 for so many years it hardly means anything anymore. I agree with those who say I'm not believing it until we see footage.
Mlatador said:
You're the one to decide, eh? I've said it before, if anyone, especially burnbork and you, want to argue with me, use arguments, otherwise I can't take you serious.

Which of my arguments don't you agree with and tell me why. Are you able to do that? It's pretty easy to go "haha, lolol, look at this guy".

That stupid term "underpowered" is too often used by people, mostly fanboys, who let their favorite consoles compete in imaginary battles against each other, were the only deciding factor is "hardware power". In those battles it's the rule that the most powerful hardware wins, but that's not the reality.

The console market/the reality plays by different rules. The rules this time were that ppl wanted innovation and not overpriced hardware power. PS360 made a wrong choice by going for a 10 year lifespan, and I think we won't see such a plan ever again, so they didn't succeed in becoming the market leader.

Both of them were "overpowered" and too expenisve. The Wii had the right prize and wasn't "underpowered", in other words had just the right amount of power, and the perfect amount of innovation, that's why they got first.
Listen man, your heart is in the right place, but what you're saying could not be more wrong.

Yes, MS and Sony overshot what the market viewed as value in the hardware arena. That does not stop the Wii from being hugely underpowered compared to its competition. The market doesn't decide what is overpowered or underpowered. Tech does.


Javier said:
Which E3? They've been "confirming" Pikmin 3 for so many years it hardly means anything anymore. I agree with those who say I'm not believing it until we see footage.
This one is real. If Pikmin 3 isn't shown at E3 2012, I'll eat a shoe.


BurntPork said:
It's because of me, isn't it? :(
No not this thread though I should for fear of losing my sanity. I'm trying to unsubscribe from some OT threads, I've wandered over there lately and now I don't ever want to go back. The amount of stupid is just too much for me.

Edit: Thanks Andrex!
Andrex said:
Reggie is a symptom, not a cause. Besides that, he's the most well-known company figure in all of gaming that's not Miyamoto and Iwata. He's also a great presenter, when he has something to present. If Reggie is axed, in two years we'll all be pining for the days of the Regginator, I assure you.
yeah but reggie doesn't give a shit so why should I nahmean


Thunder Monkey said:
Listen man, your heart is in the right place, but what you're saying could not be more wrong.

Yes, MS and Sony overshot what the market viewed as value in the hardware arena. That does not stop the Wii from being hugely underpowered compared to its competition. The market doesn't decide what is overpowered or underpowered. Tech does.

No, the cause does. If I have a pc only to surf the internet and there is a super high end graphics card in it, then it's overpowered for my cause.

Nintendos cause was to expand the gaming audience, be very profitable and ultimately become market leader.

PS360 cause was the same. They wanted to be very profitable and become market leader as well, though it didn't happen, since they choose the wrong strategy and made huge losses.

If the cause determines what is over or underpowered then the Wii is - as I said - NOT underpowered, ESPECIALLY because soo many people use that term to bash the Wii in the light of it's competitors, although the Wii did absolutely right.

As I also said, there is a diffence between being underpowerd or having less power than someting else.

The Wii has less power than PS360, but that doesn make it underpowered, especially since the cause of the 3 is the same - making good games that are fun, appeal to people, being profitable/becoming market leader - and the Wii won against both in this regard.
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