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Wii U Speculation Thread of Brains Beware: Wii U Re-Unveiling At E3 2012

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Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Even if, at the very least, devs had to still get permission or official status from Nintendo to continue development it would help if everyone could at least prototype stuff and play around.
If there was some way for a Wii U to be a development platform at the same time as being usable release hardware (A la iOS) that would be uber awesome.
Precisely. It does not even need to have the official SDK - a bare-bone linux with a gnu toolchain and a GLES stack.


Dudebro -_- damm that word irritates me -_-

The ones i know will not touch a game that has an art-style with more than brown/grey or isn't a sports sim -_-

Nintendo does not need Dudebros, they need Gamers.

And the Wii's library didn't satisfy enough Gamers.


I don't think Nintendo will really try and convert that crowd with the controller. The only way to do it is with some insane exclusive like GTA or CoD which we know will NEVER happen. Even if the Wii U version of multi platform titles is obviously superior graphics wise and has some amazing uses of the controller I still don't think the dudebro gamers on other platforms will switch. They are far too myopic and far too invested in their gamer scores and shit like that.

What I think Nintendo is probably hoping for is to get back, and retain the Nintendo loving gamer who games more on other machines now (as well as young gamers growing up an wanting more than young titles). Nintendo make most of their money off of the software so they need people buying software for the Wii U, not the PS3, 360, PS4, Next. They need to have graphics at an acceptable level and also some unique gameplay with the controller. They need to have modern services like DLC, patching of games, a good online store. To be honest I wonder if the Wii had have just had modern shaders, and everything else was the same, if we'd have got multiplatform games and Wii owners would have been happier and Nintendo richer.

In essence I think they are going after me. I went and reluctantly bought a PS3 because the multiplatform "hardcore" games just weren't coming to Wii. I would really have preferred to have spent that money on Wii games if it had them and I'm sure Nintendo would have too.

Are you me?


I'm not talking time-wise, I'm talking technology, capability and approach.

Jump from XBOX to 360 = massive.

Jump from PS2 to PS3 = massive.

Jump from Gamecube to Wii = erm, not so good.

Jump from Wii to WiiU?

From what we've seen, quite a progression - but compare it to the likelihood of Microsoft and Sony releasing far superior consoles shortly after launch, and you have a stop-gap console.

I wonder why the poster has started from a seemingly arbitrary XBOX generation and what this tells us about his game leanings (ie a linear progression in tech power)? Has the poster considered how HD has skewed the power and performance ratio in ways that it wouldn't have done prior?

What about the Atari VCS 2600 to 5200 to 7800 to even the Jaguar progression?

Or the Sega Master System to Genesis to Saturn to Dreamcast progression?

Or the NES to SNES to N64 to GCN progression?


All of this talk about "dudebros" and such is making me think about how likely it is that the next generation will kill gaming for me. :/ I really hope that devs stop with the "every game must be photo-realistic and gritty" mentality next-gen. Seeing so many games that look exactly the same really hurt my interest in gaming. That's part of why I want Wii U. Nintendo's one of the few companies that doesn't do that. (Granted, Sony does an okay job of stylizing games as well.) Things are a bit better now, but the damage is basically done for me at this point. I want next-gen to be totally different. I want CoD to die and not get replaced by anything. Ant the very least, I hope it isn't replaced by FPS and we're not stuck with every other gaming having clunky dual analog controls.


Attracting the Nintendo fan to buy the console affects the third party issue as well..

- Nintendo fan complains that a third party either cheaps-out on or neglects efforts on Nintendo's home console.
- Nintendo fan then proceeds to buy another console.. and rewards the third party's actions with purchases of software.
- Third party learns nothing, except that they can continue to shortchange the Nintendo platform.
- Nintendo fan remains perplexed at this outcome.

This is at least the second generation where we've seen this pattern, and differences in processing power and control schemes have only served to steepen the hill.


Attracting the Nintendo fan to buy the console affects the third party issue as well..

- Nintendo fan complains that a third party either cheaps-out on or neglects efforts on Nintendo's home console.
- Nintendo fan then proceeds to buy another console.. and rewards the third party's actions with purchases of software.
- Third party learns nothing, except that they can continue to shortchange the Nintendo platform.
- Nintendo fan remains perplexed at this outcome.

This is at least the second generation where we've seen this pattern, and differences in processing power and control schemes have only served to steepen the hill.

And it will get more complicated next generation where each company will want to promote their own unique selling point on their platforms. This is why Nintendo launching the WiiU first, regardless how powerful it will be in comparison to its competitors, is a very smart move.

People have to also consider, that for many PS3, Xbox360 owners, that might be their last game console. Nintendo is fortunate that because Wii was also geared toward younger audiences, it can essentially grow up with its new fanbase, by offering the WiiU. These are the fans Nintendo does not want to lose to a new Sony or MS console.


Basically you feel like it'll be tough for people to forget wii U at E3 2011 whereas I feel it'll be oh so incredibly easy...as long as E3 2012 really nails it. A miniscule number of consumers pay attention to E3, and media outlets other than gaming journalists wont begin reporting on it until 2-3 months prior to release. Widespread hype really wont begin until then either. Thas how ah sees it.

Absolutely. 99% of the potential Wii U owners have no idea the thing exists at all at the moment. And for us who do, we ourselves won't give a damn about E3 '11 when Nintendo start doing their blowout. We'll just care about what they are showing at that time.

And if Nintendo's target was once again my mom and grandma, I'd agree wholehearted with this. But gamers at large know about the existence of the Wii U.

Heck, I even said earlier that I think if Nintendo blows the expo wide open last E3 won't matter. My only fear is that now they kinda have to. If they'd been a little more open about the Wii U all this time - slowly hyping people up and turning the tide, then they could have gotten away with treating E3 like another bump in the road on the way to product launch.

But now, for being so quiet after leaving a not-so-hot first impression, they're in the position where they have to show something amazing. Showing a bunch of ports of PS360 games and Metroid HD probably won't cut it. They'll need to show new, exciting IPs and an online structure that's on par with the core of what MS and Sony deliver. I hope they can do it.


All of this talk about "dudebros" and such is making me think about how likely it is that the next generation will kill gaming for me. :/ I really hope that devs stop with the "every game must be photo-realistic and gritty" mentality next-gen. Seeing so many games that look exactly the same really hurt my interest in gaming. That's part of why I want Wii U. Nintendo's one of the few companies that doesn't do that. (Granted, Sony does an okay job of stylizing games as well.) Things are a bit better now, but the damage is basically done for me at this point. I want next-gen to be totally different. I want CoD to die and not get replaced by anything. Ant the very least, I hope it isn't replaced by FPS and we're not stuck with every other gaming having clunky dual analog controls.

Have you played Halo? it's a great little game with nice mechanics in which you get to kill zany aliens instead of russians or arabs. It actually revolutionnized FPS on consoles but was stolen its crown because most people are interested in dying instantly and launching nukes.

As for next-gen, if Bungie possible MMO gets WiiU release that does not suffer from inferior graphics (seems they are willing to push emphasize on dynamic stuff rather than photo realistic graphics) then the dual screen Nintendo strategy might make WiiU my de facto console.

Oh, and Nintendo should buy PlatinumGames.


Everyone's target is everyone.

That changes nothing.

Have you played Halo? it's a great little game with nice mechanics in which you get to kill zany aliens instead of russians or arabs. It actually revolutionnized FPS on consoles but was stolen its crown because most people are interested in dying instantly and launching nukes.

As for next-gen, if Bungie possible MMO gets WiiU release that does not suffer from inferior graphics (seems they are willing to push emphasize on dynamic stuff rather than photo realistic graphics) then the dual screen Nintendo strategy might make WiiU my de facto console.

Oh, and Nintendo should buy PlatinumGames.

I couldn't get into Halo. However, I don't group it in with all of that other crap.


But it adds context. The Wii was for everyone, too.

Right. You seem to implying that Wii U will be more skewed toward the core. I think that's fairly unlikely, especially once trying for the core fails them like it failed for 3DS at first (except Nintendo won't have any big third-party exclusive to save them this time).


I couldn't get into Halo. However, I don't group it in with all of that other crap.

Sorry. Halo feels to me like the FPS Nintendo could have made, had the wished to keep their growing up customers.
I feel they dropped the ball on me, and have no shame whatesoever to have a PS3 and XBOX360.

Last Nintenod piece of harware I dug was my japanese white DSi. Classy, robust,great games selection. Wii never did for me. I hate glossy. And I love good graphics (although stylized, not photo realistic) and once again the Wii is a little to humble in my opinion (hard to go from Uncharted 3 to Skyward Sword).

I'm ok with a console that does not pride itself in making virtual life more real than real life, but they better deliver hardware that pushes beyond what we got from PS360 in terms of animations, AI, aliasing etc...which is pretty much guaranted from PS720 and was clearly absent from WiiU demos.


(hard to go from Uncharted 3 to Skyward Sword).

In terms of graphics, it shouldn't be very hard. I played all the AAA games like Uncharted and Skyrim on my friend's PS3 (second one wasn't that fun because of obvious issues) but Nintendo's talent of making games look good on old hardware shone through and I'm still enjoying Skyward Sword and how gorgeous it is. Twilight Princess on the other hand looks terrible, I think Nintendo should stick to stylised graphics or find a middle ground between stylised and detailed, like OoT 3D's style for the next Zelda.


Sorry. Halo feels to me like the FPS Nintendo could have made, had the wished to keep their growing up customers.
I feel they dropped the ball on me, and have no shame whatesoever to have a PS3 and XBOX360.

Last Nintenod piece of harware I dug was my japanese white DSi. Classy, robust,great games selection. Wii never did for me. I hate glossy. And I love good graphics (although stylized, not photo realistic) and once again the Wii is a little to humble in my opinion (hard to go from Uncharted 3 to Skyward Sword).

I'm ok with a console that does not pride itself in making virtual life more real than real life, but they better deliver hardware that pushes beyond what we got from PS360 in terms of animations, AI, aliasing etc...which is pretty much guaranted from PS720 and was clearly absent from WiiU demos.

Considering the fact that the hardware at E3 seemingly wasn't even capable of AA, I wouldn't use it to judge anything.


I went to Skyward with a big loving heart, ready to enjoy motion plus and stylized graphics.

Finished it begging Wii had hdmi,a regular controller and a bit more horsepower or the game had released almost a year before.

Don't have a PC, otherwise I would have dolphined the fuck out of it.

Considering the fact that the hardware at E3 seemingly wasn't even capable of AA, I wouldn't use it to judge anything.

I'm still optimistic, and can't believe WiiU will only be on par with PS360. Just wishing Nintendo could tolerate a bigger graphics card and a bit more ram than what is suggested in this thread so we don't get another generation of hard to port games from PC to it.

I think Nintendo should stick to stylised graphics or find a middle ground between stylised and detailed, like OoT 3D's style for the next Zelda.

I want it to be more Wind Waker than Skyward Sword in terms of stylization and offer top of the class animations and fps, I feel like grown up Link can't compete with modern action heroes like Drake or the Chief, or they make grown up Link look like a kid ala hobbit but I'm notfound of serious TP Link or dreamy adolescent SS Link.


I don't think buying a company started by people who didn't want to be stuck making sequels would be a good fit for Nintendo( Bizarre Creations on the other hand would have been perfect).

PG should be bought for technical expertise and their ability to produce on time and on budget. Nintendo provides marketing. Both of them build a new Universe where different syled action games can coexist.

If successful, the other Nintendo studios can provide games for this universe.

Like monolith makes an rpg in the same universe you recently played an action game etc...Thus building an environment for core gamers but that is managed by Nintendo so we don't get stupid COD shit.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Oh, and Nintendo should buy PlatinumGames.

For what reason other than fanboyish dreams? Nintendo already has a staple of developers to the point that Nintendo is suppressing the amount of games published from each developer.

Companies like Platinum Games and Grasshopper Manufacturer are cool indie favorites but have little value to a commercially successful publishers.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
This thread just goes round and round and round and round. People repeating the same thing over and over again.

Shouldn't expect much more when there hasn't been any real new news about the hardware in ages.
PG should be bought for technical expertise and their ability to produce on time and on budget. Nintendo provides marketing. Both of them build a new Universe where different syled action games can coexist.

If successful, the other Nintendo studios can provide games for this universe.

Like monolith makes an rpg in the same universe you recently played an action game etc...Thus building an environment for core gamers but that is managed by Nintendo so we don't get stupid COD shit.

Nintendo has been pretty poor at marketing things that aren't family friendly, I doubt they would improve when they had to sell a Kamiya project (Sega did a decent job with Bayonetta but it was hampered by the artstyle).

Your way sounds like trying to replicate the strategy behind the GC (RE exclusivity etc.) which failed & trying to use Japanese studios to appeal to the fabled "core" gamer (who doesn't really exist anymore) is a terrible mistake (have Japanese games had less of a appeal than they do now?


Right. You seem to implying that Wii U will be more skewed toward the core. I think that's fairly unlikely, especially once trying for the core fails them like it failed for 3DS at first (except Nintendo won't have any big third-party exclusive to save them this time).

I'm implying it no more than Nintendo did. :(

Of course the Wii U will be targeted at everyone, but Reggie made it a point to specifically call out gamers and say the Wii U will be for them, too.

Thus building an environment for core gamers but that is managed by Nintendo so we don't get stupid COD shit.

Why is it so popular to marginalize games that sell into the millions in one week? That "Stupid COD shit" is exactly what Nintendo should be trying to get, and you'd be kidding yourself if you think they don't believe that.

I don't play COD either (in fact, FPS games in general are far from my favorite), but obviously they're doing something right with the series...
This thread just goes round and round and round and round. People repeating the same thing over and over again.

I've said this kind of thing a few times in this thread so you did not add anything new :p

I'm going to be so disappointed in the WiiU because Nintendo announced too early this time the wait is a strain
In terms of graphics, it shouldn't be very hard. I played all the AAA games like Uncharted and Skyrim on my friend's PS3 (second one wasn't that fun because of obvious issues) but Nintendo's talent of making games look good on old hardware shone through and I'm still enjoying Skyward Sword and how gorgeous it is. Twilight Princess on the other hand looks terrible, I think Nintendo should stick to stylised graphics or find a middle ground between stylised and detailed, like OoT 3D's style for the next Zelda.

You realize that Twilight Princess was developed and runs on the Gamecube right?

Making the best looking games at the end of a consoles lifecycle is typical as the sdk provided to developers is at its best with most issues ironed out. Also the developers are usually very familiar with the hardware at this point. Nintendo still focuses a lot on gameplay over eye candy and often this is overlooked. One game that looked good for its time was Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube which was developed by Capcom.


I'm implying it no more than Nintendo did. :(

Of course the Wii U will be targeted at everyone, but Reggie made it a point to specifically call out gamers and say the Wii U will be for them, too.

That's because that's the audience Nintendo has to really work for.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
There was a neat little platformer by Bitmap Brothers that was about pockets..


i like different types of pockets for my jeans, some with flaps, some without, some with angled cut, some with a cut. oh yes jean pockets are fun. but pick pockets aren't.


In terms of graphics, it shouldn't be very hard. I played all the AAA games like Uncharted and Skyrim on my friend's PS3 (second one wasn't that fun because of obvious issues) but Nintendo's talent of making games look good on old hardware shone through and I'm still enjoying Skyward Sword and how gorgeous it is. Twilight Princess on the other hand looks terrible, I think Nintendo should stick to stylised graphics or find a middle ground between stylised and detailed, like OoT 3D's style for the next Zelda.

I really like the art style of Twilight Princess and still think it's one of the best looking Zelda games they've done. I'm not really a fan of the Skyward Sword look and I hope they don't use it on the Wii U. The motion controls are awesome, though. Makes up for the graphics in my opinion.


No additional functions
For what reason other than fanboyish dreams? Nintendo already has a staple of developers to the point that Nintendo is suppressing the amount of games published from each developer.

Companies like Platinum Games and Grasshopper Manufacturer are cool indie favorites but have little value to a commercially successful publishers.

I suspect they'll eventually work together. We've seen Nintendo work with Mikami and Kimaya on GC, plus they've worked with devs like Treasure and Team Ninja. They know there's a hardcore following for them.
Miyamoto will still have plenty of input on big projects. You can bet on that.
However, most of his efforts will be on smaller, newer games.
And that is good for everyone.
Nintendo is expanding, creating new offices and getting new employees.
Put them to work with Miyamoto on a bunch of smaller games that blow people away and release them in a steady stream.

That would be my preference.

Wii not having HD was a huge mistake and they did not go into the war chest to fix that.
Nintendo had a sink or swim approach to home consoles for decades now.

Wii could have been WiiU the question now is can Wii U stay on the top spot as best selling hardware for this coming generation? Can it compete now that everyone else can offer the same thing or better?

That only works for handhelds. They have to hold on to that market.
In consoles Nintendo knows how to be in 3rd place and be fine with it, like the few generations before Wii.

If they really wanted to go to war they should have done it with CPU/GPU/RAM nothing can save the hardware after that.


What on earth is a stop gap?


stopgap (plural stopgaps)

A temporary measure or short-term fix used until something better can be obtained.

The small company uses their new product features as a stopgap until they can develop a new product.


Purple is hipster, so they were ahead of the game on that one.

And HANDLES do NOT = baby toy! They Badass! :p


I had forgotten how sexy the Q was :).

Funnily enough I got chatting with a member of staff in my local Game today who told me he imported a Q at the cost of £500 because he couldn't wait to play Smas Brothers! His face practically had an orgasm when I told him they were developing a Smash Bros for both the 3DS and Wii U and that they would work in conjunction with each other!

That wasn't you was it?! :eek:

The Wii U isn't a "stop-gap" console any more than any other console has ever been a stop-gap. Console makers don't just throw something together and say "this'll do us for 3 years while we think up something good". They put together the machine that they think is going to be the most commercially viable and put it to market. They keep plans for a successor on the backburner until one of two things happen:

1. The profitability of the console starts to drop significantly
2. A competitor announces the release of a new console

If neither of those things happen, any manufacturer, Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft, would be happy to keep letting the money roll in for 100 years if they could. If either or both of the two happen (in this case it's no 1 for Nintendo) the successor is developed and brought to market. Once again they'll keep the new console out until it either becomes unprofitable, or an impending market shift threatens to make it unprofitable.

When we're talking about the "power" of the Wii U, we first have to understand that power is almost completely unrelated to profitability. The success of the Wii should be enough to prove that. Secondly, people are considerably overestimating the power of the next MS and Sony consoles, because the profitability of developing games, both first and third-party, has to be taken into account, too. The costs of developing a videogame have gone up exponentially with each new generation of 3D consoles. This has been reasonable for a growing and profitable industry up to this point, and with the current gen we've reached the sorts of budgets that are common in the film industry. A "full" generational leap at this stage, though, would push game budgets into completely insane territory, perhaps verging on half a billion dollars to make a AAA game, and similar increases on each of the lower tiers of game development. This would massively affect the profitability of developers and publishers and at the same time increase risk considerably for all but the largest two or three publishers. Publishers want to make a profit next gen, and so do manufacturers from their first-party titles, so there'll be a general push going on at the moment to keep spec increases modest for the coming consoles. We'll see a noticeable increase, to convince consumers that it's worth upgrading, but we won't see anything like the ~10x increase in power we've seen in previous generations. As much as I dislike throwing these sorts of numbers around, I'd expect that Wii U will be about a 3-4x increase in power from PS360, and MS and Sony's next consoles will be about 4-5x. Nintendo's will be a bit less powerful both for being released earlier and the cost of packing in the Wii U pad.

Thank you for bringing some sense to the discussion, sir.

All of this talk about "dudebros" and such is making me think about how likely it is that the next generation will kill gaming for me. :/ I really hope that devs stop with the "every game must be photo-realistic and gritty" mentality next-gen. Seeing so many games that look exactly the same really hurt my interest in gaming. That's part of why I want Wii U. Nintendo's one of the few companies that doesn't do that. (Granted, Sony does an okay job of stylizing games as well.) Things are a bit better now, but the damage is basically done for me at this point. I want next-gen to be totally different. I want CoD to die and not get replaced by anything. Ant the very least, I hope it isn't replaced by FPS and we're not stuck with every other gaming having clunky dual analog controls.

Don't hold your breath. While that's what devs want to make [they seem to have an obsession with making visuals that look 'just like real life zomg!' and also want to develop visuals that show off their own skills] and these games keep selling, that's what we'll get :(.

Considering the fact that the hardware at E3 seemingly wasn't even capable of AA, I wouldn't use it to judge anything.

Or the demo wasn't coded for AA.


I'm implying it no more than Nintendo did. :(

Of course the Wii U will be targeted at everyone, but Reggie made it a point to specifically call out gamers and say the Wii U will be for them, too.
I think there is a gap of cosmic proportions between "The Wii U is for you" (gamers) and "The Wii U is for you, too". The latter of which Reggie has said.


All of this talk about "dudebros" and such is making me think about how likely it is that the next generation will kill gaming for me. :/ I really hope that devs stop with the "every game must be photo-realistic and gritty" mentality next-gen. Seeing so many games that look exactly the same really hurt my interest in gaming. That's part of why I want Wii U. Nintendo's one of the few companies that doesn't do that. (Granted, Sony does an okay job of stylizing games as well.) Things are a bit better now, but the damage is basically done for me at this point. I want next-gen to be totally different. I want CoD to die and not get replaced by anything. Ant the very least, I hope it isn't replaced by FPS and we're not stuck with every other gaming having clunky dual analog controls.

Let's look at November NPD:

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360, PS3, WII, PC)** Activision Blizzard 8.99 million (Less than 100K on Wii, even less on PC Retail)
2. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (360, PS3, PC)** Bethesda Softworks - 2.8 million
3. Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC)** Electronic Arts
4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations (360, PS3, PC) Ubisoft - ~1.26 million
5. Just Dance 3 (Wii, 360) Ubisoft
6. Madden NFL 12 (360, PS3, Wii, PSP, PS2)** Electronic Arts
7. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3)** Sony - 700k
8. Saints Row: The Third (360, PS3, PC)** THQ
9. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (WII) ** Nintendo
10. Batman: Arkham City (360, PS3, PC)** Warner Bros. Interactive

I'd consider the bolded dudebro games, and the italicized "borderline dudebro games", which are still "socially acceptable" games to play. Nintendo doesn't get many of these games, which gives it it's "kiddy" image.

The point is, the dudebro games are selling. And they sell all damn year. I think, at this point, the dudebro audience is far larger than the casuals/grandmas audience (the Wii/Kinect buying audience, someone correct me if I'm wrong). Especially with iPhones and all that shit eating into that audience.

So I really don't see the dominance of COD and other FPS games going anywhere anytime soon. And if Nintendo likes money (which we KNOW they do), they would go for this audience...
The Wii U isn't a "stop-gap" console any more than any other console has ever been a stop-gap. Console makers don't just throw something together and say "this'll do us for 3 years while we think up something good". They put together the machine that they think is going to be the most commercially viable and put it to market. They keep plans for a successor on the backburner until one of two things happen:

1. The profitability of the console starts to drop significantly
2. A competitor announces the release of a new console

If neither of those things happen, any manufacturer, Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft, would be happy to keep letting the money roll in for 100 years if they could. If either or both of the two happen (in this case it's no 1 for Nintendo) the successor is developed and brought to market. Once again they'll keep the new console out until it either becomes unprofitable, or an impending market shift threatens to make it unprofitable.

When we're talking about the "power" of the Wii U, we first have to understand that power is almost completely unrelated to profitability. The success of the Wii should be enough to prove that. Secondly, people are considerably overestimating the power of the next MS and Sony consoles, because the profitability of developing games, both first and third-party, has to be taken into account, too. The costs of developing a videogame have gone up exponentially with each new generation of 3D consoles. This has been reasonable for a growing and profitable industry up to this point, and with the current gen we've reached the sorts of budgets that are common in the film industry. A "full" generational leap at this stage, though, would push game budgets into completely insane territory, perhaps verging on half a billion dollars to make a AAA game, and similar increases on each of the lower tiers of game development. This would massively affect the profitability of developers and publishers and at the same time increase risk considerably for all but the largest two or three publishers. Publishers want to make a profit next gen, and so do manufacturers from their first-party titles, so there'll be a general push going on at the moment to keep spec increases modest for the coming consoles. We'll see a noticeable increase, to convince consumers that it's worth upgrading, but we won't see anything like the ~10x increase in power we've seen in previous generations. As much as I dislike throwing these sorts of numbers around, I'd expect that Wii U will be about a 3-4x increase in power from PS360, and MS and Sony's next consoles will be about 4-5x. Nintendo's will be a bit less powerful both for being released earlier and the cost of packing in the Wii U pad.

Good post. I think MS and Sony's next console may be even closer to the Wii U than 4-5x though due to costs, problems due to cooling the CPU/GPU and them packing in their own accessories (720 with Kinect 2.0, and PS4 with perhaps Eyetoy 3.0/move 2.0).


I think there is a gap of cosmic proportions between "The Wii U is for you" (gamers) and "The Wii U is for you, too". The latter of which Reggie has said.

Oh really? Because I don't think there is much of a difference at all. Unless you think there are actually consoles out there that ONLY cater to gamers (the first statement). Because then you'd be wrong. As I said before, Nintendo targeting everyone is immaterial because everyone is targeting everyone, and at this late stage in the gen some are even doing it better than Nintendo (Microsoft).

Regardless of semantics, what Reggie was implying is that gamers won't get ignored. That everyone will truly mean everyone this time around.
You are the 1%.

And as for convincing dudebros to play, they need to draw them in with the graphical capabilities - which is why the gap between the WiiU and NEXTBOX is so crucial: for a little while, nintendo will be the leaders in technology, and they need to play on that.

But to play on the graphical superiority now is to have it used against you later.

You may make your claim to fame the fact that you made three 3 pointers in a row, but what happens when the next guy comes up and makes four 3 pointers in a row? NOw that's his claim to fame and no one cares about you making three of them.

It's better for Nintendo to play on the gaming experience using the uTab which is something that no other competitor can take away from them. The graphics will speak for themselves. No need to make that a talking point that gets thrown back in your face. Other than saying Wii U will have stunning HD 1080p graphics, they should focus on the gameplay, make the graphics a non-issue, not a defining factor.


Let's look at November NPD:

1. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (360, PS3, WII, PC)** Activision Blizzard 8.99 million (Less than 100K on Wii, even less on PC Retail)
2. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (360, PS3, PC)** Bethesda Softworks - 2.8 million
3. Battlefield 3 (360, PS3, PC)** Electronic Arts
4. Assassin's Creed: Revelations (360, PS3, PC) Ubisoft - ~1.26 million
5. Just Dance 3 (Wii, 360) Ubisoft
6. Madden NFL 12 (360, PS3, Wii, PSP, PS2)** Electronic Arts
7. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PS3)** Sony - 700k
8. Saints Row: The Third (360, PS3, PC)** THQ
9. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (WII) ** Nintendo
10. Batman: Arkham City (360, PS3, PC)** Warner Bros. Interactive

I'd consider the bolded dudebro games, and the italicized "borderline dudebro games", which are still "socially acceptable" games to play. Nintendo doesn't get many of these games, which gives it it's "kiddy" image.

The point is, the dudebro games are selling. And they sell all damn year. I think, at this point, the dudebro audience is far larger than the casuals/grandmas audience (the Wii/Kinect buying audience, someone correct me if I'm wrong). Especially with iPhones and all that shit eating into that audience.

So I really don't see the dominance of COD and other FPS games going anywhere anytime soon. And if Nintendo likes money (which we KNOW they do), they would go for this audience...

Ugh. Stop it. You're scaring me with thoughts of photo-realistic Zelda and Metroid. They should just let third-parties handle that.

But I know it's true. *sigh* I'm almost hoping for the industry to crash and force lower budgets now. :(


Oh really? Because I don't think there is much of a difference at all. Unless you think there are actually consoles out there that ONLY cater to gamers (the first statement). Because then you'd be wrong. As I said before, Nintendo targeting everyone is immaterial because everyone is targeting everyone, and at this late stage in the gen some are even doing it better than Nintendo (Microsoft).

Regardless of semantics, what Reggie was implying is that gamers won't get ignored. That everyone will truly mean everyone this time around.

The PS3 and 360 were in no way, shape, or form targeting everyone out of the gate; they were unceremoniously developed with the traditional gaming audience in mind. It took MS and Sony four years to even consider the needs of the larger audience, at which point one took a note from the Wii's playbook while the other released a me-too device.

Only one company created a machine meant to remove obstacles from the mainstream audience enjoying gaming at the beginning of this generation, both in handhelds and consoles, and that was Nintendo. Stating anything else is revisionist history.


The PS3 and 360 were in no way, shape, or form targeting everyone out of the gate; they were unceremoniously developed with the traditional gaming audience in mind. It took MS and Sony four years to even consider the needs of the larger audience, at which point one took a note from the Wii's playbook while the other released a me-too device.

Only one company created a machine meant to remove obstacles from the mainstream audience enjoying gaming at the beginning of this generation, both in handhelds and consoles, and that was Nintendo. Stating anything else is revisionist history.

I disagree.

While it's true that PS3 and 360 focused largely on securing their demographics first instead of diving headlong into the blue ocean like Nintendo did, they did have extended audiences in mind. Microsoft with gradually turning their Xbox Live platform into a general entertainment hub, and Sony largely with bluray. Hell, part of the PS3's extreme launch price can be directly attributed to Sony banking on people wanting a PS3 for the bluray player like non-gamers who bought into the PS2 for the cheap DVD playback. Of course, we all know it didn't quite work out that way.

Yes - It wouldn't be until mid-gen that MS and Sony would start targeting broader audiences with casual games and motion controls, but if you actually read my post that's exactly what I said:

As I said before, Nintendo targeting everyone is immaterial because everyone is targeting everyone, and at this late stage in the gen some are even doing it better than Nintendo (Microsoft).

Securing your demographic first then moving into the blue ocean seems to be a strategy that's by and large working for Microsoft, as they're now enjoying a level of AAA software support across all genres the likes of which hasn't been seen since the PS2.
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