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Winter 2012 Anime Thread of Roundcats Up in This

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And the winner is Miri! Sorry Hosanna.

Final Standings at point of completion:

Miri: 51/51 (100%)
Hosanna: 41/51 (80%)
Geneijin: Retired at 62/81 (77%)
Lafiel: Retired at 1/51 (2%)

Prizes will be distributed to the top 3. Thanks for playing!

Lafiel delivering a solid performance.


Beautiful Dreamer


Having no prior knowledge of Urusei Yatsura outside knowing who Lum is didn't make this movie any less fucking amazing. When Mendou
came to the realisation that it was all Lum's dream thanks to Lum using the broken water tap. The dream being exactly what Lum wished for at the beginning of the movie completely and utterly blew my fucking mind.
Holy fucking shit Oshii. Didn't see any basset hounds though. :(

How's the 200+ episode TV series compared to this?

Well, there goes episode 2 for me. :(
Oh shit, sorry dude :(

And the winner is Miri! Sorry Hosanna.

Final Standings at point of completion:

Miri: 51/51 (100%)
Hosanna: 41/51 (80%)
Geneijin: Retired at 62/81 (77%)
Lafiel: Retired at 1/51 (2%)

Prizes will be distributed to the top 3. Thanks for playing!
Congratulations Lafiel!

Since you guys have been on an Angel's Egg spree, y'all should move on to Gosenzosama Banbanzai.
It's been on my list for ages now so I'll get around to it one of these days... maybe.


I'd say the character designs are plenty ugly.

They're really not that bad, but this is one of those things that is generally subjective.

I say generally, because I think we can all agree that, scientifically, Kannon has awful character designs.


I'm the true winner; I should instantly get thread creation rights.

So this competition was for who was going to make the Spring thread?

I'm sure you guys could have just asked.

They're really not that bad, but this is one of those things that is generally subjective.

I say generally, because I think we can all agree that, scientifically, Kannon has awful character designs.

I haven't seen Episode 2 but Episode 1 was plenty ugly for the non dream world parts.


Beautiful Dreamer


Having no prior knowledge of Urusei Yatsura outside knowing who Lum is [...]
How's the 200+ episode TV series compared to this?

It's pretty great and you should give it a try. Does it sound less daunting if I say you only have to watch the first 106 Mamoru Oshii episodes? That's like, only half the whole show!


Colorful Macaroon Shooter - 02


There sure were plenty of macaroons to be had here, even more than in episode one! Otherwise this show just keeps delivering the bad and tries and ultimately succeeds in making me want to drop this show asap.
The only question remaining in my heart is: How long will I be able to stand this?


200+ is an exaggeration; it's actually 195.

That's right, it's shorter than Gintama! That makes it easily digestible.

Well, not really, but as it's an episodic show it's not particularly hard to watch the show, as you don't have to remember overarching plots of anything of the sort. It's a completely different experience from watching, say, Legend of the Galactic Heroes in terms of how much energy it demands from you as a viewer.


Beautiful Dreamer


Having no prior knowledge of Urusei Yatsura outside knowing who Lum is didn't make this movie any less fucking amazing. When Mendou
came to the realisation that it was all Lum's dream thanks to Lum using the broken water tap. The dream being exactly what Lum wished for at the beginning of the movie completely and utterly blew my fucking mind.


Dat imagery. Almost as good as in BRS TV.


That's right, it's shorter than Gintama! That makes it easily digestible.

Well, not really, but as it's an episodic show it's not particularly hard to watch the show, as you don't have to remember overarching plots of anything of the sort. It's a completely different experience from watching, say, Legend of the Galactic Heroes in terms of how much energy it demands from you as a viewer.

Even though I really liked BD, I don't feel a strong desire to watch the show. I don't think I could take over 100 episodes of Ataru and Lum.


Cosmic's post from earlier makes me want to watch Air Gear. How bad is it? What's wrong with me?

Its pretty crappy and looks nothing like Eureka Seven. Avoid.

Hyouka, u mean.

And I was looking forward to a shonentastic OP. :(

Medaka Box was going to get top billing.

And you guys thought Lafiel's thread got alot of complaints. If this happened, that would have seemed like a love-in compared to this.


Good lads. Imagine if in the season with Apollon, Tsuritama and Hyouka, cosmicblizzard was gonna get to make the thread. People would have set themselves on fire.

Actually now I really want to know what that thread would have looked like.


Even though I really liked BD, I don't feel a strong desire to watch the show. I don't think I could take over 100 episodes of Ataru and Lum.
How will you know unless you try? There are certainly times when the show is a bit formulaic, but Oshii is perfectly happy to break away from the source material and do his own thing, there's even a whole episode where Lum and Ataru aren't present! It gets more Oshii-tastic as it goes on.



How will you know unless you try? There are certainly times when the show is a bit formulaic, but Oshii is perfectly happy to break away from the source material and do his own thing, there's even a whole episode where Lum and Ataru aren't present! It gets more Oshii-tastic as it goes on.


Well I liked the movie more when it focused on Mendou and Sakura. They were pretty boss.

But the real problem is my backlog is already too big to commit to that right now. Watching BD by itself wasn't a big commitment.


Actually now I really want to know what that thread would have looked like.

I feel that it is our civic duty to at least inform people if there are good shows coming out. The troll OPs, while funny for people "in the know", does a disservice to the casual GAF user.
Catching up a bit...

I'm glad people are experiencing the greatness that is Dirty Pair. I think that most people who take a quick glance at the art of the show today might be inclined to think that it's going to be some kind of terrible fanservice show headed up by a couple of non-characters who exist simply to interest the audience by wearing skimpy outfits, or something. Surprisingly (?) Yuri and Kei are pretty good characters that are well matched to the kind of show that they're in. It wouldn't really be anywhere near as fun without them.

Given how often the places they leave explode behind them, though (even planets, sometimes...), one seriously wonders why they are ever sent out on assignments... yes, I know "and then it blew up" at the end is a running joke of sorts in the series, but seriously, even if they're generally not directly responsible, they usually have at least some responsibility, and lots of people surely die because of it...

I know, it's supposed to not be taken seriously, but I can't just entirely ignore it and just call it a joke.

Apart from that though, what I've seen of the original Dirty Pair was pretty good, yeah. It is better than the later Dirty Pair Flash 6-ep series, I would say; though that was okay, the original is better.

Tantei Opera Milky Holmes 2 5



Elly <333
Yeah, she's pretty moe.

I don't know where that picture's from, but it certainly is an appropriate comparison (Star Trek and Space Pirates), sure! The two are certainly different -- Star Trek, for instance, would have some kind of character drama overlapping with the space battle arc from the last few episodes -- but there are similarities for sure as well.

~boring declaration of your boredom~ Boring Space Not-Pirates 5:

Why am I still watching this? Why does this show have the dramatic flair of Das Boot? I mean, The Hunt for Red October was bad enough, now they are channelling Das Boot. Let me get this straight. So your spaceship fires an energy weapon past another spaceship, AND IT RATTLES WHEN THAT HAPPENS? What the fuck is this? It's not like when you're in a submarine and a torpedo explodes near your sub and the whole sub shakes! YOU'RE IN SPACE! YOU AREN'T EVEN PASSING THROUGH ANY KIND OF MEDIUM LIKE WATER, IT'S VACUUM! AND THEY ARE FIRING A FUCKING LASER AT YOU, IT DOESN'T DISTORT THE NONEXISTENT MEDIUM YOU ARE IN WHICH COULD CAUSE THE OTHER FUCKING SHIP TO BE AFFECTED UNLESS YOU ACTUALLY SCORE A DIRECT HIT ON IT!

God, I thought the Wing Commander movie was terrible at this. This show is just dumbest thing I've ever seen at this. Rather, I should say, it's the DAMBEST thing I've ever seen. Ready the DAMMY systems for electronic warfare!

Particles coming off of the beam on the sides hit the ship, I assume... it could happen, though yeah, it certainly should be less than it would be with a sub. I don't think it's too much of a problem though, and it's not entirely implausible.

You ain't a fan of ghost in the shell/SAC? Or just not a fan of this movie? LOL and I just noticed it was a cat. Thought it was some weird rug before that.
It's... not exactly as popular as the first one, or the TV series. For good reason, I think. I mean, it is an okay movie, I haven't seen it in years but remember liking it more than, say, The Sky Crawlers or Patlabor 2, but it's certainly not nearly as good as the first one or SAC.

GITS 2 is really underrated; I don't get the hate it gets at all, the visuals and atmosphere are so HNNGGGGGG.
It's kind of boring compared to the first one... like many of Oshii's movies are.

Apart from Lan being cute as usual, this episode wasn't that much fun. Muginami is excruciatingly annoying, while Lan's refusal
to tell Madoka what's going on is still irritating.

Madoka herself didn't help much either, with the standard
Let's all be friends even though you want to kill each other!
trope in full effect.

I personally dislike characters who intentionally withhold vital information simply to drag the plot out, so this episode really soured my opinion on the show as a whole.
Seems like dropping this was the right thing to do.

It's my precious though. My sealed and neglected precious.
(Same with that Wii game... maybe I should play it to wash away the tears caused by AC:AH).
I have the Wii Sky Crawlers game. It's okay, but flawed... I hate the motion controls, it just doesn't control well at all that way (and I don't hate motion controls in general). Fortunately it supports the Gamecube controller too... of note though is that the game has a reversible cover. I like the reverse better than the default cover, myself -- better art on that side.

And Saki for the rest of us.

(Hnnng for :cajun)

Yeah, the Saki Achiga-hen anime is the upcoming anime I'm looking forward to the most, for sure. :)

This show was certainly not for everyone, it's great to see you're enjoying it so far. I believe the director (or someone involved in the series) stated they specifically started off with the slow pace to drive away the average user.

One of these days I'll have to give it another watch.

You definitely should, Texhnolyze is among the greatest of apocalyptic animes. It's just a fantastic series, despite its bleakness and tragedy...

Of course, I'm somewhat predisposed to like it because it was made by some key staff behind Serial Experiments Lain (except substantially more depressing this time than that one), and Lain is my favorite anime series, but yeah, it's good. It is slow paced, sometimes in ways that are reminiscent of parts of Lain, but in both cases I think it works perfectly and does help to set the tone.

Texhnolyze 1-6

I really really like this show. The deliberate pacing is really clicking with me and I'm looking forward to seeing the individual plot lines cross over one another.
I can certainly understand why some people would dislike the series, considering the pacing and subject matter, but yeah, for those who like its style, it can be very very good.

I don't know when 26 episode titles became 'short' shows - if anything that's practically double the number of episodes you'll get in a show today.
Compare it to your average American television series, and 26 episodes certainly is quite short. And many of those shows are full hour and not nearly universally half hour stuff like anime is (there are a couple of cases of full hour anime series, but it's quite rare of course.).

Texhnolyze - 01


The lack of dialogue makes this hard for me to stay interested. It would be nice to have some context to why some of these things are happening before they happen. Everything doesn't have to be told at once, but there isn't really any notion of suspense for me when I'm listless from the lack of information.
Yeah, I get that the woman was responsible for him being chased at the end, but the impact of the scene like the dude being chased by a gang of people
feels diminished because of the reason above. Of course, I'm interested in what's going on, but I'm not a fan of this storytelling.
While some more context at times would be good -- the show doesn't exactly explain everything, and for instance at some later points there are major points which I thought were left largely unexplained -- but even so, the main narrative works, as long as you accept that it doesn't always explain everything in the most easily understood manner. And I think it does tell you enough to keep up the action and suspense... (And yes, I do think it's a suspenseful show throughout, though maybe my feeling of that is heightened because I've seen it before; still, there were some things in these episodes worthy of the term.).

Texhnolyze - 02


Is the world you're seeing Rin a broken or is the world we're seeing broken?
Is that english a broken sentence, or do I not get the reference?

A man struggles to walk on his own feet. A broken man as if it were. What I'm more surprised about is how he managed to live. That must have been tonnes of blood leaking for his severed arm and leg. Did someone nicely patched him up or what after he fell unconsious? Hard to believe he survived with that blood loss.
Good question, really, but the answer probably is that
he's the main character, so he can't be allowed to die in the second episode... with the excuse being that presumably someone has to have tied off the wounds, because yeah, he probably should have died of blood loss.


I'm more interested in finding somewhere that would sell a weaponized version.

You'd probably have to make that yourself somehow.


I forgot to mention earlier one of my favorite scenes in BRS 2. Yomi leaves Tomato out to dry at the festival, and now when she walks home she has massive sores on her feet. Naturally, Tomato blames the school councilor for telling her that "emotional pain don't hurt" earlier, the implication being that Yomi flaking out caused the injury(???).


Well I liked the movie more when it focused on Mendou and Sakura. They were pretty boss.

But the real problem is my backlog is already too big to commit to that right now. Watching BD by itself wasn't a big commitment.

It's okay, as someone sitting on a fairly large backlog, I too would rather consume movies and shorts than watch a whole series, especially such a lengthy one.


Actually now I really want to know what that thread would have looked like.

While you're wondering about that let me know what you think of this sample of the upcoming thread. I've already finished a bit, and am pretty proud of it if I do say so myself.




Now all I have to do is get the listings and pictures for said product and we'll be good to go.


Subete no aware
I have the Wii Sky Crawlers game. It's okay, but flawed... I hate the motion controls, it just doesn't control well at all that way (and I don't hate motion controls in general). Fortunately it supports the Gamecube controller too... of note though is that the game has a reversible cover. I like the reverse better than the default cover, myself -- better art on that side.
I have two Classic Controllers, so hopefully that'll be useful... assuming I ever play the game.

Yeah, the Saki Achiga-hen anime is the upcoming anime I'm looking forward to the most, for sure. :)
I hope it means a revival for Mahjong GAF.


A Knight in the Area 6


Somehow the fat dude lost all his weight in a week or however long it was since the last episode took place. Why make him a fat dude in the first place?
I have two Classic Controllers, so hopefully that'll be useful... assuming I ever play the game.
The game does support the CC too, yeah. I still haven't bought a CC... I said I'd do it if I got a game which really required it, but I don't have any fighting games for Wii and have managed to get by with just the Wiimote/Nunchuck or, in a few cases, the GC controller. I do have two Wii Zappers, but no Wii Wheels; holding the controller sideways works just fine, I think...

As for the game, it's an okay but not incredible flight combat game.

I hope it means a revival for Mahjong GAF.
We'll have to see, I guess. I'm mostly hoping that the show's good...

(Also, I wouldn't mind a Biyori comedy anime at some point, either. :) )


Subete no aware
After watching Ueki, I can confidently state that curves like that are the sign of a storyboarder who wants to make the visuals interesting but has no clue how to do so.
The sad fate of shounen artists everywhere?

We'll have to see, I guess. I'm mostly hoping that the show's good...

(Also, I wouldn't mind a Biyori comedy anime at some point, either. :) )
I don't know if it'll be good... probably "good". lol


Elfen Lied END

Well that sucked. I read through some old threads on the show and someone posted that the ending was hopeful. wtf.
The research facility continues to flourish and the whole species of whatever will live on through the CEO and his son's research assistance.
How anyone could get emotional when this show is throwing pure fecal matter in your face in the form of awful characters is beyond me.


I guess (unsurprisingly) GAF isn't the only place where people hold archaic and somewhat offensive views of single mothers and children born out of wedlock (Warning, spoilers for the whole show within) A Feast in Time of Plague: Michiko e Hatchin

It's interesting to see people draw the same false inferences based off a text because of their own preconceived notions about such matters.
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