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Winter 2014 Anime |OT2| Waiting for Sakamoto

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Orphen 21

Man, it's sort of impressive to me how completely my opinion of this show's protagonist has been reversed. As a kid I thought Orphen was a total badass hero who could do no wrong. As a grown up I think he's a spoiled brat who treats his friends like shit while he stans for a woman who will never love him. At the very least he acknowledged his apprentice in this episode, though, so I suppose he's not wholly beyond redemption yet.
I'm hanging around in animeGAF too much. I know this because before when somebody was entering a highway and I'm in the right lane, I would have just bitched at them for not going slow/fast enough to the point I wasn't forced to slow down to let them pass.

But when it happened yesterday my first thoughts were "you should respect your highway senpais and make the change yourself if you want me to not notice you"


Yes. Today is day 2 of Kinothon.

Well yeah, I mean the lady reveals she's half jellyfish AFTER that part, and the cyborg on meido sex scene is after that. They eyeball licking and the time loop, too. So crazier things definitely came afterward. It wasn't 2001 a Space Odyssey, but it was still more insane as it went on.

Persona 4 23

Yosuke is confirmed for the only canon love interest. Dat romance scene of comfort. Lots of manly tears in this episode, and it was nice to see Yu's breakdown reflect the player's during it all. Also it dawns on me that the reason Igor and Margaret are riding in a car in this is because they're channeling Akio and Touga. If your persona has not truly given up, you can hear the nose that runs through the world.

Episode 2 is a good one. Hehee.
Cant wait!

Canada hockey team=Chitoge, US hockey team=Onodera

So Us Hockey team is actually better even if they dont win? Well I agree with that.


I'm hanging around in animeGAF too much. I know this because before when somebody was entering a highway and I'm in the right lane, I would have just bitched at them for not going slow/fast enough to the point I wasn't forced to slow down to let them pass.

But when it happened yesterday my first thoughts were "you should respect your highway senpais and make the change yourself if you want me to not notice you"

One of us! One of us!

Nourin 7

So much vegetable love.

And yeah, poor Kousaku.
If only he hadn't told Ringo it wasn't him who wrote the letters, it could have been him receiving that passionate hug >.<
Martyred for us all in the name of beautiful yuri...he earned the right to end the episode on that Madoka reference XD


Anyway on a somewhat related tangent Jason pulled one of the moments from last week's KLK that I wanted to highlight briefly:

I really like the character designs for these two characters because, fashion and haircut wise, it seems to suggest that not only do they come from the 80's but they come from what the 80's looked like in anime with hilariously giant hair. I'm sure this minor detail is lost on some members of the audience but it's a neat visual shortcut that instantly sets these characters in a recognisable time and place in a recognisable past.

While I noticed the '80s haircuts when I watched, I hadn't noticed the obvious point that this scene would have been from the 1980s. Very cool!
Angel Beats 03

The power of pi.

An explaination of what the band is for and another sad story. Actually got touching towards the end when
she started singing the ballad. But then she just disappeared?

And another new character. The shorter and slightly weird one it seems.

Just explaining your spoiler tag:

That's what happens when people accept their past lives for what they are and hold no regrets, it's them "moving on" or being "obliterated".
Yeah I have yet to watch episode 3. I plan on watching Bakemonogatari episode 2 later today then moving on to Angel Beats 3.

Well I hope it grows on you like it did me. I never want to recommend something to people and them not like it. Makes me feel bad.

I basically don't want to waste your time. Lol. But I tell there are aspects you do like so that's good. :)

Edit: Also if your confused about the end of episode 3 just like MikeHattsu refer to my post right above yours.

FYI, just in case people might be missing it after the ED of each episode, some episodes have an additional scene after the ED Theme. It helps set things up or flesh out what happened.
A part of me feels PsyhcoNinja is like a KEY public relations representative haha. But then again when somebody isn't enjoying Hyouka or Cowboy Bebop I get defensive too.

Hmm, pre-ordered the Gurren Lagann BD. Feels bad man.
Is it coming to the west or are you paying like an arm and a leg for it?


Anyway on a somewhat related tangent Jason pulled one of the moments from last week's KLK that I wanted to highlight briefly:

I really like the character designs for these two characters because, fashion and haircut wise, it seems to suggest that not only do they come from the 80's but they come from what the 80's looked like in anime with hilariously giant hair. I'm sure this minor detail is lost on some members of the audience but it's a neat visual shortcut that instantly sets these characters in a recognisable time and place in a recognisable past.
Maybe its wishful thinking and the sepia filter, but a lot of those flashbacks seemed like they were trying to emulate the sort of less-clean look of a cel. I think they're clever.

Link Man

Welp, time for another Shaft series.

Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl 1


Sums up the episode nicely. And that dinner scene, omglol.
Gintama 197 Not Losing Arc

That first kiss

That battle of the testicles

That final blow in the battle of the testicles

A part of me feels PsyhcoNinja is like a KEY public relations representative haha. But then again when somebody isn't enjoying Hyouka or Cowboy Bebop I get defensive too.

Is it coming to the west or are you paying like an arm and a leg for it?

Lol, I would kill for a position like that hahaha. Nah I am just a fan of their work. I mean I like action anime as much as the next guy but I like anime that can have an emotional impact on you while getting you attached to characters. I just like stories like that in general in any medium. I think any show that can get you to feel something instead of just being numb to everything that is happening to characters gets points in my book for invoking those types of feelings. Especially in anime it's hard to do so I appreciate it when I see it. :)
I'm hanging around in animeGAF too much. I know this because before when somebody was entering a highway and I'm in the right lane, I would have just bitched at them for not going slow/fast enough to the point I wasn't forced to slow down to let them pass.

But when it happened yesterday my first thoughts were "you should respect your highway senpais and make the change yourself if you want me to not notice you"
Its.... common sense ......or maybe im hanging around too much too.
maybe its a bit of both ?


Star Driver 16


Jarmel, please explain to me.
Was Marino real or not? Like was she ever physically there?


Hmm, pre-ordered the Gurren Lagann BD. Feels bad man.
Did it forever ago. Paying even less!

Is it coming to the west or are you paying like an arm and a leg for it?
UK version is coming later this year for 70GBP (as of when I got it) or 150GBP (RRP)

I was thinking more along these lines. (artist has NSFW stuff)
That only the Yukiho doujin he did in C84 was scanned and the Makoto one was not is a crime
Just explaining your spoiler tag:

That's what happens when people accept their past lives for what they are and hold no regrets, it's them "moving on" or being "obliterated".

They said that she accepted her fate and that she got obliterated. Still was a bit weird that she just disappeared like that though. But something similar also happened in Air and Kanon so I shouldn't have been surprised I guess.


So yeah, decided to watch episode 2 of Love, Chunibyo and other Delusions. Thought that hey, EP1 was bad enough; it surely won't be as cringing this time!

*30 minutes later*


How the hell am I going to watch the rest!?


So yeah, decided to watch episode 2 of Love, Chunibyo and other Delusions. Thought that hey, EP1 was bad enough; it surely won't be as cringing this time!

*30 minutes later*


How the hell am I going to watch the rest!?

If you have this reaction to Chuuni, I would love to see you attempt to handle WataMote.


Just explaining your spoiler tag:

That's what happens when people accept their past lives for what they are and hold no regrets, it's them "moving on" or being "obliterated".

This is why I compared it to Haibane
on their day of flight when Haibane are able to move on from Glie

Welp, time for another Shaft series.

Ground Control to Psychoelectric Girl 1


Sums up the episode nicely. And that dinner scene, omglol.


Oh.....oh goddamn


Are those life/hometown mousepads really comfortable or is it just fanservice? I found a place to buy them here, but it's kinda expensive.
Gintama 198-199 Not Losing Arc

Hooray, Golden Armor Gintama

So I guess this is the final serious arc for Gintama, since there's only two episodes left until this is over
and then we start Gintama'

Man, 13 days to run through all of this.


Ok, I'll bite.

Now to decide the model and if I want life or hometown. This is one of those moments that define you as a man.
Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl 184:
Well, this episode definitely cemented Jun's eternal status as the Yamucha of the Pokemon franchise. He really couldn't even touch Shinji. I was surprised that it wound up being so one sided, with Shinji not even losing a single Pokemon. Jun was sadly never really that interesting of a character, although he was occasionally amusing, and his loss doesn't really change things much. In contrast, Shinji, despite being the 'bad' rival, comes across as a far more mature guy, and remains unflappable throughout the whole thing.

By far the best part of this episode was Hikari doing an impression of Shinji. I laughed at that so much. Kouhei's constant appearances from out of nowhere remain funny, too.


Symbionic Titan 2

So, Jarmel, after seeing this I can definitely get how and why one would compare Ilana to Kaname. Like I said, I think she combines elements of both. Her capacity to blend in with American society or adapt to it, as well as her berating of Lance and Newton over their wacky fish-out-of-water behavior definitely comes from Kaname (especially the sort of belligerent beginnings of a romance with Lance), though her position of authority, competence in combat, and sweet daddy's girl are more elements of Tessa (Kaname hated her dad, and while Tessa's relationship with her mom is never really explored, it's pretty clear she was a daddy's girl.)

I like the design of the Titan itself, but I'm not super keen on the sub-armors that Lance and Ilana are sporting. Newton is possibly my favorite character, though, because I think that, as the guy who is neither the hero nor heroine, the Tartakovsky was a lot freer on what to do with him. As a result, Newton gets to be in all the funniest situations. Half the episode is spent on him and Barb, and it's just hilarious to watch. At one point he's like "So I have to booby trap the yard." and she's like "Oh well I'm great at that! I planted tomatoes last year and they came out fine!" And when Barb walks in on all his wacky space machines she's just like "Is this one of those Japanese thingies? I think I saw this on the news!"

Lance jumping onto the bus chasing after Ilana reminded me a lot of Sousuke jumping off the train after Kaname.

I'm 2 episodes in and way into this show. Cartoon Network really did produce some ace mechanical shows back in the day, huh? Megas and now this. Not bad.


Kino no Tabi 1

This seems a very quiet, contemplative sort of series. Very high-concept, too. I knew a few basic things about the series going into it, including
Kino being female, the existence of a talking motorcycle, and the largely episodic nature in which the show examines the different places that Kino visits
(I don't think any of these are really spoilery, but I spoilered them anyway because idk).

After this first episode, it's actually giving me remarkably similar vibes to Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi from a few seasons ago - it's similarly atmospheric, and has a similar scenario of a young protagonist on a journey across a strange, flawed yet beautiful world, largely mundane but with key fantastical elements, visiting places with strange issues to uncover. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that series was inspired by this one.

This first stop on the journey was a fairly straightforward one - indeed, you could pretty much work out roughly what this country would be like from the episode title alone, and the show played it pretty straight. But it was decidedly earnest in its simplicity, and there was something very haunting about the way all the people of this country had simply come to accept their fate, for better or for worse. Not because they wanted to (that much was painfully clear from the man's request of Kino at the end) but because they had become resigned to the fact that this was the only way left for them.

It was also a very nice touch how
we initially met the man trying to tend to the flowers outside his house, which seemed innocuous at the time, but after hearing his story there was the slow realisation that he was tending to them because they were his lover's passion, even though his lack of interest in that hobby was one of the things that caused the rift between them. And that led smoothly into the revelation that the woman he loved was similarly treasuring the exact same things as him, even after all these years.
Very tragically beautiful.


Kino no Tabi 1

This seems a very quiet, contemplative sort of series. Very high-concept, too. I knew a few basic things about the series going into it, including
Kino being female, the existence of a talking motorcycle, and the largely episodic nature in which the show examines the different places that Kino visits
(I don't think any of these are really spoilery, but I spoilered them anyway because idk).

After this first episode, it's actually giving me remarkably similar vibes to Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi from a few seasons ago - it's similarly atmospheric, and has a similar scenario of a young protagonist on a journey across a strange, flawed yet beautiful world, largely mundane but with key fantastical elements, visiting places with strange issues to uncover. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that series was inspired by this one.

This first stop on the journey was a fairly straightforward one - indeed, you could pretty much work out roughly what this country would be like from the episode title alone, and the show played it pretty straight. But it was decidedly earnest in its simplicity, and there was something very haunting about the way all the people of this country had simply come to accept their fate, for better or for worse. Not because they wanted to (that much was painfully clear from the man's request of Kino at the end) but because they had become resigned to the fact that this was the only way left for them.

It was also a very nice touch how
we initially met the man trying to tend to the flowers outside his house, which seemed innocuous at the time, but after hearing his story there was the slow realisation that he was tending to them because they were his lover's passion, even though his lack of interest in that hobby was one of the things that caused the rift between them. And that led smoothly into the revelation that the woman he loved was similarly treasuring the exact same things as him, even after all these years.
Very tragically beautiful.
I need to start this shortly but I wish I wasn't watching 35 shows at once.


Kino no Tabi 1

This seems a very quiet, contemplative sort of series. Very high-concept, too. I knew a few basic things about the series going into it, including
Kino being female, the existence of a talking motorcycle, and the largely episodic nature in which the show examines the different places that Kino visits
(I don't think any of these are really spoilery, but I spoilered them anyway because idk).

After this first episode, it's actually giving me remarkably similar vibes to Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi from a few seasons ago - it's similarly atmospheric, and has a similar scenario of a young protagonist on a journey across a strange, flawed yet beautiful world, largely mundane but with key fantastical elements, visiting places with strange issues to uncover. I wouldn't be at all surprised if that series was inspired by this one.

This first stop on the journey was a fairly straightforward one - indeed, you could pretty much work out roughly what this country would be like from the episode title alone, and the show played it pretty straight. But it was decidedly earnest in its simplicity, and there was something very haunting about the way all the people of this country had simply come to accept their fate, for better or for worse. Not because they wanted to (that much was painfully clear from the man's request of Kino at the end) but because they had become resigned to the fact that this was the only way left for them.

It was also a very nice touch how
we initially met the man trying to tend to the flowers outside his house, which seemed innocuous at the time, but after hearing his story there was the slow realisation that he was tending to them because they were his lover's passion, even though his lack of interest in that hobby was one of the things that caused the rift between them. And that led smoothly into the revelation that the woman he loved was similarly treasuring the exact same things as him, even after all these years.
Very tragically beautiful.

The show is a master of this sort of tragic beauty. Similarly fucked up things happen over and over and the scary part is, its not all that unrealistic that it could actually be that way in real life, because the show is based on the realities of humanity.
Seeing all these people watching Kino's journey makes my heart happy.
Gintama 200-201 END I'm The Real Santa

That was a fucking christmas episodes. Those two were utterly glorious.

Welp, this show was certainly a hoot. There were gut busters, feels, dead dog drama, and even testicles to liven this show up. A testament in how I still have no fucking idea how they got this shit to fly, censorship or not.

I mean... it's rather grotesque at times, which only leaves me in awe, and yet, it also reminds me of other shounen anime getting hit with the censorship stick, often downplaying the severity of scenarios due to its time slot (RIP Beelzebub, Toriko).

True, there are some moments past the glory point where it was rather dull, partly due to cultural reasons, and other times just not grabbing me at all, but there was a fuckton of good content delivered to me over the past 13 days.

Strangely enough, while this probably wouldn't be considered an issue for someone who watched the show on the weekly basis, when it came to serious arcs, the general usage of music feels like it's used too often. Yoshiwara in Flames arc being my primary example. It's rather fitting, but I guess it feels like it's not suited for marathoning in terms of music. Not to say it didn't fit what it was representing, rather... like... if it was a movie, you would clearly use other tracks instead to avoid overusage.
Also this isn't a real serious complaint, it's rather minor honestly.

Anywho, I enjoyed Gintama. I'm glad that I finished Gintama
because now, it is time for Gintama' to start to see some other highly acclaimed arcs.


Nobunaga the Fool 6

I wish I could say this show looked like it was going somewhere. I want less bitchy Japanese court drama and more badass European warlords, that's what I want. Fuck Nobukatsu, give me Caesar and Arthur already.


So yeah, decided to watch episode 2 of Love, Chunibyo and other Delusions. Thought that hey, EP1 was bad enough; it surely won't be as cringing this time!

*30 minutes later*


How the hell am I going to watch the rest!?

Don't worry, the show pulls a bait-and-switch where none of the embarrassing stuff they do has any actual consequences.


Yui da best

Truer words were never spoken.

Wake Up, Girls! 7

Whoever said crane game proficiency isn't a useful life skill? (Those onigiri samurai things were kind of cute, I think I want one now >.>)

Fighting and/or crying is the best source of friendship.
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