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Witcher 3 downgrade arguments in here and nowhere else

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I usually think these threads are overblown but that definitely looks significantly downgraded. What a shame. Witcher 2 was one of the best looking games when it came out.


Exactly. Fine tuned to approximate the final build of a game still over a year out. And fine tuned to make the game look as good as possible.

These threads are so fucking stupid.

Indeed. You would think that people would realize that the game was still being developed and that things get tweaked and optimized as they finish building it. When you consider how massive this game is and what all it has going on, I am actually amazed that it looks and runs as well as it does in the footage we are getting. It looks like it was quite a feat.


That's why follow you the Bethesda route. Only show your game when it's actually DONE. Like, don't overpromise stuff you won't deliver in the end.


Sometimes I fucking hate GAF. Sigh.

If this was a PC only game, they you guys who are bitching would have something to complain about. But it's not. Can you imagine if the console versions were shit while the PC version was flawless?

Imagine that :^)



That crack is lookin' good


Why do people still believe in pre rendered bullshit?

Iunno. Why do companies advertise bullshit graphics as "in game"?


I'm really tired of this shit on these forums these days.

Developers please, just don't show your games at all until a month before release anymore. It's the only way you won't get nitpicked into oblivion.

Or, ya know... Don't showcase bullshit graphics/settings that won't be in the final product... Not lying? :eek:


Those blaming consoles don't make sense, when the game has been heavily touted to take advantage of Nvidia's exclusive features.
The game doesn't look great now, it just looks okay. Like an average game like we all knew it would look.

We get it you guys don't care about graphics (yeah right).

Personally I feel as if scale and art direction make up for it, but you're correct I don't really care about the technical aspects of graphics.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I am looking at what is in the OP.
And i'm looking at the gameplay videos that were posted instead of compressed screenshots. It most definitely does not look worse than Witcher 2 in anyway shape or form.


Yeah, the game's definitely downgraded. Mentioned this earlier as well, and it's quite apparent from the videos and shots themselves. Nothing they've shown seems to stack with the 2013 trailer. I suppose consoles are the problem here. Anyhow, still going to be an awesome game, and looking forward to it.


From the recent footage I've watched I do think the lighting is intact, just different time of day messing things up. The vegetation and lack of per object motion blur are the biggest changes. Still looks good though.

It's a little more than that. I don't have the technical explanation, but earlier trailers had a lot of different coloration filters layered on. It's noticably different. I don't see this as a downgrade as much as it is a change in art direction. It's a shame, I kind of liked it more before.

Yep, that's a downgrade. I don't really care, the only thing that bugs me was how adamant CD Projekt was about there not being a downgrade. They deserve to be called out on that.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
The game doesn't look great now, it just looks okay. Like an average game like we all knew (deep down) how it'd look.

We get it, you guys don't care about graphics (yeah right).

I dont think you know what the word average means.


Vertical slice is a vertical slice.

I seriously don't care. I play these games for what they provide between story/gameplay. I don't care how many pixels the game has as long as it runs smoothly and is fun then I'm thrilled.

That's nice and all, but why then post in a thread about the graphics and downgrade? What bothers me most is probably CDPR saying that there has been no downgrade.


The Witcher 3 looks, considered its scale, without a doubt the best looking game on ps4 and xbox one.

I recently played The Witcher 2 and its scale was so small compared to what i'm seeing in these videos there shouldn't even be a comparison.
The idea of visuals being downgraded prior to release makes no sense, since we all know to take everything we see pre-release, good or bad, with a grain of salt. Witcher 3's graphics can't have been downgraded because we haven't played the game and seen the graphics yet. All we've seen are work-in-concept demo's from very early versions of what CDPR hopes to achieve. That's all made before optimization comes even close to entering the picture, so to take them at their word for those exact visuals is nuts.

That GTA V PS4 bug that caused the visuals to actually downgraded post-patch? Those are downgraded visuals.

Comparing present day Witcher 3 graphics to work-in-concept trailers from over two years ago? That's not a downgrade.
I'm actually surprised we didn't get a thread on this earlier. I saw the Reddit thread and thought to myself "Huh nobody seems outraged by this"checking around online it doesn't seem like anybody cares or noticed anything different...

I can't help but wonder what the response would be like if this was a EA/Ubisoft game.


Don't a lot of people care when stuff like this happens? Both Dark Souls 2 and Watch_Dogs was called out heavily for this.

Hmm, not really. Most of the people in "core/passionate gamer" forums — neogaf being the most typical example — can discuss this non-subject for pages and pages during several days or weeks, but it hardly goes anywhere else. A few videogame websites (who read these forums) write about it because it is something that'll attract a few more clicks and comments, but it's still the same environment. It's a debate in a microcosm. Imho it rottens the forums with a wrong way to criticize pre-launch screenshots or videos taken before optimization in order to create hype. It's juste whining that paradoxically inflates the hype (->sales) and the bubble around a game 1 month before the launch, and one or two weeks after it. But you won't see more than 1 or 2% of interesting posts in the threads that are rotten by downgrade shitstorms. It's the result of the "hype" marketing cycle, which is uncorrelated with what a process of development is, and both marketing footage and players reactions are uncorrelated with this process.

I see more and more people here trying to end or avoid these endless "debates"...But there is also more and more people talking about "downgrade" at the first or second trailer/screenshot.


This game is going to get picked apart by GAF a few weeks after release. I guarantee it.

And I don't care if you're CD Project or Ubisoft. If you blatantly lie about your games graphics you deserve to get called out for it. Period.


Yep, that's a downgrade. I don't really care, the only thing that bugs me was how adamant CD Projekt was about there not being a downgrade. They deserve to be called out on that.
Was thinking the same. As mentioned earlier on, it does annoy me how Ubi can get so much hate for downgrades, but not this. This is extremely noticeable. Anyway, this obviously wont ruin the game for me whatsoever.


Trucker Sexologist

I'm really tired of this shit on these forums these days.

Developers please, just don't show your games at all until a month before release anymore. It's the only way you won't get nitpicked into oblivion.
It honestly looks like a different game. I hope, for their sake, that the direct capture ultra PC screenshots hold up better.
what i never get is.. what systems where they running on to show the quality of the 2013-2014 builds??
Considering this games barely runs at 60fps on Ultra on the current "downgraded" built i don't get how even if they wouldn't downgrade anyone would be able to play the game on a current PC that isn't a double or tripple GPU set up.

Congratulations, you've solved the Downgrade Enigma. Developers spend time near the end of development optimising the game and smoothing out its design, which generally means they have to make it work on the platforms they're targetting... which are never their testdev supercomputers. What this means is that pre-release "targetted footage" is not representative of the final game.

The thing is, while the visuals of the Witcher 3 aren't the same as release, they're not being outright dishonest about visual features in the dishonest way that some games are. For example Dark Souls 2, which had a prominent shadow system that was entirely absent from both of its releases. IIRC Watch_Dogs also had some questionable stuff, though I've never personally played it. It is only for these entirely fictional mock-ups that people should be screaming "DOWNGRADE!!!" because pre-release footage will never line up with release footage, simply because the game isn't done yet.

Seriously people. If there were a downgrade CD Projekt wouldn't be using "downgrade footage" for their trailers. They would be hiding it until the game releases. If that were the case, then I could understand the controversy.



I'm really tired of this shit on these forums these days.

Developers please, just don't show your games at all until a month before release anymore. It's the only way you won't get nitpicked into oblivion.

A game should look better the longer it goes into development not worse.


threads like this.... are fuckin terrible. Lets not reveal our games til day of release guys. that way no one will complain.

Pretty much this. A year or two ago they aren't going to know what the final product looks like so they are going to show what they have. So if you really want them to stop over promising, then what you want is for them not to show you anything until the game is done. Which since they need to build up hype to sell the game they really can't do. so they are going to over promise.


CDPR makes great games, but not necessarily great looking ones, I thought this was always the case?

Their games do not traditionally push the boundaries. People associated them with high level PC tech due to the fact that the ultra setting on 2 activated "ubersampling", which was taxing for many computers at the time.

Really, they just excelled at art design, and quite frankly, I don't think that's changed much here. With the scale, they did tone down some of the more fantastical elements of the design though, but that's fine.
I can't wait until E3 rolls around and everyone goes through the same exact cycle of falling for the same bullshit again and again.

Fallout 4 will be revealed and omg all over my face blah blah blah


How much you wanna bet all you have to do is run SweetFX, desaturate the colors about 30%, add a sharpening filter, and whammo... E3 graphics.
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