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Witcher 3 downgrade arguments in here and nowhere else

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Sal Ami

On top of this, the whole "we're leaving ultra as a surprise on release" thing was such a thinly veiled and transparent attempt at avoiding claims of a downgrade because it could just be defended with "b-but we haven't seen the ultra settings!". It comes off as really deceptive and it was often painted as CDPR magnanimously giving the PC crowd a cute surprise.
Well it has been working on a few people in this thread.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
Yeah, the latest screenshots look pretty rough


GameStop can keep that damn keychain

1) I love ADOM
2) Can't wait for Witcher 3


I don't know why any developer should be called out on downgrading a game during development, they don't do it just because, optimization, scalability, resource management, etc..

Everything you said is true. However, people should definitely call out a developer after the developer states that it definitely hasn't been downgraded.

Downgrading happens often, fine. People can learn to accept that. It's not necessarily the dev's fault and no one is misleading anyone else (as long as they weren't bullshots). When a dev flatout says 'there's no downgrade' and then it appears as if there is, yes people should be mentioning it. It's misleading.


Also, even this compressed blurry GIF still looks pretty good for recent footage:


Game's downgraded. That's for sure. Foliage and lighting being the chief victims. But the shots in the OP are hilarious. I'm disappointed, much like others, but not THAT disappointed.

The game, in motion, still looks pretty stellar considering its scale. The only thing that still bothers me about any of it is just that CDPR denied "downgrades" as recently as February. I haven't been thrilled with CDPR's PR throughout this game's campaign. They should definitely be called out on that.


never left the stone age
Time of day makes everything look different. Who'da thunk??? And some assets being moved around doesn't make it a downgrade :lol.


Funny how this thread only has six pages. If this were a Ubisoft game we'd be at 20+ right now. Anyways, the graphics downgrade isn't too important to me. Game still looks good. I'm much more concerned with the gameplay. Witcher 1 and 2 had some pretty bad combat, so unless they have massively improved it in Witcher 3 that's why I won't buy the game, not the graphics downgrade.

Looking at the Watch_Dogs thread, we're about at the same point, but there were far less "I don't care" posts in that thread


semen stains the mountaintops
Also, this compressed blurry GIF still looks pretty good:


Game's downgraded. That's for sure. Foliage and lighting being the chief victims. But the shots in the OP are hilarious. I'm disappointed, much like others, but not THAT disappointed.[/QUOTE]

To compare with the gif in the OP



It's a pretty massive downgrade.


CDPR hasn't done much to deserve the free pass some people is offering to them.
It's just the opposite, they've been very rude and "unfriendly" lately (GMG's case, i'm with them), hell, some people that never played any Witcher game ever got interesting in TW3 just because people were hyping it everywhere; the backslash shouldn't be weaker than those ubisoft has

My guess? CDPR likes to release unfinished games and ends them as time goes on, The Witcher 1& 2 on PC got "done" some months after been released, with many gameplay and graphical tweaks, so the story should repeat itself. They won't admit it to not annoy buyer and potential buyers tho.


Game looks great. PC ultra footage from the youtuber visit looks lovely.

Has it been downgraded? Yes, clearly.

Whilst this is becoming more and more the norm, it especially stings in this case as the developer has outright stated

a) there has been/will be no downgrade
b) they wil be using each platform to it's maximum


Yes it's been downgraded.

It still looks great, especially for such an open world game. But I can't see how someone could say it looks better or on par with earlier showings.

What I miss the most is the water physics.
WHen I get the game, I will crank up the contrast, desaturate the image, and pump up that post-sharpen.

Then it will be reupgraded according to this thread.

What am I supposed to explain? do you think I work for CDPR or something to give you and statement, even if they are denying it I don't expect a game to look the same after a year of development.

Well personally watch_dogs didn't sursprise me at all, dark souls 2 was really misleading, in that case sure, but like I said, we have been seeing witcher 3 "current" footage for months.
Why wouldn't it? PS4 is more powerful than almost all PCs. It has been this way since the PS2 era, which is why Saddam imported PS2s to launch missiles and not PCs.

Y2Kev, One day somebody is going to use this post as a evidence in a court of law against NeoGAF


So far they have done nothing to stab their customers in the back and have been really consumer friendly...so yeah. Of course this does not exempt them from criticism, but I find it REALLY silly people are using a one-minute long trailer from 2013 to shit on the hours and hours of footage that have been released in 2014 and 2015. You have known for a very long time how the game will look, don't pretend that CDProjekt has misled you.

This. The footage that they released at E3 last year all looks the much the same as it currently does.

I'm amused that people are all posting gifs taken from a very early trailer and very little from newer media. There is that crack screen, what else?


Neo Member
Well, duh. If anyone really thought it would look anything like the initial trailers was setting themselves up for disappointment.

Well if it was so obvious to everyone the game hadn't a chance in hell of releasing at that quality in the first place, then the developers certainly should have known better when they released those trailers and maybe they should have dialed their imaginary settings down.

It's false advertising for the devs to put that out there knowing there was no chance of that quality level at release.

The other possibility is that there was that chance we could get that purty game, that's why they put those trailers out there. And if the devs themselves thought it was possible, why is it so naive for their customers to believe that too?


The waw_effet gifs again and again... "Look, it's a downgrade! The game was more than 2 years away from release, it's a fair comparison, just look ! look !"


]i don't understand why you would make your decision about buying Witcher 3 depend upon the gameplay[/B], when neither of its prequels had amazing gameplay to begin with (i don't think Witcher 2 was bad though)
At this point the story and world of Witcher 3 is enough to make this an instant buy for me.

You don't understand why I would make my decision about buying a video game depend on the gameplay? Really?


Oh my goodness I can't believe it! Next someone will tell me that the new Taco bell biscuit taco doesn't actually look the way it does in the commercials.

In all seriousness this type of thing should be expected going forward. It's not a big deal to me because I still think it looks pretty great. All that really matters is if the game will be fun or not and I'm betting that it will be.


To compare with the gif in the OP



It's a pretty massive downgrade.

The camera is different.

The old camera is more cinematic,is closer and shows off more detail,making everything seem bigger and more visceral.

The new camera compromised the cinematic quality of the game ,but it may be better from a functional gameplay perspective.


Yeah I bet most people here just want justice and equality for those poor other companies that were mistreated when they delivered a downgraded game.

Not by any chance they're just trying to shit on the latest popular game. No way.
Some people acting as if this has been dropped on us a week prior to release.

The downgrade has been visible for almost a year now with various footage, that's not deceptive. If you don't like it then don't buy it? It's not as if they've mislead you since announcement till the week prior to release. Yes there's an obvious downgrade but people acting as if it's deceptive are being silly IMO. I mean shit... they're not using old footage, they're using new, so how is it in any way deceptive? If they were using that old footage I'd agree that it's deceptive but they're not.
That's why follow you the Bethesda route. Only show your game when it's actually DONE. Like, don't overpromise stuff you won't deliver in the end.

Like a working game on release? Because Bethesda has some problems in that department.

On topic: this is a shame, but I don't think the problem is the actual graphics of the Witcher 3. The game still looks pretty great especially for the huge open world that CDPR is promising. The real problem is the industry trend of showing blatantly fake "in-game" trailers years before release. It's false advertising and consumers are right to call that shit out.


This is not the same situation as the Dark Souls 2 downgrade. The devs are being pretty clear and open on how the game looks before it ships. They are not hiding anything.

Graphics get adjusted all the time during development. This has been going on forever.

People need to learn to...I don't know, deal with it?


Its probably downgraded a bit, but can I ask whats up with the deluge of persecution complex posts about how Ubisoft would be treated?

This thread has hundreds of posts after less than an hour, and yet every few posts there is one about how CDPR are beyond criticism or some other weird meta argument. The fuck are you guys talking about? Did I miss other threads about Witcher 3s downgrade?
Everything you said is true. However, people should definitely call out a developer after the developer states that it definitely hasn't been downgraded.

Downgrading happens often, fine. People can learn to accept that. It's not necessarily the dev's fault and no one is misleading anyone else (as long as they weren't bullshots). When a dev flatout says 'there's no downgrade' and then it appears as if there is, yes people should be mentioning it. It's misleading.

Fair enough, maybe I am just more cynical about it, CDPR is a company after all and saying it hasn't been downgraded is exactly the thing I expect them to do.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Gifs aren't really an accurate representation of a game either. Their small size hides flaws.
Yes but they're more representative of the actual game than compressed screenshots. This is what the game looks like.




And these gifs aren't exactly small.


This is so fucking ridiculous. Things change during development. These people owe you NOTHING. Mother of god, watching people react this way is just sad.


while many people are overreacting to the whole thing..they are still developers selling a game to us..if they lied when advertising the game,they deserve any backlash they got and they will get

we really should start behaving like customers that have rights and not as paladins of developer and publishers


Neo Member
Hey maybe CDPR reduced the quality of the game so they had something big to add to the game in a couple years when they release the inevitable and free enhanced edition. :D


Game got downgraded good, not a shocker. It's weird though how people won't admit it since it's the almighty CDPR.
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