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Woman records boyfriend after getting shot by the Police on Facebook

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No, it's not a bad place to live.

Sure there are better place to live, but there is no need to come off as so highfalutin about not living here. The fact is nowhere is safe considering how the world is now, don't think it's just America.

As for the military, yes we are trained to handle are weapons with respect, but that doesn't mean every soldier does.

See, that culture of fear. I mean It's not like that in other countries else just America obviously /s

Uh huh, please name other first world countries where people could even be easily shot.


Why would a cop openly fire if he was warned by the deceased that he had a firearm on his person? Either the cop is incredibly stupid or there's more to this story.

You act like that was uncommon. Remember the dude who got shot in the back because he reached for his wallet when cop asked him to? Dude was dying on the ground asking the cop "Why did you shoot me, you told me to reach around my back and grab my wallet"

Seriously, this is not uncommon at all. Reaching for your wallet while black is a death sentence. Honestly, it's probably smarter for black people to just back up to the officer and let him go for the wallet themselves at this point. Although that leaves them open to being shot in the back, I guess.


Neo Member
Shit like this makes me disgusted and embarrassed to be an American. At this point I don't even give a shit if there are 'good' police officers out there, all cops are evil shitheads until they universally take a stand against this behavior.

The fucker who shot her boyfriend won't even get an indictment. That scumbag deserves a fate far worse than death.


See, that culture of fear. I mean It's not like that in other countries else just America obviously /s


Fallacy of relative privation ("not as bad as") – dismissing an argument or complaint due to the existence of more important problems in the world, regardless of whether those problems bear relevance to the initial argument.


Oh no! Glad I'm safe and away from America! Come on. You must live an incredibly sheltered life if you think America is a bad place to live. It's not perfect obviously, but you could be in the middle east being stoned to death for being a women.

Pft, don't assume the military will do any better. As someone in the armed forces there are cops I trust more than some of my fellow soldiers.

You know things are fucked up when your comparing the US to the middle east and saying "well at least we aren't as bad as those guys".


Has the President ever spoke out about this bullshit ?

All the fucking time. In his last speech about this you could just see the fucking disappointment and exhaustion on his face. The system is designed to fuck over minorities and he's fighting a battle he can't win


All the fucking time. In his last speech about this you could just see the fucking disappointment and exhaustion on his face. The system is designed to fuck over minorities and he's fighting a battle he can't win

I think your confusing his speech on mass shootings with police shootings. It's not very common for the president to comment on police shootings.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Good, wonder why it was down briefly.
Looks like FB admins added a disclaimer about it being a graphic video. I hope that doesn't deter people from watching it, because everyone should see it and imagine what it'd feel like to be in that scenario.
How does coordination happen at this point? I've heard people mention BLM is there but there is no central leadership or coordination. While it may be by design, I'm not sure how effective that is in helping to create a critical mass movement and thus change.

I think at some point civil institutions will need to start getting clogged up and disrupted on a national scale.
The fucker who shot her boyfriend won't even get an indictment. I wish that pig a fate far worse than death.

He might. Part of the closing of the ranks is they can toss someone overboard if that means they can say with a straight face that it still isn't a systemic issue.

The first defence is it it didn't happen like that, the second defence is there was more to it than that, the final defence will be, ok that cop is a total outlier, and there isn't any systemic issue.


I didn't want to watch the video but I did because as a minority I can't close my eyes as things like this occur. I'm angry and sad but mostly angry at those that are supposed to protect us.


Not that it's surprising to anyone, but the NRA never makes mention of black men with legally owned firearms being killed by the police. Their official twitter is just posts of them jerking themselves off and also jerking off Trump


Fair point.

I feel this is gonna repeat in a loop of sadness until this happens again. Shooting, Outrage, Trial, Acquittal, Repeat.

Bodycams ain't gonna help, new gun training? Cops get tasers but still draw their gun first. New training overall?
Better training, much higher requirements for being a cop, less emphasis on civilian obedience and more on effective ways of keeping people safe. Destruction of police union.

Might work.
He might. Part of the closing of the ranks is they can toss someone overboard if that means they can say with a straight face that it still isn't a systemic issue.

The first defence is it it didn't happen like that, the second defence is there was more to it than that, the final defence will be, ok that cop is a total outlier, and there isn't any systemic issue.
Even of he gets an indictment, he'll walk in the end.


Definitely not an STD, as I'm a pure.
Hopefully this pig gets sentenced and he can rot the rest of his worthless life in prison, and then rot in hell once he finally dies.

You know things are fucked up when your comparing the US to the middle east and saying "well at least we aren't as bad as those guys".

Guess I'm just tired of all the crap that's happening here and the middle east. Sucks being involved with both. I hate seeing this shit on the news constantly, and I hate seeing soldiers come back from the middle east fucked up from the shit they saw.

It sucks seeing dudes missing legs and the horror stories they tell you. It even hits closer to home when you are helping operate on them. It doesn't help knowing that shit like this happening and what they have to return too.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I've got news for you...

Have you seen how crooked our justice system is? Don't admit anything to the cops, ever. Never incriminate yourself, ever. No matter how small. Our disgusting legal system isn't based on justice. They will run a smear campaign on you for the smallest shit, look at the way they bring up criminal records of every victim they shoot like that makes even half a shit.

When I was (erroneously) raided by the cops in college because they thought I had 10 fucking pounds of weed in my house (when I had none), they used the fact that I had a single pill of adderal (it was finals week) to get out of paying for the thousands of dollars of damage they did to my place.

Fuck the police. Don't give them an inch.

If you're black, it's probably a death sentence.

Otherwise, guilty until proven innocent.

This is absolutely insane. Cops either confiscate what you have and send you off with a warning, or you get fined. No one goes to jail over a small amount of weed here. Fucking hell.


In Australia our cops are just glorified tax collectors. They are trained to extort money out of you in the form of bullshit fines. It's annoying as fuck but at least you don't get shot.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.


couldn't make it through the video cause it was too upsetting. I didn't make it to where she apparently breaks down, but I have no idea how she remained that calm at first. Fuck this shit.


I didn't want to watch the video but I did because as a minority I can't close my eyes as things like this occur. I'm angry and sad but mostly angry at those that are supposed to protect us.

I also feel an obligation to watch videos like these as a minority. And that's part of why the "all lives matter" shit is so infuriating. I'm not black, but I feel a close connection to BLM because they don't just protest black shootings. "All lives matter" is ironically exclusively white. BLM is inclusive of all minorities.
Not that it's surprising to anyone, but the NRA never makes mention of black men with legally owned firearms being killed by the police. Their official twitter is just posts of them jerking themselves off and also jerking off Trump

Of course. They'll just go on as if they haven't contributed to this culture of trigger-happy fear.


Look at how fucking calm you have to be as a black person who just had your boyfriend murdered in front of you. You still will have cops surrounding you shouting at you with guns pointed at you and get arrested, BEST case scenario. And that's if you're relatively calm and collected considering what just happened (helps that you're broadcasting it on facebook live).

Fucking sick.


time to take my meds
anecdotal. but i remember when i was in philly once for vacation. and i was talking to this cop at a concert. i was telling him how i'm getting out of the service and wasn't sure what i had planned next. dude got super excited and said i should join the police force. he was saying how easy it was and even easier for ex-military. he gave me his card and told me to call him if i had any questions.

this was so odd to me. the guy didn't even know my job in the military, nor did he ask. i've probably had 5 days of weapons or combat training total in the last 5 years. i've shot less rounds than days in the year. i can honestly say i would be scared shitless in a combat situation. maybe it's that because 8/10 guys i work with have a trigger happy mentality. guys that have never been in any sort of altercation or have lost a family member or friend to gun violence seem to be very gung-ho. i show them videos like this and they preach about how the victim probably deserved it. "his life or mine" type shit.

i remember last year when i showed a co-worker the charleston cop shooting. he said the guy probably deserved it for running away. my mind was blown. deserve death for running away? he started to backpedal on his statements when the police chief condemned the officer for his actions.

not really sure what the point of my story is, but i'll never understand why people think like this.
This is absolutely insane. Cops either confiscate what you have and send you off with a warning, or you get fined. No one goes to jail over a small amount of weed here. Fucking hell.
We have a police movement and militarization of police called the War on Drugs. A great way to target minorities, disrupt lives, imprison for minor drug offenses, and levy tougher crimes against minorities versus whites.



Looks like the top light on the far right one is out. Literally any excuse. I once had a cop help me change a busted tail light (I had the replacement in the car), but I guess since I'm pretty or some shit that's the norm.


This is absolutely insane. Cops either confiscate what you have and send you off with a warning, or you get fined. No one goes to jail over a small amount of weed here. Fucking hell.

That's what usually happens to white suburbanites in the US, too. Things get real crazy when you're a person of color and a police officer is fighting to avoid a murder charge, though.

I've seen one of my black friends get his face slammed into the concrete for a gram of weed before.


This guy is going to get his whole life torn apart and dissected on social media.

Of course I am talking about the dead black man, not the cop.

No angel, do what the cops says, don't smoke weed, talk slower, he deserved it. Get ready.


This is pretty fucking harrowing.

Not just a dude dying but the 'Of course this is a thing that could happen' attitude of his girlfriend.


Gold Member
And in contrast, a little over 100 deaths for cops. Over half being traffic incidents. 42 shot and killed. Yet it's "open season" against them.

I don't understand what kind of training they go through which results in them being afraid of civilians. They are supposed to be calming influences and protect society. I don't live in America but all I'm seeing is a bunch of trigger happy paranoid hot heads.

If you're a cop and end up getting shot on the job then unfortunately that's just part of the job, but for goodness sake, don't shoot first. There's just no need.


For you.
Oh no! Glad I'm safe and away from America! Come on. You must live an incredibly sheltered life if you think America is a bad place to live. It's not perfect obviously, but you could be in the middle east being stoned to death for being a women.

Pft, don't assume the military will do any better. As someone in the armed forces there are cops I trust more than some of my fellow soldiers.

Sure, it's not a bad place to live if you go wayyyy the fuck out of your way and compare it to the worst extremes you can find.
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