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Women Characters Redesigned by Women SFF Artists


My favorite redesign is one that fans of the series would find blasphemous. I think it makes her actually look like a bounty hunter.

Ahhh I totally forgot about this!! Love it!

I just realized this Scarlet Witch redesign has dreadlocks. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww

*squints* Oh holy crap, didn't even notice that. Hmmmm. :/


The B&B skintight suit conversation is basically exactly the same as the Zero Suit Samus one.

Except all the main male characters from Solid Snake and Big Boss, to Raiden have worn skin tight uniforms that left little to the imagination so it's not something the female characters had to endure solely.

Hell Raiden was butt naked at one point, running around cupping his spuds, no one gave a shit.

I realize the difference because women have been oppressed longer, but I look forward to a day when we can have sexy male character and sexy female characters in equal measurements without anyone batting an eyelid.


I don't understand the redesign for Samus' suit. I have never played any of the Metroid games but isn't the suit more than just a glorified undergarment?
It is.

The question is why Nintendo keeps trying to get her out of the iconic Power Suit so she's fighting in her undies.

It's because Nintendo has no fucking idea what to do with Metroid.


- Morrigan's design (especially in Inquisition) is embarrassing.
- That Peach one is terrible because it goes against the game's tone.
- The Chun-Li one is awful and more revealing than the original.

Other than that, they're all pretty good.
The ZSS redesign looks like the female pilots from Titanfall.


Samus looks like she'll jump into a mech than into her Varia suit.
Pas was a triple agent who fooled everyone, including the player, so she's not weak or garbage.

And the B&B unit is comprised entirely of women in war machine outfits, how many games can you mention that has an almost entire female boss roster? Yes, underneath they are in slimline outfits, but only because bulky clothing wouldn't allow them to fit in those armored suits and it did make a change from staring at Snake's skin tight ass crack revealing suit.


My favorite redesign is one that fans of the series would find blasphemous. I think it makes her actually look like a bounty hunter.

It ponders me a question: must all bounty hunters dress or/and act like that?


It is.

The question is why Nintendo keeps trying to get her out of the iconic Power Suit so she's fighting in her undies.

It's because Nintendo has no fucking idea what to do with Metroid.

That only really happened in one Metroid game, didn't it?


The question is why Nintendo keeps trying to get her out of the iconic Power Suit so she's fighting in her undies.

How often does that happen though, outside of Justin Bailey and non-Metroid games? I was under the impression that the ending of Zero Mission and Other M didn't have much combat.


Unconfirmed Member
I see this kind of thought experiment as largely distracting as the problem with designs aren't the designs themselves, it's how ubiquitous the trends in those designs are across all media.

Felt the need to highlight this since the basic argument behind it seems applicable again: Quiet's design itself is not a problem, we can have characters like her*, we just need other ones as well. Who knows? In MGS3 we had an oversexualized character alongside an awesome female character, so we might get another one here.

But the trend remains the main issue, not Quiet.

*speaking as someone who knows nothing about her because the game isn't out.
I admittedly don't play or know a lot about the Metroid series, but I always thought it was weird that Samus was a bounty hunter in this squeaky clean power armor and sleek body suit. When I think of bounty hunters I envision something more along the lines of the re-imagining you posted than her normal appearance.

Being a male, I'll just share my wife's expectation of female characters, which basically aligns with her notion of male characters: be as badass as possible. Her favorite female archetype is probably the Sisters of Battle from Warhammer 40K:


To be fair, though. Sororitas Adeptas are some crazy fucking ladies.
I will go one step further and say the Zero Suit redesign is good for, say, a female Galactic Federation soldier getup, but has no reason to exist as an outfit for Samus.

If Samus needs to get strapped, she's got the Power Suit. If she needs to get sneaky stealthy, she's got the Zero Suit. There's literally no good reason for an in-between suit, which is all that artist's take on it could ever be.

EDIT: for further clarification--the redesign has no hope of matching up to the firepower of the Power Suit, and it's too bulky to replace the Zero Suit.

Ugh. Aren't you usually a good poster?
This is a series that started off with her in a bikini under the armour and years later they design an outfit for her that hugs all of her curves and contours that may as well be body paint. There is nothing else to it and no amount of rationalisation is going to make it sound reasonable or good.


There's more wrong with Zero-Samus' physique than what she's wearing. Given what she does, she should have more of a gymnast's build. They wear tights too, but there's nothing particularly sexual about it.



Do you stay inside all day? Real women wear tight clothing and dress sexy. You're acting like men can't differentiate between fantasy and reality and expect women to wear those over the top outfits fictional women sport in games.

Real women wear tight clothing and dress sexy? You're proving my point of a skewed ideal of what women do do and should do. "Real" women wear a wide variety and spectrum of clothes in variable shapes and sizes. Videogames should reflect that, when what we currently have is a disproportionate level of sexualised clothing which is there for the enjoyment of men. That's literally why it's there. It's a bullshit and unfair reason for a hobby that should be open to anyone.

I'm not saying get rid of characters like Bayonetta. I'm saying goddamn, find some fucking balance.

If every female character is designed under the male gaze to be attractive and pleasing to look at, it completely and totally DOES subconsciously affect people to expect real living people to be held to the same standard.

I can't believe any of you people who think you have such total control over the way your mind works that you're not even remotely subconsciously skewed by repeated information. Whisper something in someone's ear enough times to someone and they'll start believing it. And the industry has been whispering that the role of women is to be attractive and submissive and exist for the enjoyment of men for a long time. I'm just calling for some balance of interesting and differently designed characters alongside the disproportionately huge section of sexpot characters.
Fair enough, it's just it reminds me of this:

Rather than this:

And so feels to me...a bit lazy i guess, considering how the design could have stood out.
The dreadlocks make her look like a stoner-hippie girl. I can almost hear her go, "Woah man look what I can do with my hands! This shit is trippin me out!"
Yes, really. It's what Tony Stark generally wears under his Iron Man armour, too.

Tony Stark doesn't wear suits like the women in that game though. Was there really a deep reason to have the Beauties be perfect looking models underneath in skin tight outfits that try to hug you to death and will pose for you if you take your camera out?


I really like a lot of these, even the ZSS for what it is. I don't think it would work well as a Zero Suit though because the entire point is that it's an undersuit which are usually as skintight and minimalistic as possible. It is definitely used in sexist as fuck fashions, but it makes sense.

I'd love to see a version of the Zero Suit with more padding though


Tony Stark doesn't wear suits like the women in that game though. Was there really a deep reason to have the Beauties be perfect looking models underneath in skin tight outfits that try to hug you to death and will pose for you if you take your camera out?
Well, they are called The Beauty and the Beast Unit. They're supposed to be pretty-looking women beneath the monstrous machine suits.

The problem is that they have no fucking personality beyond stories like



My only problem with this is the wording of the article it should very much say "What I want" instead of "What women want" because that assumes that it speaks for all women which it very much doesn't.

I'll give the article this though at least they made an effort for some actual redesigns rather than the hack-jobs over at http://repair-her-armor.tumblr.com/ who do little else but just cover them up with bad photoshop jobs rather than actually trying to make original armor redesigns.


The dreadlocks make her look like a stoner-hippie girl. I can almost hear her go, "Woah man look what I can do with my hands! This shit is trippin me out!"

She wakes up the next morning hungry af and someone else explains to her that she'd imagined the whole thing.
"Dude, i don't think that was ket..."
This is one of the reasons her redesign makes even less sense to me. Phoenix is literally a force of nature and she generally acts as such unless they've written her differently. She shouldn't give a fuck about mortal concepts such as modesty. If anything, I'd say a Phoenix redesign should look closer to something like Silver Surfer or Nova (Frankie Raye).

Yeah, I'd be fine with this direction, too.
Whoever did that peach redesign needs to go work for Activision. Much gritty such gunz, wow.

On the other hand Samus looks awesome. Retro in a way.


It ponders me a question: must all bounty hunters dress or/and act like that?

Not that I don't like that piece (actually I like it a lot) but it does seem really weird that a lot of people only have one idea of what a half human/half alien bounty hunter can look like and any deviation from that is wrong - especially given the character's origin. The fact that Samus has pretty much always had a "bombshell" look has never detracted from her being a badass or awesome character (blah blah Other M - there are other Metroid games that exist you guys!)


Tony Stark doesn't wear suits like the women in that game though. Was there really a deep reason to have the Beauties be perfect looking models underneath in skin tight outfits that try to hug you to death and will pose for you if you take your camera out?

Huh? I'm pretty sure in a lot of depcitions of Tony Stark, he wears a suit under the armor. Sometimes he might be in civilian clothes but he often has a specialized suit under it. I'm pretty sure there are examples from the movies, comics, and cartoons. He ain't posing for ya but that's like an additionla +alpha if anything.


There's more wrong with Zero-Samus' physique than what she's wearing. Given what she does, she should have more of a gymnast's build. They wear tights too, but there's nothing particularly sexual about it.

Maybe you're on to something. Maybe this is what Samus should be wearing under the armor:

Well, they are called The Beauty and the Beast Unit. They're supposed to be pretty-looking women beneath the monstrous machine suits.

The problem is that they have no fucking personality beyond stories like
But the writing is pretty much Kojima at this point. Isn't everyone in the series utterly ridiculous. Especially GZ *eye roll* OT, but it needed to be said.
Huh? I'm pretty sure in a lot of depcitions of Tony Stark, he wears a suit under the armor. Sometimes he might be in civilian clothes but he often has a specialized suit under it. I'm pretty sure there are examples from the movies, comics, and cartoons. He ain't posing for ya but that's like an additionla +alpha if anything.
Yes he does. There are comics where he is actually completely naked under the armour.

Unless it's an emergency, he puts on a bodysuit similar to the Zero Suit before getting into his armour.
I know he has a specialized suit under the armour. I'm saying his suit isn't like the ones in MGS4. They don't hug every bit of his body and leave nothing to the imagination. The suit doesn't make him look sexy.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
My only problem with this is the wording of the article it should very much say "What I want" instead of "What women want" because that assumes that it speaks for all women which it very much doesn't.

I'll give the article this though at least they made an effort for some actual redesigns rather than the hack-jobs over at http://repair-her-armor.tumblr.com/ who do little else but just cover them up with bad photoshop jobs rather than actually trying to make original armor redesigns.

This thread is like, proof that nobody ever reads the OP.


Loving the Emma Frost redesign. Looks vaguely Castlevania-ish in all the right ways. The other range from inoffensive/bland (Chun Li) to unnecessarily gritty (Peach) or just weird (Scarlet Witch).
ITT: A bunch of men think they have a better idea of what women want than actual women.

Basically...society's belief since the dawn of time.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
He clarified by saying he wanted to make her unique, not erotic, but sexy.

And why didn't you add the fact that people have already cosplayed as her?


Here's some more, all different people.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BoI9t5oIgAAmAfQ.png:large(< This one is a guy cosplaying, omg right?)

I won't get into the whole cosplay scene, but people like dressing up as sexy characters and adding sexiness is something Kojima does for many of his characters, male and female.

I personally can't think of anyone to rival Eva in that regard.

And even more amazing is how many female characters he's created overall, each with deep backstories and integral relevance to the plot of each game. I can name tons of big AAA gaming franchises that have barely a handful of female characters and most of which aren't even developed at all.
People will always cosplay as characters, but that quote you posted was something he said after the backlash for the fact that he wanted to encourage the sale of figurines and also cosplay. It was basically PR that gets used by his fans as rebuttals for what is an obviously sexist and absolutely ridiculous character design for the game that he believes will prove that games are culturally relevant unless they tackle specific issues.


Maybe you're on to something. Maybe this is what Samus should be wearing under the armor:

It's much more practical than the Zero Suit for flexibility. Main issue I see is the thighs would chafe like crazy.
But the writing is pretty much Kojima at this point. Isn't everyone in the series utterly ridiculous. Especially GZ *eye roll* OT, but it needed to be said.
Yeah, the writing in Metal Gear Solid 4 is pretty shitty in general.
My favorite redesign is one that fans of the series would find blasphemous. I think it makes her actually look like a bounty hunter.

That doesn't look like a bounty hunter... it looks like a "motorcycle mama"... Also why is she smoking a cigar?

Good luck fighting space pirates in a biker outfit between coughs though.
People will always cosplay as characters, but that quote you posted was something he said after the backlash for the fact that he wanted to encourage the sale of figurines and also cosplay. It was basically PR that gets used by his fans as rebuttals for what is an obviously sexist and absolutely ridiculous character design for the game that he believes will prove that games are culturally relevant unless they tackle specific issues.

That is quite an accusation. How is she sexist? Because of how she's dressed?
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