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Words you can't spell right, no matter how manny times you try.


Restaurant was what came to mind when I saw the thread. I am pretty sure I've never once gotten it right in my entire life. Thank goodness for spell check.

I get "rhythm" and "tongue" wrong a lot too.



At the very least I always have to think about the spelling for a second before I write it.


I always have to break down the words "beautiful" and "business" to spell them.

Address is a pain because in my native language it's spelled with a single d like so: adresse.


As a kid, I used to be grade spelling bee champion. Now, as an adult, I'm a spelling chump. :(

I blame technology. With spell check and autocorrect, I don't have to think about it.


How, on this forum, has no one said lose yet?

Because the people that misspell lose as loose have no idea they're spelling it wrong. That's not even unique to this forum either. I feel like it's non-native English speakers that use spell-check to keep their spelling on point that make this mistake, but seeing as lose and loose are both proper words it never gets caught. Then again, non-native speakers are generally better at spelling than native ones.




I use these 2 words all the time in the gaming section and i always get a spell check underline for them.


As Sartre noted in his contemplation on Hell in No Exit, the true horror is other members.
Weopen. Ready your weopen.

Also I both type and write or when I mean of and of when I mean or. I can't help it. I've actually resolved the weopen thing but the of/or thing I can't get rid of no matter how hard I try.


A bunch. I'm mildly dyslexic, though it tends to manifest mostly is omitting words when I'm writing.

I use the free Grammarly plug-ins for Chrome which I find super helpful.
I can never spell the town's name of Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch right in one go, so I know your feel.



Can never remember when to place the 'I' and 'U'. Even when I typed that I fucked it up. Autocorrect was the only thing that helped me.
I had problems with restaurant mostly because the middle bit. But then I just think of sleepy-bull-ant - Rest-taur-ant. Now I have no problem with it.


Gold Member
"Especially" and "cousin", have no idea why I can't remember the spelling of these words, yet I can spell words like schadenfreude and floccinaucinihilipilification without hesitation.


queue, I'm never sure and 9 out of ten times I'll spell it wrong. German is my native language and I always aced spelling, I could never fathom how people could possibly make so many mistakes in school, if it's wrong it usually sounds and feels wrong.
Palette - one L, two L's? How many T's - goddammit.
Unnecessary - Same as above. Is it two C's or two S's dammit.
Queue - I get it right but I always have to think about it. Never flows natural.

And now I'm wondering if damnit, damn it, of dammit is the best version...


Working in Supply Chain and Logistics means my inability to spell Receipt gets tested on an hourly basis.

I before E except after C.



I always had problem with professor until I watched HIMYM.


Occasionally. Number of Cs Ses and Ns never fail to trip me up. I learnt it by heart now. But if I'm absentminded I'm sure to do it wrong.
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