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Worst Character in a JRPG



For a majority of the game Luke from Tales of the Abyss is pretty annoying.



Worst in recent memory. Haven't played XIII.

I absolutely loathe when developers try to shoehorn in some diminutive, heavily accented, faux-cutesy companion in a desperate attempt to recapture the Moogle magic.

Hope, the thread. I had to skip most of the early cut scenes in FF13 because of him. I actually threw my controller in rage a couple of times while he was talking.

The "Operation Nora" thing got old almost immediately, then it dragged on for another 10 fucking hours. It was one of the few times I wished I could perma-kill a party member.

What made it worse is that you almost HAVE to have him in your party near the end or you're screwed, as he's the only decent support spell character.


Going with my valkyrie profile theme I've been having with these threads.

Jelanda from Valkyrie Profile

Stuck up annoying bitch. Hurts even worse as she's like the first character you get so you have to use her.


Entire cast of fucking FF Disney XIII, especially Lightning and Vanille and Hope and Snow and Serah

Szash was tolerable tho


I love this game, but Teddie in Persona 4 is seriously my least favorite character in gaming. I consider it a testament to how great P4 that I love the game so much despite having Teddie in the game.

I haven't played enough JRPG's to call him the worst, but still, fuck him. He has zero likeable qualities as far as I'm concerned.


While I like Teddie, I can't help but compare him to Vivi and as far as development goes he far outshines Teddie. Though the comparison isn't really fair since one is more-or-less comic relief and the other is kind of a child, but I always make the comparison regardless.


Teddie was a lot better before
he got a real body

After that he became near insufferable.


SO4 cast. They're all just awful.

I've been playing (and enjoying) JRPGs for a very long time and I have never been disgusted by a cast like I was for the cast of SO4.

When it comes to characters, it is Everything Wrong With JRPGs: The Game.


But...heropon...very cool!!

I like Riki because the devs decided to make the ChuChu/mascot character have great stats just because. I actually do like his voice and design a lot too. Someone needs to post the gif of him in the little animal costume armor :3

Riki is awesome.


I love this game, but Teddie in Persona 4 is seriously my least favorite character in gaming. I consider it a testament to how great P4 that I love the game so much despite having Teddie in the game.

I haven't played enough JRPG's to call him the worst, but still, fuck him. He has zero likeable qualities as far as I'm concerned.


you're not being beary kind...


I think english voice acting is one of the biggest detriments to jrpgs. Like would the fanbase even care if the game had english voice acting? throw subtitles at us and i bet 90% of the people would still buy the game, i'll even say that 90% of people would prefer the game with japanese audio too. Seems like a waste of money to go after that 10% that do want english voices.


The cast of Final Fantasy XIII takes the cake. Sure I've played JRPGs where one or two characters were awful, but everyone except for Sazh is just crap. I really hope they don't repeat that mistake in FFXV.


I actually liked Vaan. I think his story suits the gameplay of Final Fantasy XII better than Ashe's. Vaan is the guy who makes sense as a restless adventurer wandering through the wilderness and hunting marks to rise through the ranks of Clan Centuro. The entire "chop" minigame in Archades is also an event that better suits someone like Vaan than Ashe of Balthier. Vaan and Panelo had better chemistry and connection with Basch (the best character in the game) than the rest of the cast anyways.

SInce the gameplay of XII has a few redeeming qualities and its plot is complete trash, I will take the characters who suit the gameplay over the plot characters.

Fran is easily the worst character from XII.

Anyways, there are plenty of characters from JRPGs who are much worse than anything from a Final Fantasy game. Chu-chu from Xenogears comes to mind. When Chu-chu actually gained experience after her first big fight and the realization that she was an actual permanent party member sank in, my first response was shock and horror. She didn't even have the decency to be useful.

The Suikoden series, by virtue of having a lot of characters, has its share of awful ones. The first Suikoden in particular is weighed down by a lot of really bland and useless characters who just exist to pad out the character list. There are characters in Suikoden 1 who literally do nothing. They just stand around your castle getting in the way.

Chrono Cross also has some pretty awful characters. By the time you get into the radish guy, the alien, and the cyborg, your party starts feeling more than a little out-of-place and weird. Most of them are superfluous too. (I did like much of the cast, though...)

Also, the cast of Arc the Lad 4 has no redeeming features. Okay, the non-humans are entertaining, but the human cast is pretty terrible. Most of them are just awful people. That one NPC girl also weighs the plot down heavily.
Why? Just why? Nothing redeeming about this character at all. Other than being behind this particular instance of awesome, there is literally no reason for Vaan to be in Final Fantasy XII.

Snow... you dress like (and kinda are) a pedophile. No amount of cool posing or heroic aspirations can change that.

You don't recall how Vaan's brother Reks was killed by the empire? Seems like a sound reason to be involved in the plot. He also lived in Rabanastre, which was being occupied. He and Penelo represented the common folk who would have a definite grudge against the empire.

And in what possible way was Snow a Pedophile? Your allusions to white vans and dressing pedo seem rather tasteless and nonsensical.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I haven't played JRPGs for a while, but Ryudo from Grandia 2.
I actually tried to play through the game with him dead.



For a majority of the game Luke from Tales of the Abyss is pretty annoying.

This is so wrong because the real answer is the rest of the cast.

I don't see how any of the other answers in this thread could be valid because none of them made me put down a game faster than the shitlords Luke had to travel with.



Worst in recent memory. Haven't played XIII.

I absolutely loathe when developers try to shoehorn in some diminutive, heavily accented, faux-cutesy companion in a desperate attempt to recapture the Moogle magic.
Good call. That thing and the rest of his species should be exterminated for marring an otherwise awesome game.


Honorable mentions:

Beat and Claves from Eternal Sonata. Beat because he's virtually useless in battle; Claves because she's responsible for, in my opinion, the worst and longest death scene in history.

Fran is easily the worst character from XII.


You don't recall how Vaan's brother Reks was killed by the empire? Seems like a sound reason to be involved in the plot. He also lived in Rabanastre, which was being occupied. He and Penelo represented the common folk who would have a definite grudge against the empire.

Then he should do more than just go "Hey, I wanna ride on a pirate airship!" The only sort of genuine emotion he shown regarding his brother's death was
when he confronted Basch while he was still in his cage, and on the way out of the dungeons.
Otherwise, he was just there.

And in what possible way was Snow a Pedophile? Your allusions to white vans and dressing pedo seem rather tasteless and nonsensical.

You mean other than the fact that Serah probably isn't older than 16? (... Actually, I just checked the FF wiki and it says she was 18 in XIII. Still... she has the mannerisms of a teenager. But a spade is a spade...)
Lightning was harsh, but Serah and Snow were fucking idiots for even bringing the marriage into the equation. Hell, they were all flipping numbskulls in that scene.

Almost every character in that game is a flipping numbskull for the entire game. I think Fang is the character I hated least in that game and that's because I only wanted to kill her for one cutscene set (the one surrounding her Eidolon fight).


It was clear when playing FF12 that Baan was not meant to be the real protagonist. Healthier owns that ship. But Baan never stood in the way of my enjoyment of that game. He wasn't memorable but he was not horrible either.


Master of the Google Search
I mean the answer is obviously Lymle from Star Ocean 4. Or perhaps the entire SO4 cast at that.

But I'll admit that I laughed at the OP's take down of the FF13 cast. Pretty accurate.



Out of the JRPGs I've played (which isn't a lot, to be honest), I would pick Asbel. I wouldn't hate him so much if it wasn't for the fact that the game is constantly trying to force us to think that his way of thinking is correct. He's flawed as hell, but the game sure won't tell you that. His inability to act and his shitty ideal of "protecting everyone" ends up making several people around the world suffer/die, yet the game has us believe he's in the right. Fuck that. People hate on Luke, but at least everyone except for Mieu and Guy treated him like shit for a good part of the game due to his decisions.

Also, fuck Anise.
well i dont play much JRPG's but i will always hate Hope from FFXIII , what a waste of a character and hated him
rarely leveled him up in the game
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