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XB1 Retail Version of Battlefield 4 Will Still Run at 720p, 60 FPS, EA Rep confirms


Strawman. Just because there is a discussion about an aspect of a certain game doesn't mean you don't care about the rest. No one is expecting a PC equivalent version EA could have at least have a higher resolution than the other 7/8 year old consoles.

720p basic and 720p with modern effects and settings are two very different things.

Also, plenty of people expected PC like settings from their next-gen systems. Thats why so many people jump into threads that mentioned consoles games with anything less than 1080p.
While we all know the PS4 is more powerful, I wouldn't look to Dice to be the shining example of optimization for any platform. Therefore I won't look at this one game as an indication of the XB1 being weak sauce.


Post Count: 9999
While we all know the PS4 is more powerful, I wouldn't look to Dice to be the shining example of optimization for any platform. Therefore I won't look at this one game as an indication of the XB1 being weak sauce.

You might want to read up on Mantle


Why is BF4 on the Xbox One list and not on the PS4?

it seems we don't know anything other than "higher than 720" and 60 fps and then that may or may not be true but it seems 720 for xbox is true? I'm not really sure...

I think the jist of all of this is PS4 is running at 900p or something on PS4 dev environment and xb1 is currently at 720p in the dev environment but their aiming at 900 for both I really don't know, this thread is way off track.
720p basic and 720p with modern effects and settings are two very different things.

Pushing more effects on a lower resolution is pointless. It's completely counterproductive. 360/PS3 version would look a lot closer to x1 version now than if it was released in a higher resolution. The 60fps will help


So not to "Ot it" but do we really believe that Driveclub will hit 60fps come launch?

I'd estimate 40% chance, with the main reasons for that being, if it was definitely 30, they would never have mentioned 60 at all and we know they have been working with VR tech, which requires 60fps.


is this guy a shill? I'm pretty sure I've only seen him promote the ps4 and talk shit about the xb1.

why is he not banned like the Microsoft shill from the eurogamer or edge thread that said something positive about the xb1 and was banned immediately?

Neogaf has a huge bias towards Sony. I've seen posters say shit about the Xbox One and MS if said about Sony/PS4 would be banned instantly.

This thread delivers in meltdown goodness~

(EDIT: Not sure why I'm bothering, but FWIW the banned shill was revealed to be using an MS e-mail)


I'd estimate 40% chance, with the main reasons for that being, if it was definitely 30, they would never have mentioned 60 at all and we know they have been working with VR tech, which requires 60fps.

I'm torn, I wouldn't mind it being 30fps with more eye candy and AA but then again I like racing games at 60fps but then again it's *free with PS+ so I really can't complain either way.


This thread delivers in meltdown goodness~

(EDIT: Not sure why I'm bothering, but FWIW the banned shill was revealed to be using an MS e-mail)

Meltdowns eh? Funny considering the posts accusing MS of paying EA/Dice to have some sort of "forced parity" seem far more like actual "meltdowns" to me but whatever.


Junior Member
So not to "Ot it" but do we really believe that Driveclub will hit 60fps come launch?

Highly doubt it. I have no idea why they won't let the hope on that one die, though. Weird.

Not yet confirmed if it is the same as the xbone version. (720/60)

It's confirmed to be over 720p, but there's no confirmation on what exactly it will be. That's probably why it was left out. It also ruins that guys picture that everything on PS4 including 3rd party will be 1080p, which just isn't realistic.
Well... Well... Well... The roller-coaster begins again.

Dem reps :p.... This was bound to happen considering confirmation wasn't gotten from EA themselves first. I predict it will be 900p 60fps on both consoles.


Highly doubt it. I have no idea why they won't let the hope on that one die, though. Weird.

It's confirmed to be over 720p, but there's no confirmation on what exactly it will be. That's probably why it was left out. It also ruins that guys picture that everything on PS4 including 3rd party will be 1080p, which just isn't realistic.

He did specifically say in his previous post "Sony first party"


Don't listen to the hype peeps. Even most PC gamers do not have that card in their systems. Meaning they are also not playing 1080p x 60fps, unless they compromise fidelity for framerate. Which most do.
And BF3 DOES look fantastic on a 560 Ti on recommended settings, so it's not like you'd get a hideous game by any reasonable definition.

Anyways, it admittedly is understandable that for a game with MP of this scope you sort of have to chose between 1080p and 60 FPS, and 60 FPS will likely matter more in the long run. Of course, that also means that if I'm inclined to get the game sooner than later it may not be as a PS4 title but as a PC title. I also doubt there's forced parity by money hats so much as either "don't compromise our version or you can't release it" or "we don't want to alienate consumers so we'll keep it the same on both." If anything it's possible the timed exclusive DLC could be more Microsoft taking a bribe to ALLOW non-parity, but I doubt that and it doesn't even sound as extreme as some multiplatform games this gen (see FFXIII.)


Junior Member
He did specifically say in his previous post "Sony first party"

Yes, but he included BF4 to show another game sub HD on XB1 hardware, which isn't an fair picture. But I guess the overall point of "PS4 stronger than XB1" is true regardless of how you slice it.


And BF3 DOES look fantastic on a 560 Ti on recommended settings, so it's not like you'd get a hideous game by any reasonable definition.

Anyways, it admittedly is understandable that for a game with MP of this scope you sort of have to chose between 1080p and 60 FPS, and 60 FPS will likely matter more in the long run. Of course, that also means that if I'm inclined to get the game sooner than later it may not be as a PS4 title but as a PC title.

Of course, I don't think theres anyone saying BF4 needs to be 1080/60, as they know compromises have to be made, but the drop down to 720/60 is an increaibly large drop, there are a lot of framerates between 720 and 1080, all of which can be used on these consoles, the most likely would be 900p.

Dropping from 1080p down to 900p should free up a lot of resources.


Trucker Sexologist
it's a preference, so deal with it. i prefer to playing a game with crisp and clean graphics rather than a blurry mess. apart from fighting games 60 FPS is really not needed IMO.
There's nothing about 720p that's intrinsically blurry or pixelated. That's just something a lot of fixed pixel displays do to the image while upscaling. If you have a 720p monitor you could still get a crisp, clean 720p image on it. CRTs are even more resolution agnostic, because they create an analog representation of the image rather than a digital one. A lower resolution image will often be less detailed on a CRT, but you don't see the type of aliasing you would get on a fixed pixel display.

You need high framerates to eliminate motion judder, which can actually degrade sharpness and detail in motion even more than a lower resolution would.
Yeah and it's usually brought up by a certain group of people. Not surprising it's "ramping up" with two consoles being released in the same month and warriors in full swing.

Dammit, Xbox Europe VP Chris Lewis, quit mucking up our forums!



relax. no need to get so emotionally attached to toys.

Not to sound like a broken record but, again..i'm not the one claiming "M$" is paying for a version of the game to be "gimped". Seems like the ones looking for conspiracies are far more "attached" in my opinion. But whatever...


Pushing more effects on a lower resolution is pointless. It's completely counterproductive. 360/PS3 version would look a lot closer to x1 version now than if it was released in a higher resolution. The 60fps will help


you gotta love forum life.


Not to sound like a broken record but, again..i'm not the one claiming "M$" is paying for a version of the game to be "gimped". Seems like the ones looking for conspiracies are far more "attached" in my opinion. But whatever...

Well to be fair, that rumour came from a developer speaking in a reputable games magazine saying that they may be forced to create parity. it's not just posters making shit up.


Neogaf has a huge bias towards Sony. I've seen posters say shit about the Xbox One and MS if said about Sony/PS4 would be banned instantly.

1. Were these things said about Xbox One/MS accurate?
2. Do they also apply to Sony/PS4?
3. Do you see the difference?

If you're looking for a forum that values balance over accuracy, I could recommend a few.


I'd be in the dick
We don't know what the res will be on ps4 yet. I'm still hoping for 1080p since ill be getting the ps4 version.

Ever since we saw the MP at E3 I thought 1080p/60 was too much to hope for at launch. BF5 will likely get there but I'd be happy with 1600x900 if it's a solid 60 all the time.


So the PS4 version is really gonna be castrate for parity?

Fuck you MS, EA and DICE, PC version it is then.
It's also very possible that performance increase can't get a full on upgrade in certain areas, or it'd be more "polite" to focus them in different areas like better shadows so they look roughly even at a casual glance. The benchmarks comparing games on video cards THOUGHT to approximate the XB1 and PS4 failed to reliably show a jump from 30 FPS to 60 FPS, and the same undoubtedly applies to resolution. If the PS4 were double the power or higher it'd probably be a different story (and would create an amusing twist on the Wii and ducttaped GCs meme.)
Why is it before a resolution is known most people say '1080p for next gen or bust' but after a disappointing resolution is suggested/confirmed you get people saying 'doesn't matter you can't tell the difference' or 'doesn't matter I sit 50 ft from my TV'.

Kinda funny.


Junior Member
That was exactly my point.

VERY FEW people are running these games at 1080p x 60fps @ max settings with all the bullet point goodies.

Not many people own 300-400$ GPU's in their desktops.

So as I said, you are dropping AA, dropping the detail settings, dropping this, dropping that. And medium does not look much different then High/Ultra? lol. Augh.

Crysis 3. Take a look at the 7770 benchmarks please. the 7850 can handle Crysis 3 at sub 1080p with AA, High Detail, etc. and keep around 30-40fps.

Lemme say that again. The 7850, sub 1080p, not max details, only 30-40fps. The 7770 in the same settings? 22-25fps. Unplayable.

Stop thinking these machines are somehow magical. They are limited. Now, games specifically designed for these machines from the ground up will look much different then games designed with multiple systems in mind. Is the best looking games on any system last gen a multi-plat game? Not even close.
No - high and ultra look very similar in BF3. Even a mixture of high and medium looks similar.
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