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XB1 Retail Version of Battlefield 4 Will Still Run at 720p, 60 FPS, EA Rep confirms


I'd be in the dick
Personally, I think more people would notice, appreciate, and prefer a game that looked like BF3 @ 1080p/60 than whatever costly, barely noticeable effects they're presumably weighing this down with @720p. That's my opinion at least. On PC, I don't know who in their right mind would cut resolution in half to turn on expensive nonsense like HBAO, raytraced real time reflections, 4096x4096 super sampled high precision smoothed shadows etc... There's honestly no other viable excuse for a game that runs on PS360 and has recommended specs of a 7870 to be running at 720p on PS4bone other than moronic effects choice/optimization.

BF4 is one of the games that I think resolution would have a more noticeable effect on because of the scale. Stuff in the distance will be much clearer with a full 1080p image. I don't know if it'll get there but I'd like it to. I'd even sacrifice my beloved motion blur for it since it's 60fps.
Personally, I think more people would notice, appreciate, and prefer a game that looked like BF3 @ 1080p/60 than whatever costly, barely noticeable effects they're presumably weighing this down with @720p. That's my opinion at least. On PC, I don't know who in their right mind would cut resolution in half to turn on expensive nonsense like HBAO, raytraced real time reflections, 4096x4096 super sampled high precision smoothed shadows etc... There's honestly no other viable excuse for a game that runs on PS360 and has recommended specs of a 7870 to be running at 720p on PS4bone other than moronic effects choice/optimization.

I mostly agree though it would depend on the effects, as well as AA and scaler quality. Alan Wake was just 960x540 but 4xAA made it pretty enough that I didn't notice the resolution drop. 720p is definitely pushing the limit but I doubt I'd notice if BF4 were 900p on PS4 and not native 1080p. Given enough AA, the difference becomes invisible.

I also doubt BF4 is the game to properly leverage either console given its roots.


Post Count: 9999
My last reply on this, because its became OT.

News about PS4 version being 720p. First post saying the XB1 version will be 720p too. Whats the point? Whats the contribution to the thread if not trolling?

Or just look at the poster. If you dont recognize him as a history of bashing one console and praising another, maybe you are not the right guy to judge "persecution complex".
Last reply since you're ridiculous. I never said anything about a persecution complex. You're not even talking to the right poster, son.

Regardless ... wut? How was that post trolling? lol


I'd be in the dick
This can't be real, right? 720p on a next gen console already?

It's probably not real. EA confirmed that PS4 and XBO are targeting the same resolution and we know the PS4 version, according to DICE, is above 720p and is aiming for 1080p. The people shouting about forced parity aren't reading into that comment properly. They're saying the game is targeting 1080p/60 on both platforms, not that it'll be 1080p on either or the same resolution on both. PR speak is fun to sift through.
My last reply on this, because its became OT.

News about PS4 version being 720p. First post saying the XB1 version will be 720p too. Whats the point? Whats the contribution to the thread if not trolling?

Or just look at the poster. If you dont recognize him as a history of bashing one console and praising another, maybe you are not the right guy to judge "persecution complex".

I'm truly sorry, but this is rich coming from you of all people. This "war" truly is serious business to a lot of people.


In other news, I'm sure this game is going to look just fine no matter what platform you decide on getting it on. Everything else just seems kinda trivial to me.


Man. I've been thinking about this and I'm just so disappointed that we are still getting 720p games next-gen. We should be past this now. 1080p displays have been the absolute NORM for YEARS now. I want better graphical fidelity - I really do - but my goodness, I have to question if these systems are powerful enough if we can't games that look sufficiently different than last gen AND be at 1080p.

I mean, I see some games like KZ:SF, Infamous Second Son, Ryse (though not 1080p it looks fantastic), Forza 5, and Driveclub and think "okay, we're going to have a good generation," but I won't lie that seeing stuff like BF4 on next-gen being THE SAME RESOLUTION AS BF3 ON CURRENT GEN bums me out. Imagine if there were launch games on the Xbox 360 or PS3 that ran at 480p? Think about it.


I'm confused by something though. If Sony's own first party devs aren't hitting 1080/60 then why would you expect a 3rd party multiplatform launch title to do so? Or do you expect DICE to lower PS4 to 30fps and lose the fluidity of the 60fps X1/PC version? DICE wants the game to run at 60fps which means 1080 is out on consoles.

Because if BF4 on Xbox One is 720p/60fps and the PS4 version is also 720p/60fps. Where is PS4's extra processing power over XB1 going to? Better AA? Better lighting? Better textures? Less pop-in? If not any of those (or something else graphically) then why isn't that more capable system pushing the game above 720p while keeping everything else identical to the Xbox One version?

I haven't seen Killzone Shadow Fall on Xbox One. Have you? You think it'd be 720p?


Neo Member
Man. I've been thinking about this and I'm just so disappointed that we are still getting 720p games next-gen. We should be past this now. 1080p displays have been the absolute NORM for YEARS now. I want better graphical fidelity - I really do - but my goodness, I have to question if these systems are powerful enough if we can't games that look sufficiently different than last gen AND be at 1080p.

I mean, I see some games like KZ:SF, Infamous Second Son, Ryse (though not 1080p it looks fantastic), Forza 5, and Driveclub and think "okay, we're going to have a good generation," but I won't lie that seeing stuff like BF4 on next-gen being THE SAME RESOLUTION AS BF3 ON CURRENT GEN bums me out. Imagine if there were launch games on the Xbox 360 or PS3 that ran at 480p? Think about it.

can't believe this even now next gen still not 1080p, build a pc.


PreOrder possibly canceled.

Lately I've been thinking to myself "Why the fuck am I upgrading to next gen?"
This is just another fucking nail.
Because if BF4 on Xbox One is 720p/60fps and the PS4 version is also 720p/60fps. Where is PS4's extra processing power over XB1 going to? Better AA? Better lighting? Better textures? Less pop-in? If not any of those (or something else graphically) then why isn't that more capable system pushing the game above 720p while keeping everything else identical to the Xbox One version?

I haven't seen Killzone Shadow Fall on Xbox One. Have you? You think it'd be 720p?

3rd parties are notorious for not using extra power on multi-plats. See the Wii U having twice as much ram than the Ps3/360, yet getting virtually identical games as a example.


GAF is so pro-Sony.

Remember the DS the first few years.
Remember the PSP the first few years.
Remember the PS3 the first few years.
Remember the 3DS the first year.
Remember the Vita...um, now.
Remember the WiiU...um, now.

We can't even have a Bayonetta 2 thread without port beggars shitting it up.

MS done goofed and the reaction from posters is a reflection of that.


3rd parties are notorious for not using extra power on multi-plats. See the Wii U having twice as much ram than the Ps3/360, yet getting virtually identical games as a example.

Wii U's RAM is slower than 360/PS3's, too. And Wii U has a weaker GPU (GFLOPS-wise) that is saved by a more modern design and Wii U has a very weak CPU. That's why.
anthing major happen when I was away?

was out and about doing errands
(I also learnt how bad TacoBell is... god I might need the washroom)

I already updated the OP with the dual-shocker and Japan website updates before I left if you wanted to know my current awareness


can't believe this even now next gen still not 1080p, build a pc.

I honestly wouldn't see myself doing that. I don't have much money and I can't afford to have two computers (I don't want to do my gaming on my computer monitor, and and I don't want use my computer on my gaming TV. I also like to have my browser on Neogaf or Youtube while I'm playing games, so I would need two PCs). I also just love the console experience. The OS is BUILT around playing games and entertainment options. They're fast and functional for their purpose. I turn on my system, play my games, watch my shows, rent a movie, browse the store, chat with friends, listen to music, all with my controller. I would like to built a gaming PC someday, and I respect anybody who likes to game on their PC, but that's just not for me. I would rather get a $400 PS4 and know I'll be getting the latest games and features built around my spec for the next 7 or 8 years.

Now, if next year there is a well built Steam Machine that is more powerful than PS4 and steamOS is good, and it only costs $400-500, then I will DEFINITELY consider that.


does the eurogamer thread count as hearsay?

I'm only talking about this specific comment from the BF4 rep though specifically. If you had a bad time hands-on with PS4 demos and you don't think the will improve before launch, then that would be completely your call to cancel a preorder.
anthing major happen when I was away?

was out and about doing errands
(I also learnt how bad TacoBell is... god I might need the washroom)

I already updated the OP with the dual-shocker and Japan website updates before I left if you wanted to know my current awareness
I'm guessing you didn't win anything except a bad case of diarrhea?
Wait so just read OP

DICE is looking for parity across both consoles?


I thought it was to be 1080P PS4, 720P XB1

From the looks of the OP, it's been redacted/corrected?


Wait so just read OP

DICE is looking for parity across both consoles?


I thought it was to be 1080P PS4, 720P XB1

From the looks of the OP, it's been redacted/corrected?

Who knows. It's all a little unclear. I think we might as well assume that it's 720p on PS4 as well so we won't be let down.


I'd be in the dick
Wait so just read OP

DICE is looking for parity across both consoles?


I thought it was to be 1080P PS4, 720P XB1

From the looks of the OP, it's been redacted/corrected?

Quoting myself.

It's probably not real. EA confirmed that PS4 and XBO are targeting the same resolution and we know the PS4 version, according to DICE, is above 720p and is aiming for 1080p. The people shouting about forced parity aren't reading into that comment properly. They're saying the game is targeting 1080p/60 on both platforms, not that it'll be 1080p on either or the same resolution on both. PR speak is fun to sift through.
I'm guessing you didn't win anything except a bad case of diarrhea?

sadly Canada isn't doing the promotion... yet I was just curious on GAFs dairrhea claims since I never tried TacoBell... worst food mistake in my life (sloppy small food and and bad after effects)
anyway I got updated with the info and sadly nothing new.... I'll be really irritated if they withhold on the resolution up until the release date


Wii U's RAM is slower than 360/PS3's, too. And Wii U has a weaker GPU (GFLOPS-wise) that is saved by a more modern design and Wii U has a very weak CPU. That's why.

"The Wii u is weaker and slower. That's why it's results are the same"

Quoting myself.

What if 720p is real? It's no big deal. Bf4 is doing a lot more than cod or killzone is scale wise, and 60fps isn't free.


Yet HW requirements for BF4 are virtually identical to BF3. DICE definitely has fantastic tech. However, I really don't believe they are utilising the consoles well. Fact is the GPU handles the resolution. It doesn't matter if the CPU is gimped. It's strong enough to deliver 1080p.
Yes, resolution is entirely GPU dependent, but it's all a matter of choosing trade-offs. I can totally see how one might disagree with the ones they have chosen (personally, I almost always do with console games, because I value IQ over asset detail and effects), but I wouldn't imply a lack of technical competence. Maybe one of taste ;)

Oddly enough, 900p on BF3 (on my PC) looks worse than 720p on PS3 games. It looks like someone has smeared vaseline all over the screen in the former yet the latter looks somewhat sharp depending on the game (e.g. God of War 3, Uncharted 3).
It all depends on what type of AA you are using. A bad post-processing filter will reduce sharpness significantly. Of course, on PC you can control that.

In any case, personally I still expect the PS4 version to render at >720p (but probably <1080p), and them being unable to confirm that, or any other console disparity, because it would hurt their business with MS.
Wait so just read OP

DICE is looking for parity across both consoles?


I thought it was to be 1080P PS4, 720P XB1

From the looks of the OP, it's been redacted/corrected?

It could also be 720p 4xAA vs. 1080p 0xAA or both or neither.

Resolution alone doesn't decide what looks 'best'. Native resolution is important on PC displays because we sit so close to them that scaling artifacts become visible but it's far less important on an HDTV. The only thing important is whether resolution is being sacrificed for meaningful differences in terms of image quality.

Most people can't tell the difference between 720p and 1080p video. Given enough AA, the same rule applies to games.


Unconfirmed Member
Everyone keeps talking about Battlefield 4, eff that. What about Call of Duty? I need my twitch shooter with perks and kill streaks.


I guess Digital Foundry will keep running their comparisons at 720p as to not make it "unfair".

(I generally trust DF, but I was always irked that they did the console/pc comparisons at 720p).


I will be so upset if they somehow downgrade the PS4 version if the XB1 can't be up to par.

Ridiculous industry. Any developer/publisher who does this will not get my money.

I'm with you. If devs/publishers insist on sucking that Microsoft D and intentionally gimping their games on more powerful hardware you can be damn sure I won't support their product.


This can't be real, right? 720p on a next gen console already?
I believe both X1 and PS4 can handle this game no probs on a higher res if devs out the time in. As it stands it is releasing on 5 platforms. That's just nuts, IMO. DICE did say they can get more but aren't shooting for it. Looks like EA's push for a release date and 5 platforms is killing it.
It could also be 720p 4xAA vs. 1080p 0xAA or both or neither.

Resolution alone doesn't decide what looks 'best'. Native resolution is important on PC displays because we sit so close to them that scaling artifacts become visible but it's far less important on an HDTV. The only thing important is whether resolution is being sacrificed for meaningful differences in terms of image quality.

Most people can't tell the difference between 720p and 1080p video. Given enough AA, the same rule applies to games.

PS4 will be 1080p, 60fps, High settings and have 4xaa
Because if BF4 on Xbox One is 720p/60fps and the PS4 version is also 720p/60fps. Where is PS4's extra processing power over XB1 going to? Better AA? Better lighting? Better textures? Less pop-in? If not any of those (or something else graphically) then why isn't that more capable system pushing the game above 720p while keeping everything else identical to the Xbox One version?

I haven't seen Killzone Shadow Fall on Xbox One. Have you? You think it'd be 720p?

Is the single player campaign for Battlefield 4 going to be running at 30fps on the PS4?


I mostly agree though it would depend on the effects, as well as AA and scaler quality. Alan Wake was just 960x540 but 4xAA made it pretty enough that I didn't notice the resolution drop. 720p is definitely pushing the limit but I doubt I'd notice if BF4 were 900p on PS4 and not native 1080p. Given enough AA, the difference becomes invisible.

I also doubt BF4 is the game to properly leverage either console given its roots.

Funny you should mention Alan Wake. I'm pretty sure I have at least a couple posts in my history calling it the most embarrassing, molasses smeared, low resolution title of the entire generation. I found it to be absolutely disgusting looking and have used it as a benchmark of awful console IQ several times.
Funny you should mention Alan Wake. I'm pretty sure I have at least a couple posts in my history calling it the most embarrassing, molasses smeared, low resolution title of the entire generation. I found it to be absolutely disgusting looking and have used it as a benchmark of awful console IQ several times.

You're right but it did look better on the PC, especially American Nightmare.
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