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Xbox 2 In Christmas 2005

A major software company already prototyping software for Microsoft's "Xbox 2" told IGN today that the publisher "definitely aims to launch the console in North America for Christmas 2005." A November time frame was given. A European release will follow in 2006, said the source.

IGN contacted another software firm currently working working on "Xbox 2" software, who seconded the news. "Let's put it this way: a lot of developers crunching to get their games ready for a 2005 launch will be really pissed if Microsoft doesn't get it out by then."



Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
works for me :)

as long as there is some good launch titles (pgr3, doa4, pd0, etc)

king zell

I would be pissed if I just bought an Xbox.. specialy if Xbox 2 comes Christmas 2005 and can't play current Xbox games


wait so should we expect Microsoft to reveal the xbox 2 late this year? It would hurt xbox christmas sales, but it's possible.
Chrono said:
wait so should we expect Microsoft to reveal the xbox 2 late this year? It would heart xbox christmas sales, but it's possible.

Allard said they won't mention the console untill next year.


Unless it Launches with Halo 3 or something, I won't be purchasing the Xbox 2 or any major next gen console for at least 6-12 months after launch.

Lemon time is over.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Chrono said:
wait so should we expect Microsoft to reveal the xbox 2 late this year? It would heart xbox christmas sales, but it's possible.

CES is like january 7th or something ;) it's where they revealed the Xbox itself. So announcing and revealing it at CES, games lineup at E3, launch in fall. It makes sense =]


It's gonna happen.

Two years ago, when the World Cup of Soccer was on, there was an interview with I believe Robbie Bach. In that interview, he stated that the next system would be released before the 2006 World Cup in Japan. So, if this is true, then I fully expect the console to launch in NA first, most likely November 2005, and 6-months later in Japan, just in time for the next World Cup.


if xbox 2 lauch with halo 3 doa 4 perfec dark 2

gothan 3

i think xbox2 will be leader total in usa maybe europe

ps3 will win only in japan


Sucks at viral marketing
yonoid said:
if xbox 2 lauch with halo 3 doa 4 perfec dark 2

gothan 3

i think xbox2 will be leader total in usa maybe europe

ps3 will win only in japan
So are you saying that the xbox2 won't be the leader in the USA?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
yonoid said:
if xbox 2 lauch with halo 3 doa 4 perfec dark 2

gothan 3

i think xbox2 will be leader total in usa maybe europe

ps3 will win only in japan

Halo3 = no.
PDZ = possible.
Gotham 3 = possible, unless they are working on project smokescreen still.
DOA4 = isn't this coming out for Xbox?


PS3 in 2007?
Sony might slip and Microsoft may rush out the Xbox 2.

June 15, 2004 - It appears that Microsoft, which launched Xbox in late 2001 after Sony's PlayStation 2 and Nintendo's GameCube consoles, will be the first company to unleash its next-generation home console. The tentatively codenamed "Xbox 2," set to receive a name revision before its release because Microsoft doesn't want consumers to assume it's inferior to PlayStation 3 based on end numerals, hasn't yet been given an official release date. But just because Microsoft isn't yet talking doesn't mean developers working on early "Xbox 2" development setups are so keen to keep quiet.

A major software company already prototyping software for Microsoft's "Xbox 2" told IGN today that the publisher "definitely aims to launch the console in North America for Christmas 2005." A November time frame was given. A European release will follow in 2006, said the source.
IGN contacted another software firm working currently working on "Xbox 2" software, who seconded the news. "Let's put it this way: a lot of developers crunching to get their games ready for a 2005 launch will be really pissed if Microsoft doesn't get it out by then."

Microsoft has moved quicker than Nintendo and Sony to get development studios preliminary next-generation prototyping hardware, another indication that the company hopes to get the jump on its competitors.

The "Xbox 2" will use PowerPC based architecture similar to the chipset powering Apple's G5 computers. That being the case, Microsoft's early "Xbox 2" development kits have been little more than modified Apple G5 systems pre-packed with "Xbox 2" emulation software. "I heard [Apple CEO] Steve Jobs found it pretty ironic and funny that Microsoft has been shipping Apple systems to developers," one studio source joked to IGN on the subject.

Multiple software houses involved with "Xbox 2" development stand by rumors the console will not feature a hard drive, which would suggest that it might also not be backward compatible with current Xbox software. "Microsoft needs to make money with this system and so it's going a pretty conservative route," an insider explained, adding, "but that doesn't mean the system is not powerful because it is."

Microsoft is hoping that consumers, drunk on hit Xbox games like Halo and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, will be eager to step into the next-generation of home consoles with the successor. "It's hoping the early arrival will not hurt it, but help it," said a development source. "It doesn't want to be another Sega Dreamcast, in other words. It wants to be a Sega Genesis."

Presented with this information, a spokesperson for Microsoft said that the company "does not comment on rumors or speculation."

The downside to launching "Xbox 2" in 2005, say insiders, is that it puts Microsoft in the position of being the first next-generation console to market, which historically also means it could be the least powerful of the three from a technical standpoint.

Preliminary tech specs for Nintendo's Revolution (of which there are some half a dozen different versions, apparently) illustrate a console that is as powerful as "Xbox 2" in most respects. In fact, IBM and ATI, the two hardware makers responsible for the guts of "Xbox 2", are developing Revolution. Given another year development time, Nintendo's console could actually ship in 2006 as the more capable of the two hardware platforms.

Meanwhile, IBM and Sony are developing Cell, a proprietary, powerful new architecture that will be used in PlayStation 3. Some developers believe that Sony could delay the arrival of its next-generation console to as late as 2007 in order to create a Trojan horse for its budding Blue-Ray DVD technology, which promises to deliver high-definition DVDs into the living rooms of consumers, replacing current DVD-players.

Sony's Blue-Ray technology has one formidable hurdle to overcome: HD-DVD. This alternative format, backed by such electronics giants as NEC and Toshiba, is positioned to give Blue-Ray a run for its money. But HD-DVD could be squashed in the same way the DVD squashed DivX if Sony were include Blue-Ray DVD-playback in PlayStation 3, instantly turning millions of gameplayers into Blue-Ray supporters.

Doing so would also give Sony a clear selling point over Microsoft's "Xbox 2" as the only console that could play true high-definition DVD out of the box.

-- Matt Casamassina

haha ps3 in 2007

is over dudez
xbox 2 leader in usa and europe

japan will be ps3 only leader place


SantaCruZer said:



yonoid said:
japan will be ps3 only leader place

I can't agree in any way whatsoever, simply because I'm not sure that such a move is beneficial to them at all.

If I owned a PS2, and Sony were offering an extensive software lineup in Fall 2005, what would make me buy a $300 system? Amazing graphics can't even do that.

If I own a GameCube next fall, and Nintendo is releasing The Legend of Zelda, am I going to give up on the GameCube when they have a year ahead of them and spend $300 on a new system?

When the PS2 launched early, their only competitor was an aging Nintendo 64 that they were ahead of anyways. The N64, Majora's Mask releasing, was still not powerful enough to even attempt to combat a system with such technical prowess and the backing of the PlayStation hype train.

Now, yes, it will be powerful, but they're tens of millions of systems behind Sony. If Sony keeps supporting the PS2 into 2006, why are all of the Sony supporters going to jump to Microsoft? Microsoft isn't in a powerful enough position to pull off such a bold move; I think it's a mistake.


Sucks at viral marketing
yonoid said:
halo 3 is already in development

halo 3 will be xbox2 lauch for sure
I was a sit to mock Dopeyfish for his eternal optimism towards Microsoft and the Xbox... and then you came along. :(

If Bungie can't get Halo 2 ready in less than 3 years, how can you think they'll get Halo 3 ready in only one? At best, you'll get Halo 2X.

The likelihood of Rare having Perfect Dark 2 ready at launch is slim, too.


Halo series is still Xbox strongest title. However the system has evolved to the point where they don't need to rely on Halo anymore.

Now, I believe this fall 2005 release. There have been murmerings about this for a long time.

Next gen Madden 2006 in Fall 2005, which would be an exclusive next gen football title, would net huge sales and push many consoles. Believe it.


Sucks at viral marketing
Hitler Stole My Potato said:
Not so sure about that. I'd be willing to bet money that PD2 will be a launch title.
The only reason I say that is because, in order of that to happen, Rare would have to have a game ready on time... and that just ain't gonna happen.


Culex said:
Reirom = incredibly bad grammar/spelling.

yonoid does not fit this criteria.

Check opa-ages. They have a topic on yonoid and reirom says "my identity is broken" or something like that. yonoid am reirom. :p


dudes how ps2 will beat halo2 this xmas?

and halo3 is in development together with halo2 bungie said a time


what ps2 killer games will be out in 2005 xmas

none fuck none

2004 is been shit in ps2 gaming so 2005 will be a lot worst

and how you know xbox2 will be 300?


Way too soon. I dont want to see it at least until fall 2006, at earliest, I am still enjoying this generation too much to start the process all over again. We should have 6 - 7 year cycles now that the technology is getting harder to differentiate, unless of course some ultimate technology comes along (true vr??).


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Mrbob said:
Next gen Madden 2006 in Fall 2005, which would be an exclusive next gen football title, would net huge sales and push many consoles. Believe it.

Yes, but would EA rush to develop the game and spend the capital needed if it will only be released on a new MS console that will have a small userbase?
Well if this is true then Revolution will probably remain in the middle of the other two next gen consoles regarding power just like Gamecube in this gen.......there's no way that MS or Nintendo will compete with PS3 power wise, Sony invested too much tech wise....


there's no way that MS or Nintendo will compete with PS3 power wise, Sony invested too much tech wise....
maybe not in raw power, but via smart tools and better development enviroment, anything should be able to keep up with PS3.


If this is true, the Xbox 2 will need a big AAA game that will hold them for the first 6 months. Nintendo said they will not launch last and will launch same time as competitors, so I am guessing early August or September.

This will be good move for Nintendo and Microsoft, they will be able to steal some Sony's userbase and expand their own. The way I see it, Xbox 2 and Revolution will have a high spike in the first 6-12 months then slow down a bit as Sony's hype train starts and the launch of the PS3.


yonoid said:
dudes how ps2 will beat halo2 this xmas?


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

I'm more of a Nintendo fan, and even I can see that Xbox/Cube are gonna get their asses handed to them.


Guileless said:
Yes, but would EA rush to develop the game and spend the capital needed if it will only be released on a new MS console that will have a small userbase?
Evidently yes, EA's planning 4-6 Xenon launch games it seems. I'd bet on Madden being one of them (probably along with a new SSX, NFSU, Tiger Woods, NBA Live and/or FIFA also).


element said:
maybe not in raw power, but via smart tools and better development enviroment, anything should be able to keep up with PS3.
So what happens when Sony delivers smart tools and a better development environment too?

Bishman said:
If this is true, the Xbox 2 will need a big AAA game that will hold them for the first 6 months. Nintendo said they will not launch last and will launch same time as competitors, so I am guessing early August or September.

This will be good move for Nintendo and Microsoft, they will be able to steal some Sony's userbase and expand their own. The way I see it, Xbox 2 and Revolution will have a high spike in the first 6-12 months then slow down a bit as Sony's hype train starts and the launch of the PS3.
Nintendo isn't launching until 2006, they've already criticized Microsoft for pushing up the console cycle with a 2005 Xenon launch.


Spike said:

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

I'm more of a Nintendo fan, and even I can see that Xbox/Cube are gonna get their asses handed to them.
Halo 2 will be bigger.
I think Take2 has deliuted the GTA franchise a bit. MGS3 will be big, but not Halo 2 big.

So what happens when Sony delivers smart tools and a better development environment too?
Considering SCE JUST started on their internal tools, and MS has a 10 year history of making DX and other development tools, it gives MS a HUGE advantage.


i dunno i used to be a huge nintendo person and i still am, but jeeze microsoft is starting to really do things right for the xbox. i hope they are the ones to finally bring down sony of thier pedestal cuase some one needs to shake that company up. If Perfect Dark is a luanch title count me in.


mgs3 ? are you joking halo 2 is the most waited sequel of all gaming time man

san andreas wil be in october and will not sell like the others gtas

and ppl will wait to get the better version in xbox

a xbox halo pack and halo2 for me will win or lost for very few

gimme one killer ps2 game in 2005 guys

this generation will die in 2004


element said:
Considering SCE JUST started on their internal tools, and MS has a 10 year history of making DX and other development tools, it gives MS a HUGE advantage.
Well, it's not like this will be Sony's first set of tools either, they've been in this business for more than 10 years actually. Besides PS3 is still 2-3 years from release... when exactly did Microsoft start on XNA?


Top 5 sellers this year imo in order...

1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (PS2) Rockstar
2. Pokemon Fire Red/Leaf Green (GBA) Nintendo
3. Halo 2 (XBox) Microsoft
4. Madden NFL 2005 (PS2) Electronic Arts
5. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2) Konami
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