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Xbox One’s Game DVR, SmartMatch, NFL, TV Guide Restricted To Xbox Live Gold Members


And being able to record but not upload....what's the point?
If you caught something amazing but are off XBL for the moment but want to get it again further down the road it'll let you keep it around for that moment. Doubly so if you're just waiting on an XBL card to reach you.

Alternatively, they could make it so you could copy the video off to a thumb drive or whatever, put it on your PC, then upload manually to Youtube. More of an effort and a pain, but then that just means you're paying for streamlining rather than permission on XB1.


So when do we expect another 180 thread about the DVR to be posted...anyone?

MS' new gamescom surprise (since they no longer have the self-publishing debug unit surprise):

"Hey guys, we listened. Game DVR and 'blank' is no longer behind the paywall. We totally didn't put this info out there 2 weeks in advance so the there could be some negative hype followed by tons of positive news once we announce the opposite at Gamescom."

If that doesn't happen, then it's not happening until the console has been out on the market for a good long while and is getting dominated by the ps4 in sales.


I expect a limited use for none gold members. Like you can record longer with Gold.

Perhaps this is where those 30 seconds come in. I recall a report saying that game dvr records 5 minutes, and then also saying it records 30 seconds.

So a 30 second limit for non-gold, and 5 minutes for gold?


It does suck but with my income and just $5 a month it's worth it to get the exclusives. I know some find it hard to believe but MS does have some fantastic "console exclusives" that make it worth the $5. Get away from the forums for a while, enjoy other things but gaming. You'll realize how many times you'll drop $5 in a WEEK on something stupid. And if it does bother you that much don't invest a dime with MS, which you are probably already doing. Thank you for your concern though.
This is... SOMETHING of a point, but you're equating the $5 with being able to play console exclusives at all, and while you probably won't want to get Halo without one it's still not innately synonymous despite how people keep treating the Xbox as worthless without one, just absurdly compromised.

Still, you can look to what you normally do with Live or at least console gaming, and even if you're well off come to the conclusion it's just some fat to trim off ultimately. I've barely played MP on XBL in a long time whereas I tend to be at least somewhat interested in many of the free games Sony's offering, so XBL makes little to no sense while PS+ does, and the services blocked off comes off as insulting instead of enticing. I imagine if I played online even only every other month I might feel differently though.
So we are moving from arbitrarily locking online features that are free on other platforms behind a paywall to also doing the same for offline features.

How do you like that taste of the corporate wet dream cloud computing / software as a service future?

... And there's still nothing Microsoft disclosed that is of particular interest to Europeans. All this really makes you wonder what Microsoft's endgame here is, doesn't it? So far, I am completely and utterly underwhelmed.
This is... SOMETHING of a point, but you're equating the $5 with being able to play console exclusives at all, and while you probably won't want to get Halo without one it's still not innately synonymous despite how people keep treating the Xbox as worthless without one, just absurdly compromised.

Still, you can look to what you normally do with Live or at least console gaming, and even if you're well off come to the conclusion it's just some fat to trim off ultimately. I've barely played MP on XBL in a long time whereas I tend to be at least somewhat interested in many of the free games Sony's offering, so XBL makes little to no sense while PS+ does, and the services blocked off comes off as insulting instead of enticing. I imagine if I played online even only every other month I might feel differently though.
PS+ sounds like a better deal with out a doubt to me. My issue is really with the energy wasted by people who have no interest in what MS has to "offer" yet bitch on about it. This is a gaming forum and I should expect it and damn well be used to it. I expect people to speak only with their wallets but I should know very well that they will beat this shit dead for the next console life cycle.


Another reason why I want them to have a smaller market share, while still being competitive, they treat consumers like crap, and it's not like they can give themselves that luxury with such a hardware dissadvantage.
Please don't take this is trolling, but if you are still interested in getting a Xbox one after all of this, i would suggest you just stop posting/reading gaming forums for a while.

There seems to be nothing but FUD, negativity and general unpleasantness around this console. Its purely Microsofts own fault, but the fact remains that to even try and defend all this crap must become draining as hell by now.

My advice is just to forget about it, buy the console and let the chips fall where they will. If you have any personal deal breakers, they will come up soon enough once you have the device in your hands but the mental gymnastics to even try and justify this shit as cool doesn't seem it worth it anymore.

I know this place has become in to a Sony circle-jerk, but that's only because for Sony for all their bundling arrogance in recent years, have not botched perception of their brand to this extent ever. In fact, nobody has. Whether all this comes out in the wash remains to be seen and Microsoft probably will go on to sell tens of millions of consoles, but the fact remains for a huge amount of the hardcore, Microsoft has totally shattered any goodwill it once had.

I hope its worth it in the end for them. We need competition in the console space.


Banstick Emeritus
Beefed the fuck out of the title. Let it rain I guess. As if it matters.
Please point out any inaccuracies and the administration will change it forthwith.



Please don't take this is trolling, but if you are still interested in getting a Xbox one after all of this, i would suggest you just stop posting/reading gaming forums for a while.

There seems to be nothing but FUD, negativity and general unpleasantness around this console. Its purely Microsofts own fault, but the fact remains that to even try and defend all this crap must become draining as hell by now.

My advice is just to forget about it, buy the console and let the chips fall where they will. If you have any personal deal breakers, they will come up soon enough once you have the device in your hands but the mental gymnastics to even try and justify this shit as cool doesn't seem it worth it anymore.

I know this place has become in to a Sony circle-jerk, but that's only because for Sony for all their bundling arrogance in recent years, have not botched perception of their brand to this extent ever. In fact, nobody has. Whether all this comes out in the wash remains to be seen and Microsoft probably will go on to sell tens of millions of consoles, but the fact remains for a huge amount of the hardcore, Microsoft has totally shattered any goodwill it once had.

I hope its worth it in the end for them. We need competition in the console space.

I wouldn't let any negativity get to you. You know, I personally have no plans to get an Xbone, I have my own reasons. But people like different things. I completely understand it if you do. Let people say whatever they want. If you're happy with it, why does it even matter what others think? Besides, you are not alone, millions will undoubtedly buy the thing, just like they did with the 360.
Do you have your ears plugged? They've come out and said media features are not behind Paywall. They came out and said group chat is not behind Paywall. So because they're not rushing to the microphone everytime MS says something in order to keep pace, that is remaining silent?

So what is behind the PS4 paywall?
It's why I've been souring on Microsoft the last few years, and now that I think about it STILL want to see them either get beaten as badly as Sony earlier this generation or even outright forced out as their policies DO spread one way or another, and it's even more frustrating given how for DLC they seemingly have very rigid definitions on minimum costs rather than at least a policy of "uhh whatever just as long as it's not free", see how Sleeping Dogs's first significant DLC was $5 on PSN/Steam... then jumped to $7 the next day thanks to XBL.

At the least I want Microsoft to get a smaller slice of the marketshare (and for Sony to be more generous with DLC policies, which they seem to be) just so that if what they want doesn't mesh with what publishers/developers themselves think is ideal then no, they don't feel they HAVE to release on XB1 afterall.

Don't use this as if it magically nullifies our argument. We won't always want to hold on to that subscription, and we pay for these subscriptions specifically for certain features exclusive to it, just because we'll have it anyway doesn't justify locking services down to it just because despite being offered at no extra cost elsewhere. Hell, I wager most of us who used Netflix on PS3 ALSO did so before we got Plus because we didn't care to have it at the time and didn't like being beholden to a third subscription (Internet + Netflix) out of principle.

I'm not saying that it magically nullifies your argument, but will have to find a better one. I'm a PS+ Subscriber and enjoy my PS3. I did infact have PS+ right out of the gate thanks to a free months membership. Though I also on a 360 as well and enjoy it's services equally as much. Now with both of them being payed the multimedia experience will be what matters to me. and one thing Microsoft has that is pulling me to them...Smart Match *drool*


I find it laughable that the "OneGuide" (presumably what they're calling that "plug your cable box in and get a TV guide" thing) is behind a paywall. They spent pretty much the entire first reveal event going on and on... and on... about that - and if you don't pay up you can't even use it.
I wouldn't let any negativity get to you. You know, I personally have no plans to get an Xbone, I have my own reasons. But people like different things. I completely understand it if you do. Let people say whatever they want. If you're happy with it, why does it even matter what others think? Besides, you are not alone, millions will undoubtedly buy the thing, just like they did with the 360.

Oh. Im not bothered personally.

I'm buying a PS4.

I just feel that X1 fans are starting to get kicked down a bit too much. There doesn't seem to be one positive bit of news about this console without a real deal breaking catch.

I find it laughable that the "OneGuide" (presumably what they're calling that "plug your cable box in and get a TV guide" thing) is behind a paywall. They spent pretty much the entire first reveal event going on and on... and on... about that - and if you don't pay up you can't even use it.

The thing that makes me laugh about the guide is for most HDTV's on the market in the UK at least, for the past few years, this function is natively built in. Its noting new or novel. You don't even need a smart tv.


MS, every day you make it easier to stop supporting anything you do. I'm still happy with the decision I made as soon as the initial Xbone reveal finished.
Beefed the fuck out of the title. Let it rain I guess. As if it matters.

There's no fluff or snark in the title, just a straight-forward list of things behind the paywall.

Your post on the other hand is a passive-aggressive mine-field of possibilities.


So then why does it matter that group chat is not behind the paywall? I only group chat in multi player.

Free to play games multiplayer group chat still possible without PS+.

Group chat while playing single player games (like Skyrim) can be done as well.

Grinding in an RPG, don't worry, there's still group chat to keep you from getting bored.

And plenty more instances where I think group chat can come in handy if you don't have a PS+ subscription.


If you caught something amazing but are off XBL for the moment but want to get it again further down the road it'll let you keep it around for that moment. Doubly so if you're just waiting on an XBL card to reach you.

Alternatively, they could make it so you could copy the video off to a thumb drive or whatever, put it on your PC, then upload manually to Youtube. More of an effort and a pain, but then that just means you're paying for streamlining rather than permission on XB1.


I mean you'll prob be able to save in on your HD.

There's no way you'll have access to the cloud storage without a Gold account.


Really, what are you guys 12? Guys don't do crap like that.

wait what? The fuck does that even mean. Could you tone down the moronic level and speak clearly. What do you mean by 'crap' like that? Chatting with friends while playing different games or getting used to being fucked over by a company like you have been in abusive relationship for years and years?
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