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Xbox One blocks used games. Offline Pass confirmed

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To everyone saying PS4 is going to do this: What evidence do you have that leads you to this conclusion? No one, not even EDGE, has reported Sony would be blocking used games AND we have Yoshida saying that the PS4 wouldn't have any kind of system in place.


So that's that. Thought all the negativity around the net would have made them change their stance, but nope.

I've never been one to hope a company fails, but I really hope Microsoft takes a big hit over this. I'd hate to see such a terrible practice become the standard.
This is my take on it.

Compulsory install does NOT mean that they cannot allow the game to play if the disc is in the drive.

Only problem with my theory is that allows two people to play a game for $60. Then again Sony already does this.

Yeah, but only one person would be able to play it without the disc. In some ways this might actually be more consumer friendly than current consoles.
If Sony follows suit with this bullshit, this will probably be the darkest generation of gaming ever. Nintendo will quickly go from last to first by a country mile and PC gaming will explode.


For those of you say sony will also follow suit, is this your wishful thinking or this is de-facto truth?

I think this pretty much explains why EA and Acti was not in PS4 reveal. Sony most likely flat out say 'no' to EA's demand of blocking used game and charge extra fee.

I hope Sony doesn't follow suit, and if things work out well, PS4 can flourish.


This is extremelly off putting even though i'm someone who buys 99% of his games brand new (and most on day 1).I hate corporate greed that steps upon consumer rights.


This also kills game rentals and that is what is going to keep me from buying this thing.. I buy six-ten titles a year and rent the rest.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm guessing discs will now be encoded with a unique ID that will tied to the XBL account and possibly console ID. How else would it know its been used already?

And that's how companies like Redbox/Gamefly could survive--the pubs make specific RFIDs for their companies.

That's not anything new--you'll still be able to "sell" the used game. They just aren't saying how the market will be ridiculously stunted from now on.

Baby Milo

To everyone saying PS4 is going to do this: What evidence do you have that leads you to this conclusion? No one, not even EDGE, has reported Sony would be blocking used games AND we have Yoshida saying that the PS4 wouldn't have any kind of system in place.

there is no evidence

there just hoping it's true. we should be hoping for the opposite.


I'm very scared to ask this question in fear of being flamed for all eternity but I'm really curious to hear some of the peoples opinions here about it and I still can't make my own threads yet. Being somewhat involved in the games industry as an artist, I hear the used game argument quite often. Do people here think that publishers are just being too greedy for wanting a cut of used game sales? What if that money went back to the studios budgets that would allow for artists and programmers to keep there jobs for a longer period of time(being optimistic here)? I for one am not crazy about the blocking of used games sales personally even though it is not any sort of deal breaker for me as I rarely purchase used games in general but on the flip side having had conversations with others about it in the industry I feel as if I can see where both sides are coming to a certain degree. Thoughts? (please don't kill me lol)

Really depends on if you believe you actually own the disc you bought or buy into the whole "you are just renting the license" thing. It's much more nuanced then alot of developers and publishers think it is and yes they are motivated by greed and lack of critically thinking through the situation. Renting and used games have been around since original Nintendo days, its not the scapegoat they try to make it out to be.

They frequently only look at the people purchasing used games part, and then blindly think its all people buying brand new games for only $5 dollars cheaper (alot of it is people waiting for sales and deeper price drops). They don't see the other side how it helps to subsidize people buying more games then they normally could by being able to trade them in. On top of that it frequently goes to day one preorder purchases. They will realize this soon enough, and we will just get new excuses.
What if Steam came out tomorrow and announced a new feature. The ability to give any game you have on your steam profile to a friend for a fee? If the fee was fair, this would be an absolutely huge announcement.

Isn't that exactly what Microsoft is doing here? You install the game to your hard drive and the game follows the account, just like Steam does. They are just giving you the additional ability to play used games on the system with a fee, something that on Steam is impossible.

I get the outrage because this is something that has been free in the past, just playing devils advocate.
Steam is an open marketplace and doesn't require a subscription fee to use it's features. Its also includes nifty things like mod support.

Microsoft is not Steam, nor will it ever be.
Things we know...

Compulsory installs. This means you have to install the game to be able to play the game. This has been confirmed.

For any additional accounts you must pay to install the game. Once installed, the second account "owns" the game and can then play it without the disc. This has also been confirmed.

There isn't any real room for discussion here knowing these two facts.

You didn't contradict what I said.


Curious has to why people think this, what has Sony done to suggest this?

EA dropped online passes. Don't see why they'd lose out without the used games thing. Add to that, developers doing it one system but not the other seems extremely doubtful to me. Any profits gained from the Xbox will be wiped out by the losses from several used games sales on the PS4.


I usually buy both main consoles but this would probably be a deal breaker for me, its just wrong any way you try to twist it.


needs 2 extra inches
Your games have more power available to create new gameplay, persistent worlds, and deeper experiences.
Your system and games can update automatically, so you shouldn’t have to wait for downloads or updates.
Your games and entertainment are stored and saved in the cloud, so you can access them anytime, from any Xbox One.*
Start a game, movie, or TV show on one console and finish exactly where you left off on another.
You can play multiplayer games with your friends, stream movies or TV shows right away, and enjoy the community and social features of Xbox Live.
Xbox One can recognize you, log you in and tailor your home screen just for you.

Gee, this sounds very familiar.


I wonder how much this re-activation fee is going to be:

1. something akin to 10-15, but it deactivates the original system.
2. something akin 50-55... but only microsoft and the publisher(maybe) get a cut. Basically getting Gamestop out of the equation of the used game market.

Oh make no mistake, this is a direct shot at Gamestop and their second hand games market.

Things should get real interesting with how Gamestop will respond to this. Gamestop makes like what, 90% of their revenue from used game sales? How can they say they'll support this system when it's basically a big middle finger to them?

Oh, we'll sell you $60 activation codes for used games! /sarcasm


To everyone saying PS4 is going to do this: What evidence do you have that leads you to this conclusion? No one, not even EDGE, has reported Sony would be blocking used games AND we have Yoshida saying that the PS4 wouldn't have any kind of system in place.

The fact they have dodged the question about registrations since february and if SONY wasn't going to do this RIGHT NOW would be the PERFECT time to say so and bury MS.


I wonder how much this re-activation fee is going to be:

1. something akin to 10-15, but it deactivates the original system.
2. something akin 50-55... but only microsoft and the publisher(maybe) get a cut. Basically getting Gamestop out of the equation of the used game market.

My guess is option 1, but more like ~$20-30. You still go to Gamestop to buy/sell, but the "online"(aka EA) fee is higher.

I don't see option 2 happening, as no one is going to buy/sell a disc worth $1(or less) at Gamestop and then spend $50-55, when they could just buy it new/download off the XBL platform.
I doubt that it will be impossible to play a game with a different account on the same system as it was activated on without having to pay for it. That would be ridiculous.


I hope this pushes EU regulators to have a serious look at our ownership laws pertaining to digital goods. Its a bloody free 4 all for companies at the moment.


The activation fee price would remain static. MS, publishers, etc don't care about how much the game costs in the used market, they only care about getting a price of that very lucrative pie and this allows them to do this.

I answered someone wishing you'd still be able to play it with just the disc in on another console. Not sure why your reply is aimed at me.
To everyone saying PS4 is going to do this: What evidence do you have that leads you to this conclusion? No one, not even EDGE, has reported Sony would be blocking used games AND we have Yoshida saying that the PS4 wouldn't have any kind of system in place.

Technically, Microsoft isn't blocking used games, just charging a fee to play them.


Because it's been confirmed over and over by multiple sources who already knew this.

You stick a disc in.
It checks if it's been installed before.
If not, it installs it. Disc is now worthless.
If so, it checks online for the current price of the game on the market, and then asks you to pay that before it works.

Games do not run off of the disc. All games have to be installed. Period. The disc is only to install.

Did you actually bother to read the article? It clearly states:

"This is a question for which Microsoft did not yet have an answer"

And from what I understand, every "source" stems from this very Wired article. So what the hell?
To everyone saying PS4 is going to do this: What evidence do you have that leads you to this conclusion? No one, not even EDGE, has reported Sony would be blocking used games AND we have Yoshida saying that the PS4 wouldn't have any kind of system in place.

Sure, it's hope.

This line of thinking is as delusional as that of the people who thought the One would get a spec bump.
I usually buy both main consoles but this would probably be a deal breaker for me, its just wrong any way you try to twist it.

A lot of it depends on what the other guys are doing. If Sony follows this format I will be picking up one console but I don't think I would be willing to invest in both.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
there is no evidence

there just hoping it's true. we should be hoping for the opposite.

More like the knowledge of it being up to publishers on PS4 and publishers typically wanting complete parity for their games across platforms.

It's really not that difficult to understand.


EA dropped online passes. Don't see why they'd lose out without the used games thing. Add to that, developers doing it one system but not the other seems extremely doubtful to me. Any profits gained from the Xbox will be wiped out by the losses from several used games sales on the PS4.

So far EA and UBI are the primary force behind this. EA's complete absence on PS4 reveal kind tells me that Sony didn't agree with EA.


The fact they have dodged the question about registrations since february and if SONY wasn't going to do this RIGHT NOW would be the PERFECT time to say so and bury MS.

Their silence speaks volumes. They just didn't want to be the first to bring the bad news
The fact they have dodged the question about registrations since february and if SONY wasn't going to do this RIGHT NOW would be the PERFECT time to say so and bury MS.
If the console can be played old school offline, I don't see how registrations can be in place. Doesn't sound like much to go on.


Microsoft just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about the Gamestop culture (I'm an expert), but buying and reselling games are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Best Buy where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in a game transaction, preorder bonus or strategy guide sale, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Gamestop public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase the Xbox One, nor will they purchase any of Microsoft's operating systems. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Microsoft has alienated an entire market with this move.

Microsoft, publicly apologize and take away the used game fee for Xbox One or you can kiss your business goodbye.

I was waiting for one of these, Kudos.


So what prevents friends from doing this by letting each other borrow it, install it, and pass it on?

Guess what happens in that scenario? Publishers lose even more money than they are with used games now. Does that make any sense at all to you?

The game was purchased already once for a disc to be present.
Each person that wants to use that game for any period of time, must pay a fee to install it.

So nothing, because each would be paying to use the disc once. Where as now, one person buys a disc, then... nothing. Publishers never see any money beyond that, if you lend it to a friend or sell it. This way they blatantly get more money from the system.
People are are saying things like "Nintendo will win now or PC gaming forever yo" are forgetting that we don't make up a sizable part of the industry and that people are whores.

For all the shit Sim City and D3 got...they still sold tons.

Sadly this will just be accepted and if you want to play specific games you will have to deal with it. Since PC is the same (albeit cheaper thank god) and Nintendo is getting blackballed and is incompetent.

This shit sucks because Sony will follow....

fuck everything


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
Dealbreaker for me, not so much the used games, but the killing of lending/borrow games amongst my friends. No thanks Microsoft, maybe see you next-next Gen?
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