...sma.rt gueser. hat off tu u.
fhtuure Sonicsonwer.balmer.
21/5 promoshtow was fakked from minut one.non of hte tvstuff ins ready yet.
HIX? nojustnoo.no.stahlp.
Yeah, we found out shortly after the show. Apparently that wasn't the actual episode of Price is Right that was live at the time. Plus there were videos of an actual demonstration and while it worked ok (choppy video on initial channel pull-up) it wasn't as smooth as the stage presentation.
The video is question, from Wired, shows the UI in real time, it is choppy and slow.Yeah there's a video interview where they actually show the real UI with the snap feature runs at like 5 frames per second. They faked all of it on stage.
Credit to alr1ght for the gif.
Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifa9Q7ATfVA