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Xenoblade Chronicles |OT| Man, what a bunch of jokers.


Don't know if this has been answered yet(my google-fu failed me), but does the Affinity system affect the actual story. Like changing the ending? Or changing cut-scene's?


JumpingTheGun said:
Has anyone found the
flower bracelet in Frontier Village?

It's on the outskirts of the tree, I don't remember exactly where but the area isn't too big so it shouldn't be hard to spot.


What the hell happened, the ending story parts of the
forest into Alcamoth are pretty awful (cept the boss fight, and the teleportation thing)

It went from pretty good to oh god predictable
Just got to
Falling Arm
Now I feel very under lvled after that last boss :\ It wasn't hard at all but he was 4 lvls higher then me. So.... I'll put this in spoilers.
After I'm done finding the people and one I can warp where ever I'll be doing as side quests as I can.


Think my question got buried so I'll try again:

Okay here's is question I am asking after hitting the 20 hour mark and entering that HUGE forest for the first time:

Will the game explain in the future why a human-like race called the Homs is living inside a giant creature that, even though it appears metallic in the opening scenes, has its 'skin' covered with plains, forest, marshes, and whatever delights await ahead? I do not think the game has explained this yet and it seems odd that Homs aren't questioning why they are living on a gigantic fossil


MatthewB92 said:
Just got to
Falling Arm
Now I feel very under lvled after that last boss :\ It wasn't hard at all but he was 4 lvls higher then me. So.... I'll put this in spoilers.
After I'm done finding the people and one I can warp where ever I'll be doing as side quests as I can.
Your area is a pretty nice one to do sidequests, actually. The monsters there are pretty hard, but that only gives you an additional exp boost.


I'd really, really like to get this game. I might end up going down the import/console modification route for the first time ever.


Anybody else thinks Zelda should adopt things from Xenoblade? I believe Hyrule should definitely be as detailed and filled with as many quests. I also want a Zelda with a world this open.

In fact all JRPGS should have a world as open as Xenoblade. There is no excuse these days.

Also both Baten Kaitos games and Xenoblade have convinced me that Monolith Software makes outstanding battle systems.
JumpingTheGun said:
Ugh. Lupa where are you? Why do Nopons essentially all look the same?

But after a while you can tell them a part. Or well you memorize where they are :p


quinntendopower said:
skiiiiiiiiiiiiiii jummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmp! when i found these i was completely obsessed! SO MUCH FUN flying through the air

i'd ask them to tell you what Tugboat at sea is slowly pulling your copy along in the back of a dingy.

HUGE spoilers in these vids. edit: removing vids so people dont click.


Can't stop running around Gaur Plains. And I keep getting lost hours into the area. I'm supposed to go to Colony 6 now but I'm not sure if I want to yet.


bubnbob said:
HUGE spoilers in these vids. edit: removing vids so people dont click.
Eh. It's spoiling the look of one area and that's it. I don't think that counts as a "HUGE spoiler" and definitely not as "spoilers".


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Okay, I had to bail out after spoilers started get thrown around like crazy many pages ago, but can I just say one thing about Xenoblade that you all already know?

For every complaint I've had about JRPGs in the past 10 years, this game has an answer. This is that rare game that brings about similar feelings of the sort that delving into Chrono Trigger, FFIV, IV and Lufia for the first time brought.

This thing is pure, unadulterated magic.


KarmaCow said:
An easy way to do it without using anti-spike gems is just keep it in topple state. The aura is inactive whiles it's down AFAIK. I did it with Fiora since her Double Attack = crits skill means she builds the party gauge almost immediately after using it but it should be fine with someone like Dunban.
thanks for that.
Looks like i'll have to get used to some new characters...


Coldsnap said:
Does this game run at 25 fps on the Wii or is it just through emulation?
It runs 25 fps on the pal version.

It runs 30fps on the jpn version.

You could run it faster on the pc, but it would look funny and the music would be all messed up


Gvaz said:
It runs 25 fps on the pal version.

It runs 30fps on the jpn version.

You could run it faster on the pc, but it would look funny and the music would be all messed up

ah interesting, guess 25 fps on my PC is good enough; Wii still can stay in storage.
GameE said:
Maybe a dumb question but what do you guys think are the chances of a sequel happening?
It's entirely possible, but I'm not up-to-date on the list of Nintendo games that haven't come to North America and yet still received a sequel. I'm sure the list isn't huge.

But NCL seems committed to Monolith Soft, given that they just opened another studio a few months ago.


Gvaz said:
It runs 25 fps on the pal version.

It runs 30fps on the jpn version.

You could run it faster on the pc, but it would look funny and the music would be all messed up
I'm pretty sure that's an emulation glitch. There's no reason for the framerate to be throttled when running on the Wii in 60Hz mode.
Two quick questions:

1. What do Affinity coins do?

2. What skills should I level up first? What talent trees should I make sure to go down asap?


wrowa said:
Eh. It's spoiling the look of one area and that's it. I don't think that counts as a "HUGE spoiler" and definitely not as "spoilers".

I disagree, it showed the same exact things I was spoiled on when I was poking around vids.


robotzombie said:
Two quick questions:

1. What do Affinity coins do?

2. What skills should I level up first? What talent trees should I make sure to go down asap?
1. Affinity Coins are needed to link skills between characters. Each skill costs a certain amount of coins to link, so you can only link as many as you have coins. Took me a while to figure that out too.

2. *Shrug* Whatever floats your boat man. The effects of skills seem to be quite subtle (at least they are early in the game) so just go with whatever you think sounds most beneficial.


Luigiv said:
I'm pretty sure that's an emulation glitch. There's no reason for the framerate to be throttled when running on the Wii in 60Hz mode.
I don't know why, all I know is 25fps is about what the PAL version does, and by literally changing one line in the iso brings it back up to 30 by pretending it's the jpn version.

30 fps is "full speed" in terms of emulation.
Luigiv said:
1. Affinity Coins are needed to link skills between characters. Each skill costs a certain amount of coins to link, so you can only link as many as you have coins. Took me a while to figure that out too.

2. *Shrug* Whatever floats your boat man. The effects of skills seem to be quite subtle (at least they are early in the game) so just go with whatever you think sounds most beneficial.


Can you switch around your affinity coin usage at will? Or is it a one shot deal?


Gvaz said:
I don't know why, all I know is 25fps is about what the PAL version does, and by literally changing one line in the iso brings it back up to 30 by pretending it's the jpn version.

30 fps is "full speed" in terms of emulation.

What do I have to change in the Iso to unlock 30 fps?


Gvaz said:
It runs 25 fps on the pal version.

It runs 30fps on the jpn version.

You could run it faster on the pc, but it would look funny and the music would be all messed up
No it doesn't, on wii all versions are 30 fps.


Ledsen said:
No it doesn't, on wii all versions are 30 fps.
I'm talking about in dolphin, we're talking about playing it in dolphin.

Besides, you can't generally tell 5 fps off from 30 unless you had a counter showing you.
Now 10 fps from 30 sure.

I'm saying that because at 25fps the game looks fine, at 30 and higher the game gets really fluid, at 20fps the game is playable but its obviously slower, at 15fps or lower the difference is night and day.


Gvaz said:
I'm talking about in dolphin, we're talking about playing it in dolphin.

Besides, you can't generally tell 5 fps off from 30 unless you had a counter showing you.
Now 10 fps from 30 sure.
The post you were replying to was asking about both Wii and dolphin.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Coldsnap said:
omg you dont need to turn in quests... AMAZING!

Not all of them like that you know. A good number of them will require you to go back to the quest giver, and if it has been a while since you visited an area oftentimes it will be a pain in the ass to find the correct characters since they are moving around.

This is especially true in multi-levels or large area like Frontier Village/


Frontier Village is a pain, I refuse to do fetch quests in that mess of a town. Beautiful, though. Completely impractical for gameplay, but beautiful.

Valak Mountain's upper level is sorely missing some landmarks.

Mechonis interior is appropriately designed, but I still dislike the dirty factory setting of any sort.

Aside from those small-ish nitpicks, the world design is quite breathtaking and probably the single best aspect of the game for me.


Coldsnap said:
omg you dont need to turn in quests... AMAZING!
I wish that were true of all quests and not just the monster/challenge ones. And you could choose one quest to be trackable on the minimap. And locations were warpable.

There's so much amazing content packed into this game, it should all be as easily and painlessly accessible as possible.


I'm about 40 hours in. Finally reached the Prison Island. I wonder if the designers did all those terrible fetch quests. Some are also missable which is annoying and you never know when doing a quest will open up a useful quest so you have to do all of those. It doesn't help that you have to play with the time to make sure the npc you want spawn (especially when the NPC isn't yet on your social chart thing). The Eryth Sea is probably the most impressive area in the game for me so far. So many colors. The exploration is what makes the game fun. Large areas to explore and to marvel at.

Guess it's easy to create a 80 hours game. In each town, have 40 quests where you need to kill specific monsters or collect their loot/rare drops and make sure npcs aren't available all the time so you have to waste time to find them.


I know this has been addressed earlier in the thread, but I can't find the posts - what are the pros / cons of using the Classic Controller Pro vs. Wii & Nunchuk? I tried both, and CC Pro seems a bit more easy to use (if you're used to playing PS2 RPG's) - i.e., left analog controls movement, right analog controls camera. It's still a bit clunky (still getting used to the controls), but seems easier to handle than Wii & Nunchuk for general camera movement (having to hold down C and use the directional pad).

I've only played an hour or so, but am already impressed with the general presentation, even if the character models and occasional textures can look rough, even for a Wii game - it's the rare game where the environments look a whole lot more impressive than the characters, almost like two different games.
jgwhiteus said:
I know this has been addressed earlier in the thread, but I can't find the posts - what are the pros / cons of using the Classic Controller Pro vs. Wii & Nunchuk? I tried both, and CC Pro seems a bit more easy to use (if you're used to playing PS2 RPG's) - i.e., left analog controls movement, right analog controls camera. It's still a bit clunky (still getting used to the controls), but seems easier to handle than Wii & Nunchuk for general camera movement (having to hold down C and use the directional pad).
I think people who are obsessed with constantly maneuvering the camera (like me) prefer the CC setup and tolerate the clunkiness of moving around while selecting arts. The pros of mote'n'chuck controls are basically the ability to separate your hands and the ability to easily point at things on the screen -- like arts during battle.

It's been posted before in this thread, but in order to select arts while moving with the CC or CCPro you'll need to use the claw; your left thumb on the stick and your index finger on the d-pad. Honestly, I rarely need to do that so it isn't much of an issue. Certain characters are heavy on the position-based arts, though.


I also prefer pressing the classic controller's 'b' button for quick time events, and I generally just prefer holding a controller for long RPGs... It kind of brings me back to the days of the SNES.


I have a quick question about getting the full ~capabilities~ from the Wii for this game.

I picked up some component cables specifically for this game so it wasn't kind of cramped (with the tiny-ish writing, etc). However...it still looks exactly the same, and I still have to Force NSTC off Gecko (I thought I read back in the thread somewhere that you didn't if you had component cables or something).


Sorry for the crappy pic, but I just wanted to show how it's appearing on my TV right now. If you can see with the darkness of the picture, there are black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. It's not unplayable or anything, but it makes the writing pretty tiny and cramped and gives me a bit of a headache. And I've seen people in the thread with the game on their HDTV and the whole screen is used.

So... any help? Thanks. :D


SecretMoblin said:
I think people who are obsessed with constantly maneuvering the camera (like me) prefer the CC setup and tolerate the clunkiness of moving around while selecting arts. The pros of mote'n'chuck controls are basically the ability to separate your hands and the ability to easily point at things on the screen -- like arts during battle.

Thanks! This makes sense - yeah, I like to constantly maneuver the camera, so I'll stick with CC Pro then, and deal with the movement / Arts issue as best I can - though for some reason the game seems pretty unresponsive to the "center camera" command.
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