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Yoko Taro (Nier Automata) Addresses the 2B butt controversy


Neo Member
lol. The man just has a great sense of humour. Here's something else he did recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhWGuV6mcE4

You can tell he's just a guy who likes to make people laugh.

This is pretty funny. I definitely got that kind of humor from Nier. Don't get me wrong yall, I really appreciate his approach to themes like violence, companionship, even what it means to play a game (esp given Nier's ending), I was just bummed that (if this was real) it was how he chose to handle things.

Chalk it up to being a junior I guess. /shrug

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yup and that sucks, but at the same time while inclusiveness is good there runs the risk of a reverse of that happening where say a dev wanted to make a product focused towards a male audience gets shut down because it's not progressive enough. LOL this shit isn't gonna happen in a billion years but regardless a good vision should be allowed to breathe and become something but thats the problem with taking stuff to publishers they don't typically like a gamble. You are seeing more progressive stuff these days from AAA as well because that's what is in at the moment. It's a good thing but at the same time it is because of market research.
You absolutely know that that a project is not gonna be shut down for not being progressive enough dude. Seriously?

Progressive stuff or non progressive stuff rarely has anything to do with gameplay outside of a character you control it's more of an argument towards visual and story of a game. Which are important identities of a game almost as much as gameplay or more than the gameplay given the genre. There is also a difference between idea's being thrown at the dev and them liking them enough to include and change somethings and people not funding or threatening cancellation if they dont change
Again, you're arguing about a hypothetical boogeyman that's as much of a threat as the sjws ruining gaming. As in, completely fabricated. "What if projects don't get funded because the developers didn't consider how to make their game more progressive." isn't a reality I see happening anytime soon. Especially when the literal opposite is much more common. And yea these things can have an effect on gameplay, I like that Ubisoft populates their games with female combatants now that are just as capable as the men, and am hopeful that ND is planning to do the same with TLOU2. That kinda thing normalizes and humanizes women in context imho.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Isn't it weird how Yoko Taro references nonexistant controversy only for that post itself to turn into a 26 page controversy? :p

I guess the man approves of the sexy art artists draw of his creation. Its just strange cause the outcry was generally minimal beforehand but he had to blow it up. All press is good press i suppose


You absolutely know that that a project is not gonna be shut down for not being progressive enough dude. Seriously?

Again, you're arguing about a hypothetical boogeyman that's as much of a threat as the sjws ruining gaming. As in, completely fabricated

Lol what part of this isnt going to happen in a billion years did you not understand? :p

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Lol what part of this isnt going to happen in a billion years did you not understand? :p
Then why we talking about it man? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

Isn't it weird how Yoko Taro references nonexistant controversy only for that post itself to turn into a 26 page controversy? :p

I guess the man approves of the sexy art artists draw of his creation. Its just strange cause the outcry was generally minimal beforehand but he had to blow it up. All press is good press i suppose
I suppose the extra 100 or so sales will be worth it.
Isn't it weird how Yoko Taro references nonexistant controversy only for that post itself to turn into a 26 page controversy? :p

I guess the man approves of the sexy art artists draw of his creation. Its just strange cause the outcry was generally minimal beforehand but he had to blow it up. All press is good press i suppose

He didn't blow anything up. He made a joke about a dumb photoshop that was making the rounds.

Here's what we know about Automata so far:

Red eyes, Cult of the Watchers/3 eyed Gemini. Very, very, possible Drakengard 1 connection thanks to this short shot in the character trailer.

It will be over, or well over, 25 hours
It has sidequests and it's possible just like the original that certain endings will require doing said sidequests
Boar riding is back
Boar DRIFTING is back:

Moose riding has been introduced
There are several abilities similar to the original Nier's, but are 'recreated' by 2B's pod so they're a weird future version of the magic.
There are multiple weapons, including lances, swords and fist weapons (as we've seen in trailers and the like) similar to the original Nier
There are side-scrolling segments like the original Nier
There are towns and townspeople, and the world is "open" with dungeon-like areas kind of like OoT and the original Nier.

And this:



Drakengard 1, after Furiae
is reborn.


Nier, in the Black Scrawl.


Drakengard 3, on all the Utahime's seals in boss fights.


....is there any youtube video out there that explains the lore behind all these things? Holy shit this is Kingdom Hearts level of fuckery here.


Then why we talking about it man? ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

Because it's healthy to look at things from as many angles as possible. Especially when looking at things that come from different societies and cultures as well as potential cause and effect. You have a habit of sticking to one view point and just locking every other possibility out the window shunning the people that don't share your views. It's why a lot of people have a hard time taking you seriously and think you are a troll poster when you have good intentions in the long run.

The discussions we had to day was a lot better than normal and was fun


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I suppose the extra 100 or so sales will be worth it.

I don't even think its generally going to get more sales for the game or anything.

People who are going to buy Nier Automata generally already decided whether or not they were going to buy it. For platinum combat, for Yoko Taro's brand of insanity/societal commentary or generally both(i'm apart of the last category)

Those people are not going to have any issue with what's in the game, cause both of those sources generally have much 'worse' content than 2B's butt showing at some angles

He didn't blow anything up. He made a joke about a dumb photoshop that was making the rounds.

This thread is an example of controversy blowing up over his post.

Of course i know its in good fun and he's not directly addressing anything in particular, but by default, a joke about something like this is going to get certain people not familiar with Yoko Taro riled up. That goes for Even those who were not paying attention to the game or were ever intending to play it to begin with.

Dragon's crown comes to mind


....is there any youtube video out there that explains the lore behind all these things? Holy shit this is Kingdom Hearts level of fuckery here.

Ha I wish, theres a good google doc for the nier grimwoir stuff (which explains the whole world lore of Nier and how Drakengard ending E fucked the world). Theres some manga for D3 stuff and D3->D1 ... and Yoko Taro has a manga out atm which may or may not be related to the YoRHa stuff.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Because it's healthy to look at things from as many angles as possible. Especially when looking at things that come from different societies and cultures as well as potential cause and effect. You have a habit of sticking to one view point and just locking every ever possibility out the window shunning the people that don't share your views. It's why a lot of people have a hard time taking you seriously and think you are a troll poster when you have good intentions in the long run.

The discussions we had to day was a lot better than normal and was fun

I don't even think its generally going to get more sales for the game or anything.

People who are going to buy Nier Automata generally already decided whether or not they were going to buy it. For platinum combat, for Yoko Taro's brand of insanity/societal commentary or generally both(i'm apart of the last category)

Those people are not going to have any issue with what's in the game, cause both of those sources generally have much 'worse' content than 2B's butt showing at some angles


True story about that vann pic. I got that cover for my ff12 strategy guide. My mom came in my room one day picked it up off the ground and let out a "AHA I KNEW YOU WERE GAY" lol sorry mom that's just the cover for a guide look inside. She slammed it in the ground stormed out the room saying god damn it. Lol guess she really wanted me to be gay xD

That's hilarious!


The japanese word for controversy (Ronso) does not show up in this tweet, it was clearly a liberty taken by whoever made this translation. All the arguing on this thread about made up controversy and the users getting banned wouldn't have happened it the translator had used a different word. Funny, huh?


I wonder if anyone if going to tweet the .zip to Yoko Taro. Or maybe he's just happy enough to have it distributed. They are fulfilling his wishes, after all.
Considering the lack of faults for being progressive yes being progressive is an inherently good quality. How is it not? How is better representation and equality not an inherent positive? The fuck...

Because there's more to a progressive point of view than just better representation and equality, which, shockingly, do have fauts. It assumes that we are always and ever moving forward as a whole, scraping the past to build the future, but forward is not automatically better. Of course, that has nothing to do with the idea of better representation and equality and more with the preconceived notion that these ideas should be drilled into every product ever made.

Is a game with a less clothed female protag a lesser game than one with a fully clothed one? I don't think it is and this idea being reinforced will just make people go the exact opposite way. People that had no problem with milder female leads will suddenly do because of petty exchanges from both sides. That's how we end up with stuff like Hatred and Haydee. The fact that people who advocate this think that they're inherently right and morally above others that don't agree doesn't help either.

I'm all for having more games with great female leads that cover more skin and don't have their butt on the screen all the time, but that has nothing to do with this particular game. This particular game is what it is, I think as a whole the better focus would to be creating more different stuff than trying to change someone else's creation. That doesn't put him above criticism, but hopefully it does put him above petty name calling since he's not really doing any harm.

The japanese word for controversy (Ronso) does not show up in this tweet, it was clearly a liberty taken by whoever made this translation. All the arguing on this thread about made up controversy and the users getting banned wouldn't have happened it the translator had used a different word. Funny, huh?

What is there is Soudou

そうどう Soudou【騒動】
noun / noun or participle with aux. verb する → conjugation:
strife;  riot;  rebellion;  turmoil

My guess is that whoever translated this didn't feel quite right with the word choices, so given the context, they used "controversy" (we must also be aware that language is not a static thing). What happened is that the word choice took out some of the tongue-in-cheek aspect of what he said. He definitely wasn't taking any of this seriously

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Because there's more to a progressive point of view than just better representation and equality, which, shockingly, do have fauts. It assumes that we are always and ever moving forward as a whole, scraping the past to build the future, but forward is not automatically better. Of course, that has nothing to do with the idea of better representation and equality and more with the preconceived notion that these ideas should be drilled into every product ever made.
What's a fault of better representation and equality?

Is a game with a less clothed female protag a lesser game than one with a fully clothed one? I don't think it is and this idea being reinforced will just make people go the exact opposite way. People that had no problem with milder female leads will suddenly do because of petty exchanges from both sides. That's how we end up with stuff like Hatred and Haydee. The fact that people who advocate this think that they're inherently right and morally above others that don't agree doesn't help either.
I mean obviously it's not, more and more devs are doubling down on more sensible female character designs. Games like Hatred and Haydee fade from the public eye as quickly as they're brought up. Like so many games that're appealing to a niche via pandering they're quickly forgotten.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm all for having more games with great female leads that cover more skin and don't have their butt on the screen all the time, but that has nothing to do with this particular game. This particular game is what it is, I think as a whole the better focus would to be creating more different stuff than trying to change someone else's creation. That doesn't put him above criticism, but hopefully it does put him above petty name calling since he's not really doing any harm.
This game is what it is but that doesn't mean it's free from critique dude. The critique itself is never gonna go away. Look how many people freaked out over a perceived controversy just from the idea that their game might be getting criticized let alone a big controversy. The word controversy was never even stated by the director in the tweet yet here we are.


What is there is Soudou

My guess is that whoever translated this didn't feel quite right with the word choices, so given the context, they used "controversy" (we must also be aware that language is not a static thing). What happened is that the word choice took out some of the tongue-in-cheek aspect of what he said. He definitely wasn't taking any of this seriously

Ok, good to know. i have really weak japanese lol

I don't know who or what 2B is, but this guy is hilarious. Who's going to be responsible for collecting and sending the files?

She's the protag of the game


What's a fault of better representation and equality?

Loss of unique takes on things and forced tropes to fill quotas. At the current point we are far from that and more is good, but it could swing all the way to how stale things got last gen in a different flavor and that would suck.

Basically "same shit, different day"

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Loss of unique takes on things and forced tropes to fill quotas. At the current point we are far from that and more is good, but it could swing all the way to how stale things got last gen in a different flavor and that would suck.
But what tropes would be forced? The only overt trope i've noticed is female characters now commenting or joking about wearing dresses. Which honestly is pretty refreshing to see considering the reasons why. Gaming was stale last gen because so many games had the same color palette, had the same tropes and character designs, etc. yet here we're seeing proof of progressive gaming with a fuckton more diversity in terms of character designs without the overt objectification. Its' absolutely a great thing and I sincerely cannot see the inherent negatives behind gaming skewing towards this direction even moreso in the future.


I'm surprised there are already 980+ images of her it's going to blow up even more once we get the game!
It's surprising for sure, especially this early on and for such a "niche" title. I guess that's what happens when you have a character with an interesting/incredible design.


What is there is Soudou

My guess is that whoever translated this didn't feel quite right with the word choices, so given the context, they used "controversy" (we must also be aware that language is not a static thing). What happened is that the word choice took out some of the tongue-in-cheek aspect of what he said. He definitely wasn't taking any of this seriously

Fuss seems like a better word in this context. Sounds less charged than controversy, anyway.

Something more like "All the fuss over 2B's butt is leading to a lot of outrageous images being uploaded... etc etc." A little liberal, but sounds better to me.

Eh, whatever, February, come faster please.


But what tropes would be forced? The only overt trope i've noticed is female characters now commenting or joking about wearing dresses. Which honestly is pretty refreshing to see considering the reasons why. Gaming was stale last gen because so many games had the same color palette, had the same tropes and character designs, etc. yet here we're seeing proof of progressive gaming with a fuckton more diversity in terms of character designs without the overt objectification. Its' absolutely a great thing and I sincerely cannot see the inherent negatives behind gaming skewing towards this direction even moreso in the future.

"token" characters is a big one, we need "x" cant leave out "y"! We have this now

You are basically agreeing with me, almost :p

The argument is if everything tries to be inclusive and such things continue purely down that path the potential for stale samey gen could repeat. This would be YEARS from now. I know diverse and samey doesn't sound right upfront.lol

The game industry just needs to strike a perfect balance but things will typically swing the way of the most profitable products with copy cats ideas which leads to groups feeling left out of a current market

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
"token" characters is a big one, we need "x" cant leave out "y"!

You are basically agreeing with me, almost :p

The argument is if everything tries to be inclusive and such things continue purely down that path the potential for stale samey gen could repeat. This would be YEARS from now.

The game industry just needs to strike a perfect balance but things will typically swing the way of the most profitable products with copy cats
The bolded will always happen in terms of gameplay loops as people chase not only what's profitable but feasible in terms of budget. The fear of token characters is always incredibly strange unless you imagine that every character is gonna be carbon copies of each other. Hence the word. But then you do something like taking a look at all the ;BGT characters we've had this gen and a lot of them deviate from tropes and aren't defined solely by the fact they they're LBGT. Like Tracer has a way different personality than Ellie, who has a way different personality than Max. These are things that should be normalized via overt representation and it's great to see the little nuances that people can relate to.


The bolded will always happen in terms of gameplay loops as people chase not only what's profitable but feasible in terms of budget. The fear of token characters is always incredibly strange unless you imagine that every character is gonna be carbon copies of each other. Hence the word. But then you do something like taking a look at all the ;BGT characters we've had this gen and a lot of them deviate from tropes and aren't defined solely by the fact they they're LBGT. Like Tracer has a way different personality than Ellie, who has a way different personality than Max. These are things that should be normalized via overt representation and it's great to see the little nuances that people can relate to.
Yes, but that's not what people take what you say as.

Those also are great positive examples but at the same time stuff shouldn't be shoved in as a me too half ass which is damaging and that's one of the fears

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Yes, but that's not what people take what you say as.

Those also are great positive examples but at the same time stuff shouldn't be shoved in as a me too half ass which is damaging and that's one of the fears
How often do things genuinely feel half assed in this regard?


How often do things genuinely feel half assed in this regard?

Atm it's mostly the good writers or people's life experiences put to paper, but if it becomes an expected trope forced lazy negative representation spawns.

Which is why I'm saying to let the devs with the desire for it to be the ones to do it. Asking it of people that don't want to or don't feel like they can properly write those characters because they cant relate, scared to try, or just bigots will lead to nothing positive


On the list of fucked up things coming from Yoko Taro this doesn't even have placement on the wtf scale.

It was like 10-15 years ago since I played it but I'm pretty sure Drakengard had a pedophile who's family died in a fire as he was out spying on little boys bathing in a river while another would murder/ eat children. These where party members. Shit.. the joke evangelion spoof of an ending is how Drakengard is even linked to Nier in the first place. Somehow I don't think internet drama would phase him.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Honestly, Bioware's attempts at making gay/bi characters and ending up with frankly offensive characters, sometimes resembling a yaoi fangirl's dream. Those come off half assed to me.
DAI showed a pretty clear improvement in this regard.

Atm it's mostly the good writers or people's life experiences put to paper, but if it becomes an expected trope forced lazy negative representation spawns.

Which is why I'm saying to let the devs with the desire for it to be the ones to do it. Asking it of people that don't want to or don't feel like they can properly write those characters because they cant relate, scared to try, or just bigots will lead to nothing positive
Well then there argument is that dev teams need to be much more diverse than just straight white men. :)


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Yoko Taro might be bad at his job, but boy does he know what he likes to masturbate to. A bit of a shame it turned his MC into mere fapbait, but what kind of dweeb takes his stories seriously anyway. Nier was pretty funny, so I still hope to laugh at Automata's inevitably poorly executed story as well. And now we have smooth as butter combat!

Wat is this garbo?


Yoko Taro might be kinda bad at his job, but boy does he know what he likes to masturbate to. A bit of a shame it turned his MC's design into mere fapbait, but what kind of dweeb takes his stories seriously anyway. Nier was pretty funny, so I still hope to laugh at Automata's inevitably poorly executed story as well. And now we have smooth as butter combat!

I'd say let just let him do what he wants. Nier might have been a mediocre game, but at least it was interesting. Last thing I'd want to do is force him to be something he isn't.
I'm not sure if this qualifies as a shitpost, but it's still full of shit.
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