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Yoshio Sakamoto and the future of Metroid


Unlike most of the fanbase, I found Other M to be 70% fantastic and 30% terrible. I felt Other M was a drastic leap into foreign territory the likes of Retro's introduction with Prime 1. It was a fresh experience that retained the pace of the 2D Metroid games. I know a lot of you will disagree with me on that, but I do think Other M captured it very well gameplay-wise. We won't talk about the narrative as that was a fumbling mess, for obvious reasons.

I would like Sakamoto to be daring and take the template of Other M and extend upon what worked really well. I would like for him to omit what was absolutely terrible. I think we could reach a median of something truly special if that equation were to pan out into fruition.

I think it can be done.
I really don't want Sakamoto near Metroid at all, Other M was a complete mess for me for more reasons than just the horrible story and characterization of Samus.

Edit: Guys, I know that he did Super Metroid too. If he tried to make a new 2D game with a minimalistic story then I'd be all for it.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I really don't want Sakamoto near Metroid at all, Other M was a complete mess for me for more reasons than just the horrible story and characterization of Samus.

Keep in mind this is the man who made the majority of metroid titles before other M before you say something reckless like "I dont want this man near this IP at all"
Agreed, Other M has his flaws but a sequel with everything corrected will be still better than a new Metroid Prime (we had enough of this).


I would like the exact opposite of everything you just said.

Pretty much. I'm amazed people liked anything to do with the wiimote controls in Other M. The 2D sections were almost okay on their own but still kinda weird, not nearly as good as the fully 2D metroid controls. And once you're in first person mode (and GETTING into first person mode) everything is terrible. Anything that's not Wario Ware should not be making me change controller orientations mid-gameplay. Prime 3 is how wiimote and camera controls should be handled in Metroid, Super is how 2D controls should be handled, and they simply do not mix into the same game.


I don't understand when people say they don't want Sakamoto on Metroid.

Pretty much everything he's made other than Other M was fantastic. Gamers are very WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY sometimes. It's confusing.
I think a 3D 3rd person Metroid that brought back the platforming of the 2D games would be neat, but a lot of things will need to be changed from Other M's design to be good


I really don't want Sakamoto near Metroid at all, Other M was a complete mess for me for more reasons than just the horrible story and characterization of Samus.

What a load of nonsense. Drama-baby fanatic. The story (which is the 30% I mentioned) is definitely something that Sakamoto can atone for. He can re-invigorate his many great ideas seen in Other M and develop them further.


Once And Future Member
You want him to focus on the parts that were terrible?
Yeah. At least the horrible melodramatic anime moments were entertaining in a roundabout way. The rest of the game was just mediocre and dull.
Keep in mind this is the man who made the majority of metroid titles before other M before you say something reckless like "I dont want this man near this IP at all"

I know that, but I feel like this is the route he wanted the series to go now that he had the technology to deliver us a "story". God bless the limitations of the SNES haha.

I still prefer the Metroid Prime series, so give it to Retro or a new team.
The man made Zero mission, he can make anything he wants

The main thing his team added was the stealth part at the end, and that wasn't even good.

People keep bringing up "bubububu Super Metroid", yeah and George Lucas made Star Wars back 1977. That was a long ass time ago brehs

keep everything about Other M away from the franchise-


I think a 3D 3rd person Metroid that brought back the platforming of the 2D games would be neat, but a lot of things will need to be changed from Other M's design to be good

Bringing in the analog stick would be a good fuckin' start.
The main thing his team added was the stealth part at the end, and that wasn't even good.

People keep bringing up "bubububu Super Metroid", yeah and George Lucas made Star Wars back 1977. That was a long ass time ago brehs

That doesn't mean he should be completely absent from anything Metroid-related moving forward.


Unlike most of the fanbase, I found Other M to be 70% fantastic and 30% terrible. I felt Other M was a drastic leap into foreign territory the likes of Retro's introduction with Prime 1. It was a fresh experience that retained the pace of the 2D Metroid games. I know a lot of you will disagree with me on that, but I do think Other M captured it very well gameplay-wise. We won't talk about the narrative as that was a fumbling mess, for obvious reasons.

I would like Sakamoto to be daring and take the template of Other M and extend upon what worked really well. I would like for him to omit what was absolutely terrible. I think we could reach a median of something truly special if that equation were to pan out into fruition.

I think it can be done.


fart town usa

Gold Member
I refuse to play Other M because Samus is, imo, the most competent, qualified, badass protagonist in the history of videogamedom. I refuse to see her as anything less.

So, I can't really comment on the gameplay of Other M, I would love to see another first person metroid though.


I agree with you OP. What I liked about Other M was that it actually felt like classic Metroid in 3D space. It had a long long list of problems, but I was hoping to see them improved. Also loved how all the classic enemies were in.

The Prime games are great and all, but after the first one they veered off into a direction I wasn't into as much.
The main thing his team added was the stealth part at the end, and that wasn't even good.

People keep bringing up "bubububu Super Metroid", yeah and George Lucas made Star Wars back 1977. That was a long ass time ago brehs

Exactly how I feel, I dislike how everyone brings Super Metroid, yes it's one of the best games of all time, but Other M is fucking HORRIBLE, I'm going to judge the guy for what he did in the last 10 or so years not a game he did with a completely different team 20 years ago.

Also Sakamoto should work on Rhythm Tengoku 24/7. :p
Exactly how I feel, I dislike how everyone brings Super Metroid, yes it's one of the best games of all time, but Other M is fucking HORRIBLE, I'm going to judge the guy for what he did in the last 10 or so years not a game he did with a completely different team 20 years ago.

He also directed Metroid Fusion, an amazing entry and Zero Mission, a fantastic remake of the original.

He's incredibly important to the franchise and deserves to be a part of it moving forward. He doesn't necessarily need to be in full control but he certainly should be involved if he wants to be.


I really enjoyed Other M, but I though the real problem was gameplay-wise. The decision to have two different interfaces for two different thing and the necessity to swap between them continually (even for something trivial like fire a rocket) really broke the action. Also, since you have to swap using the position of the WIimote, you can use only it and sorry, but playing a 3D action with the Wiimote D-Pad is not a great experience.

Sure, Other M as a Metroid have some serious flaws, but the more action-centric gameplay is what I can accept for a 2.5D Metroid.
yeah, no.

All I want from the next metroid is for samus to get lost on a desolate planet. alone.

no communication, just heaps of backtracking and atmosphere like super metroid.
Preferably without any semblance of a story, and preferably full 3D not other M's janky 2.75D or whatever that was. Either third or first person I aint to bothered in that regard.

New items would help too, like completely different means of exploration power ups, instead of the usual grappling hook, how about spiked boots that let you run along walls and ceilings etc. stuff outside of the usual Metroid bag of tricks yknow so it doesnt feel as stale as Other M did.


There might be some potential in Other M's gameplay, but 2D Metroid is already a perfect gameplay template that hasn't been touched since 2004 (and 1st Person gameplay since 2007 which is starting to be awhile) - I need more of that goodness before they try something new again.


He also directed Metroid Fusion, an amazing entry and Zero Mission, a fantastic remake of the original.

He's incredibly important to the franchise and deserves to be a part of it moving forward. He doesn't necessarily need to be in full control but he certainly should be involved if he wants to be.

Just wait for his Other M mid-life crisis to be over and put him back on. It might never happen though.
All I ask is to explore a planet in solitude, which is what the whole concept of Metroid is based on, can I have just that and no additional crap.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet

keep everything about Other M away from the franchise-

That picture actually sums up the one thing I like about Other M...Samus' GFD design looks pretty cool, and I'd love if that was how Zero Samus looked in Smash.

Make her a bit taller and more muscular though like she should be, but I like the uniform, and the short hair look. Actually make that Samus' new 'helmetless' look in general, the ponytail is dumb, and would someone wearing a helmet like that have a ponytail? Seems like it'd get in the way.


as long as it is from the original guys, i dont care. people should get their head out of their ass constantly asking for the same. it was refreshing to see metroid prime. when i heard that metroid will go 3d, most friends in school told me, all games who went from 2d to 3d except mario and zelda went to hell.
nintendo conversed every game quite well, so i trust those guys in kyoto and will buy regardless what the next metroid game will look like.
All I ask is to explore a planet in solitude, which is what the whole concept of Metroid is based on, can I have just that and no additional crap.

But how financially viable is that game in the current climate

I'm fine with Metroid making some compromises to be more marketable as long as I get new games.


I found Other M to be fairly enjoyable title but it didn't live up to Metroid's standards. The story was not what I wanted and the dialogue could have been handled better, the Prime-style scanning felt forced and jarring, the slow walking sections felt unnecessary and somewhat awkward and the final battle was hardly a battle and robbed the player of any satisfaction.

From what we know, back in E3 2014, Nintendo said that they would be discussing Metroid at a later time, and had said that the 2D and 3D series do have a future. I'd assume Retro has gone back to handling Metroid since they were deciding upon Metroid or DKC sequel for their last project. Although, Retro may only be doing a stand alone 4th Prime title since it would be another long commitment to do another trilogy series which was originally not the plan for Metroid Prime. Kensuke Tanabe has stated interest in wanting to return to 3D Donkey Kong Country, but perhaps we won't see that happen on Wii U and instead in the next generation.
I'll agree with you. Other M's gameplay was pretty rough around the edges, with the jarring switches to first person and all that, but I felt like there was a fun game underneath it and I sincerely hope they try again and refine it.


Keep in mind this is the man who made the majority of metroid titles before other M before you say something reckless like "I dont want this man near this IP at all"
Yeah, totally. I mean, why would we want the director of Super Metroid anywhere near this franchise?
Maybe he just doesn't know what to do with the series anymore, and he is just trying to shoot in the dark.

Other M didn't have exploration, didn't have good combat and of course the narrative was stupid. So either he focuses on the exploration part, and let's someone else work on the narrative and Samus, or he should stay away. Thank you, I will vote with my wallet.
Keep in mind this is the man who made the majority of metroid titles before other M before you say something reckless like "I dont want this man near this IP at all"

While I think it means you should give him the benefit of the doubt (though Other M is a big doubt in the mind of many people), it is possible for an artist to lose their way. It happens in music, film and art all of the time.
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