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Your favorite video game characters no one is usually talking about

Kika from Suikoden IV

Came here to post this. Kika is my favorite Suikoden character.
Stan may have pioneered active camouflage in videogames ;)

My pick would be Nomad the Squid from Dillon's Rolling Western.
Love his design, along with Dillon himself. They should make a Nintendo Red Dead type game in that world.

It really is a shame that such great character design was wasted on that game.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Ashley from warioware, she has goten some slight boost in popularity re entry but it's still not enough!



Andrei Ulmeyda from Killer 7.

Such a cool antagonist, and I wasn't even a huge fan of Killer 7, never did finish it. But he always stuck with me for some reason. Probably had a lot to do with Cam Clarke's excellent delivery.



Axel from Streets of Rage

A blatant rip off of Cody from the Final Fight series, but I thought Axel was the better fighter.


Gold Member

I work with another engineer that looks just like this guy... the nickname stuck.

He's a cool old guy like me.

Your teachers from Persona 4, Mr. Morooka (aka "King Moron") and Ms. Kashiwagi, are two characters I really wish you got to know more. They're both mean, contemptible people, but there's enough information to understand why, so they're not entirely flat characters. But you never get the opportunity to see what really makes them tick. I wish you got to see that.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
<---- Avatar quote? Lady Harken (Wild ARMs) is pretty cool. I love her design and she's a cool and kind of tragic villain.

I also really liked Emma in the same game. No-nonsense engineer and leader, she's pretty funny and hardass.

And of course Boomerang and Luceid because they're so badass and tragic too.

From Dark Souls II, I really like Vengarl of Forossa:

A disembodied head with a cool personality. He actually encourages you to find his body and slay the "wretched thing". What's not to like? Plus he teaches the trolliest gesture in the Souls series. xD

Also Sweet Shalquoir:

'Cause, you know, it's a cat. A beautiful cat. That talks. And is sassy as hell. Plus she sells useful stuff. <3 Shalquoir

And of course, the best NPC of the Souls series:

Gavlan wheel! Gavlan deal!

I love seeing badass old women in video games. There are plenty of badass old men in video games, but the majority of women who can kick ass are young and spritely, so any badass older woman (Who actually looks and sounds older) is a breath of fresh air.
Agreed. I really liked Queen Alicia in Trails in the Sky (couldn't find any other pic for some reason):
You really do rarely see older ladies with developed personalities and characterization, and they're often just evil hags or whatever, so Alicia was refreshing.

Eileen the Crow from Bloodborne isn't nearly as deep or well-written as Kreia, but she's still a great character and probably my favorite from Bloodborne. The first time I did her quest line, I didn't complete it and was seriously teary-eyed at the final encounter with her under the Red Moon. The next playthrough I managed to finish her quest line, and I'm really happy I did.

Also, her armor is really cool-looking.


"A hoonter must hoont."
Haha yes! Love her weird accent. Eileen is pretty cool, one of the better Souls NPCs. I was glad I went to NG++ to finally get her storyline to work in full (she
died to Henryk
in NG and glitched on me and never spawned at Oedon Tomb in NG++), totally worth it.
The feels :(



There was that thread on here a week or so ago about how Konami let Bomberman die, but prior to that I don't remember the last time I saw the lil' guy's name mentioned. Bomberman, 64, Hero, and Generations are some of the most fun time I've ever had with video games.

Shy Guy(s)

I know he was just taken from Doki Doki Panic, but the Shy Guy's gotta be my favorite Mario enemy. Such a simply design, and when you really look it at it it's somewhere in between cute and pretty creepy. They made Yoshi's Island. "Shy Guys on Stilts" is the best Mario level name of all time. + he rules in MK8.


Manny was a great protagonist for this incredible game, but Glottis stole every scene he was in.
Dimentio was probably one of the few redeeming factors Super Paper Mario had, I mean the dude outright manages to
"kill" Mario and Luigi, not one else managed that!
Plus he was insane.

Dimentio from Super Paper Mario is one of the best Nintendo villains ever, but still doesn't get mentioned nearly enough.
Two Dimention posts in the first page, great! I still think of SPM as an inferior game compared to PM64 and TTYD, but damn, Dimentio is one of the best Nintendo villians ever and really made SPM more enjoyable that it had any right to be.
Missile from Ghost Trick. A very excited little Pomeranian (he 'talks' in the game) who you just have to love.

This little dude made such an impression in me, I named my dog after him. Great character.

You just reminded me of a character that also doesn't get enough love, though.


Detective Badd is honestly one of the biggest reasons why I love the first Investigation. It's just a shame he didn't get much screen time.

Also has the best theme in the series
Here's another amazing character that doesn't get the recognition he deserves because of the game he stars in. I also wish we had more of him :(


Gig from Soul Nomad & The World Eaters.


The best character from this tragically overlooked gem, Gig's at least gone on to feature as a DLC character in most of the Disgaea games since Soul Nomad. Nippon Ichi's biggest badass, and one of the most complex, three dimensional, and downright hilarious character in their roster.

Rosalyn from Okage: Shadow King.


Okage's a very weird game filled with quirky characters, and Rosalyn makes one of the biggest impressions of the cast. A duty-bound hero whose shadow was turned pink by Evil King Stan, forcing her to carry a parasol and making her a laughing stock among the Hero's Guild. She's one of the more personable members of the cast, and her interactions with Stan are some of the game's highlights.

Grimoire Weiss from NieR.


One of my all time favourite characters (and my namesake) from one of my all time favourite games. Weiss can best be described as a sassy British Navi, whose every line drips with utter sarcasm and disdain for the insanity he's been forced into.



Sie Kensou from KOF ..his love or pork buns dwarf even my own


Otto von Chesterfield Esquire. AKA Chester the molester..From Don't Starve. I love this little guy he's so helpful!
This is Lin from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin. I really wish this franchise would come back.

Why did they always call her "sir" in the game? Was it just a typo or localization error or just some weird thing?

I figure they just call all superior officers "sir", regardless of gender.
Billy Coen from Resident Evil Zero. Underrated character IMO. Leon and Chris get too much of the spotlight, I'd love a new game with Billy as the lead.

Mallow. Not terribly obscure I suppose, but it seems that whenever people think of Super Mario RPG they only think of Geno, a character that got hardly any character development whatsoever and we learned hardly anything about. Yes Geno was really useful as a party member for battles/bosses, but Mallow was much, much more interesting to me as a fully-fledged character. He was with you from near the beginning of the game until the end, and received a good deal of character development along the way, perhaps more than any other character in the game. His lines were often hilarious and quite well-written, too.

He has a soothing voice considering that Daniel Flynn did Solaire in Dark Souls 1. As a character I liked that he brings out the lore, and when you did his sidequest,
his speech killing the Vileblood Queen gave me goosebumps
. I don't recall people talking about Alfred


I don't know about "no one is usually talking about" as much as "no one is ever talking about", but my nod goes to JEF MOTHER-LOVIN' JANSENS

Apparently he was originally called Robin Banks, which is what it is. He's the British entrant into the Athlete Kings/Decathlete decathlon. I'm imagining a design meeting for him where they start off looking at famous Brit Olympians, wheel around the Daley Thompson, decide he's their man, then veer wildly in some kind of direction I don't understand. I'm still bitter that they nuked him for Winter Heat for some scrawny nobody.


GRINGO!!! *flexes like Hulk Hogan*


So many good ones that never get the respect they deserve these days.


I still attest that Yuri Hyuga from Shadow Hearts is one of the most complex heroes in JRPGs. He can be sarcastic, romantic, awkward, funny, scary, calm, violent, noble and heroic, and spiteful and vindictive, but ultimately aims to do the right thing.


I can never stop gushing about how well-crafted a hero Raziel of Legacy of Kain fame is. The fact that he becomes more heroic and more noble the further he moves from his "humanity" I always found fascinating.


Rosalyn from Okage: Shadow King.


Okage's a very weird game filled with quirky characters, and Rosalyn makes one of the biggest impressions of the cast. A duty-bound hero whose shadow was turned pink by Evil King Stan, forcing her to carry a parasol and making her a laughing stock among the Hero's Guild. She's one of the more personable members of the cast, and her interactions with Stan are some of the game's highlights.
*high five*




Miss X, made an appearance in the NeoGeo Pocket game "Queen of Fighters" and was the final boss, but never showed up in any of the other core games...

Ok, its just Iori Yagami in drag, but I chuckled when I first played the game...



Oracle of Ages is one of my favorite Zelda games partly due to it giving a sort of rival character in Ralph as well as Nayru, a character who is prominent throughout the entire game as opposed to Din and Zelda in most games who usually get kidnapped or magicked out of the plot until the endgame.

Edit: Also, that 8-bit singing
So many come to mind, for now I'll stick with some of my favourite supporting characters.

Shinon (Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn)

Shinon is pretty much a sarcastic dick but damn does that make for some fun dialogue at times, his battle partner Gatrie makes a perfect foil in their support conversations.
Underneath all the sarcasm and beastman racism there appears to be some hidden soft spots he has, after all he taught whippersnapper Rolf how to use a bow.

It also helps that he's a pretty potent unit in Radiant Dawn, I can't say no to that deadeye animation.


Isara Gunther (Valkyria Chronicles)

I have to imagine that if this game came out even a year or two later Isara would've been troped up for the worse to the nth degree, hang on the anime series exists, shit.
Fortunately she gets by just fine in the game itself even when being the younger sister of the main character, none of that Onii chan stuff here, just engineering, tank piloting and combating opposing armies/racism.
That last one being a key point, despite an appearance that led me to assume a meek personality she's quite a stubborn one who doesn't take abuse lying down nor does she lose her cool when faced with Darcsen slander.
Rise Above Hate indeed.


Ema Skye (Ace Attorney Series)
Starting off as one of the series numerous peppy sidekick characters Ema went off in a more interesting direction to me in AA4, all those hopes of a forensics focused job falling short makes her a lot moodier but not without perking up again the moment you can bring science into the investigation.
In any case she offers a different take on the detective role Gumshoe filled previously and I hope they return her to that position when the series gets going again post AA5, she makes for a fun addition to the more recurring cast of characters in a series full of great ones.

And to think the Edgeworth Investigations spinoff was almost a Skye focused one, I'd have liked to see how that would play out.


Siegmeyer of Catarina (Dark Souls)

In the bleak arse land of Lordran it helps to have a few people you think you can count on, and this guy right here, he is my bro for life (even if you can't ever summon him, what the hell FROM?!)
First I remembered him as the fat onion knight guy but as I progressed through the game encountering him more and more whilst getting his somewhat bumbling self out of numerous jams (and arguably that ends up being his undoing in some lore circles) he became my favourite NPC.
He's just such a charming adventurous gent, sure he doesn't actually help much but if just seeing him even when down in the miserable depths of Lost Izalith manages to make the trip there seem more worthwhile then he's done me well.
Alas he is doomed to death no matter how much I try, so here I sit in quite a pickle hmmmmm


If you know who this funky fellow is, you have my respect.
*Commander Khan.gif*
One of my all time favourite unlockables, even if he has to dance like a diva.
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