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Your "Gaming Regrets" ...

No ragrets

But being honest, I regret spending time on so many different videogames and coasting through so many games just to consume content instead of slowing down and savoring them a bit more. Naturally, some games I really did get a chance to savor but I think if I played fewer games overall I would've avoided more duds and spent more time with more favorites.

That's hardly a shame, though. It's entertainment. I'm grateful for what I've played so far.
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Insane Metal

Gold Member
Can I say that I regret pre-ordering the gold edition of The Division 2? It's been months after release and the game still sucks. It was nice for some hours when I started playing but it got old pretty fast. I was hugely more engaged with the first game. I still play Survival to this day.


Gold Member
When Genesis games were scarce at the beginning.... maybe 1 game came out per month in the first year. I bought a used copy of this for I think $40 cdn.

Off the top of my head, worst Genesis game purchase.

C'mon Boiiiiiiii!

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Gold Member
I regret the 4 hours I've spent playing WoW.

And not a single minute of the hundreds of hours spent playing PSO.

Seriously though, I wish I had been more open to Playstation. I was N64 all the way and as a result missed out on many iconic games like MGS and FF7.


Oh boy, there are a lot. Let's see what I can think of off the top of my head.

  • Leaving my classic consoles at my girlfriend's house so I would have something to play when I visited her. One really bad breakup later, and that was the last I ever saw of any of those games or systems.
  • Not buying a Virtual Boy for $25 add Blockbuster video when I had the chance.
  • Letting a buddy borrow my copies of Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9. when I asked for them back a year later he swore up and down he had already returned them.
  • Not getting into the Persona and SMT series until around 2012 when P3 FES showed up on the PlayStation store.
  • Buying a Wii U at launch. Enough said there I believe.
  • And most recently not buying a copy of Godzilla for PS4 420. After it got pulled from the PlayStation store, it went up to about $100 on the secondary market.
I could go on for a very long time, but I'll stop here.


I regret buying a Gamecube instead of an Xbox. I was a hardcore Nintendo fan from the NES onward, but the Gamecube turned me away from Nintendo forever. I missed out on playing Halo 1 multiplayer and instead was stuck with the worst Mario Kart (DoubleDash), worst Mario platformer (Sunshine), and the worst Zelda game not called Zelda II (Wind Waker), not to mention inferior ports of third party games. (Though Metroid Prime 1 & 2 are amazing). Fortunately I did have a Dreamcast to play with.
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Not playing TLoU and SoTC long before I did. They both sat around on my shelf for a long time before I actually played them. Loved them both. I'm looking forward to TLoU2...tentatively. Not sure I trust them not to undo all the hard work making Ellie an actual character who happened to be gay in the first game by turning her into a gay who happens to be a character in the second.
Giving MGS5 a chance despite the whole Hayter thing; what I was missing out on in my mind was far better than the boring, drab, pseudo open world dogshit it turned out to actually be.
Being a console peasant back in the day. There's nothing wrong with gaming on console...but I was a real peasanty peasant about it, peak coping I suppose. I have repented for my sins and Lord Gaben has forgiven me.
  • When I was younger I asked for a sega genesis instead of super nintendo. While I enjoyed sonic and lot of other games, I missed super mario world in its prime and a slew of other big games for nintendo.
  • I regret ever getting a gamecube. Almost every single game was a letdown after the N64. Metroid Prime was the only gem for me. Finally wised up and got an xbox to play halo.
  • Finally, no so much a regret, because I will get one eventually, but I've been missing all the Switch games.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
Maybe buying Destiny 1 considering the game was a steaming hot turd?

Otherwise I don't really have any regrets in gaming.


Selling my imported PC Engine in 1991. That machine still looks fantastic today imo over 30 years after release.

How was owning a PC Engine in the UK? I've been looking at a few magazines from back then (CVG and Mean Machines) and they were pretty hyped about the system (well, the Mean Machines staff were over-ruled by the higher ups who made them cover the Amstrad GX4000 instead, but they still gave it a lot of praise). It sounds like the console was a modest success in the UK, despite being available via import only at the time, but the official release of the Megadrive seemed to kill it off.


Probably selling my N64 and playstation... along with loads of physical games. Games like Perfect Dark which would be fun to play splitscreen again with.


Not getting into Souls games sooner. I saw today that I bought Dark Souls on PC in 2013 and didn’t play it until about 2017. Now I can’t get enough of those games.


How was owning a PC Engine in the UK? I've been looking at a few magazines from back then (CVG and Mean Machines) and they were pretty hyped about the system (well, the Mean Machines staff were over-ruled by the higher ups who made them cover the Amstrad GX4000 instead, but they still gave it a lot of praise). It sounds like the console was a modest success in the UK, despite being available via import only at the time, but the official release of the Megadrive seemed to kill it off.
If you were a hardcore gamer (90's definition) and you knew about the PCE, you had one. CEX, PC Engine Supplies, Raven Games and Tokyo Joe all had them available by mail order. But it really was hobbyist and unlikely that anyone you personally knew would have one. So it stayed in the circles of people that already imported and sold only in indie stores.

Having portable Street Fighter 2 and the GT back then blew people away. Games on CD before anyone else was a big one too. There were so many mulitplayer games too and just having 5 player Bomberman was a party, this was before it was released on the Super Nintendo.


Back in '93 or '94, a buddy of mine (and gaming rival) picked up an Atari Jaguar with Tempest 2000 and invited me over to see it. I was instantly addicted and needed one of my own. I was like 20 years old at the time, no credit to speak of, and didn't have enough money to buy one outright, so my folks co-signed a small $500 personal loan, to see how responsible I would be with it, and those were my first steps into the glorious world of personal debt.

I loved it. I played Doom, AvP, and all the T2K I could stand. I was in heaven.

...until about two weeks later, when that same friend invited me over again, to show me the 3DO he just traded his Atari Jaguar in for.

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Scotty W

I accidentally bought 2 copies of Demon's Crest at a pawn shop several years apart. I gave 1 copy to some friends who had been very kind to me and who had moved away, and the other I played on my roomates SNES until I got stuck at the final incarnation of the final boss, and then forgot to get it when I moved out. I lost copies of Doom 64 and Majora's Mask the same way. I know I could visit these roomates, but I'm sure that after all these years it would a huge headache to get that stuff out of storage.
Not buying a PSP and then years later buying a PS Vita. It was the first time I felt burned on a platform purchase because there were so few big-budget games and a lot of indie games instead. Since then, I've been cautious of anything new coming from PlayStation, although I have to say they've been doing a better job with PSVR support.
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Beating Shenmue after one all-night marathon on release day (this was obviously years ago so maybe it was two all-nighters? hard to remember). Rushing through the story was clearly not the way to properly play that game and now i just can’t get into it like I could’ve back when I had free time.


Quite a few.

Not getting a Dreamcast for £20 in 2004/5, it was in excellent condition too, at that time as could have got the games cheap too but I passed on it. Back then I had both the time and Money for it, was too concerned with the PS3/360 generation.

Not owning a NES/SNES because I was loyal to Sega at the time Master System /Megadrive. I did get to play them though as my sister got a NES later on & my brother had the SNES really late though around 1999/2000 at that time I had little interest as I was busy Playing ps1.

Not owning more than 5 PS2 games during that whole generation, instead I got into P.C gaming a bit so I became a bit of a snob to consoles, I forgot you could enjoy both. (I made up for it by buying quite a lot of games cheap just a few years ago though) then bought a Xbox & GameCube later on too.

Not discovering Metroid sooner because I didn’t have Nintendo systems growing up.


Neighbours from Hell
I never played Ocarina of Time or KOTOR when they were new releases, and tried to play them recently and just couldn't get into them with outdated graphics and gameplay mechanics.


Card Captor Sakura: Tomoyo's video Taisakusen (Jp DC)... Limited Edition at full premium import price.

I should just have thrown the money down the toilet... :(


Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
Completely missing out on TurboGrafx16

I used to regret not having a SEGA CD as a kid but since learning how crap the hardware was I got over it


Likes moldy games
How was owning a PC Engine in the UK? I've been looking at a few magazines from back then (CVG and Mean Machines) and they were pretty hyped about the system (well, the Mean Machines staff were over-ruled by the higher ups who made them cover the Amstrad GX4000 instead, but they still gave it a lot of praise). It sounds like the console was a modest success in the UK, despite being available via import only at the time, but the official release of the Megadrive seemed to kill it off.
I had not long started a YTS (aged 16)and managed to save up to buy one after just looking at the boxes in the shop for months and reading and being amazed at the graphics in the magazines you mentioned. The shop in my town though barely had many games, after 6 months i discovered a shop 25 miles away that had nearly every game, so i used to get the train every few weeks to buy a game. I also remember buying games hoping there wasn't too much Japanese text in, that was a bit annoying but most times i got round it. I also remember the smell off the power converter, used to give of a distinct smell of light singeing that i weirdly quite liked. I also felt i was only one of a few in the country who had one, it felt underground, i was playing this 2 years before the mainstream would and of course that never happened, the Megadrive story took over, shame really great machine.

Edit i just remembered my first game i bought with the system, Dragon Spirit, i remember we had the arcade in our local pub (pretending i was 18 as you did back then) and i'd compare it to the arcade version after the magazines saying games were arcade perfect. Straight away i knew they wasn't as the boss on level 1 had limbs missing and level 2 didn't have parallax scrolling etc. But it was way way closer to arcade machines compared to anything else and many a folk wouldn't have noticed the difference and to think how tiny it was, it was at the time as they say " A Beast"
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Deleted member 738976

Unconfirmed Member
Selling or not buying soon to be rare games.


Well mine originally was going to be not able to play Shenmue's story to it's conclusion, but we're getting the 3rd game next month. Lol

But for real regrets, I can think of a few.

Mass Effect 3's ending - My God. What an epic way to fuck up your series and screw with it's fanbase. If I'd known that the trilogy would end in such a horrible fashion I probably wouldn't have bothered playing through the first two games. I don't regret my time playing ME1 & ME2, but Bioware really dropped the ball to what should have been a highmark for their studio. ME3's ending plus the way they handled the negative backlash to it really soured my opinion on them. And to continue on Bioware...

Playing Dragon Age Inquisition - I was ready for Bioware to redeem themselves after the ME3 letdown. I wanted this game to be a return to form for them, but alas, all we got was overbloated rpg grindfest. There are scattered moments of brilliance here and there but much Inquisition is so boring and tedious that I never bothered finishing it. This average title convinced me that the Bioware I knew was gone. The negative reception to Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem just confirmed it.

Not playing Morrowind - I actually got a used copy of this on my original Xbox. At the time I was so preoccupied with other titles that it just fell by the wayside. And then I got a 360 and didn't go back to playing my OG Xbox ever again. A shame, as many have stated this is the best of the Elder Scrolls games and I didn't get into the series until Skyrim.


Getting rid of my trusty GameBoy Color when I became a stupid teenager because "Nintendo is for kids". Also, continuing playing (and paying for) WoW after Cataclysm, even though almost everyone I played with quit around that time and I was basically using the game as a glorified chat-client from that point on just to be able to talk with this girl. We actually met in real life etc. Did not know that I was supposed to be a side-dude to her. That hurt like hell when I found out.
Naturally, I never talked to her again and opted to become a misanthropic asshole instead. I think she's married now.
Selling old consoles and hard copies of games.
All the videogames i sold back in the late 90's.

Same here. I owned basically all major consoles and quite a lot of games, except the SEGA Saturn (unfortunately!). On the other hand, I wouldn't even know where I could've kept all of the stuff...especially the big box PC games. :messenger_dizzy:

Luckily I still have the Dreamcast and PlayStation Vita.
Right there with you with Destiny, in fact I remembered I reviewed it as a 6/10 before fully understanding what Light Levels were and the endgame stuff

Now it's my favourite series ever and well over 2000 hours in, I dread my steam time played number by the end of the year...

I often talk about this with my friends, when we speak about games, they tried Destiny for one hour, then ditched it, but the greatest obstacle in it is the initial phase, like a 5-6 hour long tutorial who discourage most of the players
I fell in this trap with the First one too

Can't imagine how much I will play D3, if those anonthenine leaks are still valuable
D3 looks sick


I swapped my original SNES and games (including Super Metroid, Zelda) when I was 19, in exchange for a mate covering my months share of our Sky bill in our student house. We're talking 2004 here, so well into the OG Xbox, GameCube, PS2 era and I didn't think it a big deal.

What I didn't consider was the games value, but more importantly I didn't consider the sentiment side of things. It was my first proper console all of my own as we didn't have much money when I was a kid. Buying that SNES would have been a big deal for my parents and it was an amazing Christmas gift, still my all-time No.1.

So I traded that, and Super Mario Kart me and my best mate as a kid spent entire weekends on, and Striker that was the only game I could get my dad to play with me, and Super Metroid which was bought for me as a distraction whilst my grandma was very ill, and Zelda I used to play whilst my dad worked Sundays in an extra job, and Super Mario World + All-stars that came bundled with the console and I played through obsessively with my cousin, etc etc.

All traded for one month's worth of watching Sky Sports whilst not hammered or in lectures. Was only five or six years ago it really struck me.

The good news is the guy I traded it to is still a best mate of mine and still had it. The bad news is the console was nerfed and had stopped working a time ago. I did get all the games back though, which has been great and I've bought a Super Retro Trio 3 to play them on. (And a SNES mini, but that's not really the point as you'll gather).

Oh, and plowing 200hrs into Elite: Dangerous.


I wish I had discovered the Persona series sooner, it's odd to think I went most of my gaming life without knowing my favorite genre even existed.

Second was probably buying a new PC just so I could play the Total Annihilation sequel (TA: Kingdoms), which turned out to be the biggest pile of crap ever burnt onto a CD-ROM.


As far as un-fixable regrets go, not getting into Tribes: Ascend when it was hot.
And not having been more active in MAG. I only played a few matches when Sony announced the EOL of the game.
For me it was Chromehounds; and not playing more of it while I had the chance. The servers are gone. The closest fan revival project M.A.V isn’t working out the way I’d like. I miss it. :messenger_pensive:

... Giving up too early on Phantasy Star Online ...
My favourite game of all time. They never had online part for gamecube in Australia; but I split-screened that for hundreds of hours. I practically came :messenger_downcast_sweat::messenger_ok: while playing Universe online properly; but I only kept it subscribed for a single month because I didn’t have an income. I tried a fan-server last year but it was too hard to parse.

The Xbox 360, ... that piece of shit broke on me 2 times, with his rrod. ...
I had four consoles total I think. Twice it was sent away and they sent refurbished ones back. Once the warranty was kaput, so I went and bought some cheap budget replacement. Sold all the physical games, no regrets; and the only thing it’s good for now was it’s set of four controllers; but they’ve all deteriorated so bad over the decade, that I really need replacements. Dead zone and spring-back on the thumbsticks are all fucked.

Taking two weeks off from work to play Mass Effect Andromeda.
I even thought “Hey, everyone was wrong, this is good!” throughout my first two or three hours. Pretty much the “my face is tired” point on it was bad; and then a train-wreck once Peebee and the ruins come into play. I saw the amount of World of Warcraft bullshit side-quests outstanding on some of those planets and just never went back.

That's easy. I let a "friend" borrow my Saturn and a bunch of games. Never saw it again.
  • Leaving my classic consoles at my girlfriend's house ...
  • Letting a buddy borrow my copies of Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9. ...
I had an old friend get back in touch with me after years of not seeing eachother; and probably a decade since we last actually hung out as friends. I was showing them my brand new 360 copy of The Orange Box; I had completed everything and loved playing Team Fortress 2.

Way before for the hat and microtransaction business; TF2 really was a smooth balanced game. It will just never be the same again, that experience was gone. And that fucker cut that experience short for me, permanently. He asked to borrow it; and usually that’s a social faux pass. You don’t ask to borrow someone’s new thing. But he did; and I told myself that in the spirit of a reuinited friendship, he can play it at home. I’ll be seeing him regularly anyway... right? :messenger_pouting:

On the subject of leaving things at girlfriend’s houses, know that eventually some boy will date that person and be delighted to inherit those controllers. I know I was when it happened to me.

Now my half-regret. I regret not fucking my cousin the arse while we both played Playboy: The Mansion. Hopefully don’t regret posting that.
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Leaving my pristine, only once used Dreamcast at my aunt's house thinking I'm doing my cousin a favor. Only to return years later to find out they got rid of it :(

And he still has his N64 fgs! At least let me know you don't want it....


I dont have many regrets when it comes to games as I'm pretty quick to ditch a game I'm not enjoying older games if I want to go back are usually very cheap.

That been said recently I regret not been good enough at fast paced games to enjoy Sekiro... because I love all the other From games.
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