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Your "Gaming Regrets" ...


I regret being a good guy and let my friends borrow some PSX games (including some now considered rare ones), just to see them going abroad and never see them again....i should have been an asshole


- Not getting a NES back in the day. In my defence, here in Europe Sega was more popular so i could swap games with my mates
- Buying and spending 50 hours in BotW. The only Zelda game i've ever liked enough to complete was Wind Waker. I guess it's time to admit i just don't like Zelda games that much
- Buying an Amiga CD32
- Buying a Vita though it has redeemed itself a bit by being a great emulation handheld
- Buying a WiiU
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I sort of wish I had gotten a PSP instead of a DS.
There just weren't that many DS games I ended up liking. My friend had a PSP and the (obviously unnoficial) emulation features alone already made it seem more fun


Gold Member
My most recent gaming regret would be selling my mint copy of Aquanaut's Holiday: Hidden Memories for PS3 last year. It was the rare Chinese/English version, which now commands a premium price. I regret selling the game, because despite having thoroughly finished it, I didn't realize I'd miss its experience later on. By "experience", I mean the captivating locales and sense of truly "being there" which this game exudes. I basically sold off an imminently revisit-able private diving sanctuary for pennies on the dollar. Dumb move.


Not buying all those Witcher 1 Collector's editions that were $10 in JBHIFI in ~2008 (they obviously weren't selling)


Never owning a PS3. I know I could do it now, but most of the games are already ported or remastered on the PS4 so I'd be doing it for a handful of titles.

Selling my Amiga CD32. It wasn't a great console, because most of the games were the same as on other Amiga's (plus FMV's and dialogues), but it's became a rare console and I'd be proud to have it on my shelf.

Kagey K

Buying so many games. There are too many games that have shown upon Game Pass lately that I paid full price for and never played.


Ooh I know...trading my copy of Mega Man 7, probably for $6 toward some dumbass shovelware PS1 game my stupid 13 year-old ass thought looked cool at the time.


Neo Member
Spending at least $500 plus in a chinese CS knock off game.

Oh I also regret buying Control recently, boring shit.
I regret spending too much time playing CS:GO, Overwatch (I also spent a ton of time playing Minecraft but I think it was helpful for me as a child). I could've finished so much culture-important games


Neo Member
My only gaming regret is buying certain games; Anthem, Destiny 1 (only game I pre-ordered and god damn did I get scammed) and CoD WW2.


- Buying a Vita though it has redeemed itself a bit by being a great emulation handheld
- Buying a WiiU
These two were actually my favorite consoles by faaaaar during their time, and I still use them a lot. What's not to love about these consoles ? Did you tap their potential ?

Vita has some fantastic Visual Novels and many games that are great on the go, and it is the last true handheld in my opinion. I am sure you can find some pretty great uses to it even today ;)
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I guess I regret not having played Ragnarok Online past the beta because I didn't want to pay monthly to play something.

It all went downhill once it went F2P and later on got a "Renewal" update and the community is not as great as it used to be anymore either. So even though I got the money now, I will never be able to get back the enjoyment I had during beta.


advanced basic bitch
I bought a Jaguar and a Jaguar CD. I was a young foolish man who fell for an infomercial lol
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I always regretted playing priest in WoW back in 2005/06. After a few months I was sick of it, it wasn't my true call, and I didn't want to reroll this slow game.

I'm actually glad for the Classic release, I can at last play a melee class, something that I enjoy tenfold more. It's like I can finally repair a mistake from a lifetime ago.


Neo Member
Probably wasting so many hours waiting for others to show up/not screw around in WOW dungeons. It was never that much fun but I stuck it out to help grow the guild.


These two were actually my favorite consoles by faaaaar during their time, and I still use them a lot. What's not to love about these consoles ? Did you tap their potential ?

Vita has some fantastic Visual Novels and many games that are great on the go, and it is the last true handheld in my opinion. I am sure you can find some pretty great uses to it even today ;)
WiiU - I gave up on it during one of the many droughts it had. Looking back now, it did get a somewhat acceptable amount of good games but it sure did not feel like it at the time and now i'm grabbing the remakes on the Switch instead. Also, i expected a lot more 3rd party support which never really came. Nintendo botched the launch and then it seemed most of the big 3rd party devs abandoned ship

Vita - Well, first off i don't play visual novels. What i expected was handheld AAA titles like GTA but of the few we got, most were plagued by lousy frame rate. Some to the point of being unplayable. Vita should have been the greatest handheld up to that point but Sony seemed intent on fucking up every step of the way and then ignore it once it became clear it wouldn't come close to matching the success of the psp. Terrible wifi which meant insanely slow digital downloads, crazy expensive memory cards instead of using SD etc.

I still use it as an emulation machine though but if it was up to Sony, i wouldn't even be able to do that


I've pre-ordered Watchdogs Deluxe Edition as my first Ubisoft game because I was hyped for that E3 video back then.


Not being able to afford the DC during its heyday; selling my PS4 earlier in the gen because I needed money and I still haven't got a new one... bummer.


Selling/trading/giving away my old games at the time. Back in the day I had to "trade up" the old games and consoles to get the newest. Today I'm paying way too much to get a lot of those games back into my collection.

Also regret overpaying for a few things and selling a few others for way too little.

Not collecting related: Really regret pre-ordering two copies of the Fallout 76 Power Armor edition because I fully expected them to sell out and at that point Amazon had been messing up my pre-orders and not shipping them. I don't regret the initial purchase because as bad as it is I enjoy the game (and the collectibles are pretty cool), but in hindsight I didn't need to worry about them selling out. Waste of $200 for the backup buy.


Spending thousands on digital card games (Hearthstone, Shadowverse, Magic Arena). I did have fun with the games, but obsessing over owning all the good cards definitely wasn't good for my wallet...


i missed natural selection 2's prime due to significant injuries, and it's regrettable because i loved the developers and the community

feel like if i'd been there, things would be different (hard to say, only one man)
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For me it is mainly selling my old retro system like GameBoy, SNES, N64 and so on. This is specially painful because as a kid I kept everything in mint condition - so those consoles and games would be worth today a little fortune.

Besides that, making my mom buying me those expensive Nintendo games. I greatly enjoyed playing those games but now as an adult it makes me kinda ashamed causing unnecessary financial strain.

Oh and one time my brother bought me a SNES game as gift, I did choose Bubsy...
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Selling my old systems (Master System, Genesis, SEGA CD, 32X, Saturn and Dreamcast). I was a SEGA fanboy growing up and I felt so bad when SEGA stopped manufacturing that I lost my desire for gaming for a while and sold everything. Now, I regret so much that I acted so rashly and I miss my stuff, it's like a part of my past was sold away.


I sold my OG xbox and games when my family had a really hard time struggling financially. Sold it so we could afford to buy food at the end of the month.

Tho it's not really a "gaming regret" and I would do it again, it still stings. It was the first console I bought with my own money when I was 13.

Ofc I rebought an OG Xbox after I started earning money years ago. And now, in the late 20s, I buy whatever I want hahahaha

I love my parents, they are awesome, so don't get the wrong picture here.

Ron Mexico

There's a couple directions I could go here but honestly the biggest regret would be sticking around at Electronics Boutique long enough to be a manager and really seeing the ugly side of things. As a part-timer in '99 or whatever it was, it was an absolute blast. While some of it was retail just being retail, it's a different animal when your work started to ruin your hobbies.

On a hobbyist level, it would be trading in everything I had for the NES to buy a copy of Hardball '94.


Gold Member
Selling Shadow hearts 2: the covenant for Shadow hearts: From the new world. At least I learned from it and hold onto games I enjoyed since I usually revisit them.


Golden Boy
Never got a SNES back in the day, but i didnt press enough either.
Played at friends every now and then, but i regret not having experienced this at its full potential.
Lost kingdoms on gamecube, I was really young and impressionable and i choose the game because of it's badass cover just to discover later that the gameplay wasn't my cup of tea.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Can I say that I regret pre-ordering the gold edition of The Division 2? It's been months after release and the game still sucks. It was nice for some hours when I started playing but it got old pretty fast. I was hugely more engaged with the first game. I still play Survival to this day.

Me too. I like the game but I really only played solo. The first Division was playable solo but the second one was unbearably difficult. Almost broken. I gave up pretty early. Unless this changed, I don't think I will go back. So frustrating!


Bought Red Dead Redemption and hated it. Saw the hype for RDR2 and knew that I wouldn't like it. Got caught up in the hype train and bought RDR2 almost certain that I wouldn't like it. I hated it more than the original.

I haven't liked a Rockstar game in a very long time. Hopefully I've learned my lesson this time. I can't imagine buying anything else from them for a long time.
For me personally, I'd say getting a console at launch. Maybe I was just unlucky but I had to send my ps4 in 3 times before sony gave me one that worked properly. Same thing happened with ps3 and I think enough has been said about the 360. Definitely going to wait on next gen for the newer models to come out or the mid gen refresh that's bound to happen and just have a system that works great and is better than the launch consoles.
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