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Your most unpopular opinions

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Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
110% agree. I sometimes feel we should abolish rehab and legalize all drugs. Let stupidity kill itself off. You're a healthy person and decide to do drugs? Ok, you deserve whatever happens to you. It's not a "mistake", or "exploring your mind", it's unhealthy, self-destructive, and it's a choice. A stupid choice. You know that and you consciously decided to do it. That's not my problem. But, ultimately, rehab is good for those who fell into drugs by other means and I wouldn't want children exposed to drugs everywhere, among other issues.

Why, this is the kind of garbled raving that only a drug-addled mind could make sense of! :D


Superman > Batman and Batman is tied with Supes for third best Rogues Gallery behind Spider-Man and The Flash.

Ms. Marvel (Carol) at one point was my third favorite Superhero.

Carnage > Venom.

Jay-z is a mediocre rapper with more bad years than good.

Biggie is overrated.

The Diplomats are a top 3 rap group all-time.

Avatar: The Last Airbender and Death Note were perfectly acceptable movies.

Dean Koontz > Stephen King

Harry Potter books in terms of favorite: 4 > 5 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 7 > 6

What you think is the best and your favorite are not the same.

Childish Gambino is the most versatile artist of the past 5 years.

Lupe Fiasco isn't that good.

Peter Parker is the worst Spider-man.

Amazing Spider-man 2 is the second worst superhero movie I've ever seen only behind Angeles Lee's Hulk.

I'll think of more later.


It has ruined my fucking life and I would give anything not to fucking suffer from it everyday. I fucking hate not being able to do anything.
Maybe you should see a doctor (or another doctor if you already see one). I'm positive you can do things. You're a human being. Your brain may operate differently but you're still a human being capable of doing things just like anyone else.
This is the kind of garbled ravings that only a drug-addled mind could make sense of. :D
I have never done an illegal drug in my life. I don't smoke and I don't drink either. As for drugs, if you're educated on the matter, why would you do it? That's not a mistake. You're choosing to be self-destructive. But like I said, some people are unfortunate and fall into drugs by other means. That's not cool. And I can understand people smoking weed for medicinal purposes, like to alleviate pain. But if you're a healthy person and one day decide you're going to smoke some crack. That I don't understand.
110% agree. I sometimes feel we should abolish rehab and legalize all drugs. Let stupidity kill itself off. You're a healthy person and decide to do drugs? Ok, you deserve whatever happens to you. It's not a "mistake", or "exploring your mind", it's unhealthy, self-destructive, and it's a choice. A stupid choice. You know that and you consciously decided to do it. That's not my problem. But, ultimately, rehab is good for those who fell into drugs by other means and I wouldn't want children exposed to drugs everywhere, among other issues.

As someone with ADHD, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be insulted.

Holding contempt for people who use drugs/alcohol for fun is actually more wack than people who do drugs for fun.

Your existence on this giant rock is temporary anyways and your talking as if everyday things/activities don't cause cancer/other diseases anyways. Your average person who doesnt even touch drugs probably eats junk food that is slowly giving them cancer. You'll be dead one day too just like those people you hold contempt for. No need to be so concerned over other people's lifestyles and decisions in finding an escape.
I wouldn't go that far, but I do enjoy watching the entire world get caught up in what's very literally a movie version of procedural pro wrestling soap opera.

And even something as bro-ed up and usually culturally dated as pro wrestling has more amazing women in it than the Marvel universe.

I'm not saying the movies are poorly done themselves, but rather the impact their formula and business model have had on the industry as a whole. Marvel has for the most part been able to perfect the "fun movie" formula that both attracts and satisfies the general masses/audience, which is unfortunate because so long as they stick to their methods (including marketing), quality, source material, and brand, they are guaranteed to have box office successes, which has become one of the most influential actors on film studios' behaviors. This is now seeping out into into other studios' attempts to match the success of Marvel through mimicry, such as the DC Cinematic Universe, the Star Wars Cinematic Universe (which has produced two seriously uninspired movies), and other attempts like The Dark Universe or possibly Ghostbusters. And alongside unchallenging or innovative movies being the new norm, new ideas are seen as too risky, making Hollywood one of the world's largest, most profitable recycling centers.

The hate for George Lucas was disgusting and borderline bullying. The man put far more good into the world than bad and fans gave him nothing but shit for like a decade after the prequels. It's some of the worst and sordid examples of pop culture tribalism and I resent being part of the same fandom. At least the prequels had their own identity.

This, I don't think the Prequels were good by any metric, but people took it as if Lucas was assaulting their childhood. Some prime man-child behavior came out of this, and it was very ugly and embarrassing.
I have mentioned this in the gaming controversial opinions thread and have occasionally brought it up elsewhere but the NES versions of Zelda 1/2, Metroid and Mario 1/2/3 are all Superior to their SNES sequels.

I also think that each of those series have had better games post SNES as well. I'd take Galaxy BOTW, and Prime over these Sacred cows anytime. SNES was still one of my favorite systems ever, but Mario World, Zelda 3 and Super Metroid each were disappointing. Super Metroid, which I played when I was 16 was the game that made me step away from video games as a hobby for nearly 2 years. BTW Mario 64 is the game that brought me back.
IT isn’t a great book. It’s too long, has a whole lot of fat that could be trimmed, and isn’t particularly scary. There’s too much going on and the ending suffers because King clearly overwhelmed himself trying to squeeze everything in. It’s ok, but it’s not as good as it’s reputation and infamy suggests.
110% agree. I sometimes feel we should abolish rehab and legalize all drugs. Let stupidity kill itself off. You're a healthy person and decide to do drugs? Ok, you deserve whatever happens to you. It's not a "mistake", or "exploring your mind", it's unhealthy, self-destructive, and it's a choice. A stupid choice. You know that and you consciously decided to do it. That's not my problem. But, ultimately, rehab is good for those who fell into drugs by other means and I wouldn't want children exposed to drugs everywhere, among other issues.
Did you grow up in a fundamentalist religious family?
It sounds more like an "opinion" you adopted from your parents.


110% agree. I sometimes feel we should abolish rehab and legalize all drugs. Let stupidity kill itself off. You're a healthy person and decide to do drugs? Ok, you deserve whatever happens to you. It's not a "mistake", or "exploring your mind", it's unhealthy, self-destructive, and it's a choice. A stupid choice. You know that and you consciously decided to do it. That's not my problem. But, ultimately, rehab is good for those who fell into drugs by other means and I wouldn't want children exposed to drugs everywhere, among other issues.

As someone with ADHD, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be insulted.

you’re a bad person.


Holding contempt for people who use drugs/alcohol for fun is actually more wack than people who do drugs for fun.

Your existence on this giant rock is temporary anyways and your talking as if everyday things/activities don't cause cancer/other diseases anyways. Your average person who doesnt otuch drugs probably eats junk food that is slowly giving them cancer. You'll be dead one day too just like those people you hold contempt for. No need to be so concerned over other people's lifestyles and decisions in finding an escape.
I don't understand this escape thing. For example, I get stressed but my answer isn't to start smoking like I've seen people do. I feel for those with horrible diseases and if smoking alleviates pain and whatnot, that I understand. I can even understand other horrible circumstances where people are forced into drugs. I'm talking about normal, healthy, people, deciding to be self-destructive. I'll never understand it.
Did you grow up in a fundamentalist religious family?
It sounds more like an "opinion" you adopted from your parents.
My parents are not religious nor am I. My extended family is.


ADHD is nothing less than a broken brain/minimal brain damage, and anyone who says otherwise is just wrong. Advantage my fucking ass.

How is this an unpopular opinion, or even an opinion? Is literally understood as a mental disorder lol, saying broken is a bit harsh though.


There is a serious disconnect on this message board from reality.

More government is not the answer to most problems and if you blindly think the government will do what's best for the people without taking care of themselves you are out of your mind.

Guns don't need to be banned just regulated closer like some states already do.

Trumps actions cause gross hyperbole(some are warrented however) to the same level Republicans acted with Obama.

PlayStation controllers have always sucked.

Socialsm is equally as toxic as Capitalism.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
But if you're a healthy person and one day decide you're going to smoke some crack. That I don't understand.

That happen a lot, does it?

I don't understand this escape thing. For example, I get stressed but my answer isn't to start smoking like I've seen people do.

What works for you may not work for other people and vice versa. Like you said earlier, it’s not your problem.

Not sure why you’d have such a strong opinion about something that apparently doesn’t effect you.
How is this an unpopular opinion, or even an opinion? Is literally understood as a mental disorder lol, saying broken is a bit harsh though.

I feel broken today. I'm just glad people agree with me (not too harshley, though) because I fucking hate listening to people who always attempt to tell me its a "superpower" or something.


Unchecked capitalism is ruining America. We will not take steps to deal with this until it is far too late.

Democrats who support American interventionism, particularly in the Middle East, are despicable. For instance, Obama should have gotten a lot more flack for his expansion of the drone program and his murder of civilians. Instead the left rolled over with barely a peep.

Furthermore, drone warfare is immoral and dangerous. It's the future, for wealthy and advanced nations, and will eventually expand to all theaters of war, but the idea of removing the risk of casualties on one side, making war "cheap" to wage, is unacceptable. In addition, automating part or all of the decision-making for drones is such a risk. Not in some Skynet way, but machines making life-or-death decisions over human lives? Whew.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild has some poor quality-of-life design choices. It takes away from the fun of the game. It's almost like Nintendo tried to reinvent the wheel with regards to open world gameplay. Some of the results are great but others are decidedly not.

BLM and Antifa are way worse than anything a white suppremist has ever done.

You are aware that white supremacists lynched over a thousand black men in the 20th century, right?

- There is a need for men's rights activism, but currently the most vocal activists are assholes and are hurting the movement for normal people.

Agreed. Divorce/custody court is a systemic disaster for men. Men are victims of domestic abuse at high rates, victims of rape at significant rates, and no one really cares. Males are falling behind in secondary education. And so on.

The problem with MRAs is that some of their agenda is so vile that it's unacceptable to be associated with the movement. So the problems facing men continue with no end in sight, and no legitimate advocacy out there.


I think abortion should be allowed at any stage of pregnancy, and the arbitrary line the pro choice movement sometimes draws here is silly.

Advocating for men's issues isn't comparable to fighting for white or straight rights. Unlike those groups, gender inequality does sometimes cut both ways. Education, mental health, family rights etc

Davey Cakes

I have never done an illegal drug in my life. I don't smoke and I don't drink either. As for drugs, if you're educated on the matter, why would you do it? That's not a mistake. You're choosing to be self-destructive. But like I said, some people are unfortunate and fall into drugs by other means. That's not cool. And I can understand people smoking weed for medicinal purposes, like to alleviate pain. But if you're a healthy person and one day decide you're going to smoke some crack. That I don't understand.
Firstly, you're equating marijuana and crack. They are not the same even if they both fall under the "drug" blanket. The reason a lot of discussions on drugs go down the shitter is because people lump them all together when anyone who's taken a psychopharmacology course could tell you that the differences should be well delineated.

Secondly, there's a limit to how much you can know and say without actually doing the thing you're talking about. I don't do cocaine, crack, or any drugs other than marijuana and alcohol (and...caffeine) really, so I can't offer much to discussion on the harder drugs.

That said, in the example of marijuana, you'd probably understand better if you knew what it was like to be high. That's all. I'm not encouraging it, I'm just saying. And, maybe that's an unpopular opinion in itself, but I feel it's valid to a degree.


That happen a lot, does it?

What works for you may not work for other people and vice versa. Like you said earlier, it’s not your problem.

Not sure why you’d have such a strong opinion about something that apparently doesn’t effect you.
Hence the unpopular opinion. That is the point of the thread. And it doesn't affect me so I normally stay silent which is what I should have done apparently.


I'm going to stick to ones that I feel are controversial on GAF:

Trump will be reelected in 2020 as the Democratic Party is an ideological mess with no leadership or vision and will either succumb to infighting or arrogance. Yes, his approval ratings are the lowest in history but that will likely lead to a mindset of "oh there's no way he'll get reelected, everyone hates him" which will cause voter apathy once more while a united Republican Party (united on election day at least) repeats 2016.

On Gaming Side, video games have never been better than the period beginning in 2015. AAA releases have declined since due to corporate greed but games like Bloodborne and The Witcher 3 are the best ever in their genres and releases like Breath of the Wild, Overwatch, Dark Souls 3, Uncharted 4, Rocket League, and Titanfall 2 are all time greats. However, since there have been a large quantity of releases that have spoiled us, it's hard to see.

Only a minority of games released before 2009 are still playable due to nauseating framerate issues and aged design. Hell, some games around that era are aging, I can't even bring myself to play Assassin's Creed 2 or Infamous now. The visual/framerate problem applies to 3D consoles. Game design age applies to 2D consoles as well. SNES classics are generally fine but the NES only has maybe one game that can be considered above decent (SMB3).

Despite the continued presence of hair regulations, the Yankees have developed into a great and exciting organization. The problems were Steinbrenner and ARod/Jeter. Most critics are stuck in the past. Yes there are still many fans who brag about 27 championships but every fanbase has its bad eggs. The bottom line is the organization has changed for the better and the current team is one worth following not only due to the ability to win.

The NFL is more popular than ever and will see increased growth over the next few decades despite CTE concerns and political controversy.

Star Wars is overall quite mediocre and was just excellent for its time. Lord of the Rings (not the Hobbit) blows it out of the water in every way to the point where the two should not even be compared.

The Dark Knight Rises was a great comic book movie and better than almost every MCU movie


Maybe you should see a doctor (or another doctor if you already see one). I'm positive you can do things. You're a human being. Your brain may operate differently but you're still a human being capable of doing things just like anyone else.

I have never done an illegal drug in my life. I don't smoke and I don't drink either. As for drugs, if you're educated on the matter, why would you do it? That's not a mistake. You're choosing to be self-destructive. But like I said, some people are unfortunate and fall into drugs by other means. That's not cool. And I can understand people smoking weed for medicinal purposes, like to alleviate pain. But if you're a healthy person and one day decide you're going to smoke some crack. That I don't understand.

No one mentally healthy takes drugs. And I say that with a joint in my hand. I smoke because I can’t take life otherwise. I’ve done most drugs bar the really bad ones (crack, etc), and it was all due to an inability to find happiness. Apart from acid. That shit opens perceptual doors you didn’t know existed and I’m glad for doing it.

They’re a self treatment, not a disease.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Hence the unpopular opinion. That is the point of the thread. And it doesn't affect me so I normally stay silent which is what I should have done apparently.

Unpopular opinion, sure; not uninformed. ;)

Doesn’t explain why you have such a strong opinion on something that has little to do with you though...

EDIT: Not having a go, btw. You just seem to not really know what you’re talking about, but still have very strong views on the subject. That’s a recipe for disaster!
Mad Max Fury Road is stupid as hell. Boring samey action with a dumb as rocks main character and some really strange villains. Was basically a long car chase through the desert with villains doing quirky shit because this plot is just so different and deep man. Charlize was pretty much the only thing it had going for it.
Maybe you should see a doctor (or another doctor if you already see one). I'm positive you can do things. You're a human being. Your brain may operate differently but you're still a human being capable of doing things just like anyone else.

I have never done an illegal drug in my life. I don't smoke and I don't drink either. As for drugs, if you're educated on the matter, why would you do it? That's not a mistake. You're choosing to be self-destructive. But like I said, some people are unfortunate and fall into drugs by other means. That's not cool. And I can understand people smoking weed for medicinal purposes, like to alleviate pain. But if you're a healthy person and one day decide you're going to smoke some crack. That I don't understand.
You not understanding = judging. That's what dumb people do. We need less of that.
People are different.


Hence the unpopular opinion. That is the point of the thread. And it doesn't affect me so I normally stay silent which is what I should have done apparently.

Why should you stay silent if your opinion is ever challenged? Shouldn't being challenged make you want to understand why you hold that opinion?


If you hate Skyler from Breaking Bad or Claire Underwood from House of Cards you are a misogynist.

This is literally a test I do on dates to see if the guy is a misogynist or not lmao. Of course I listen to their reasoning but the reasoning is almost always the same.


Junior Member
I'm going to stick to ones that I feel are controversial on GAF:

Trump will be reelected in 2020 as the Democratic Party is an ideological mess with no leadership or vision and will either succumb to infighting or arrogance. Yes, his approval ratings are the lowest in history but that will likely lead to a mindset of "oh there's no way he'll get reelected, everyone hates him" which will cause voter apathy once more while a united Republican Party (united on election day at least) repeats 2016.

I agree with you here. I voted for Hillary last election and was hoping my black college age peers did the same. I got the sneaking suspicion that non e of them voted because "voting doesn't matter man" lo and be hold last Saturday my friend ranted on how she didn't vote in the Pres. Election because "voting doesn't matter" I almost want to stop being friends with them because of this. Trump is gonna get reelected because people my age don't care.


Unpopular opinion, sure; not uninformed. ;)

Doesn’t explain why you have such a strong opinion on something that has little to do with you though...
Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically. But like I said, if smoking weed or whatever alleviates pain caused from cancer or something, I can understand that. As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never understand that choice.
Almost every criticism I've seen of A Song of Ice and Fire is garbage born out of pre-concived notions or a deep misunderstanding of the series's plot, goals, and themes.


Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically. But like I said, if smoking weed or whatever alleviates pain caused from cancer or something, I can understand that. As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never I'll never understand that choice.

What are you even talking about now? In what universe does smoking weed destroy someone physically?
Because I feel there are other ways people can get help and find happiness or an escape without destroying themselves physically. But like I said, if smoking weed or whatever alleviates pain caused from cancer or something, I can understand that. As for healthy people who decide to do it just because, I'll never I'll never understand that choice.

Being "healthy", physically, doesn't mean your life isn't painful or stressful. Some people use it to escape, some people just do it for pleasure. Plenty of people eat food just for escape or pleasure, but we don't outlaw or criminalize food (in general).

As with most things: moderation is good, excess is bad.
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